The right's darling, George Zimmerman, is at it again

Seems to the person who had a right to self-defense was Trayvon Martin.

He should have called 911, instead of his stupid girlfriend.
He'd still be alive, no doubt in jail............

Maybe he had some reasonable expectation that he wouldn't be shot in the street.
The PI probably deserved it. WTF was a PI even involved? He was probably harassing GZ.

There is a documentary being done about Zimmerman, and the PI contacted him to ask if he'd be interested in being in it. It was after that, that Zimmerman started harassing and stalking the guy.

George Zimmerman charged for allegedly threatening to feed Trayvon Martin film scout to an alligator

Dennis Warren, a private investigator, contacted the Seminole County Sheriff's Office in December 2017 and said that he was being stalked by Zimmerman, whom he’d contacted to see if he was interested in being a part of the Martin documentary. After refusing to be a part of the film, Zimmerman allegedly sent a series of threatening texts, phone calls, and voicemails to Warren. Over one two-hour span, for example, Zimmerman sent 21 phone calls, 38 text messages, and seven voicemails to Warren, according to a police report.
I kinda feel for Zimmerman here. Some asshole is going to make a documentary about him he doesn’t want with a 99% chance it’s going to be a hit job.
Zimmerman is a loon. But I agree, the documentary will be a hit job.
Zimmerman is a loon. But I agree, the documentary will be a hit job.

If Zimmerman is a loon, and the documentary points out that he's a loon, how is that a 'hit job'?

The real problem is, all the stuff about his violent past was never brought in front of the Klan Lady's Auxillery Jury that heard his case. they didn't hear about the girlfriends he stalked or the cousin he molested or the lady whose leg he broke at a party.

All they heard about was how Trayvon was suspended from school and he got an owie on his nose.
All they heard about was how Trayvon was suspended from school and he got an owie on his nose.

Here's the kind of shit that totally discredits the Left. It's no wonder noone listens to you freaks.

John McCain is perhaps one of the best representatives for the Left.....

John McCain -
The “disturbing” nature of the allegations against Trump prompted his action, McCain writes.

QUOTE - John McCain
“I had no idea which if any were true,” the senator writes. “I could not independently verify any of it, and so I did what any American who cares about our nation’s security should have done.”

So not only is he a staunch Leftist calling himself a Republican (lies), he makes a commitment to smear the name of a man for whom he has no clue and no evidence if he did anything wrong at all.

THIS is how the Left rolls.
Bunch of complete, asinine imbeciles.
George Zimmerman threatens to feed investigator to alligator, deputies say

It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again.

"George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012, has been accused of sending harassing messages to a private investigator, including a threat that the victim was "on his way to the inside of a gator," according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies said Zimmerman phoned the victim 55 times, left 36 voicemails, texted 67 times and sent 27 emails in a nine-day span."

Let's put Zimmerman on the border so he can help stop the Left's darling rapist and gang members from coming in.
The PI/film maker was harassing George to piss George off so the PI could get video of George losing his temper.
Simple as that.
George needs a pit bull lawyer to stop this constant harassing.
Zimmerman was and is a piece of shit.
In the end though, there wasn't proof that he murdered Trayvon, nor proof that he committed manslaughter.
The jury rendered the only verdict that could be made.

Trayvon was the piece of shit. GZ relieved the world of his worthless ass.
Funny thing is....he was never tried for anything...yet you are ready to convict the dead victim in order to excuse the piece of shit that killed him.

Yeah he wasn't tried, he was taking a much deserved dirt nap. The real piece of shit is dead.
What authority is required to follow someone
To lawfully follow someone, confront them and attempt to interrogate them? No authority that he possessed certainly a FL concealed carry permit doesn't convey that authority and it's been well publicized that Zimmerman was a wanna be cop.
What authority is required to follow someone
To lawfully follow someone, confront them and attempt to interrogate them? No authority that he possessed certainly a FL concealed carry permit doesn't convey that authority and it's been well publicized that Zimmerman was a wanna be cop.

To lawfully follow someone, confront them and attempt to interrogate them?

He attempted to interrogate him? LOL!

I guess the thug should have called the cops, instead he decided to beat on GZ.
Was he doing that to make GZ comply with the law? I guess Treyvon didn't have the authority to do that? DERP!
To lawfully follow someone, confront them and attempt to interrogate them?

He attempted to interrogate him? LOL!

I guess the thug should have called the cops, instead he decided to beat on GZ.
Was he doing that to make GZ comply with the law? I guess Treyvon didn't have the authority to do that? DERP!
What would you call it if some person who you didn't know attempted to detain and question you as you were going about your business? Yes Zimmerman allegedly was attempting to question him.
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Have you ever had anyone pull a gun on you? It's very easy to write the narrative when the only other person who knows what actually happened is dead. So are you or are you not familiar with the laws in Florida concerning concealed carry and lawful self-defense?
Zimmerman was and is a piece of shit.
In the end though, there wasn't proof that he murdered Trayvon, nor proof that he committed manslaughter.
The jury rendered the only verdict that could be made.

Trayvon was the piece of shit. GZ relieved the world of his worthless ass.
Funny thing is....he was never tried for anything...yet you are ready to convict the dead victim in order to excuse the piece of shit that killed him.

Yeah he wasn't tried, he was taking a much deserved dirt nap. The real piece of shit is dead.
And of course there was a trial before his conviction and execution, right?
Have you ever had anyone pull a gun on you? It's very easy to write the narrative when the only other person who knows what actually happened is dead. So are you or are you not familiar with the laws in Florida concerning concealed carry and lawful self-defense?
Give us a narrative that explains the known facts better than the self-defense claim.

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