The Right-wingers‭’ ‬Opposition To The Green New Deal Is Understandable


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The Right-wingers‭’ ‬Opposition To The Green New Deal Is Understandable

It is understandable why it is the young people elected to congress feel the urgency to pass the Green New Deal.‭ ‬But getting it past those congressional Republicans and Democrats opposing the bill will be extremely difficult.‭ ‬Those politicians‭’ ‬votes are owned by the fossil fuel industry,‭ ‬and since they will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren.

As usual,‭ ‬our elected representatives put the short-term corporate profits ahead of the well being of average Americans.‭ ‬In the case of the Green New Deal,‭ ‬these self-serving congressmen‭ (‬and women‭) ‬are telling countless future generations to go fvck themselves so as to protect the next fifteen years of profits for the fossil fuel fat cats.‭

Unfortunately, the conservatives and most centrists are fine with this,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬like the a$$holes in congress these conservatives and centrists will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬so they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren either.

However,‭ ‬in defense of the right-wingers‭’ ‬and centrists‭’ ‬indefensible position on the Green New Deal,‭ ‬their nineteenth century abilities do not translate well to twenty-first century jobs in technology.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬digging coal,‭ ‬grunt work on oil drilling rigs,‭ ‬and other jobs that require a strong back and little intelligence fit well in the right-wingers‭’ ‬and most centrists‭’ ‬wheelhouse.‭ ‬
These and other jobs that are truly obsolete,‭ ‬when viewed through the eyes of those capable of employment in renewable energy,‭ ‬the poor souls who must poison the environment to maintain a roof over their head and food on the table,‭ ‬must be pitied by the young people, whose future these unskilled millions are destroying.‭

The Green New Deal,‭ ‬like any legislation that threatens the quarterly bonuses of corporate big wigs,‭ ‬will be squelched by the GOP before any consideration is given,‭ ‬because that is Job One for them.‭ As f‬or the Democrats, it’s those who blindly assist the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬efforts,‭ ‬and are reelected‭ ‬time after time after time‭ ‬because they sold themselves to the ruling billionaire class and‭ ‬so,‭ ‬receive the political contributions needed to campaign.‭

If AOC and her Squad remain true to their constituents,‭ ‬the small donations given toward their reelection campaigns should be adequate.‭ ‬They will be hated by the right-wingers and most centrists for their unbending devotion to their communities,‭ ‬but she and her Squad consistently work for their voters‭’ ‬interests,‭ ‬and their supporters can see this.‭ ‬Their supporters also see how the ruling billionaire class controls all of the congressional Republicans and all but a handful of the Democrats.‭

If the young people of this country can vote the boomers out of office before it’s too late,‭ ‬AOC and her Squad,‭ ‬with the help of others from their generation elected to congress,‭ ‬could very well reverse the massive damage done to the United States by the thoughtless and greedy Baby Boomers.

Given the course the boomers have taken and are taking this country,‭ ‬the young people might want the novel coronavirus to stay a while.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s intentional mishandling of the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic might just be what AOC,‭ ‬her Squad,‭ ‬and future generations needed to help stop the Baby Boomers‭’ ‬endless greed and stupidity.‭

The Right-wingers‭’ ‬Opposition To The Green New Deal Is Understandable

It is understandable why it is the young people elected to congress feel the urgency to pass the Green New Deal.‭ ‬But getting it past those congressional Republicans and Democrats opposing the bill will be extremely difficult.‭ ‬Those politicians‭’ ‬votes are owned by the fossil fuel industry,‭ ‬and since they will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren.

As usual,‭ ‬our elected representatives put the short-term corporate profits ahead of the well being of average Americans.‭ ‬In the case of the Green New Deal,‭ ‬these self-serving congressmen‭ (‬and women‭) ‬are telling countless future generations to go fvck themselves so as to protect the next fifteen years of profits for the fossil fuel fat cats.‭

Unfortunately, the conservatives and most centrists are fine with this,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬like the a$$holes in congress these conservatives and centrists will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬so they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren either.

