The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Jewish soldiers from the German and Austro-Hungarian Empire celebrating Hanukkah, 1916.

A group photo of Jews serving in the armies of the German and Astro-Hungarian Empire. The Menorah in the center is being held by a German Landsturm soldier and a Austro-Hungarian soldier, probably to show the unity of the two empires. It’s placed on top a pile of snow with the hebrew inscription “Hanukkah, 1916”. On the left side of the Menorah is a Astro-Hungarian nurse who has the red and white ribbon for the ‘Decoration for Services to the Red Cross’. On the right side of the Menorah is a German field rabbi, the star of David can be seen on his field cap.

An estimated 100,000 German Jewish military personnel served in the German Army during World War I, of whom 12,000 were killed in action. In the Austro-Hungarian army it’s estimated that about 300,000 served.

View attachment 506491
This is about destroying Jewish history, how?
Maybe it belongs on another thread?

Jewish participation in the Great War is almost never mentioned. Why is that I wonder.

Move it by all means if it disturbs you.
It does not disturb me at all. I am all for Jewish history. This thread is about any attempt to destroy Jewish history, but this article does not fit the bill. It is Jewish history but it is not anyone attempting to destroy, change Jewish history, which is what this thread is about.


Just ignoring the Jewish contribution is a form of elimination for me.

Particularly regarding the “thanks” they got in WW2.

Are you talking about the Stern Gang's letters to Hitler?
No I'm talking about this guy, the founder of IslamoNazism and Egyptian born Arafat's uncle and mentor. Bet you didn't know Arafat'slasr name was Husseini before he changed it. Your ignorance and bigotry is beginning to show.

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. “Hitler’s Mufti,” as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

The Mutfi was not Arafat's uncle.. Different family.

The population of Palestine had already doubled with European refugees. The Mufti met with Hitler in Nov of 1941 for 10 minutes to ask to ask for a reprieve.. Could they go elsewhere?

Its become fashionable in recent years to justify what the Zionists did in Palestine by blaming the Mufti for the Holocaust instead of Hitler.

Likewise, the Zionists didn't fight Hitler, but they are ever so keen to kill Palestinians and take their land.

Remember that the Jewish terror gangs were founded in the early 1920 and by 1948 they had killed over 500 British peacekeepers.
Once again, you got it upside down. The Mufti was indeed Hitler's uncle and mentor and was designated as a Nazi agent even by the US Dept. of state. The Jewish armed militias were formed for protection as a result of Muftis terrorist animals committing massacres such as the Hebron masacre on Jewish communities.

No Palesrinians existed in your European world, but they were always Palestinians among Arab Muslims and Christians.

Nope .Arafat was from a different family. He wasn't related to the Mufti. That's one of the more obvious lies the Zionists tell.

Hebron was an Arab town until 1500 when some Jews from Spain arrived without incident. They weren't Zionists of course so there was no conflict..

You may want to look up the history of Hebron.
I understand that you cannot help but believe and repeat what other Christians and non Jews have been saying.......but:

Hebron is the most ancient city in Jewish History, from the time of Abraham:

The most famous historic site in Hebron sits on the Cave of the Patriarchs. The site is holy to the three Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. According to the book of Genesis, Abraham purchased the cave and the field surrounding it to bury his wife Sarah. The cave ultimately became the burial site for Abraham himself as well as Isaac and Rebekah, and Jacob and Leah. For this reason, Hebron is considered the second of the four holiest cities in Judaism (along with Jerusalem, Tiberias and Tzfat). The cave itself, also known as the Cave of Machpelah, is considered the second holiest site in Judaism,

There was no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people

Arafat invented them.

You are just ignorant. Arafat didn't show up on the scene until the 1960s. Some Palestinians went to my Church in the 1950s and one of our houseboys was Palestinian.
Look who's calling who ignorant.

POINTLESS though it may be to argue with a madman, it is worth noting that Muslims were not as blameless in the genocide of the Jews as Ahmadinejad and his ilk would have it. Arabs were, on a small scale, cheerleaders and enablers of the Final Solution. The most famous example was Haj Amin Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem (and uncle of Yasser Arafat), who took refuge in Berlin in World War II. A rabid Nazi, he personally lobbied Hitler to kill as many Jews as possible and even helped out by recruiting Bosnian Muslims to serve in the Waffen SS.

