The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Jewish soldiers from the German and Austro-Hungarian Empire celebrating Hanukkah, 1916.

A group photo of Jews serving in the armies of the German and Astro-Hungarian Empire. The Menorah in the center is being held by a German Landsturm soldier and a Austro-Hungarian soldier, probably to show the unity of the two empires. It’s placed on top a pile of snow with the hebrew inscription “Hanukkah, 1916”. On the left side of the Menorah is a Astro-Hungarian nurse who has the red and white ribbon for the ‘Decoration for Services to the Red Cross’. On the right side of the Menorah is a German field rabbi, the star of David can be seen on his field cap.

An estimated 100,000 German Jewish military personnel served in the German Army during World War I, of whom 12,000 were killed in action. In the Austro-Hungarian army it’s estimated that about 300,000 served.

View attachment 506491
This is about destroying Jewish history, how?
Maybe it belongs on another thread?

Jewish participation in the Great War is almost never mentioned. Why is that I wonder.

Move it by all means if it disturbs you.
It does not disturb me at all. I am all for Jewish history. This thread is about any attempt to destroy Jewish history, but this article does not fit the bill. It is Jewish history but it is not anyone attempting to destroy, change Jewish history, which is what this thread is about.


Just ignoring the Jewish contribution is a form of elimination for me.

Particularly regarding the “thanks” they got in WW2.

Are you talking about the Stern Gang's letters to Hitler?
No I'm talking about this guy, the founder of IslamoNazism and Egyptian born Arafat's uncle and mentor. Bet you didn't know Arafat'slasr name was Husseini before he changed it. Your ignorance and bigotry is beginning to show.

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. “Hitler’s Mufti,” as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

The Mutfi was not Arafat's uncle.. Different family.

The population of Palestine had already doubled with European refugees. The Mufti met with Hitler in Nov of 1941 for 10 minutes to ask to ask for a reprieve.. Could they go elsewhere?

Its become fashionable in recent years to justify what the Zionists did in Palestine by blaming the Mufti for the Holocaust instead of Hitler.

Likewise, the Zionists didn't fight Hitler, but they are ever so keen to kill Palestinians and take their land.

Remember that the Jewish terror gangs were founded in the early 1920 and by 1948 they had killed over 500 British peacekeepers.
Once again, you got it upside down. The Mufti was indeed Hitler's uncle and mentor and was designated as a Nazi agent even by the US Dept. of state. The Jewish armed militias were formed for protection as a result of Muftis terrorist animals committing massacres such as the Hebron masacre on Jewish communities.

No Palesrinians existed in your European world, but they were always Palestinians among Arab Muslims and Christians.

Nope .Arafat was from a different family. He wasn't related to the Mufti. That's one of the more obvious lies the Zionists tell.

Hebron was an Arab town until 1500 when some Jews from Spain arrived without incident. They weren't Zionists of course so there was no conflict..

You may want to look up the history of Hebron.
Hebron is an ancient Jewish city mentioned in the Old Testament, dufus. The fact that Arabs / Muslims invaded, raped, pillaged and slaughtered most of the land they currently sit on, doesn't make it theirs..
There was no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people

Arafat invented them.

You are just ignorant. Arafat didn't show up on the scene until the 1960s. Some Palestinians went to my Church in the 1950s and one of our houseboys was Palestinian.
Look who's calling who ignorant.

POINTLESS though it may be to argue with a madman, it is worth noting that Muslims were not as blameless in the genocide of the Jews as Ahmadinejad and his ilk would have it. Arabs were, on a small scale, cheerleaders and enablers of the Final Solution. The most famous example was Haj Amin Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem (and uncle of Yasser Arafat), who took refuge in Berlin in World War II. A rabid Nazi, he personally lobbied Hitler to kill as many Jews as possible and even helped out by recruiting Bosnian Muslims to serve in the Waffen SS.

