The right to work

Who has a greater right to work?

  • Illegal alien union member

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There is some question as to whether or not the SEIU represents illegal immigrants. I don't know if they do or how they would do it based on the same point you make above.

But daveman is utterly convinced they are which is why he claims to have created this thread.
I'm convinced they are because SEIU says they have illegals as members.

You look really foolish trying to spin that any other way.
But I suspected, and many are confirming, that this thread is nothing more than good old "union bashing". And so far they can't seem to get the upper hand. :lol:
There are other thread for union bashing. This one was testing where union drones' loyalty lies.

It certainly isn't to their nation. That much is certain. Their attitude is 'we got ours the rest of your idiots, especially that aren't Union can fuck off and die...'
Seems to be.
I'm convinced they are because SEIU says they have illegals as members.

You look really foolish trying to spin that any other way.

There are other thread for union bashing. This one was testing where union drones' loyalty lies.

It certainly isn't to their nation. That much is certain. Their attitude is 'we got ours the rest of your idiots, especially that aren't Union can fuck off and die...'
Seems to be.

I forgot to add...'...and get ready to give up your 401k's and other retirement plans so we can have the Congress steal it so we can have ours because we have paid goons to make it happen...'
Not all laws are the same in all states. KY is not a right to work state however I woked 3 jobs in union shops and never joined the union.
Any KY is not a "right to work" state.
Talk about a misnamed law.
Workers lose far more rights than they gain when right to work legislation is passed.


Georgia was a "right to work" state. Which meant..when I owned a bar there..I could fire anyone without giving a reason.:lol:
It certainly isn't to their nation. That much is certain. Their attitude is 'we got ours the rest of your idiots, especially that aren't Union can fuck off and die...'
Seems to be.

I forgot to add...'...and get ready to give up your 401k's and other retirement plans so we can have the Congress steal it so we can have ours because we have paid goons to make it happen...'
Indeed. Leftists once again thinking they're owed something they didn't earn.
Not all laws are the same in all states. KY is not a right to work state however I woked 3 jobs in union shops and never joined the union.
Any KY is not a "right to work" state.
Talk about a misnamed law.
Workers lose far more rights than they gain when right to work legislation is passed.


Georgia was a "right to work" state. Which meant..when I owned a bar there..I could fire anyone without giving a reason.:lol:

Since there probably isn't a bar in the US that's unionized you could do that in any state.
Unions are for shitbags who feel they shouldn't have to compete... join the job club, pay your fees, vote they way you're told.... yep, bunch of real go-getters.
Unions are for shitbags who feel they shouldn't have to compete.

Having your labor force competing against each other for the lowest wage and least benefit is the best possible place for owners. Not so much for the labor force itself. Nor the consumer of their wares.
That is, of course, the correct answer.

Gee? Where have I heard that before? OH, I KNOW!!


But you, the liar, said I failed to answer it. :eusa_liar:
Still too stupid to click the poll, I see. Not in your contract, huh?

Nope. If you read back through your thread you will see where I pretty much decimated every argument and position you took slamming something you don't understand. I mean it. Read through it and see.

So what do you do? You start lying. :eusa_liar:

Maybe next time you'll think twice about starting a thread about something you don't understand. :lol:
Not all laws are the same in all states. KY is not a right to work state however I woked 3 jobs in union shops and never joined the union.
Any KY is not a "right to work" state.
Talk about a misnamed law.
Workers lose far more rights than they gain when right to work legislation is passed.


Georgia was a "right to work" state. Which meant..when I owned a bar there..I could fire anyone without giving a reason.:lol:

Since there probably isn't a bar in the US that's unionized you could do that in any state.

Well..since it was a first and last bar I owned..I am not entirely sure about that.

But people there kept telling me that.

And heck..people sue for just about anything. We had a guy get drunk in there..was told to leave..he went to the bathroom..puked..and slipped on his own vomit..cracking his head on the toliet.

He told me he was going to sue me. I said sure..go ahead..but I will spending every last dime I have to make sure you get nothing.

Didn't get sued.
For those opposed to Union dues and closed shops, do you also support all other "freerider" activities and disagree with the "Tragedy of the Commons" thesis?
The premise of the question in the OP is rediculous.

As for whether or not Unions care about non-union workers I can only re-post and point to the facts.

Unions benefit all of America’s workers and strengthen our communities.