However,‭ ‬in defense of the right-wingers‭’ ‬and centrists‭’ ‬indefensible position on the Green New Deal,‭ ‬their nineteenth century abilities do not translate well to twenty-first century jobs in technology.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬digging coal,‭ ‬grunt work on oil drilling rigs,‭ ‬and other jobs that require a strong back and little intelligence fit well in the right-wingers‭’ ‬and most centrists‭’ ‬wheelhouse.‭ ‬
These and other jobs that are truly obsolete,‭ ‬when viewed through the eyes of those capable of employment in renewable energy,‭ ‬the poor souls who must poison the environment to maintain a roof over their head and food on the table,‭ ‬must be pitied by the young people, whose future these unskilled millions are destroying.‭

The Green New Deal,‭ ‬like any legislation that threatens the quarterly bonuses of corporate big wigs,‭ ‬will be squelched by the GOP before any consideration is given,‭ ‬because that is Job One for them.‭ As f‬or the Democrats, it’s those who blindly assist the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬efforts,‭ ‬and are reelected‭ ‬time after time after time‭ ‬because they sold themselves to the ruling billionaire class and‭ ‬so,‭ ‬receive the political contributions needed to campaign.‭

If AOC and her Squad remain true to their constituents,‭ ‬the small donations given toward their reelection campaigns should be adequate.‭ ‬They will be hated by the right-wingers and most centrists for their unbending devotion to their communities,‭ ‬but she and her Squad consistently work for their voters‭’ ‬interests,‭ ‬and their supporters can see this.‭ ‬Their supporters also see how the ruling billionaire class controls all of the congressional Republicans and all but a handful of the Democrats.‭

If the young people of this country can vote the boomers out of office before it’s too late,‭ ‬AOC and her Squad,‭ ‬with the help of others from their generation elected to congress,‭ ‬could very well reverse the massive damage done to the United States by the thoughtless and greedy Baby Boomers.

Given the course the boomers have taken and are taking this country,‭ ‬the young people might want the novel coronavirus to stay a while.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s intentional mishandling of the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic might just be what AOC,‭ ‬her Squad,‭ ‬and future generations needed to help stop the Baby Boomers‭’ ‬endless greed and stupidity.‭

Glad to see things have not changed in left wing never never land.
The opposition is based on a better grasp of reality.

You have not read the details of the actual "Green New Deal"....I have.

It is mostly a Utopian ideal that would require unobtainable if not impossible sacrifices, not to mention unaffordable costs.

It squarely puts ONLY the United States of America at an economic disadvantage. China for example is the
worlds biggest polluter....and they will not sacrifice their development for ANY restrictive Deal, green, Blue or Purple.

Please carefully read the Green New Deal before you say erroneous things, then find a non biased economist to explain to you
why it's a good Utopian ideal, but not practical in reality.
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The so-called "green new deal" is a cliche. Kids are mostly geared towards accepting the freaking fantasy without understanding the reality. Another year of kids sitting in front of the vid games rather than going to school will insure it's future passage.
The Right-wingers‭’ ‬Opposition To The Green New Deal Is Understandable

It is understandable why it is the young people elected to congress feel the urgency to pass the Green New Deal.‭ ‬But getting it past those congressional Republicans and Democrats opposing the bill will be extremely difficult.‭ ‬Those politicians‭’ ‬votes are owned by the fossil fuel industry,‭ ‬and since they will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren.

As usual,‭ ‬our elected representatives put the short-term corporate profits ahead of the well being of average Americans.‭ ‬In the case of the Green New Deal,‭ ‬these self-serving congressmen‭ (‬and women‭) ‬are telling countless future generations to go fvck themselves so as to protect the next fifteen years of profits for the fossil fuel fat cats.‭

Unfortunately, the conservatives and most centrists are fine with this,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬like the a$$holes in congress these conservatives and centrists will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬so they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren either.