The Arabs were very sympathetic toward the Holocaust survivors. .. After all they too are Semites. They lobbied the idea that the Jews be given the best land in Germany..
Jewish soldiers from the German and Austro-Hungarian Empire celebrating Hanukkah, 1916.

A group photo of Jews serving in the armies of the German and Astro-Hungarian Empire. The Menorah in the center is being held by a German Landsturm soldier and a Austro-Hungarian soldier, probably to show the unity of the two empires. It’s placed on top a pile of snow with the hebrew inscription “Hanukkah, 1916”. On the left side of the Menorah is a Astro-Hungarian nurse who has the red and white ribbon for the ‘Decoration for Services to the Red Cross’. On the right side of the Menorah is a German field rabbi, the star of David can be seen on his field cap.

An estimated 100,000 German Jewish military personnel served in the German Army during World War I, of whom 12,000 were killed in action. In the Austro-Hungarian army it’s estimated that about 300,000 served.

View attachment 506491
This is about destroying Jewish history, how?
Maybe it belongs on another thread?

Jewish participation in the Great War is almost never mentioned. Why is that I wonder.

Move it by all means if it disturbs you.
It does not disturb me at all. I am all for Jewish history. This thread is about any attempt to destroy Jewish history, but this article does not fit the bill. It is Jewish history but it is not anyone attempting to destroy, change Jewish history, which is what this thread is about.


Just ignoring the Jewish contribution is a form of elimination for me.

Particularly regarding the “thanks” they got in WW2.

Are you talking about the Stern Gang's letters to Hitler?
No I'm talking about this guy, the founder of IslamoNazism and Egyptian born Arafat's uncle and mentor. Bet you didn't know Arafat'slasr name was Husseini before he changed it. Your ignorance and bigotry is beginning to show.

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. “Hitler’s Mufti,” as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

The Mutfi was not Arafat's uncle.. Different family.

The population of Palestine had already doubled with European refugees. The Mufti met with Hitler in Nov of 1941 for 10 minutes to ask to ask for a reprieve.. Could they go elsewhere?

Its become fashionable in recent years to justify what the Zionists did in Palestine by blaming the Mufti for the Holocaust instead of Hitler.

Likewise, the Zionists didn't fight Hitler, but they are ever so keen to kill Palestinians and take their land.

Remember that the Jewish terror gangs were founded in the early 1920 and by 1948 they had killed over 500 British peacekeepers.
Once again, you got it upside down. The Mufti was indeed Hitler's uncle and mentor and was designated as a Nazi agent even by the US Dept. of state. The Jewish armed militias were formed for protection as a result of Muftis terrorist animals committing massacres such as the Hebron masacre on Jewish communities.

No Palesrinians existed in your European world, but they were always Palestinians among Arab Muslims and Christians.

Nope .Arafat was from a different family. He wasn't related to the Mufti. That's one of the more obvious lies the Zionists tell.

Hebron was an Arab town until 1500 when some Jews from Spain arrived without incident. They weren't Zionists of course so there was no conflict..

You may want to look up the history of Hebron.
Hebron is an ancient Jewish city mentioned in the Old Testament, dufus. The fact that Arabs / Muslims invaded, raped, pillaged and slaughtered most of the land they currently sit on, doesn't make it theirs..

Jews had basically abandoned Hebron and the Holy Lands by the first century.. Palestinians care for the holy places of the patriarchs ..They also mended the Roman Aqueducts and terraces and tended the 500 year old olive trees.
There was no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people

Arafat invented them.

You are just ignorant. Arafat didn't show up on the scene until the 1960s. Some Palestinians went to my Church in the 1950s and one of our houseboys was Palestinian.
Look who's calling who ignorant.

POINTLESS though it may be to argue with a madman, it is worth noting that Muslims were not as blameless in the genocide of the Jews as Ahmadinejad and his ilk would have it. Arabs were, on a small scale, cheerleaders and enablers of the Final Solution. The most famous example was Haj Amin Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem (and uncle of Yasser Arafat), who took refuge in Berlin in World War II. A rabid Nazi, he personally lobbied Hitler to kill as many Jews as possible and even helped out by recruiting Bosnian Muslims to serve in the Waffen SS.

