The right's darling, George Zimmerman, is at it again

Guess you missed the part of the story where Zimmerman was following Martin and called it into the cops.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........

The cops then told him to NOT engage and to stay out of it.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........

He then got out of his car and went and confronted Martin.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........
You cannot ethically nor lawfully claim self-defense when you are the aggressor in a confrontation. If you start a fight, start getting your ass kicked and then use that as an excuse to shoot and kill an unarmed opponent who for all we know was fighting for his life with his fists against someone who was armed, that's not self-defense, that's a punk move.

Furthermore Zimmerman stated that even knowing now what he didn't know then, that Trayvon was a minor and unarmed, he still would have shot and killed him. That is why I view him the way I do particularly in light of his abusive and combative past. If anyone was a thug, it was Zimmerman but his past was not allowed to be introduced as evidence.

1. There is no evidence that Zimmerman was the aggressor.

2. The eyewitness account did not sound like Martin was "Fighting for his lif".

3. The fact that Martin was a "minor" and "unarmed" when he was sitting on Zimmerman, beating him "MMA" style, is not really relevant to Zimmerman's right to self defense.
Guess you missed the part of the story where Zimmerman was following Martin and called it into the cops.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........

The cops then told him to NOT engage and to stay out of it.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........

He then got out of his car and went and confronted Martin.

I missed the part where that was illegal. Or grounds to get his head smashed into the concrete........
You cannot ethically nor lawfully claim self-defense when you are the aggressor in a confrontation. If you start a fight, start getting your ass kicked and then use that as an excuse to shoot and kill an unarmed opponent who for all we know was fighting for his life with his fists against someone who was armed, that's not self-defense, that's a punk move.

Furthermore Zimmerman stated that even knowing now what he didn't know then, that Trayvon was a minor and unarmed, he still would have shot and killed him. That is why I view him the way I do particularly in light of his abusive and combative past. If anyone was a thug, it was Zimmerman but his past was not allowed to be introduced as evidence.

You cannot ethically nor lawfully claim self-defense when you are the aggressor in a confrontation.

If Trayvon is beating my head into the concrete, you can be damn sure I will ethically and lawfully claim self-defense.

If you start a fight, start getting your ass kicked and then use that as an excuse to shoot and kill an unarmed opponent

If you had any evidence that events unfolded like that, you should have contacted local law enforcement.

Furthermore Zimmerman stated that even knowing now what he didn't know then, that Trayvon was a minor and unarmed, he still would have shot and killed him.

If an unarmed 5' 11" minor was beating my head into the cement, you can bet your ass I'd shoot him, "unarmed" or not. Why do you feel a 17 year old, beating you to death deserves any more consideration than an 18 year old, beating you to death?
Furthermore Zimmerman stated that even knowing now what he didn't know then, that Trayvon was a minor and unarmed, he still would have shot and killed him.

If an unarmed 5' 11" minor was beating my head into the cement, you can bet your ass I'd shoot him, "unarmed" or not. Why do you feel a 17 year old, beating you to death deserves any more consideration than an 18 year old, beating you to death?
It's like none of you can even read the words at the beginning of my statement. You can't be the aggressor in a confrontation AND then claim self-defense. Had not Zimmerman followed Martin from one side of the neighborhood to the other and then tried to confront and question him none of this would have happened. It's the but-for scenario that attorneys love so much - but for the actions of the aggressor (that would be Zimmerman) the victim would never had been shot.

Most of the people I know who carry whether as private citizens, for their work, or as law enforcement officers would be horrified to discover that they mistakenly shot an unarmed under aged individual who was not a threat nor engaged in criminal activity. Yet your bovine fecal matter hero doubled down on his mistake when asked about it and said that he'd still shoot and kill him anyway. I would bet just about anything I own that had he not been armed, Zimmerman would have never gone after Martin in the manner that he did.