However,‭ ‬in defense of the right-wingers‭’ ‬and centrists‭’ ‬indefensible position on the Green New Deal,‭ ‬their nineteenth century abilities do not translate well to twenty-first century jobs in technology.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬digging coal,‭ ‬grunt work on oil drilling rigs,‭ ‬and other jobs that require a strong back and little intelligence fit well in the right-wingers‭’ ‬and most centrists‭’ ‬wheelhouse.‭ ‬
These and other jobs that are truly obsolete,‭ ‬when viewed through the eyes of those capable of employment in renewable energy,‭ ‬the poor souls who must poison the environment to maintain a roof over their head and food on the table,‭ ‬must be pitied by the young people, whose future these unskilled millions are destroying.‭

The Green New Deal,‭ ‬like any legislation that threatens the quarterly bonuses of corporate big wigs,‭ ‬will be squelched by the GOP before any consideration is given,‭ ‬because that is Job One for them.‭ As f‬or the Democrats, it’s those who blindly assist the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬efforts,‭ ‬and are reelected‭ ‬time after time after time‭ ‬because they sold themselves to the ruling billionaire class and‭ ‬so,‭ ‬receive the political contributions needed to campaign.‭

If AOC and her Squad remain true to their constituents,‭ ‬the small donations given toward their reelection campaigns should be adequate.‭ ‬They will be hated by the right-wingers and most centrists for their unbending devotion to their communities,‭ ‬but she and her Squad consistently work for their voters‭’ ‬interests,‭ ‬and their supporters can see this.‭ ‬Their supporters also see how the ruling billionaire class controls all of the congressional Republicans and all but a handful of the Democrats.‭

If the young people of this country can vote the boomers out of office before it’s too late,‭ ‬AOC and her Squad,‭ ‬with the help of others from their generation elected to congress,‭ ‬could very well reverse the massive damage done to the United States by the thoughtless and greedy Baby Boomers.

Given the course the boomers have taken and are taking this country,‭ ‬the young people might want the novel coronavirus to stay a while.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s intentional mishandling of the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic might just be what AOC,‭ ‬her Squad,‭ ‬and future generations needed to help stop the Baby Boomers‭’ ‬endless greed and stupidity.‭


Cool.story bro. Weren't the effects of climate change irreversible about 10 years ago.
According to scientists ofcourse.
The Right-wingers‭’ ‬Opposition To The Green New Deal Is Understandable

It is understandable why it is the young people elected to congress feel the urgency to pass the Green New Deal.‭ ‬But getting it past those congressional Republicans and Democrats opposing the bill will be extremely difficult.‭ ‬Those politicians‭’ ‬votes are owned by the fossil fuel industry,‭ ‬and since they will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren.

As usual,‭ ‬our elected representatives put the short-term corporate profits ahead of the well being of average Americans.‭ ‬In the case of the Green New Deal,‭ ‬these self-serving congressmen‭ (‬and women‭) ‬are telling countless future generations to go fvck themselves so as to protect the next fifteen years of profits for the fossil fuel fat cats.‭

Unfortunately, the conservatives and most centrists are fine with this,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬like the a$$holes in congress these conservatives and centrists will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬so they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren either.

However,‭ ‬in defense of the right-wingers‭’ ‬and centrists‭’ ‬indefensible position on the Green New Deal,‭ ‬their nineteenth century abilities do not translate well to twenty-first century jobs in technology.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬digging coal,‭ ‬grunt work on oil drilling rigs,‭ ‬and other jobs that require a strong back and little intelligence fit well in the right-wingers‭’ ‬and most centrists‭’ ‬wheelhouse.‭ ‬
These and other jobs that are truly obsolete,‭ ‬when viewed through the eyes of those capable of employment in renewable energy,‭ ‬the poor souls who must poison the environment to maintain a roof over their head and food on the table,‭ ‬must be pitied by the young people, whose future these unskilled millions are destroying.‭