I actually saw this when I was in Cracow.

The Germans had the preemptive arrogance to erect a placard, before extinction was complete.
There was no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people

Arafat invented them.

You are just ignorant. Arafat didn't show up on the scene until the 1960s. Some Palestinians went to my Church in the 1950s and one of our houseboys was Palestinian.

I don’t care.

I know.. Theft and murder is acceptable to you as long as the European refugees get more land.
And the middle eastern refugees that comprise most of Israel's current population who were stripped of their belongings and told to "go back to where you came from" by the Arabs?

In true IslamoNazi form, apparently think there aren't enough Arab / Muslim countries and they don't have enough land they invaded and cinquered compared to the less than 1% of land that Israel sits on, which happens to be the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews to begin with.
There was no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people

Arafat invented them.

You are just ignorant. Arafat didn't show up on the scene until the 1960s. Some Palestinians went to my Church in the 1950s and one of our houseboys was Palestinian.

I don’t care.

I know.. Theft and murder is acceptable to you as long as the European refugees get more land.
And the middle eastern refugees that comprise most of Israel's current population who were stripped of their belongings and told to "go back to where you came from" by the Arabs?

In true IslamoNazi form, apparently think there aren't enough Arab / Muslim countries and they don't have enough land they invaded and cinquered compared to the less than 1% of land that Israel sits on, which happens to be the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews to begin with.

That one of the Zionist lies..Arab Jews left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973 .. every wave was after some crappy aggression by the European refugees.
Jewish soldiers from the German and Austro-Hungarian Empire celebrating Hanukkah, 1916.

A group photo of Jews serving in the armies of the German and Astro-Hungarian Empire. The Menorah in the center is being held by a German Landsturm soldier and a Austro-Hungarian soldier, probably to show the unity of the two empires. It’s placed on top a pile of snow with the hebrew inscription “Hanukkah, 1916”. On the left side of the Menorah is a Astro-Hungarian nurse who has the red and white ribbon for the ‘Decoration for Services to the Red Cross’. On the right side of the Menorah is a German field rabbi, the star of David can be seen on his field cap.

An estimated 100,000 German Jewish military personnel served in the German Army during World War I, of whom 12,000 were killed in action. In the Austro-Hungarian army it’s estimated that about 300,000 served.

View attachment 506491
This is about destroying Jewish history, how?
Maybe it belongs on another thread?

Jewish participation in the Great War is almost never mentioned. Why is that I wonder.

Move it by all means if it disturbs you.
It does not disturb me at all. I am all for Jewish history. This thread is about any attempt to destroy Jewish history, but this article does not fit the bill. It is Jewish history but it is not anyone attempting to destroy, change Jewish history, which is what this thread is about.


Just ignoring the Jewish contribution is a form of elimination for me.

Particularly regarding the “thanks” they got in WW2.

Are you talking about the Stern Gang's letters to Hitler?
No I'm talking about this guy, the founder of IslamoNazism and Egyptian born Arafat's uncle and mentor. Bet you didn't know Arafat'slasr name was Husseini before he changed it. Your ignorance and bigotry is beginning to show.

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. “Hitler’s Mufti,” as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

The Mutfi was not Arafat's uncle.. Different family.

The population of Palestine had already doubled with European refugees. The Mufti met with Hitler in Nov of 1941 for 10 minutes to ask to ask for a reprieve.. Could they go elsewhere?

Its become fashionable in recent years to justify what the Zionists did in Palestine by blaming the Mufti for the Holocaust instead of Hitler.

Likewise, the Zionists didn't fight Hitler, but they are ever so keen to kill Palestinians and take their land.