The Arabs were very sympathetic toward the Holocaust survivors. .. After all they too are Semites. They lobbied the idea that the Jews be given the best land in Germany..
It is simply just TOO amazing how you repeat little snippets said by other Christians. In each of your posts you let one out.

Now, Al Husseini and Arafat and all of those who attacked Jews between 1920 and 1948 were "sympathetic" to the Jewish Holocaust survivors.

The best land in Germany, or Australia, or Congo, would still not be the Jewish ancient homeland. So, no thanks. Why take someone else's homeland when they had their own?

Here we are, post WWII and look at how sympathetic the British and Arabs were to the Jewish refugees:

Operation Oasis[edit]​

The British concluded that the only option was send the Jews to camps in the British-controlled zone of post-war Germany, They realized that returning them to camps in Germany would elicit a public outcry, but Germany was the only territory under their control that could immediately accommodate so many people.[29]

Britain's position was summed up by John Coulson, a diplomat at the British Embassy in Paris, in a message to the Foreign Office in London in August 1947: "You will realize that an announcement of decision to send immigrants back to Germany will produce violent hostile outburst in the press. ... Our opponents in France, and I dare say in other countries, have made great play with the fact that these immigrants were being kept behind barbed wire, in concentration camps and guarded by Germans."[30] Coulson advised that Britain apply as best they could a counter-spin to the story: "If we decide it is convenient not to keep them in camps any longer, I suggest that we should make some play that we are releasing them from all restraint of this kind in accordance with their wishes and that they were only put in such accommodation for the preliminary necessities of screening and maintenance."[31] The mission of bringing the Jewish refugees of the Exodus 1947 back to Germany was known in diplomatic and military circles as "Operation Oasis."[29]

Not the Arabs, but.....

Faced with no other options, the ship returned to Europe. It docked in Antwerp, Belgium on June 17. By then, several Jewish organizations had secured entry visas for the refugees in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Great Britain. The majority who had traveled on the ship survived the Holocaust; 254 later died as the Nazis swept through the continent.

The British, not very friendly to Jewish immigration to their re-creation of their ancient homeland:

Where exactly are the sympathetic Arabs towards the Jews during all of this time? The 1939 White Paper was brought up due to the 1936-1939 war of the Arabs against the Jews.

The British did plenty to keep the Arabs from rioting and attacking them, the British.

uring the years 1944-1948, the Jews in Eastern Europe sought to leave that continent by any means. Emissaries from the yishuv, Jewish partisans and Zionist youth movements cooperated in establishing the Beriha (escape) organization, which helped nearly 200,000 Jews leave Europe. The majority settled in Palestine.

“Illegal” immigration (Ha’apala) was also organized by the Mossad L’aliyah Bet, a branch of the Haganah. The Palyam, a marine branch of the Palmach, was given responsibility for commanding and sailing ships.


Photo couresty of NARA
The loss of contact with European countries, the hazards of maritime travel under wartime conditions, and the difficulty in obtaining vessels for transport of illegal immigrants placed severe constraints on Aliyah Bet. Sixty-six illegal immigration sailings carrying 70,000 immigrants were organized during these years, but only a few managed to penetrate the British blockade and bring their passengers ashore. In 1947, 4,500 immigrants on the Exodus were sent back to Europe by the mandatory government. The British also stopped vessels carrying immigrants at sea, and interned the captured immigrants in camps in Cyprus; most of these persons only arrived in Israel after the establishment of the state. Many Jews lost their lives at sea.

n short, the purpose of this conference is to distort history and create a false Palestinian narrative where Zionism is nothing more than a Western imperial experiment and Jews have no ties to the region.

The prime minister Shtayyeh then solidified the fiction - and proved himself to be every bit as much of a lying bigot and antisemite as any Hamas member, despite his reputation as a moderate.