The Green New Deal,‭ ‬like any legislation that threatens the quarterly bonuses of corporate big wigs,‭ ‬will be squelched by the GOP before any consideration is given,‭ ‬because that is Job One for them.‭ As f‬or the Democrats, it’s those who blindly assist the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬efforts,‭ ‬and are reelected‭ ‬time after time after time‭ ‬because they sold themselves to the ruling billionaire class and‭ ‬so,‭ ‬receive the political contributions needed to campaign.‭

If AOC and her Squad remain true to their constituents,‭ ‬the small donations given toward their reelection campaigns should be adequate.‭ ‬They will be hated by the right-wingers and most centrists for their unbending devotion to their communities,‭ ‬but she and her Squad consistently work for their voters‭’ ‬interests,‭ ‬and their supporters can see this.‭ ‬Their supporters also see how the ruling billionaire class controls all of the congressional Republicans and all but a handful of the Democrats.‭

If the young people of this country can vote the boomers out of office before it’s too late,‭ ‬AOC and her Squad,‭ ‬with the help of others from their generation elected to congress,‭ ‬could very well reverse the massive damage done to the United States by the thoughtless and greedy Baby Boomers.

Given the course the boomers have taken and are taking this country,‭ ‬the young people might want the novel coronavirus to stay a while.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s intentional mishandling of the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic might just be what AOC,‭ ‬her Squad,‭ ‬and future generations needed to help stop the Baby Boomers‭’ ‬endless greed and stupidity.‭

I'll make it simple for you. Have you heard the 2 Trillion dollar estimate for the Democrats Green Energy Plan? Well you can multiply that by 50. Green Energy will be the biggest, fattest, never ending pork-a-thon the Democrats have ever created. Add to that all the fossil fuel related jobs that will be decimated. But it will be all worth it because of that warm fuzzy you will have thinking you saved the planet.
The opposition is based on a better grasp of reality.

You have not read the details of the actual "Green New Deal"....I have.

It is mostly a Utopian ideal that would require unobtainable if not impossible sacrifices, not to mention unaffordable costs.

It squarely puts ONLY the United States of America at an economic disadvantage. China for example is the
worlds biggest polluter....and they will not sacrifice their development for ANY restrictive Deal, green, Blue or Purple.

Please carefully read the Green New Deal before you say erroneous things, then find a non biased economist to explain to you
why it's a good Utopian ideal, but not practical in reality.

I have read it also and it's not so Utopian. Try Gian. And it doesn't place any time frames on accomplishing any of it. In fact, we have been doing many of the New Green Deal since 1905 and began in earnest in the early 1970s on much of it. You are obviously to young to remember the state of our Nation in the 1950s. Three of the Greatest Ecologists were all three Republicans; Teddy R, Ike and Nixon. All Kennedy and Johnson did was extend programs that Ike had already put into place.

Now, let's discuss those things you say are in the New Green Deal that are outside reality once we remove the time frames? Just list them.
Rightwingers are smart enough to know if you want to run the country on electricity you better build a lot of nuclear power plants. Wind and solar power generation takes a lot of steel which you cannot make with wind or solar. California, which seems to lead the nation on green power can't seem to keep their lights on in the summer when the sun is shining.
The Right-wingers‭’ ‬Opposition To The Green New Deal Is Understandable

It is understandable why it is the young people elected to congress feel the urgency to pass the Green New Deal.‭ ‬But getting it past those congressional Republicans and Democrats opposing the bill will be extremely difficult.‭ ‬Those politicians‭’ ‬votes are owned by the fossil fuel industry,‭ ‬and since they will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren.

As usual,‭ ‬our elected representatives put the short-term corporate profits ahead of the well being of average Americans.‭ ‬In the case of the Green New Deal,‭ ‬these self-serving congressmen‭ (‬and women‭) ‬are telling countless future generations to go fvck themselves so as to protect the next fifteen years of profits for the fossil fuel fat cats.‭

Unfortunately, the conservatives and most centrists are fine with this,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬like the a$$holes in congress these conservatives and centrists will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬so they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren either.