Remember that the Jewish terror gangs were founded in the early 1920 and by 1948 they had killed over 500 British peacekeepers.
Once again, you got it upside down. The Mufti was indeed Hitler's uncle and mentor and was designated as a Nazi agent even by the US Dept. of state. The Jewish armed militias were formed for protection as a result of Muftis terrorist animals committing massacres such as the Hebron masacre on Jewish communities.

No Palesrinians existed in your European world, but they were always Palestinians among Arab Muslims and Christians.

Nope .Arafat was from a different family. He wasn't related to the Mufti. That's one of the more obvious lies the Zionists tell.

Hebron was an Arab town until 1500 when some Jews from Spain arrived without incident. They weren't Zionists of course so there was no conflict..

You may want to look up the history of Hebron.
Hebron is an ancient Jewish city mentioned in the Old Testament, dufus. The fact that Arabs / Muslims invaded, raped, pillaged and slaughtered most of the land they currently sit on, doesn't make it theirs..

Jews had basically abandoned Hebron and the Holy Lands by the first century.. Palestinians care for the holy places of the patriarchs ..They also mended the Roman Aqueducts and terraces and tended the 500 year old olive trees.
Jews never abandoned anything having to do with Israel, they always maintained a presence and always kept coming back. That land is ancient Jewish land period end of story, nothing you say can change that. Deal with it, or don't, who cares.
There was no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people

Arafat invented them.

You are just ignorant. Arafat didn't show up on the scene until the 1960s. Some Palestinians went to my Church in the 1950s and one of our houseboys was Palestinian.

I don’t care.

I know.. Theft and murder is acceptable to you as long as the European refugees get more land.
And the middle eastern refugees that comprise most of Israel's current population who were stripped of their belongings and told to "go back to where you came from" by the Arabs?

In true IslamoNazi form, apparently think there aren't enough Arab / Muslim countries and they don't have enough land they invaded and cinquered compared to the less than 1% of land that Israel sits on, which happens to be the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews to begin with.

That one of the Zionist lies..Arab Jews left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973 .. every wave was after some crappy aggression by the European refugees.
Yeah sure, it's all "Zionist lies" you should tell that to the scattered Jewish refugees all over the you and Ahmadinejad exchange notes? LOL
There was no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people

Arafat invented them.

You are just ignorant. Arafat didn't show up on the scene until the 1960s. Some Palestinians went to my Church in the 1950s and one of our houseboys was Palestinian.

I don’t care.

I know.. Theft and murder is acceptable to you as long as the European refugees get more land.
And the middle eastern refugees that comprise most of Israel's current population who were stripped of their belongings and told to "go back to where you came from" by the Arabs?

In true IslamoNazi form, apparently think there aren't enough Arab / Muslim countries and they don't have enough land they invaded and cinquered compared to the less than 1% of land that Israel sits on, which happens to be the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews to begin with.

Of course.. There have always been more Arabs..

What sort of immigrants do you want to take over YOUR ancestral home at the point of a gun?
Jewish soldiers from the German and Austro-Hungarian Empire celebrating Hanukkah, 1916.

A group photo of Jews serving in the armies of the German and Astro-Hungarian Empire. The Menorah in the center is being held by a German Landsturm soldier and a Austro-Hungarian soldier, probably to show the unity of the two empires. It’s placed on top a pile of snow with the hebrew inscription “Hanukkah, 1916”. On the left side of the Menorah is a Astro-Hungarian nurse who has the red and white ribbon for the ‘Decoration for Services to the Red Cross’. On the right side of the Menorah is a German field rabbi, the star of David can be seen on his field cap.

An estimated 100,000 German Jewish military personnel served in the German Army during World War I, of whom 12,000 were killed in action. In the Austro-Hungarian army it’s estimated that about 300,000 served.

View attachment 506491
This is about destroying Jewish history, how?
Maybe it belongs on another thread?

Jewish participation in the Great War is almost never mentioned. Why is that I wonder.