Shtayyeh pointed out that the occupation is waging a war on our people with money to impoverish them so that people are not empowered in the face of the Zionist project, and the fourth war is the war of the narrative, and to be precise, and we strive only based on the facts of history, and in this war it is important from where to start the war of the narrative. The Hebrews, Jews and Israelis are not the same thing and there is no relationship between the Israelis and the Jews.

He explained that Judaism in the Torah that we know today was written in the year 70 BC, and in order not to lose the compass, the forged Zionist narrative is the one that mixed the Hebrews, the Israelis and the Jews, and accordingly, this matter is the key to researching the myth and the roots of the myth, and the other key is the Jews of today are the Khazar Jews who were Judaized in the sixth century AD.
Yes, Shtayyeh is pushing the antisemitic Khazar myth and saying that today's Jews aren't Jews - and therefore Israeli Jews have no ties to the Middle East, and are foreign interlopers and colonialists.

This is the "scientific research" being spread at this "academic conference" sponsored by the dictator of the Palestinians.

(full article online)

Jewish soldiers from the German and Austro-Hungarian Empire celebrating Hanukkah, 1916.

A group photo of Jews serving in the armies of the German and Astro-Hungarian Empire. The Menorah in the center is being held by a German Landsturm soldier and a Austro-Hungarian soldier, probably to show the unity of the two empires. It’s placed on top a pile of snow with the hebrew inscription “Hanukkah, 1916”. On the left side of the Menorah is a Astro-Hungarian nurse who has the red and white ribbon for the ‘Decoration for Services to the Red Cross’. On the right side of the Menorah is a German field rabbi, the star of David can be seen on his field cap.

An estimated 100,000 German Jewish military personnel served in the German Army during World War I, of whom 12,000 were killed in action. In the Austro-Hungarian army it’s estimated that about 300,000 served.

View attachment 506491
This is about destroying Jewish history, how?
Maybe it belongs on another thread?

Jewish participation in the Great War is almost never mentioned. Why is that I wonder.

Move it by all means if it disturbs you.
It does not disturb me at all. I am all for Jewish history. This thread is about any attempt to destroy Jewish history, but this article does not fit the bill. It is Jewish history but it is not anyone attempting to destroy, change Jewish history, which is what this thread is about.


Just ignoring the Jewish contribution is a form of elimination for me.

Particularly regarding the “thanks” they got in WW2.

Are you talking about the Stern Gang's letters to Hitler?
No I'm talking about this guy, the founder of IslamoNazism and Egyptian born Arafat's uncle and mentor. Bet you didn't know Arafat'slasr name was Husseini before he changed it. Your ignorance and bigotry is beginning to show.

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. “Hitler’s Mufti,” as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

The Mutfi was not Arafat's uncle.. Different family.

The population of Palestine had already doubled with European refugees. The Mufti met with Hitler in Nov of 1941 for 10 minutes to ask to ask for a reprieve.. Could they go elsewhere?

Its become fashionable in recent years to justify what the Zionists did in Palestine by blaming the Mufti for the Holocaust instead of Hitler.

Likewise, the Zionists didn't fight Hitler, but they are ever so keen to kill Palestinians and take their land.

Remember that the Jewish terror gangs were founded in the early 1920 and by 1948 they had killed over 500 British peacekeepers.
Once again, you got it upside down. The Mufti was indeed Hitler's uncle and mentor and was designated as a Nazi agent even by the US Dept. of state. The Jewish armed militias were formed for protection as a result of Muftis terrorist animals committing massacres such as the Hebron masacre on Jewish communities.

No Palesrinians existed in your European world, but they were always Palestinians among Arab Muslims and Christians.

Nope .Arafat was from a different family. He wasn't related to the Mufti. That's one of the more obvious lies the Zionists tell.

Hebron was an Arab town until 1500 when some Jews from Spain arrived without incident. They weren't Zionists of course so there was no conflict..

You may want to look up the history of Hebron.
One Al Husseini, Two Al Husseini, Three........from the same clan of Al- Husseini

Was Arafat of the same clan as Al Husseini? - Google Search

Arafat's full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini. Mohammed Abdel Rahman was his first name, Abdel Raouf was his father's name and Arafat his grandfather's. Al-Qudwa was the name of his tribe and al-Husseiniwas that of the clan to which the al-Qudwas belonged.