However,‭ ‬in defense of the right-wingers‭’ ‬and centrists‭’ ‬indefensible position on the Green New Deal,‭ ‬their nineteenth century abilities do not translate well to twenty-first century jobs in technology.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬digging coal,‭ ‬grunt work on oil drilling rigs,‭ ‬and other jobs that require a strong back and little intelligence fit well in the right-wingers‭’ ‬and most centrists‭’ ‬wheelhouse.‭ ‬
These and other jobs that are truly obsolete,‭ ‬when viewed through the eyes of those capable of employment in renewable energy,‭ ‬the poor souls who must poison the environment to maintain a roof over their head and food on the table,‭ ‬must be pitied by the young people, whose future these unskilled millions are destroying.‭

The Green New Deal,‭ ‬like any legislation that threatens the quarterly bonuses of corporate big wigs,‭ ‬will be squelched by the GOP before any consideration is given,‭ ‬because that is Job One for them.‭ As f‬or the Democrats, it’s those who blindly assist the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬efforts,‭ ‬and are reelected‭ ‬time after time after time‭ ‬because they sold themselves to the ruling billionaire class and‭ ‬so,‭ ‬receive the political contributions needed to campaign.‭

If AOC and her Squad remain true to their constituents,‭ ‬the small donations given toward their reelection campaigns should be adequate.‭ ‬They will be hated by the right-wingers and most centrists for their unbending devotion to their communities,‭ ‬but she and her Squad consistently work for their voters‭’ ‬interests,‭ ‬and their supporters can see this.‭ ‬Their supporters also see how the ruling billionaire class controls all of the congressional Republicans and all but a handful of the Democrats.‭

If the young people of this country can vote the boomers out of office before it’s too late,‭ ‬AOC and her Squad,‭ ‬with the help of others from their generation elected to congress,‭ ‬could very well reverse the massive damage done to the United States by the thoughtless and greedy Baby Boomers.

Given the course the boomers have taken and are taking this country,‭ ‬the young people might want the novel coronavirus to stay a while.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s intentional mishandling of the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic might just be what AOC,‭ ‬her Squad,‭ ‬and future generations needed to help stop the Baby Boomers‭’ ‬endless greed and stupidity.‭


The Green New Deal was terrible, filled with bad policies, and would have bankrupted the country. By any measure it would have been a disaster.

The reason people opposed it, was because it was childish, idiotic, and incompetent, and any thinking rational person should oppose it.
If the young people of this country can vote the boomers out of office before it’s too late
"The Boomers" (born 1946--1964) are in most cases (a) deceased, (b) living in retirement homes, or (c) reaching retirement age.

A few Boomers did abstain from promiscuous sexual activity and excessive intake of drugs and alcohol (wild parties, summer of love, 1969, etc.) and are consequently quite healthy and full of vim and vigor to this day.

I wouldn't think it's any emergency.
The opposition is based on a better grasp of reality.

You have not read the details of the actual "Green New Deal"....I have.

It is mostly a Utopian ideal that would require unobtainable if not impossible sacrifices, not to mention unaffordable costs.

It squarely puts ONLY the United States of America at an economic disadvantage. China for example is the
worlds biggest polluter....and they will not sacrifice their development for ANY restrictive Deal, green, Blue or Purple.

Please carefully read the Green New Deal before you say erroneous things, then find a non biased economist to explain to you
why it's a good Utopian ideal, but not practical in reality.

I have read it also and it's not so Utopian. Try Gian. And it doesn't place any time frames on accomplishing any of it. In fact, we have been doing many of the New Green Deal since 1905 and began in earnest in the early 1970s on much of it. You are obviously to young to remember the state of our Nation in the 1950s. Three of the Greatest Ecologists were all three Republicans; Teddy R, Ike and Nixon. All Kennedy and Johnson did was extend programs that Ike had already put into place.