Florida Statute regarding justifiable use of force as an aggressor

776.041 Use or threatened use of force by aggressor.—The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:
(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or
(2) Initially provokes the use or threatened use of force against himself or herself, unless:
(a) Such force or threat of force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use or threatened use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant; or
(b) In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use or threatened use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use or threatened use of force.
Furthermore Zimmerman stated that even knowing now what he didn't know then, that Trayvon was a minor and unarmed, he still would have shot and killed him.

If an unarmed 5' 11" minor was beating my head into the cement, you can bet your ass I'd shoot him, "unarmed" or not. Why do you feel a 17 year old, beating you to death deserves any more consideration than an 18 year old, beating you to death?
It's like none of you can even read the words at the beginning of my statement. You can't be the aggressor in a confrontation AND then claim self-defense. Had not Zimmerman followed Martin from one side of the neighborhood to the other and then tried to confront and question him none of this would have happened. It's the but-for scenario that attorneys love so much - but for the actions of the aggressor (that would be Zimmerman) the victim would never had been shot.

Most of the people I know who carry whether as private citizens, for their work, or as law enforcement officers would be horrified to discover that they mistakenly shot an unarmed under aged individual who was not a threat nor engaged in criminal activity. Yet your bovine fecal matter hero doubled down on his mistake when asked about it and said that he'd still shoot and kill him anyway. I would bet just about anything I own that had he not been armed, Zimmerman would have never gone after Martin in the manner that he did.

Florida Statute regarding justifiable use of force as an aggressor

776.041 Use or threatened use of force by aggressor.—The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:
(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or
(2) Initially provokes the use or threatened use of force against himself or herself, unless:
(a) Such force or threat of force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use or threatened use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant; or
(b) In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use or threatened use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use or threatened use of force.

It's like none of you can even read the words at the beginning of my statement.

We read it and we're mocking it......

You can't be the aggressor in a confrontation AND then claim self-defense.

Exactly, Trayvon couldn't claim self defense

Had not Zimmerman followed Martin from one side of the neighborhood to the other and then tried to confront and question him none of this would have happened

Had not Trayvon beaten GZ's head on the sidewalk...none of this would have happened
It's like none of you can even read the words at the beginning of my statement.

We read it and we're mocking it......
LOL uh huh because being mocked by individuals who have no knowledge of the subject matter under discussion, nothing to offer in support of their statements other than uninformed opinions is so soul crushing. Sort of like being mocked by a pre-schooler.

You ever figure out what the castle doctrine is or why people who don't live in Florida might have a FL concealed carry license or are knowledgeable of some of their laws?
It's like none of you can even read the words at the beginning of my statement.

We read it and we're mocking it......
LOL uh huh because being mocked by individuals who have no knowledge of the subject matter under discussion, nothing to offer in support of their statements other than uninformed opinions is so soul crushing. Sort of like being mocked by a pre-schooler.

You ever figure out what the castle doctrine is or why people who don't live in Florida might have a FL concealed carry license or are knowledgeable of some of their laws?
No doubt Zimmerman is a fuck up, but he did service his purpose, Trevon Martin is no longer here, he’s taking a dirt nap. Trevon Martin was just a gangbanger, a menace to his community...
It's like none of you can even read the words at the beginning of my statement.

We read it and we're mocking it......
LOL uh huh because being mocked by individuals who have no knowledge of the subject matter under discussion, nothing to offer in support of their statements other than uninformed opinions is so soul crushing. Sort of like being mocked by a pre-schooler.

You ever figure out what the castle doctrine is or why people who don't live in Florida might have a FL concealed carry license or are knowledgeable of some of their laws?

You ever figure out what the castle doctrine is

Yes. That's one of the reasons I'm mocking you.
Or you could walk home. Or you could call 911. Those choices are less likely to get you killed.
But Trayvon wasn't very smart, was he?

Yeah, that's it, lead the weirdo stalker back to where your little brother lives... that's smart.

