The right's darling, George Zimmerman, is at it again

Zimmerman never said he initiated the confrontation. Where do you get such specious garbage? Let me guess out of thin air...or maybe frome one of the fake news sources who conssistently lied from the gitco. trying to the best of their ability to promote the myth of black victimhood.

Too many blacks buy into the black victimhood b.s. because they need an excuse for their failures. You look at the blacks that are sucessful and they do not run around talking about white racism. So the media by promoting the myth of black victimhood is actually working against the black community...not even to mention how many hate crimes against whites have been because of the medias crusade to promote black victimhood.
The prosecution stated Zimmerman initated the confrontation or are they lying as well?

The fact of the matter is that Zimmerman did set in motion the events that resulted in Martin's death and he said he'd do exactly the same thing again, that it was God's will that Martin died. If I recall correctly his attorney O'Mara stated as much as well.
Zimmerman never said he initiated the confrontation. Where do you get such specious garbage? Let me guess out of thin air...or maybe frome one of the fake news sources who conssistently lied from the gitco. trying to the best of their ability to promote the myth of black victimhood.

Too many blacks buy into the black victimhood b.s. because they need an excuse for their failures. You look at the blacks that are sucessful and they do not run around talking about white racism. So the media by promoting the myth of black victimhood is actually working against the black community...not even to mention how many hate crimes against whites have been because of the medias crusade to promote black victimhood.
The prosecution stated Zimmerman initated the confrontation or are they lying as well?

The fact of the matter is that Zimmerman did set in motion the events that resulted in Martin's death and he said he'd do exactly the same thing again, that it was God's will that Martin died. If I recall correctly his attorney O'Mara stated as much as well.

The prosecution stated Zimmerman initated the confrontation or are they lying as well?

Did they state what Zimmermann did after Trayvon ran away?
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Zimmerman never said he initiated the confrontation. Where do you get such specious garbage? Let me guess out of thin air...or maybe frome one of the fake news sources who conssistently lied from the gitco. trying to the best of their ability to promote the myth of black victimhood.

Too many blacks buy into the black victimhood b.s. because they need an excuse for their failures. You look at the blacks that are sucessful and they do not run around talking about white racism. So the media by promoting the myth of black victimhood is actually working against the black community...not even to mention how many hate crimes against whites have been because of the medias crusade to promote black victimhood.
The prosecution stated Zimmerman initated the confrontation or are they lying as well?

The fact of the matter is that Zimmerman did set in motion the events that resulted in Martin's death and he said he'd do exactly the same thing again, that it was God's will that Martin died. If I recall correctly his attorney O'Mara stated as much as well.

Yes.... they are, as you obviously didn't follow the trial, martin told his friend on the phone that he was going back... he initiated the violence, not Zimmerman.
OK, so in your version Zimmy pulled a gun on TrayTray and Tray's idea of brilliance was to bring his fists to a gunfight.

No wonder Zimmy was acquitted.
I thought you said you are a U.S. Attorney
Attorneys don't decide guilt or innocence. Juries do.
Trayvon was 17 years old at the time of his death. He was not old enough to be legally armed with a weapon but more importantly from all appearances he wasn't expecting to be stalked and killed that evening either. Not everyone reacts the same way when someone points a gun at them. People who are completely unarmed and believe they're going to die anyway may immediately hit a point of disbelief and rage that causes them to go on the offense, even knowing or not caring that they will probably die.
So one doesn't have the right to self defense when getting their head beat in?

You liberals do believe in self defense, right?
You’re kidding, right? The left doesn’t believe in any law. That’s why they piss on the U.S. Constitution and why their Antifa thugs assualt, riot, loot, and kill.
OK, so in your version Zimmy pulled a gun on TrayTray and Tray's idea of brilliance was to bring his fists to a gunfight.

No wonder Zimmy was acquitted.
I thought you said you are a U.S. Attorney
Attorneys don't decide guilt or innocence. Juries do.
Trayvon was 17 years old at the time of his death. He was not old enough to be legally armed with a weapon but more importantly from all appearances he wasn't expecting to be stalked and killed that evening either. Not everyone reacts the same way when someone points a gun at them. People who are completely unarmed and believe they're going to die anyway may immediately hit a point of disbelief and rage that causes them to go on the offense, even knowing or not caring that they will probably die.

To be fair here, Is there evidence that Z pointed his gun at Trayvon first? or was his gun drawn later?
OK, so in your version Zimmy pulled a gun on TrayTray and Tray's idea of brilliance was to bring his fists to a gunfight.