Now, let's discuss those things you say are in the New Green Deal that are outside reality once we remove the time frames? Just list them.

First things it true you favor Communism / Socialism ?
The Right-wingers‭’ ‬Opposition To The Green New Deal Is Understandable

It is understandable why it is the young people elected to congress feel the urgency to pass the Green New Deal.‭ ‬But getting it past those congressional Republicans and Democrats opposing the bill will be extremely difficult.‭ ‬Those politicians‭’ ‬votes are owned by the fossil fuel industry,‭ ‬and since they will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren.

As usual,‭ ‬our elected representatives put the short-term corporate profits ahead of the well being of average Americans.‭ ‬In the case of the Green New Deal,‭ ‬these self-serving congressmen‭ (‬and women‭) ‬are telling countless future generations to go fvck themselves so as to protect the next fifteen years of profits for the fossil fuel fat cats.‭

Unfortunately, the conservatives and most centrists are fine with this,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬like the a$$holes in congress these conservatives and centrists will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬so they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren either.

However,‭ ‬in defense of the right-wingers‭’ ‬and centrists‭’ ‬indefensible position on the Green New Deal,‭ ‬their nineteenth century abilities do not translate well to twenty-first century jobs in technology.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬digging coal,‭ ‬grunt work on oil drilling rigs,‭ ‬and other jobs that require a strong back and little intelligence fit well in the right-wingers‭’ ‬and most centrists‭’ ‬wheelhouse.‭ ‬
These and other jobs that are truly obsolete,‭ ‬when viewed through the eyes of those capable of employment in renewable energy,‭ ‬the poor souls who must poison the environment to maintain a roof over their head and food on the table,‭ ‬must be pitied by the young people, whose future these unskilled millions are destroying.‭

The Green New Deal,‭ ‬like any legislation that threatens the quarterly bonuses of corporate big wigs,‭ ‬will be squelched by the GOP before any consideration is given,‭ ‬because that is Job One for them.‭ As f‬or the Democrats, it’s those who blindly assist the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬efforts,‭ ‬and are reelected‭ ‬time after time after time‭ ‬because they sold themselves to the ruling billionaire class and‭ ‬so,‭ ‬receive the political contributions needed to campaign.‭

If AOC and her Squad remain true to their constituents,‭ ‬the small donations given toward their reelection campaigns should be adequate.‭ ‬They will be hated by the right-wingers and most centrists for their unbending devotion to their communities,‭ ‬but she and her Squad consistently work for their voters‭’ ‬interests,‭ ‬and their supporters can see this.‭ ‬Their supporters also see how the ruling billionaire class controls all of the congressional Republicans and all but a handful of the Democrats.‭

If the young people of this country can vote the boomers out of office before it’s too late,‭ ‬AOC and her Squad,‭ ‬with the help of others from their generation elected to congress,‭ ‬could very well reverse the massive damage done to the United States by the thoughtless and greedy Baby Boomers.

Given the course the boomers have taken and are taking this country,‭ ‬the young people might want the novel coronavirus to stay a while.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s intentional mishandling of the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic might just be what AOC,‭ ‬her Squad,‭ ‬and future generations needed to help stop the Baby Boomers‭’ ‬endless greed and stupidity.‭

AOC's donkey has a higher IQ than AOC.
The opposition is based on a better grasp of reality.

You have not read the details of the actual "Green New Deal"....I have.

It is mostly a Utopian ideal that would require unobtainable if not impossible sacrifices, not to mention unaffordable costs.

It squarely puts ONLY the United States of America at an economic disadvantage. China for example is the
worlds biggest polluter....and they will not sacrifice their development for ANY restrictive Deal, green, Blue or Purple.

Please carefully read the Green New Deal before you say erroneous things, then find a non biased economist to explain to you
why it's a good Utopian ideal, but not practical in reality.