Not to worry, your boy Zimmerman will get his, soon enough.
Trayvon should have called the cops on him
Really? So it's straight to Martin should have called the 911 instead of Zimmerman had no business following nor confronting him?
Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman. That means that it was most definitely his business to keep watch on the suspicious character who was walking through the yards of two homes that had been recently been burglarized on multiple occasions. A teen who was walking around the neighborhood through peoples yards looking at houses and looking in vehicle windows. Seriously, what kind of person purposefully avoids the gates and security cameras of a gated community and trespasses in peoples' yards in the middle of a dark rainy night? That's fucking creepy. He was acting exactly like a criminal casing the neighborhood. The eyewitness testified that Martin was also looking in car windows. He even crossed the street to check out the inside of Zimmerman's parked vehicle while Zimmerman was on the phone with the 911 operator. Then when he noticed Zimmerman inside the truck he quickly took off.

Martin obviously was acting very suspiciously. And saying that it was none of Zimmerman's business to keep watch on Martin until the police arrived is ludicrous.

Keeping watch is the watchman's duty!
Furthermore Zimmerman stated that even knowing now what he didn't know then, that Trayvon was a minor and unarmed, he still would have shot and killed him.

If an unarmed 5' 11" minor was beating my head into the cement, you can bet your ass I'd shoot him, "unarmed" or not. Why do you feel a 17 year old, beating you to death deserves any more consideration than an 18 year old, beating you to death?

It's like none of you can even read the words at the beginning of my statement. You can't be the aggressor in a confrontation AND then claim self-defense.

We read it, and pointed out that that is not what happened.

Had not Zimmerman followed Martin from one side of the neighborhood to the other and then tried to confront and question him none of this would have happened.

There is no evidence that that is what happened.

It's the but-for scenario that attorneys love so much - but for the actions of the aggressor (that would be Zimmerman) the victim would never had been shot.

Attorneys are professional liars.

Most of the people I know who carry whether as private citizens, for their work, or as law enforcement officers would be horrified to discover that they mistakenly shot an unarmed under aged individual who was not a threat nor engaged in criminal activity.

Someone sitting on you, and beating you "MMA" style as described by the eyewitness, is a threat and engaged in criminal activity.

Yet your bovine fecal matter hero doubled down on his mistake when asked about it and said that he'd still shoot and kill him anyway. I would bet just about anything I own that had he not been armed, Zimmerman would have never gone after Martin in the manner that he did.

Which way is that? The Following him that as a neighborhood watch guy he did all the time, or your made up stuff about him confronting and attacking Martin?

Florida Statute regarding justifiable use of force as an aggressor

776.041 Use or threatened use of force by aggressor.—The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:
(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or
(2) Initially provokes the use or threatened use of force against himself or herself, unless:
(a) Such force or threat of force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use or threatened use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant; or
(b) In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use or threatened use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use or threatened use of force.

1. You have no evidence that Zimmerman was the aggressor. Following someone, which is all Zimmerman did, does not make one the aggressor.

2. Even if he HAD been the aggressor, which he wasn't, with Martin sitting on him and beating him "MMA style", he was in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm.

3. Even if he HAD been the aggressor, which he wasn't, with Martin SITTING ON HIM, he had no means of escape.

4. Even if he HAD been the aggressor, which he wasn't, he reports that Martin was going for his, Zimmerman's gun, and threatening his life. Which put Zimmerman in imminent danger of death.
I wonder if the dufus is going to explain how a short, fat, out of shape, middle aged white/hispanic man chased down an athletic, tall and lean black teenaged high school football wide receiver. :lol:

A lot of people believed Zimmerman was stalking Martin. Check the official Zimmerman thread in Law & Justice. Now Zimmy has to appear on May 30 on stalking charges. It surely proves us right.

How obvious can it be, and some people still defend him. :laugh:
Zimmerman was being stalked and harassed by yellow journalists. he's only human so he got pissed and chewed them out. Much to the chagrin of racist idiots such as yourself, Zimmy will likely be acquitted again.
Or you could walk home. Or you could call 911. Those choices are less likely to get you killed.
But Trayvon wasn't very smart, was he?

Yeah, that's it, lead the weirdo stalker back to where your little brother lives... that's smart.

Not to worry, your boy Zimmerman will get his, soon enough.