Move it by all means if it disturbs you.
It does not disturb me at all. I am all for Jewish history. This thread is about any attempt to destroy Jewish history, but this article does not fit the bill. It is Jewish history but it is not anyone attempting to destroy, change Jewish history, which is what this thread is about.


Just ignoring the Jewish contribution is a form of elimination for me.

Particularly regarding the “thanks” they got in WW2.

Are you talking about the Stern Gang's letters to Hitler?
No I'm talking about this guy, the founder of IslamoNazism and Egyptian born Arafat's uncle and mentor. Bet you didn't know Arafat'slasr name was Husseini before he changed it. Your ignorance and bigotry is beginning to show.

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. “Hitler’s Mufti,” as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

The Mutfi was not Arafat's uncle.. Different family.

The population of Palestine had already doubled with European refugees. The Mufti met with Hitler in Nov of 1941 for 10 minutes to ask to ask for a reprieve.. Could they go elsewhere?

Its become fashionable in recent years to justify what the Zionists did in Palestine by blaming the Mufti for the Holocaust instead of Hitler.

Likewise, the Zionists didn't fight Hitler, but they are ever so keen to kill Palestinians and take their land.

Remember that the Jewish terror gangs were founded in the early 1920 and by 1948 they had killed over 500 British peacekeepers.
Once again, you got it upside down. The Mufti was indeed Hitler's uncle and mentor and was designated as a Nazi agent even by the US Dept. of state. The Jewish armed militias were formed for protection as a result of Muftis terrorist animals committing massacres such as the Hebron masacre on Jewish communities.

No Palesrinians existed in your European world, but they were always Palestinians among Arab Muslims and Christians.

Nope .Arafat was from a different family. He wasn't related to the Mufti. That's one of the more obvious lies the Zionists tell.

Hebron was an Arab town until 1500 when some Jews from Spain arrived without incident. They weren't Zionists of course so there was no conflict..

You may want to look up the history of Hebron.
Hebron is an ancient Jewish city mentioned in the Old Testament, dufus. The fact that Arabs / Muslims invaded, raped, pillaged and slaughtered most of the land they currently sit on, doesn't make it theirs..

Jews had basically abandoned Hebron and the Holy Lands by the first century.. Palestinians care for the holy places of the patriarchs ..They also mended the Roman Aqueducts and terraces and tended the 500 year old olive trees.
Jews never abandoned anything having to do with Israel, they always npmaintained a presence and always kept coming back. That land is ancient Jewish land period end of story, nothing you say can change that. Deal with it, or don't, who cares.

They weren't allowed in Jerusalem at all until the Treaty of Omar when he invited them to return. Most Jews lived outside Palestine from about 500 BC.

Jerusalem was stony, arid and backwards... not successful like the north.. which accounts for the jealousy.

They didn't worship at the Fortress Antonia until 1500.
There was no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people

Arafat invented them.

You are just ignorant. Arafat didn't show up on the scene until the 1960s. Some Palestinians went to my Church in the 1950s and one of our houseboys was Palestinian.

I don’t care.

I know.. Theft and murder is acceptable to you as long as the European refugees get more land.
And the middle eastern refugees that comprise most of Israel's current population who were stripped of their belongings and told to "go back to where you came from" by the Arabs?

In true IslamoNazi form, apparently think there aren't enough Arab / Muslim countries and they don't have enough land they invaded and cinquered compared to the less than 1% of land that Israel sits on, which happens to be the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews to begin with.

Of course.. There have always been more Arabs..

What sort of immigrants do you want to take over YOUR ancestral home at the point of a gun?
So let's give the one land that is Jewish and make it Arab / Muslim failed terrorist state number 40 just because you hate the Jews and infidels as much as they do. Ain't gonna happen.
Jewish soldiers from the German and Austro-Hungarian Empire celebrating Hanukkah, 1916.