No wonder Zimmy was acquitted.
I thought you said you are a U.S. Attorney
Attorneys don't decide guilt or innocence. Juries do.
Trayvon was 17 years old at the time of his death. He was not old enough to be legally armed with a weapon but more importantly from all appearances he wasn't expecting to be stalked and killed that evening either. Not everyone reacts the same way when someone points a gun at them. People who are completely unarmed and believe they're going to die anyway may immediately hit a point of disbelief and rage that causes them to go on the offense, even knowing or not caring that they will probably die.

To be fair here, Is there evidence that Z pointed his gun at Trayvon first? or was his gun drawn later?

All the evidence points to the fact that Trayvon was on top of Z when Z managed to get his pistol out and shoot the bastard.
So one doesn't have the right to self defense when getting their head beat in?

You liberals do believe in self defense, right?
You’re kidding, right? The left doesn’t believe in any law. That’s why they piss on the U.S. Constitution and why their Antifa thugs assualt, riot, loot, and kill.

The liberals do not think any white person has a right to defend himself from a black.
OK, so in your version Zimmy pulled a gun on TrayTray and Tray's idea of brilliance was to bring his fists to a gunfight.

No wonder Zimmy was acquitted.
I thought you said you are a U.S. Attorney
Attorneys don't decide guilt or innocence. Juries do.
Trayvon was 17 years old at the time of his death. He was not old enough to be legally armed with a weapon but more importantly from all appearances he wasn't expecting to be stalked and killed that evening either. Not everyone reacts the same way when someone points a gun at them. People who are completely unarmed and believe they're going to die anyway may immediately hit a point of disbelief and rage that causes them to go on the offense, even knowing or not caring that they will probably die.

The gun did not come out until z was on the ground with trayvon on top of him beating his head on the side walk. Too many making comments did not watch the trial, do not know the evidence presented thus have no clue as to what happened. All they have is their opinion. And, we all know about opinions.
Zimmerman never said he initiated the confrontation. Where do you get such specious garbage? Let me guess out of thin air...or maybe frome one of the fake news sources who conssistently lied from the gitco. trying to the best of their ability to promote the myth of black victimhood.

Too many blacks buy into the black victimhood b.s. because they need an excuse for their failures. You look at the blacks that are sucessful and they do not run around talking about white racism. So the media by promoting the myth of black victimhood is actually working against the black community...not even to mention how many hate crimes against whites have been because of the medias crusade to promote black victimhood.
The prosecution stated Zimmerman initated the confrontation or are they lying as well?

The fact of the matter is that Zimmerman did set in motion the events that resulted in Martin's death and he said he'd do exactly the same thing again, that it was God's will that Martin died. If I recall correctly his attorney O'Mara stated as much as well.

The prosecution stated Zimmerman initated the confrontation or are they lying as well?

Did they state what Zimmermann did after Trayvon ran away?

Geez, have you ever been to a trial? It is the prosecutions job to prosecute the defendant. In this case they really had nothing to work with but conjecture...all the evidence favored Z. So they did the best they could but the jury saw through their fabrications. Prosecutors feel they have a job to convict and their careers are built on how successful they are at that....thus expect them to do and say anything whatsoever they think may help convict the defendant. They have no scruples about doing that. They rationalize that by saying it is the job of the defense team to defend the defendant, not theirs, to do that and they are correct in that. That is the way our legal system works. It is not perfect but it is the best system in the world.

Regarding who set in motion the events of that night which resulted in trayvon's death rest solely on Trayvon...if he had just gone home when he first ran off as his g/f told him to do he would be alive today. If he had not doubled back and attacked Z, he would be alive today. Of course anyone in Z's postion would have done the exact same thing if they valued their life. Would you just lay there and let someone beat you to death? Z perhaps has a belief that everyone's destiny is controlled by higher powers....millions of people have the same belief.
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Zimmerman never said he initiated the confrontation. Where do you get such specious garbage? Let me guess out of thin air...or maybe frome one of the fake news sources who conssistently lied from the gitco. trying to the best of their ability to promote the myth of black victimhood.

Too many blacks buy into the black victimhood b.s. because they need an excuse for their failures. You look at the blacks that are sucessful and they do not run around talking about white racism. So the media by promoting the myth of black victimhood is actually working against the black community...not even to mention how many hate crimes against whites have been because of the medias crusade to promote black victimhood.
The prosecution stated Zimmerman initated the confrontation or are they lying as well?