The Egyptian born Arafat's uncle was basically the founder of IslamoNazi Terrorism.
"The Zionist narrative of the Holocaust brought them thousands of immigrants, while the current criminal holocaust of the Israelis against the Palestinians must be confronted," he said.

Besides the antisemitism of comparing the Palestinian issue with the Holocaust, note that he didn't say that the Holocaust itself brought Jews to Palestine - it was the "Zionist narrative of the Holocaust."

Somehow the Zionists convinced the Jews in Europe that their relatives were slaughtered.

(full article online)

The current issue of World Literature Today is dedicated to Palestinian literature.

It unwittingly highlights the fact that even fiction - and even poetry - can lie.

There is a tacit contract between the writer and reader of fiction. No matter how fantastical literature is, it all relies on some common set of facts that the writer and reader can agree on. This way the readers can empathize with the characters and allow themselves to be swept up in the emotion of the story.

When fiction or poetry is insidious propaganda, the writer feeds the reader lies as if they are facts. The reader assumes that the contract is valid, that the writer would not purposefully feed the reader lies to turn the reader into an antisemitic bigot.

Yet this is what much - not all, but probably most - of Palestinian literature does.

One of the poems in this issue is about a Palestinian prisoner who smuggled his sperm out of prison in a candy wrapper to his wife, who then conceives.

The scene described is indeed inhuman. And it is a complete lie - no one would stop her from her doctor, no one would point guns at her as she gasps through labor. The emotional arc is based on the poet breaking the contract with the reader and creating a universe of the monstrous Jew persecuting the innocent Palestinian, a Jew whose evil is assumed and does not have to be explained; Jewish depravity is just an unquestioned part of the universe like gravity.

In another poem, "Taking Back Jerusalem," even the title is propaganda - it tells the reader that Jerusalem is unquestioningly "Palestinian" and Jews who have lived there and prayed for return there for thousands of years are the outsiders. Excerpt:

If the reader knows that this is impossible, that Arabs were not expelled from Jerusalem, there there are hundreds of thousands of Arabs who live in Jerusalem today (more than at any time in history,) that Arabs and Jews walk together and take classes together and sit next to each other on buses and shop together every hour of every day in Jerusalem, and that it is inconceivable that a Jewish soldier in 1967 would have held a gun to a four year old girl's head when there was a real war going on - the poem would lose its power.

The poet knows that the reader is ignorant, and that the poet must fill in these gaps of knowledge with lies to create the impression of Jewish immorality.

(full article and poems online)

Mondoweiss site has been shown to traffic in antisemitism again and again and again. Its cofounder, Philip Weiss, seems to have a bizarre hatred for Jews.

So it is interesting to examine when the site pretends to suddenly become a champion of the Judaism it despises.

It recently published an article titled "The Zionist assault on Judaism" from Jeff Halper, director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and opponent of the concept of a Jewish state.

This article claims that "Zionism has not yet murdered Judaism but it has undermined its moral and historical integrity. "

In order to make this claim, Halper has to do no less than redefine Judaism itself.

Judaism has never regarded the Diaspora as an ideal. Only revisionists like Butler and Halper do that. They want Jews to remain powerless - and to eventually disappear. They hate Israel so much that they redefine Judaism to exclude some of its basic tenets.

In fact, Israel helps strengthen the Jewish communities of the world. Jewish pride in Israel has become an important component of modern Judaism.

This is what the Jewish revisionists want to demolish - they want to turn Israel from a source of pride into a source of shame. Moreover, they want to redefine Judaism itself to transform the millennia-old Jewish desire to return to Zion into an immoral compulsion to oppress Arabs.

(full article online)

The assignment uses leading questions to teach that, like Native Americans, the Palestinians are struggling to have “their sacred homelands returned to them.”

While it is true that most Palestinian Arabs likely view their uprisings in that way, the ancient and unbroken Jewish residence in these same sacred lands is omitted from the lesson.