A group photo of Jews serving in the armies of the German and Astro-Hungarian Empire. The Menorah in the center is being held by a German Landsturm soldier and a Austro-Hungarian soldier, probably to show the unity of the two empires. It’s placed on top a pile of snow with the hebrew inscription “Hanukkah, 1916”. On the left side of the Menorah is a Astro-Hungarian nurse who has the red and white ribbon for the ‘Decoration for Services to the Red Cross’. On the right side of the Menorah is a German field rabbi, the star of David can be seen on his field cap.

An estimated 100,000 German Jewish military personnel served in the German Army during World War I, of whom 12,000 were killed in action. In the Austro-Hungarian army it’s estimated that about 300,000 served.

View attachment 506491
This is about destroying Jewish history, how?
Maybe it belongs on another thread?

Jewish participation in the Great War is almost never mentioned. Why is that I wonder.

Move it by all means if it disturbs you.
It does not disturb me at all. I am all for Jewish history. This thread is about any attempt to destroy Jewish history, but this article does not fit the bill. It is Jewish history but it is not anyone attempting to destroy, change Jewish history, which is what this thread is about.


Just ignoring the Jewish contribution is a form of elimination for me.

Particularly regarding the “thanks” they got in WW2.

Are you talking about the Stern Gang's letters to Hitler?
No I'm talking about this guy, the founder of IslamoNazism and Egyptian born Arafat's uncle and mentor. Bet you didn't know Arafat'slasr name was Husseini before he changed it. Your ignorance and bigotry is beginning to show.

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. “Hitler’s Mufti,” as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

The Mutfi was not Arafat's uncle.. Different family.

The population of Palestine had already doubled with European refugees. The Mufti met with Hitler in Nov of 1941 for 10 minutes to ask to ask for a reprieve.. Could they go elsewhere?

Its become fashionable in recent years to justify what the Zionists did in Palestine by blaming the Mufti for the Holocaust instead of Hitler.

Likewise, the Zionists didn't fight Hitler, but they are ever so keen to kill Palestinians and take their land.

Remember that the Jewish terror gangs were founded in the early 1920 and by 1948 they had killed over 500 British peacekeepers.
Once again, you got it upside down. The Mufti was indeed Hitler's uncle and mentor and was designated as a Nazi agent even by the US Dept. of state. The Jewish armed militias were formed for protection as a result of Muftis terrorist animals committing massacres such as the Hebron masacre on Jewish communities.

No Palesrinians existed in your European world, but they were always Palestinians among Arab Muslims and Christians.

Nope .Arafat was from a different family. He wasn't related to the Mufti. That's one of the more obvious lies the Zionists tell.

Hebron was an Arab town until 1500 when some Jews from Spain arrived without incident. They weren't Zionists of course so there was no conflict..

You may want to look up the history of Hebron.
Hebron is an ancient Jewish city mentioned in the Old Testament, dufus. The fact that Arabs / Muslims invaded, raped, pillaged and slaughtered most of the land they currently sit on, doesn't make it theirs..

Jews had basically abandoned Hebron and the Holy Lands by the first century.. Palestinians care for the holy places of the patriarchs ..They also mended the Roman Aqueducts and terraces and tended the 500 year old olive trees.
Jews never abandoned anything having to do with Israel, they always npmaintained a presence and always kept coming back. That land is ancient Jewish land period end of story, nothing you say can change that. Deal with it, or don't, who cares.

They weren't allowed in Jerusalem at all until the Treaty of Omar when he invited them to return. Most Jews lived outside Palestine from about 500 BC.

Jerusalem was stony, arid and backwards... not successful like the north.. which accounts for the jealousy.

They didn't worship at the Fortress Antonia until 1500.
In fact the Jews were invited by the Ottomans who controled the land for 500 years to "come back to their ancient homeland" due to the persecution they were suffering at the hands of the inquisitors, and at some point in the 19th century the population of Jerusalem (where it counts) was majority Jewish according to the Ottoman census. But what would you know, you only read the Jihad Times...minor factoid, the Ottomans never considered a Palestine or Palestinian people either, for the 600 years they were there.
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I hope your education is becoming complete.