The fact of the matter is that Zimmerman did set in motion the events that resulted in Martin's death and he said he'd do exactly the same thing again, that it was God's will that Martin died. If I recall correctly his attorney O'Mara stated as much as well.

The prosecution stated Zimmerman initated the confrontation or are they lying as well?

Did they state what Zimmermann did after Trayvon ran away?

If you had watched the trial you would know the defense laid out a time line of what Z and what Trayvon did for the entire time of the incident. That is basically why the jury voted not to convict. Once you saw all that...there was no doubt that Trayvon was to blame. I will lay it out briefly for you: Trayvon started running while Z was still in his truck talking to the police dispather...the recording of that conversation is available on this thread.

. Trayvon lived very close to where he was when he took off running. It has been shown he could have been home in less than 1 min. if he wanted to go home. Z completely lost sight of him...had no idea where he was. During this time trayvon was on his phone to his g/f talking about this creepy cracker....she advised him to go home.

Instead he went back to confront Z...came up behind z and axed him if he had a problem. Z said no and immediately took out his phone to call the police once again. Trayvon said: Well you got one now and sucker punched George while he was trying to make the phone call. Knocked him to the ground, jumped on top of him and began beating Z's head against the sidewalk. All the evidence, forensic etc. supports that. Z managed to get his pistol out and shot trayvon. Travon said : You got me and died.
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Zimmerman never said he initiated the confrontation. Where do you get such specious garbage? Let me guess out of thin air...or maybe frome one of the fake news sources who conssistently lied from the gitco. trying to the best of their ability to promote the myth of black victimhood.

Too many blacks buy into the black victimhood b.s. because they need an excuse for their failures. You look at the blacks that are sucessful and they do not run around talking about white racism. So the media by promoting the myth of black victimhood is actually working against the black community...not even to mention how many hate crimes against whites have been because of the medias crusade to promote black victimhood.
The prosecution stated Zimmerman initated the confrontation or are they lying as well?

The fact of the matter is that Zimmerman did set in motion the events that resulted in Martin's death and he said he'd do exactly the same thing again, that it was God's will that Martin died. If I recall correctly his attorney O'Mara stated as much as well.

Yes.... they are, as you obviously didn't follow the trial, martin told his friend on the phone that he was going back... he initiated the violence, not Zimmerman.

Trayvon's g/f unwittingly helped exonerate Z. The phone calls he made to her were all recorded and retrieved and they proved first of all he could have gone home if he had wanted to. Why would anyone lollygag about on a dark and rainy night?--only someone up to something, that is why Z noticed him in the first place. Trayvon had a history of burglary and that neighborhood had been plagued by burglaries thus it is logical to assume Trayvon was casing the houses looking for one to break into. Also his racist comments to his g/f about Z....dat creepy white cracker etc. demonstrated an intense animosity towards Z although he really new nothing about him other than he was a white guy who looked like an easy target.

What the posters on here who think Z should have been found guilty demonstrate is that they do not know the facts of the case as in the evidence presented at trial. But they are not soley to blame because the media lied to them and convinced them Trayvon was innocent.
Look at the other side of the coin...if Z had been unable to defend himself most likely he would be dead...thus he really had no choice. If you are ever in a situation where you have to use deadly force to defend your life I am sure your attitude would be altered.
I would bet my life that had Zimmerman not been armed, he would have never followed or confronted Martin.

Not true, but he would be dead.....martin was well on his way to killing him at the time of the attack.
Without his gun that gives many guys like him an enhanced sense of courage, he in all likelihood would have stayed in his vehicle and kept rolling. Maybe he would have called in a report of a black guy behaving suspiciously but I doubt that he would have gone chasing after him playing cop.

In his sworn testimony Z said he had forgotten he even had the gun with him. He only remembered it when he was on the ground and felt it in his pocket.

If had thought about it he might have had it out when he tried to follow trayvon for a short it was a dark and rainy night.

while on the phone to the dispatcher when she asked him for his address...he said he did not want to give it to her as the suspect might be within hearing distance as in he had no idea where Trayvon was...a sensible person would have had his pistol out. If in fact Trayvon had seen him with a pistol he would no doubt have run home. He had no idea George had a pistol and the fact he attacked Z is good evidence of that.
O.K. I think this about wraps it up. Not much left to discuss about the trayvon affair. On to other things.
while on the phone to the dispatcher when she asked him for his address...he said he did not want to give it to her as the suspect might be within hearing distance as in he had no idea where Trayvon was...a sensible person would have had his pistol out.
Do you even realize what you're revealing? If Zimmerman's actions that night were so innocent and lawful why in the hell would he need to have his gun in his hand while he was still in his vehicle unless he was planning something? That completely undermines a self-defense claim, when you arm yourself, get out of your vehicle and go looking for the party you've been stalking - that's called hunting.
In his sworn testimony Z said he had forgotten he even had the gun with him. He only remembered it when he was on the ground and felt it in his pocket.
And of course every word that comes out of Zimmerman's mouth is gospel because he ensured that the only person who could dispute his word is dead.