Unions today:

Reinforce the middle class and lift up America’s communities. States with higher rates of unionization have lower rates of poverty, crime, and failing schools.

Benefit local economic development. In partnerships with employers, community organizations, and local governments, unions have helped revitalize local economies by saving and expanding family-supporting jobs.

Raise wages for all workers. Studies show that a large union presence in an industry or region can raise wages even for non-union workers.

Fight for all workers’ health and safety. In 2008 the AFL-CIO and the United Food and Commercial Workers sued to get employers to provide personal protective equipment. Now, workers in hazardous jobs which require safety gear—like hard hats or protective glasses—must be provided this equipment, instead of being asked to buy it themselves.

Advocate for increases in the minimum wage and push for living wage ordinances. Unions have been instrumental in efforts to increase the federal minimum wage, state minimum wages and in the successful living wage movement which has already resulted in over 150 local living wage laws nationwide.

Reduce wage inequality. Unions raise wages the most for low- and middle-wage workers and workers without college degrees.

Interesting but no links, no proof.
BTW some of the above I agree with to a point, the rest (I personally know) is mostly "resume padding" and not completely true so show your proof.
Here are your lies in chronological order.....

Dagoose: I guess the only correct answer would be that there's a reason they're called ILLEGAL aliens. (Where I answered your stupid question)

Daveman: The best thing Reagan did, and what most pissed off the left, was he said it was okay to be proud to be an American again. (Lie #1)

Dagoose: And please show me a President who said it WASN'T okay to be proud to be an American? And link it please.

Daveman: Obama, for one. Perhaps you missed his "America Sucks!" World Apology Tour. (Lie #2)

Dagoose: So President Obama actually said, "America Sucks" and/or " It WASN'T okay to be proud to be an American"?

Dagoose: If you're referring to the U.S. perhaps you missed my earlier post where I opined, "I guess the only correct answer would be that there's a reason they're called ILLEGAL aliens".

Daveman (backtracking): i think the difference here was Ronnie was kinda saying it for everyone....

Daveman: And you still haven't answered. (Lie #3) (See first entry)

Daveman: You haven't answered, either. (Lie #4)

Dagoose: Ok, so now you're finally admitting that President Obams did NOT say "America Sucks" and/or " It WASN'T okay to be proud to be an American".

Daveman: Oh, he said it...just not in simple words so that union drones could understand it. (Lie #5)
Gee? Where have I heard that before? OH, I KNOW!!


But you, the liar, said I failed to answer it. :eusa_liar:
Still too stupid to click the poll, I see. Not in your contract, huh?

Nope. If you read back through your thread you will see where I pretty much decimated every argument and position you took slamming something you don't understand. I mean it. Read through it and see.

So what do you do? You start lying. :eusa_liar:

Maybe next time you'll think twice about starting a thread about something you don't understand. :lol:
Ahh, the ol' "declare victory on the internet" ploy. How do you think that's going to work out? :lol:
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Here are your lies in chronological order.....

Dagoose: I guess the only correct answer would be that there's a reason they're called ILLEGAL aliens. (Where I answered your stupid question)

Daveman: The best thing Reagan did, and what most pissed off the left, was he said it was okay to be proud to be an American again. (Lie #1)

Dagoose: And please show me a President who said it WASN'T okay to be proud to be an American? And link it please.

Daveman: Obama, for one. Perhaps you missed his "America Sucks!" World Apology Tour. (Lie #2)

Dagoose: So President Obama actually said, "America Sucks" and/or " It WASN'T okay to be proud to be an American"?

Dagoose: If you're referring to the U.S. perhaps you missed my earlier post where I opined, "I guess the only correct answer would be that there's a reason they're called ILLEGAL aliens".

Daveman (backtracking): i think the difference here was Ronnie was kinda saying it for everyone....

Daveman: And you still haven't answered. (Lie #3) (See first entry)

Daveman: You haven't answered, either. (Lie #4)

Dagoose: Ok, so now you're finally admitting that President Obams did NOT say "America Sucks" and/or " It WASN'T okay to be proud to be an American".

Daveman: Oh, he said it...just not in simple words so that union drones could understand it. (Lie #5)
Didn't I tell you once today that disagreeing with you isn't lying?