There is no mention of the evidence of Jewish indigeneity or the need for a sovereign Jewish homeland in the often violently intolerant Middle East.

The assignment’s language indicates that students will never hear anything about the archaeological and textual discoveries that place the Jewish people in the land more than a millennium before the Arab Islamic colonial incursions.

Nor will students learn about the Jewish majority in Jerusalem dating back to the 1800s, or the genetic evidence indicating that most of the world’s Jewish population can be traced to the Levant.

Perhaps most disturbingly, the centuries-old oppression of Mizrahi Jewish communities in the Arab world, culminating in their brutal ethnic cleansing in the 20th century, is also left out. Nearly 1 million refugees were compelled by these anti-Semitic atrocities to find refuge in Israel.

Since students do not receive the above information in the Since Time Immemorial curriculum, those who complete the assignment will likely come away from it with two notions: first, that Israelis are analogous to Europeans who overran another people’s territory; and second, that the ethical position is to side with the indigenous Palestinians in their fight to reclaim their sacred homeland from Jewish usurpers.

(full article online)


But one person isn't impressed.

Daniel Seidemann, critic of Israel who specializes in Jerusalem history, shrugs this off with a quote from former deputy mayor of Jerusalem Meron Benvenisti who himself wanted to replace the Jewish state with a binational state:

“Unplanned, and costing both human life and many millions of sheqels, a vast network of tunnels were created which allow for a visit to subterranean Jerusalem, that extends from what has become known as the City of David to the northern ramparts of the Old City. This underground city weaves a fabricated narrative – a Disneyland, really – that is designed to expunge thousands of years of non-Jewish history and create a purportedly direct link between the Second Temple Period until today. In this manner sewage ditches and moldy cellars are transformed into sacred sites and fabricated historical Jewish sites, with those who traverse it not encountering the embarrassing reality that reveals an Old City and Temple Mount teeming with Palestinians, in which the “city square” [as it appears in Naomi Shemer’s iconic song, “Jerusalem of Gold”] is once again devoid of Arabs.”
Meron Benvenisti, The Dream of the White Sabra, [Hebrew] Jerusalem,
2005, p. 253 (translation by the author – D.S)
Whatever the merits of Benvenisti's criticisms of these digs were in 2005, the sheer amount of findings since then done by eminent archaeologists prove many times over the Jewish history of the city. This finding in particular cannot be brushed aside as a "moldy cellar."

Also, it is clearly false to say that the Israel Antiquities Authority is trying to erase non-Jewish history. The number of Islamic sites preserved by the IAA and the State of Israel in Jerusalem proves this.

Any new findings that strengthen the link between today's Jews and our ancestors must be fought tooth and nail by today's Israel haters. Seidemann is no fool, and he knows Jerusalem history quite well, but his antipathy to the Government of Israel prompts him to tweet such nonsense.

(photos and full article online)

There was no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people

Arafat invented them.

You are just ignorant. Arafat didn't show up on the scene until the 1960s. Some Palestinians went to my Church in the 1950s and one of our houseboys was Palestinian.

I don’t care.

I know.. Theft and murder is acceptable to you as long as the European refugees get more land.
And the middle eastern refugees that comprise most of Israel's current population who were stripped of their belongings and told to "go back to where you came from" by the Arabs?

In true IslamoNazi form, apparently think there aren't enough Arab / Muslim countries and they don't have enough land they invaded and cinquered compared to the less than 1% of land that Israel sits on, which happens to be the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews to begin with.

Of course.. There have always been more Arabs..

What sort of immigrants do you want to take over YOUR ancestral home at the point of a gun?
So let's give the one land that is Jewish and make it Arab / Muslim failed terrorist state number 40 just because you hate the Jews and infidels as much as they do. Ain't gonna happen.

People of the Book are not infidels. People who worship the God of Abraham are not infidels. Your problem is ignorance and a desire to justify erasing the Palestinians.
There was no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people

Arafat invented them.

You are just ignorant. Arafat didn't show up on the scene until the 1960s. Some Palestinians went to my Church in the 1950s and one of our houseboys was Palestinian.

I don’t care.

