The right's darling, George Zimmerman, is at it again

George Zimmerman threatens to feed investigator to alligator, deputies say

It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again.

"George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012, has been accused of sending harassing messages to a private investigator, including a threat that the victim was "on his way to the inside of a gator," according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies said Zimmerman phoned the victim 55 times, left 36 voicemails, texted 67 times and sent 27 emails in a nine-day span."

So, he actually did nothing and you're just spewing hatred - as always. :thup:
You ever figure out what the castle doctrine is

Yes. That's one of the reasons I'm mocking you.
Funny how that works huh. By attempting to mock me you only put your own ignorance on display.

What's the castle doctrine and what relevance does it have to this case?
Give us a narrative that explains the known facts better than the self-defense claim.
On this evenings news, they also reported that the reason he was in trouble in addition to the stalking is for making threats. He texted that he was gonna feed the dude to the alligators.

Was the "dude" this fuckwad Vor?

If so, I can fully understand it. I mean, you Stalinists are some evil shits. No doubt gutter scum like the Vor make incessant threats against Zimmerman, and he responded.
You ever figure out what the castle doctrine is

Yes. That's one of the reasons I'm mocking you.
Funny how that works huh. By attempting to mock me you only put your own ignorance on display.

What's the castle doctrine and what relevance does it have to this case?

What's the castle doctrine and what relevance does it have to this case?

The castle doctrine has zero to do with this case. Look it up, you'll see.
It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again
Again? When has he murdered anyone?
Are you serious?

Yes, stupid. We're serious. He has not committed murder yet. He killed a well documented criminal that attacked him.

*IF* he ever commits murder, he'll go to prison or be sent to the chair.

Until then, he has not committed murder.

Maybe when you people stop defending criminals, you'll figure that out.
Give us a narrative that explains the known facts better than the self-defense claim.
Aside from the fact that I've already done so, and in consideration that I can expand up my previous statements why should I when none of you have demonstrated that you are even familiar with the definitions and applicable laws surrounding the case beginning with the concepts of concealed carry (Zimmerman had a FL concealed carry permit and was presumably carrying his firearm under those laws), FL specific concealed carry laws and FL specific laws of self-defense including the castle doctrine also sometimes referred to as "stand-your-ground" although FL case law in that regard has not been particularly helpful to the cause thanks to judge Beth Bloom (chasing someone down and stabbing them in the back does not meet the criteria of self-defense under any interpretation of the definition outside of Bloom's purview).

But putting all of the above aside one of the first things I'd look at is criminal background of the parties involved. Zimmerman has a history of this kind of aggression and more importantly he stated his discontent and his intentions to the 911 dispatcher. No one can deny that he was pursuing Martin and what I've been stating from the beginning is that he had no lawful authority to do so.
Give us a narrative that explains the known facts better than the self-defense claim.
Aside from the fact that I've already done so, and in consideration that I can expand up my previous statements why should I when none of you have demonstrated that you are even familiar with the definitions and applicable laws surrounding the case beginning with the concepts of concealed carry (Zimmerman had a FL concealed carry permit and was presumably carrying his firearm under those laws), FL specific concealed carry laws and FL specific laws of self-defense including the castle doctrine also sometimes referred to as "stand-your-ground" although FL case law in that regard has not been particularly helpful to the cause thanks to judge Beth Bloom.

But putting all of the above aside one of the first things I'd look at is criminal background of the parties involved. Zimmerman has a history of this kind of aggression and more importantly he stated his discontent and his intentions to the 911 dispatcher. No one can deny that he was pursuing Martin and what I've been stating from the beginning is that he had no lawful authority to do so.

I don't deny he followed that thug.
Give us a narrative that explains the known facts better than the self-defense claim.
Aside from the fact that I've already done so, and in consideration that I can expand up my previous statements why should I when none of you have demonstrated that you are even familiar with the definitions and applicable laws surrounding the case beginning with the concepts of concealed carry (Zimmerman had a FL concealed carry permit and was presumably carrying his firearm under those laws), FL specific concealed carry laws and FL specific laws of self-defense including the castle doctrine also sometimes referred to as "stand-your-ground" although FL case law in that regard has not been particularly helpful to the cause thanks to judge Beth Bloom (chasing someone down and stabbing them in the back does not meet the criteria of self-defense under any interpretation of the definition outside of Bloom's purview).

But putting all of the above aside one of the first things I'd look at is criminal background of the parties involved. Zimmerman has a history of this kind of aggression and more importantly he stated his discontent and his intentions to the 911 dispatcher. No one can deny that he was pursuing Martin and what I've been stating from the beginning is that he had no lawful authority to do so.
Can you give us a narrative that explains the known facts better than the self-defense claim.
Trayvon had bruised hands, GZ didn't.

GZ had a bruised face, Trayvon didn't

Um, bullshit. Trayvon didn't have bruised hands. He wasn't alive long enough for bruises to form even if he hit Zimmershit.

The fact that Zimmerman has been arrested a dozen times for abusing people since there tells me that he just straight up murdered this kid. Hopefully we'll get him off the street before he murders someone else.
Can you give us a narrative that explains the known facts better than the self-defense claim.
Do you know why when you hear the police in the news after a deadly shooting they generally all say the same thing - "I was in fear for my life" - whether the shooting was justified or not?

The poster below has a link to one of the 911 calls Zimmerman placed shortly before his confrontation of shooting of Martin. Zimmerman is heard on the 911 tape lamenting about "these assholes always get away", states under his breath "fucking coons" and tells the 911 operating that Martin has taken off running away from him. People who are in fear of their lives do not go chasing after the things that they claim they are in fear of.

Jay says:
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 19:16

Calling Martin an “asshole” certainly doesn’t imply any racism on ZImmerman’s part. But if you listen to the ENTIRE 911 call by Zimmerman, there is a point where it sounds pretty clear to me he says, “fucking coons” while just blathering.

You can listen to the entire call here:

Go to 2:20 and listen.

He also reports (just a few seconds before the “coons” remark) where Zimmerman says, “Shit he’s running.” This is at 2:06 when he was giving directions to the dispatcher. That right there blows any stand your ground defense into the water. Martin was running away. The dispatcher then heard the wind hitting the phone and that’s when he asked if he was going after him and he said not to.

As far as I am concerned, once Zimmerman started after Martin, he became the aggressor and his claim of self defense goes out the window.
Murder or Self-Defense: Florida Case Raises Questions

I don't know if you have ever done any firearms training but they don't just teach you how to shoot, they teach you to know and understand the applicable laws that allow you to lawfully carry your weapon and where & when you can use it for lawful self-defense and part of knowing when and where involves understanding the escalation of force continuum. In the image below if you note item number 3 in response to assault & battery the appropriate response is "reasonable force" not "deadly force" without even taking into consideration the "may not be the aggressor" provision of the Florida self-defense statute

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The fact that Zimmerman has been arrested a dozen times for abusing people since there tells me that he just straight up murdered this kid. Hopefully we'll get him off the street before he murders someone else.
Not just since, prior to him shooting & killing Martin as well.
The fact that Zimmerman has been arrested a dozen times for abusing people since there tells me that he just straight up murdered this kid. Hopefully we'll get him off the street before he murders someone else.
Not just since, prior to him shooting & killing Martin as well.
A DOZEN times?

List them.

You LIE.

You will obfuscate. You will not answer with the list of a dozen because YOU LIE.
Poor Zimmy went from conservative hero for killing the black kid ... to an embarrassing assclown they don't talk too much about anymore.

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