You really can't tolerate differing views very well, can you? :lol:
Yeah a real bitch when people actually stand up to all powerfull authority that wants to set all the rules, make all the decisions and be responsible for nothing but profits. Really poor of people to ban together to better themselves and make life good for others, where do you get that right.
You know you should be dam happy to have a job and if they don't want you around and chose to put someone, a family menber or a friend in your place what right do you have to bitch about it.

hey I work hard and if I can suck up and make a case for me to take your job, there isn't any reason that shouldn't happen, besides my brother is playing ball with the owners kids. They own the company's and you invest nothing, so why should you benefit from the success, your just a tool.

How dare you think that your entitled to workers rights.
The premise of the question in the OP is rediculous.

As for whether or not Unions care about non-union workers I can only re-post and point to the facts.

Unions benefit all of America’s workers and strengthen our communities.

Unions today:

Reinforce the middle class and lift up America’s communities. States with higher rates of unionization have lower rates of poverty, crime, and failing schools.

Benefit local economic development. In partnerships with employers, community organizations, and local governments, unions have helped revitalize local economies by saving and expanding family-supporting jobs.

Raise wages for all workers. Studies show that a large union presence in an industry or region can raise wages even for non-union workers.

Fight for all workers’ health and safety. In 2008 the AFL-CIO and the United Food and Commercial Workers sued to get employers to provide personal protective equipment. Now, workers in hazardous jobs which require safety gear—like hard hats or protective glasses—must be provided this equipment, instead of being asked to buy it themselves.

Advocate for increases in the minimum wage and push for living wage ordinances. Unions have been instrumental in efforts to increase the federal minimum wage, state minimum wages and in the successful living wage movement which has already resulted in over 150 local living wage laws nationwide.

Reduce wage inequality. Unions raise wages the most for low- and middle-wage workers and workers without college degrees.

Interesting but no links, no proof.
BTW some of the above I agree with to a point, the rest (I personally know) is mostly "resume padding" and not completely true so show your proof.

At least you seem like a truthful person. Pick out any of the above you disagree with and we'll discuss it. Here are some links for you to peruse....

How unions help all workers

Report finds unions help all workers (If you're Catholic),+Study+Finds+(October+7,+2003)

American Rights at Work - Unions Making a Difference for Everyone

Is this enough links for you?
Here are your lies in chronological order.....

Dagoose: I guess the only correct answer would be that there's a reason they're called ILLEGAL aliens. (Where I answered your stupid question)

Daveman: The best thing Reagan did, and what most pissed off the left, was he said it was okay to be proud to be an American again. (Lie #1)

Dagoose: And please show me a President who said it WASN'T okay to be proud to be an American? And link it please.

Daveman: Obama, for one. Perhaps you missed his "America Sucks!" World Apology Tour. (Lie #2)

Dagoose: So President Obama actually said, "America Sucks" and/or " It WASN'T okay to be proud to be an American"?

Dagoose: If you're referring to the U.S. perhaps you missed my earlier post where I opined, "I guess the only correct answer would be that there's a reason they're called ILLEGAL aliens".

Daveman (backtracking): i think the difference here was Ronnie was kinda saying it for everyone....

Daveman: And you still haven't answered. (Lie #3) (See first entry)

Daveman: You haven't answered, either. (Lie #4)

Dagoose: Ok, so now you're finally admitting that President Obams did NOT say "America Sucks" and/or " It WASN'T okay to be proud to be an American".

Daveman: Oh, he said it...just not in simple words so that union drones could understand it. (Lie #5)
Didn't I tell you once today that disagreeing with you isn't lying?

You really can't tolerate differing views very well, can you? :lol:

Not when they're lies. Suppose I disagreed with you by telling you thatI took your silly poll and cast a vote. Are you saying that wouldn't be lying?

Yeah a real bitch when people actually stand up to all powerfull authority that wants to set all the rules, make all the decisions and be responsible for nothing but profits. Really poor of people to ban together to better themselves and make life good for others, where do you get that right.
You know you should be dam happy to have a job and if they don't want you around and chose to put someone, a family menber or a friend in your place what right do you have to bitch about it.

hey I work hard and if I can suck up and make a case for me to take your job, there isn't any reason that shouldn't happen, besides my brother is playing ball with the owners kids. They own the company's and you invest nothing, so why should you benefit from the success, your just a tool.

How dare you think that your entitled to workers rights.

No, daveman would rather take it up the ass by the company. I'm guessing that he's probably the type to hide behind corners and spy on his fellow workers and reports their activities to the boss. :eusa_shhh:

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