:p :fingerscrossed:
They try hard to disguise their identity, ignorance and their hate but after a few post they lose control and it all comes out. :clap2:

Reincarnations, socks?
Could be anyone starting with Monte. He tucked his tail behind his back and ran when all his predictions failed, starting with US and other countries never declaring Jerusalem Israel's capital. That one truly burned their asses.

Now we are witnessing a rebirth of Jew hate and anti Zionism being promoted by the Democratic Party in the US.
Prior to partition, Palestinian Arabs did not view themselves as having a separate identity. When the First Congress of Muslim-Christian Associations met in Jerusalem in February 1919 to choose Palestinian representatives for the Paris Peace Conference, the following resolution was adopted:

~ We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bonds.
In 1937, a local Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, told the Peel Commission, which ultimately suggested the partition of Palestine: "There is no such country [as Palestine]! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria."

The representative of the Arab Higher Committee to the United Nations submitted a statement to the General Assembly in May 1947 that said "Palestine was part of the Province of Syria" and that, "politically, the Arabs of Palestine were not independent in the sense of forming a separate political entity." A few years later, Ahmed Shuqeiri, later the chairman of the PLO, told the Security Council: "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria."

Palestinian Arab nationalism is largely a post-World War I phenomenon that did not become a significant political movement until after the 1967 Six-Day War and Israel's capture of the West Bank.

There's some truth in that Palestine was a province of Syria 500 years before the birth of Christ. .. and the people who lived there .. Muslim, Christian or Jew were not referred to as Syrians.. They were called Palestinians.. See references in Shakespeare and Chaucer.

Thanks for nothing

Don’t know why you bothered.

The European refugees were not satisfied with the land they were given.. They wanted more. Even in 1950 Chaim Weismann tried to get ARAMCO and Saudi Arabia to take in the rest of the Palestinians. The plan was to forcibly deport ALL of them ..saying they could work for TAPLINE, but that would have meant taking jobs from Saudis in a country that was still poor. By 1948 Israel was a top reciever of US foreign aid... KSA never was on the dole.

The crime of the European Zionists is NOT that they desperately needed a place to go.. Their crime is the cruel and ruthless way they treated the locals from the beginning.

They were all socialists and Bolshevics so maybe that explains what they did. Its beyond me.
Give me the link. Is it by a historian or a anti Israel source?

By the way, from the" beginning" of Jewish immigration in the late 1900s with Zionism (which was a continuation of endless Jewish immigration back to their homeland through the centuries) the Jews gave jobs to Arabs and others.

Those quotes do not mention the endless Arab attacks which had to lead the Jews to defend themselves from those attacks.

So easy to call Jews socialists and Bolshevics to excuse the Muslim hatred the Arabs learned on a daily basis from their teachings of the Koran.

Some Jews arrived in the 1880s, but 6,000 of them left because they were poor farmers.

A German Christian sect arrived about the same time and developed very successful dairy farms. 40 years later they were forced out and their farms confiscated.

Some of the Zionists were no better than criminals.
Give me a link to those 6000 Jews leaving because they were poor.

German farmers had their land confiscated by whom?
You are accusing the Jews?

Are you going to give me your Jew hating sources or are you too afraid that they really are Jew hating sources?

I want the links to your sources, or clearly you do know that they are Jew hating sources and only invent things to create hatred toward the Jews.

Yes, they were German religious families who developed successful dairy farms around Jaffa. The Zionist terror gangs confiscated their farms and drove them out. They may have been Carmelites.. I would have to look up their Christian sect.
Look up a link to this story.
There was no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people

Arafat invented them.

