The right's darling, George Zimmerman, is at it again

To lawfully follow someone, confront them and attempt to interrogate them?

He attempted to interrogate him? LOL!

I guess the thug should have called the cops, instead he decided to beat on GZ.
Was he doing that to make GZ comply with the law? I guess Treyvon didn't have the authority to do that? DERP!
What would you call it if some person who you didn't know attempted to detain and question you as you were going about your business? Yes Zimmerman allegedly was attempting to question him.

What would you call it if some person who you didn't know attempted to detain and question you

I'd call it your vivid imagination.

question you as you were going about your business?

If my business was casing homes to rob later, I might be upset.

Yes Zimmerman allegedly was attempting to question him.

Trayvon should have called the cops on him. He might be alive today, allegedly.
Have you ever had anyone pull a gun on you? It's very easy to write the narrative when the only other person who knows what actually happened is dead. So are you or are you not familiar with the laws in Florida concerning concealed carry and lawful self-defense?

It's very easy to write the narrative when the only other person who knows what actually happened is dead

It's very easy to write the narrative when the person beating your head against the concrete is dead.
Zimmerman was and is a piece of shit.
In the end though, there wasn't proof that he murdered Trayvon, nor proof that he committed manslaughter.
The jury rendered the only verdict that could be made.

Trayvon was the piece of shit. GZ relieved the world of his worthless ass.
Funny thing is....he was never tried for anything...yet you are ready to convict the dead victim in order to excuse the piece of shit that killed him.

Yeah he wasn't tried, he was taking a much deserved dirt nap. The real piece of shit is dead.
And of course there was a trial before his conviction and execution, right?

Read my post again slowly, or better yet have someone who can actually read explain it to you.
That would mean not beating on a guy.

A guy who was stalking him in the street? Okay, I guess they should all just let strange old white men stalk them...

A guy who was stalking him in the street?

Yes, you're not allowed to beat on guys, even "white" Hispanic guys who are following you.
In some cases, beating on them will get you arrested or killed.

Okay, I guess they should all just let strange old white men stalk them...

Or you could walk home. Or you could call 911. Those choices are less likely to get you killed.
But Trayvon wasn't very smart, was he?
how the hell did this POS get to be the righties darling?

oh. the op has an agenda and only sees in stereotypes.
George Zimmerman threatens to feed investigator to alligator, deputies say

It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again.

"George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012, has been accused of sending harassing messages to a private investigator, including a threat that the victim was "on his way to the inside of a gator," according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies said Zimmerman phoned the victim 55 times, left 36 voicemails, texted 67 times and sent 27 emails in a nine-day span."
He has never committed murder. That black bastard he killed was an animal.
What would you call it if some person who you didn't know attempted to detain and question you

I'd call it your vivid imagination.
If that's the best response you have then you apparently have little if any knowledge of the case. So you don't conceal carry under Florida law? What about under any state? Do you even know what lawful self-defense entails particularly in a state like Florida which has the Castle doctrine?
What would you call it if some person who you didn't know attempted to detain and question you

I'd call it your vivid imagination.
If that's the best response you have then you apparently have little if any knowledge of the case. So you don't conceal carry under Florida law? What about under any state? Do you even know what lawful self-defense entails particularly in a state like Florida which has the Castle doctrine?

So you don't conceal carry under Florida law?

I don't live in Florida, why would I conceal carry there?

Now, back to the stupid thug who thought beating on a guy was a good idea.........

Do you even know what lawful self-defense entails particularly in a state like Florida

Well, when a guy beats your head on the sidewalk, I'm pretty sure it's okay to shoot him.

Florida which has the Castle doctrine?

You think was Trayvon in his castle?
You think GZ threatened him in his castle? You apparently have little if any knowledge of the law.
What authority is required to follow someone
To lawfully follow someone, confront them and attempt to interrogate them? No authority that he possessed certainly a FL concealed carry permit doesn't convey that authority and it's been well publicized that Zimmerman was a wanna be cop.