I have read it also and it's not so Utopian. Try Gian. And it doesn't place any time frames on accomplishing any of it. In fact, we have been doing many of the New Green Deal since 1905 and began in earnest in the early 1970s on much of it. You are obviously to young to remember the state of our Nation in the 1950s. Three of the Greatest Ecologists were all three Republicans; Teddy R, Ike and Nixon. All Kennedy and Johnson did was extend programs that Ike had already put into place.

Now, let's discuss those things you say are in the New Green Deal that are outside reality once we remove the time frames? Just list them.

First things it true you favor Communism / Socialism ?

Sorry, that ship sailed already. The 3rd Red Scare is wearing off pretty fast. Now ask a decent question and I can give you a decent answer.
The Right-wingers‭’ ‬Opposition To The Green New Deal Is Understandable

It is understandable why it is the young people elected to congress feel the urgency to pass the Green New Deal.‭ ‬But getting it past those congressional Republicans and Democrats opposing the bill will be extremely difficult.‭ ‬Those politicians‭’ ‬votes are owned by the fossil fuel industry,‭ ‬and since they will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren.

As usual,‭ ‬our elected representatives put the short-term corporate profits ahead of the well being of average Americans.‭ ‬In the case of the Green New Deal,‭ ‬these self-serving congressmen‭ (‬and women‭) ‬are telling countless future generations to go fvck themselves so as to protect the next fifteen years of profits for the fossil fuel fat cats.‭

Unfortunately, the conservatives and most centrists are fine with this,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬like the a$$holes in congress these conservatives and centrists will all be dead before the effects of climate change become irreversible,‭ ‬so they don’t give a sh!t if they leave behind a wasteland for their children,‭ ‬and especially their grandchildren either.

However,‭ ‬in defense of the right-wingers‭’ ‬and centrists‭’ ‬indefensible position on the Green New Deal,‭ ‬their nineteenth century abilities do not translate well to twenty-first century jobs in technology.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬digging coal,‭ ‬grunt work on oil drilling rigs,‭ ‬and other jobs that require a strong back and little intelligence fit well in the right-wingers‭’ ‬and most centrists‭’ ‬wheelhouse.‭ ‬
These and other jobs that are truly obsolete,‭ ‬when viewed through the eyes of those capable of employment in renewable energy,‭ ‬the poor souls who must poison the environment to maintain a roof over their head and food on the table,‭ ‬must be pitied by the young people, whose future these unskilled millions are destroying.‭

The Green New Deal,‭ ‬like any legislation that threatens the quarterly bonuses of corporate big wigs,‭ ‬will be squelched by the GOP before any consideration is given,‭ ‬because that is Job One for them.‭ As f‬or the Democrats, it’s those who blindly assist the congressional Republicans‭’ ‬efforts,‭ ‬and are reelected‭ ‬time after time after time‭ ‬because they sold themselves to the ruling billionaire class and‭ ‬so,‭ ‬receive the political contributions needed to campaign.‭

If AOC and her Squad remain true to their constituents,‭ ‬the small donations given toward their reelection campaigns should be adequate.‭ ‬They will be hated by the right-wingers and most centrists for their unbending devotion to their communities,‭ ‬but she and her Squad consistently work for their voters‭’ ‬interests,‭ ‬and their supporters can see this.‭ ‬Their supporters also see how the ruling billionaire class controls all of the congressional Republicans and all but a handful of the Democrats.‭

If the young people of this country can vote the boomers out of office before it’s too late,‭ ‬AOC and her Squad,‭ ‬with the help of others from their generation elected to congress,‭ ‬could very well reverse the massive damage done to the United States by the thoughtless and greedy Baby Boomers.

Given the course the boomers have taken and are taking this country,‭ ‬the young people might want the novel coronavirus to stay a while.‭ ‬The impeached president trump’s intentional mishandling of the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic might just be what AOC,‭ ‬her Squad,‭ ‬and future generations needed to help stop the Baby Boomers‭’ ‬endless greed and stupidity.‭

Damn, you mean the world didn't end 20 years ago, like Al Gore predicted????

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