You are just ignorant. Arafat didn't show up on the scene until the 1960s. Some Palestinians went to my Church in the 1950s and one of our houseboys was Palestinian.
Mr. Arafat first shed Jewish blood during terrorist raids in 1947 and has kept it up ever since. He also became a leader in Palestinian politics and was the first Palestinian nationalist to declare, “Violence is the only solution,” that “Liberating Palestine could only take place through the barrel of a gun.” During the 1950s, Mr. Arafat lived and worked as an engineer in Kuwait. There, he recruited followers for Fatah, his Palestinian guerrilla group. Mr. Arafat also raised funds from rich Persian Gulf oil and construction millionaires in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. These Persian Gulf millionaires remain Mr. Arafat’s main financial backers a half-century later. They also comprise the al Qaeda terror network’s primary source of funding.

Jewish soldiers from the German and Austro-Hungarian Empire celebrating Hanukkah, 1916.

A group photo of Jews serving in the armies of the German and Astro-Hungarian Empire. The Menorah in the center is being held by a German Landsturm soldier and a Austro-Hungarian soldier, probably to show the unity of the two empires. It’s placed on top a pile of snow with the hebrew inscription “Hanukkah, 1916”. On the left side of the Menorah is a Astro-Hungarian nurse who has the red and white ribbon for the ‘Decoration for Services to the Red Cross’. On the right side of the Menorah is a German field rabbi, the star of David can be seen on his field cap.

An estimated 100,000 German Jewish military personnel served in the German Army during World War I, of whom 12,000 were killed in action. In the Austro-Hungarian army it’s estimated that about 300,000 served.

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This is about destroying Jewish history, how?
Maybe it belongs on another thread?

Jewish participation in the Great War is almost never mentioned. Why is that I wonder.

Move it by all means if it disturbs you.
It does not disturb me at all. I am all for Jewish history. This thread is about any attempt to destroy Jewish history, but this article does not fit the bill. It is Jewish history but it is not anyone attempting to destroy, change Jewish history, which is what this thread is about.


Just ignoring the Jewish contribution is a form of elimination for me.

Particularly regarding the “thanks” they got in WW2.

Are you talking about the Stern Gang's letters to Hitler?
No I'm talking about this guy, the founder of IslamoNazism and Egyptian born Arafat's uncle and mentor. Bet you didn't know Arafat'slasr name was Husseini before he changed it. Your ignorance and bigotry is beginning to show.

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. “Hitler’s Mufti,” as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

The Mutfi was not Arafat's uncle.. Different family.

The population of Palestine had already doubled with European refugees. The Mufti met with Hitler in Nov of 1941 for 10 minutes to ask to ask for a reprieve.. Could they go elsewhere?

Its become fashionable in recent years to justify what the Zionists did in Palestine by blaming the Mufti for the Holocaust instead of Hitler.

Likewise, the Zionists didn't fight Hitler, but they are ever so keen to kill Palestinians and take their land.

Remember that the Jewish terror gangs were founded in the early 1920 and by 1948 they had killed over 500 British peacekeepers.
Once again, you got it upside down. The Mufti was indeed Hitler's uncle and mentor and was designated as a Nazi agent even by the US Dept. of state. The Jewish armed militias were formed for protection as a result of Muftis terrorist animals committing massacres such as the Hebron masacre on Jewish communities.

No Palesrinians existed in your European world, but they were always Palestinians among Arab Muslims and Christians.

Nope .Arafat was from a different family. He wasn't related to the Mufti. That's one of the more obvious lies the Zionists tell.

Hebron was an Arab town until 1500 when some Jews from Spain arrived without incident. They weren't Zionists of course so there was no conflict..

You may want to look up the history of Hebron.
One Al Husseini, Two Al Husseini, Three........from the same clan of Al- Husseini

Arafat's full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini. Mohammed Abdel Rahman was his first name, Abdel Raouf was his father's name and Arafat his grandfather's. Al-Qudwa was the name of his tribe and al-Husseiniwas that of the clan to which the al-Qudwas belonged.


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