I know.. Theft and murder is acceptable to you as long as the European refugees get more land.
And the middle eastern refugees that comprise most of Israel's current population who were stripped of their belongings and told to "go back to where you came from" by the Arabs?

In true IslamoNazi form, apparently think there aren't enough Arab / Muslim countries and they don't have enough land they invaded and cinquered compared to the less than 1% of land that Israel sits on, which happens to be the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews to begin with.

Of course.. There have always been more Arabs..

What sort of immigrants do you want to take over YOUR ancestral home at the point of a gun?
So let's give the one land that is Jewish and make it Arab / Muslim failed terrorist state number 40 just because you hate the Jews and infidels as much as they do. Ain't gonna happen.

People of the Book are not infidels. People who worship the God of Abraham are not infidels. Your problem is ignorance and a desire to justify erasing the Palestinians.
Islam considers all non Muslims to be infidels. That is a fact.

No one is trying to erase the Palestinians. All that we are saying is that these Arabs, who have only called themselves Palestinians since 1963-64, would never have called themselves this identity if it had not been for the Mandate for Palestine to re create the Jewish Nation on the Jewish Homeland.

The Palestinian Museum in Ramallah, which you did not say anything about, clearly only has Palestinian History going back to 1920, denoting that they are a new identity, nationality, a people who would have continued to be called Arab, or the clan each came from, to this day.

The Balfour Declaration happened. The Mandate for Palestine happened. The defeat of the Arab armies in 1948, 1967 and 1973 happened.

Do note, again, that today's Palestinians and their Palestinian Museum cannot connect at's Arabs to the Arabs from 10,000 years ago, or from the time of Abraham, or even the time of the Romans.
# Summary ... A myth has been perpetrated upon the world. A myth so great that it has become an accepted fact by most scholars, historians, archaeologists, politicians, and the general public alike. That myth is the existence of the nation of 'Palestine' and the existence of a 'Palestinian' people.

"It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing more than southern Syria" — Ahmed Shukeiry, head of the PLO, to UN Security Council, May 31, 1956
"... Palestine is not only a part of our Arab homeland, but a basic part of southern Syria." — Syrian President Hafez Assad, Radio Damascus, March 8. 1974
"Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only practical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel ..." — Zuheir Muhsin, Head of the Military Department and Executive Council, PLO, Trouw, March 1977

The assignment uses leading questions to teach that, like Native Americans, the Palestinians are struggling to have “their sacred homelands returned to them.”

While it is true that most Palestinian Arabs likely view their uprisings in that way, the ancient and unbroken Jewish residence in these same sacred lands is omitted from the lesson.

There is no mention of the evidence of Jewish indigeneity or the need for a sovereign Jewish homeland in the often violently intolerant Middle East.

The assignment’s language indicates that students will never hear anything about the archaeological and textual discoveries that place the Jewish people in the land more than a millennium before the Arab Islamic colonial incursions.

Nor will students learn about the Jewish majority in Jerusalem dating back to the 1800s, or the genetic evidence indicating that most of the world’s Jewish population can be traced to the Levant.

Perhaps most disturbingly, the centuries-old oppression of Mizrahi Jewish communities in the Arab world, culminating in their brutal ethnic cleansing in the 20th century, is also left out. Nearly 1 million refugees were compelled by these anti-Semitic atrocities to find refuge in Israel.

Since students do not receive the above information in the Since Time Immemorial curriculum, those who complete the assignment will likely come away from it with two notions: first, that Israelis are analogous to Europeans who overran another people’s territory; and second, that the ethical position is to side with the indigenous Palestinians in their fight to reclaim their sacred homeland from Jewish usurpers.

(full article online)

That's quite a hit piece. You all have a lot of practice demonizing the "other".

Time Immorial is not scholarship. She should have stuck to cook books.
There was no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people

Arafat invented them.

You are just ignorant. Arafat didn't show up on the scene until the 1960s. Some Palestinians went to my Church in the 1950s and one of our houseboys was Palestinian.

I don’t care.

I know.. Theft and murder is acceptable to you as long as the European refugees get more land.
And the middle eastern refugees that comprise most of Israel's current population who were stripped of their belongings and told to "go back to where you came from" by the Arabs?