To lawfully follow someone, confront them and attempt to interrogate them?

He attempted to interrogate him? LOL!

I guess the thug should have called the cops, instead he decided to beat on GZ.
Was he doing that to make GZ comply with the law? I guess Treyvon didn't have the authority to do that? DERP!

Guess you missed the part of the story where Zimmerman was following Martin and called it into the cops. The cops then told him to NOT engage and to stay out of it. He then got out of his car and went and confronted Martin.
What would you call it if some person who you didn't know attempted to detain and question you

I'd call it your vivid imagination.
If that's the best response you have then you apparently have little if any knowledge of the case. So you don't conceal carry under Florida law? What about under any state? Do you even know what lawful self-defense entails particularly in a state like Florida which has the Castle doctrine?
The right's darling, George Zimmerman, is at it again
What authority is required to follow someone
To lawfully follow someone, confront them and attempt to interrogate them? No authority that he possessed certainly a FL concealed carry permit doesn't convey that authority and it's been well publicized that Zimmerman was a wanna be cop.

To lawfully follow someone, confront them and attempt to interrogate them?

He attempted to interrogate him? LOL!

I guess the thug should have called the cops, instead he decided to beat on GZ.
Was he doing that to make GZ comply with the law? I guess Treyvon didn't have the authority to do that? DERP!

Guess you missed the part of the story where Zimmerman was following Martin and called it into the cops. The cops then told him to NOT engage and to stay out of it. He then got out of his car and went and confronted Martin.

Guess you missed the part of the story where Zimmerman was following Martin and called it into the cops.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........

The cops then told him to NOT engage and to stay out of it.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........

He then got out of his car and went and confronted Martin.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........
What authority is required to follow someone
To lawfully follow someone, confront them and attempt to interrogate them? No authority that he possessed certainly a FL concealed carry permit doesn't convey that authority and it's been well publicized that Zimmerman was a wanna be cop.

To lawfully follow someone, confront them and attempt to interrogate them?

He attempted to interrogate him? LOL!

I guess the thug should have called the cops, instead he decided to beat on GZ.
Was he doing that to make GZ comply with the law? I guess Treyvon didn't have the authority to do that? DERP!

Guess you missed the part of the story where Zimmerman was following Martin and called it into the cops. The cops then told him to NOT engage and to stay out of it. He then got out of his car and went and confronted Martin.

Guess you missed the part of the story where Zimmerman was following Martin and called it into the cops.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........

The cops then told him to NOT engage and to stay out of it.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........

He then got out of his car and went and confronted Martin.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........

And He did not confront Martin. Martin confronted and attacked him.
Trayvon should have called the cops on him
Really? So it's straight to Martin should have called the 911 instead of Zimmerman had no business following nor confronting him?

Zimmerman did have "business" following Martin. Zimmeraman was neighborhood watch and Martin did not live there.

Also, Zimmerman did not confront Martin. Martin confronted and then attacked Zimmerman.
Guess you missed the part of the story where Zimmerman was following Martin and called it into the cops.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........

The cops then told him to NOT engage and to stay out of it.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........

He then got out of his car and went and confronted Martin.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........
You cannot ethically nor lawfully claim self-defense when you are the aggressor in a confrontation. If you start a fight, start getting your ass kicked and then use that as an excuse to shoot and kill an unarmed opponent who for all we know was fighting for his life with his fists against someone who was armed, that's not self-defense, that's a punk move.

Furthermore Zimmerman stated that even knowing now what he didn't know then, that Trayvon was a minor and unarmed, he still would have shot and killed him. That is why I view him the way I do particularly in light of his abusive and combative past. If anyone was a thug, it was Zimmerman but his past was not allowed to be introduced as evidence.
Trayvon should have called the cops on him
Really? So it's straight to Martin should have called the 911 instead of Zimmerman had no business following nor confronting him?
Zimmy called 911 himself. He knew before he got out of his car that the cops were on their way.

Now give us a narrative that explains the known facts better than the self-defense claim.

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