Do you conceal carry and if you do have you ever FORGOTTEN that you were carrying?
Zimmerman never said he initiated the confrontation. Where do you get such specious garbage? Let me guess out of thin air...or maybe frome one of the fake news sources who conssistently lied from the gitco. trying to the best of their ability to promote the myth of black victimhood.

Too many blacks buy into the black victimhood b.s. because they need an excuse for their failures. You look at the blacks that are sucessful and they do not run around talking about white racism. So the media by promoting the myth of black victimhood is actually working against the black community...not even to mention how many hate crimes against whites have been because of the medias crusade to promote black victimhood.
The prosecution stated Zimmerman initated the confrontation or are they lying as well?

The fact of the matter is that Zimmerman did set in motion the events that resulted in Martin's death and he said he'd do exactly the same thing again, that it was God's will that Martin died. If I recall correctly his attorney O'Mara stated as much as well.

The prosecution stated Zimmerman initated the confrontation or are they lying as well?

Did they state what Zimmermann did after Trayvon ran away?

Geez, have you ever been to a trial? It is the prosecutions job to prosecute the defendant. In this case they really had nothing to work with but conjecture...all the evidence favored Z
Have you ever been to a trial or is your only experience with our legal system consist of reading about it and watching it in he media?
So one doesn't have the right to self defense when getting their head beat in?

You liberals do believe in self defense, right?
You’re kidding, right? The left doesn’t believe in any law. That’s why they piss on the U.S. Constitution and why their Antifa thugs assualt, riot, loot, and kill.

The liberals do not think any white person has a right to defend himself from a black.

I'm a liberal, and so is Alan Dershowitz and many other liberals.. We don't think that, not even close. The media doesn't speak for liberalism, and Rush Limbaugh doesn't get to define liberals, either.
OK, so in your version Zimmy pulled a gun on TrayTray and Tray's idea of brilliance was to bring his fists to a gunfight.

No wonder Zimmy was acquitted.
I thought you said you are a U.S. Attorney
Attorneys don't decide guilt or innocence. Juries do.
Trayvon was 17 years old at the time of his death. He was not old enough to be legally armed with a weapon but more importantly from all appearances he wasn't expecting to be stalked and killed that evening either. Not everyone reacts the same way when someone points a gun at them. People who are completely unarmed and believe they're going to die anyway may immediately hit a point of disbelief and rage that causes them to go on the offense, even knowing or not caring that they will probably die.

Watching someone out in a public place and asking them a question is not illegal, nor is it stalking. you're grasping at straws with that media spin. Nobody was pointing or waving a gun at Trayvon. You simply want to railroad and innocent man into prison just because the media embarrassed itself. Yet another reason Democrats, race baiters, and left wingers and their media have less than zero credibility now. How is that working out for you now?
Watching someone out in a public place and asking them a question is not illegal, nor is it stalking. you're grasping at straws with that media spin. Nobody was pointing or waving a gun at Trayvon. You simply want to railroad and innocent man into prison just because the media embarrassed itself. Yet another reason Democrats, race baiters, and left wingers and their media have less than zero credibility now. How is that working out for you now?
Well apparently I know more about it than you do. No where have I ever claimed that Zimmerman was pointing or waving his weapon. MacTheKnife is the one who claims that a prudent person should/would have had their weapon in their hand if they found themselves in the same cirumstances as Zimmerman which does not mesh with the previous story being spun. People who are in fear for their lives do not go chasing after the thing that they are in fear of. And unless you're a total dumbass and shouldn't be carrying anyway (which has been my opinion of Zimmerman all along) you don't forget that you're carrying.

I'm not a Democrat, a left winger, with the media or race baiter but I do have some insight into the psychology of certain types of people, including those who feel a need to annonymously target others online simply because they don't agree with their oftentimes false, and sometimes deliberately misleading statements.

As for as watching someone out in a public place and then questioning them, yes that can still qualify as stalking..

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