In true IslamoNazi form, apparently think there aren't enough Arab / Muslim countries and they don't have enough land they invaded and cinquered compared to the less than 1% of land that Israel sits on, which happens to be the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews to begin with.

Of course.. There have always been more Arabs..

What sort of immigrants do you want to take over YOUR ancestral home at the point of a gun?
So let's give the one land that is Jewish and make it Arab / Muslim failed terrorist state number 40 just because you hate the Jews and infidels as much as they do. Ain't gonna happen.

People of the Book are not infidels. People who worship the God of Abraham are not infidels. Your problem is ignorance and a desire to justify erasing the Palestinians.
Islam considers all non Muslims to be infidels. That is a fact.

No one is trying to erase the Palestinians. All that we are saying is that these Arabs, who have only called themselves Palestinians since 1963-64, would never have called themselves this identity if it had not been for the Mandate for Palestine to re create the Jewish Nation on the Jewish Homeland.

The Palestinian Museum in Ramallah, which you did not say anything about, clearly only has Palestinian History going back to 1920, denoting that they are a new identity, nationality, a people who would have continued to be called Arab, or the clan each came from, to this day.

The Balfour Declaration happened. The Mandate for Palestine happened. The defeat of the Arab armies in 1948, 1967 and 1973 happened.

Do note, again, that today's Palestinians and their Palestinian Museum cannot connect at's Arabs to the Arabs from 10,000 years ago, or from the time of Abraham, or even the time of the Romans.

No.. islam doesn't consider Jews, Christians infidels. They are people of the book.

They were called Palestinians in 1950.. The refugee camps in Lebanon were Palestinian. I know. I visted them as a little girl.
There was no such thing as a Palestine or Palestinian people

Arafat invented them.

You are just ignorant. Arafat didn't show up on the scene until the 1960s. Some Palestinians went to my Church in the 1950s and one of our houseboys was Palestinian.

I don’t care.

I know.. Theft and murder is acceptable to you as long as the European refugees get more land.
And the middle eastern refugees that comprise most of Israel's current population who were stripped of their belongings and told to "go back to where you came from" by the Arabs?

In true IslamoNazi form, apparently think there aren't enough Arab / Muslim countries and they don't have enough land they invaded and cinquered compared to the less than 1% of land that Israel sits on, which happens to be the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews to begin with.

Of course.. There have always been more Arabs..

What sort of immigrants do you want to take over YOUR ancestral home at the point of a gun?
So let's give the one land that is Jewish and make it Arab / Muslim failed terrorist state number 40 just because you hate the Jews and infidels as much as they do. Ain't gonna happen.

People of the Book are not infidels. People who worship the God of Abraham are not infidels. Your problem is ignorance and a desire to justify erasing the Palestinians.
Islam considers all non Muslims to be infidels. That is a fact.

No one is trying to erase the Palestinians. All that we are saying is that these Arabs, who have only called themselves Palestinians since 1963-64, would never have called themselves this identity if it had not been for the Mandate for Palestine to re create the Jewish Nation on the Jewish Homeland.

The Palestinian Museum in Ramallah, which you did not say anything about, clearly only has Palestinian History going back to 1920, denoting that they are a new identity, nationality, a people who would have continued to be called Arab, or the clan each came from, to this day.

The Balfour Declaration happened. The Mandate for Palestine happened. The defeat of the Arab armies in 1948, 1967 and 1973 happened.

Do note, again, that today's Palestinians and their Palestinian Museum cannot connect at's Arabs to the Arabs from 10,000 years ago, or from the time of Abraham, or even the time of the Romans.

No.. islam doesn't consider Jews, Christians infidels. They are people of the book.

They were called Palestinians in 1950.. The refugee camps in Lebanon were Palestinian. I know. I visted them as a little girl.

Both articles contradict your belief:

They were called Palestinians only after the Mandate for Palestine.
ALL inhabitants in the Mandate for Palestine from 1920 on, were called Palestinians. Jews, Arabs, Bedouin, Druze, Greeks, etc

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