Yeah, that's it, lead the weirdo stalker back to where your little brother lives...

If only Trayvon had a way to call 911.........

Not to worry, your boy Zimmerman will get his, soon enough.

My boy? Hilarious!!!

At least it won't be Trayvon giving it to him.
George Zimmerman threatens to feed investigator to alligator, deputies say

It's just a matter of time before this nut commits murder again.

"George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012, has been accused of sending harassing messages to a private investigator, including a threat that the victim was "on his way to the inside of a gator," according to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.

Deputies said Zimmerman phoned the victim 55 times, left 36 voicemails, texted 67 times and sent 27 emails in a nine-day span."

I didn't read past the lie that he murdered someone.
That isn't a lie. That is a fact.

No idiot, it's a complete lie.
No. It's a fact, you deplorable asshole.
Says the lying sack of shit. Again.
Or you could walk home. Or you could call 911. Those choices are less likely to get you killed.
But Trayvon wasn't very smart, was he?

Yeah, that's it, lead the weirdo stalker back to where your little brother lives... that's smart.

Not to worry, your boy Zimmerman will get his, soon enough.

Yeah, that's it, lead the weirdo stalker back to where your little brother lives...

If only Trayvon had a way to call 911.........

Not to worry, your boy Zimmerman will get his, soon enough.

My boy? Hilarious!!!

At least it won't be Trayvon giving it to him.
Um, fuckhead Trayvon could have called 911 on his phone, dumbass.
Or you could walk home. Or you could call 911. Those choices are less likely to get you killed.
But Trayvon wasn't very smart, was he?

Yeah, that's it, lead the weirdo stalker back to where your little brother lives... that's smart.

Not to worry, your boy Zimmerman will get his, soon enough.

Yeah, that's it, lead the weirdo stalker back to where your little brother lives...

If only Trayvon had a way to call 911.........

Not to worry, your boy Zimmerman will get his, soon enough.

My boy? Hilarious!!!

At least it won't be Trayvon giving it to him.
Um, fuckhead Trayvon could have called 911 on his phone, dumbass.
I think that's his point.

Besides, Zimmy had already called 911 before he got out of his car.
Furthermore Zimmerman stated that even knowing now what he didn't know then, that Trayvon was a minor and unarmed, he still would have shot and killed him.

If an unarmed 5' 11" minor was beating my head into the cement, you can bet your ass I'd shoot him, "unarmed" or not. Why do you feel a 17 year old, beating you to death deserves any more consideration than an 18 year old, beating you to death?
It's like none of you can even read the words at the beginning of my statement. You can't be the aggressor in a confrontation AND then claim self-defense. Had not Zimmerman followed Martin from one side of the neighborhood to the other and then tried to confront and question him none of this would have happened. It's the but-for scenario that attorneys love so much - but for the actions of the aggressor (that would be Zimmerman) the victim would never had been shot.

Most of the people I know who carry whether as private citizens, for their work, or as law enforcement officers would be horrified to discover that they mistakenly shot an unarmed under aged individual who was not a threat nor engaged in criminal activity. Yet your bovine fecal matter hero doubled down on his mistake when asked about it and said that he'd still shoot and kill him anyway. I would bet just about anything I own that had he not been armed, Zimmerman would have never gone after Martin in the manner that he did.

Florida Statute regarding justifiable use of force as an aggressor

776.041 Use or threatened use of force by aggressor.—The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:
(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or
(2) Initially provokes the use or threatened use of force against himself or herself, unless:
(a) Such force or threat of force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use or threatened use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant; or
(b) In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use or threatened use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use or threatened use of force.

It's like none of you can even read the words at the beginning of my statement.

We read it and we're mocking it......

You can't be the aggressor in a confrontation AND then claim self-defense.

Exactly, Trayvon couldn't claim self defense

Had not Zimmerman followed Martin from one side of the neighborhood to the other and then tried to confront and question him none of this would have happened

Had not Trayvon beaten GZ's head on the sidewalk...none of this would have happened
Of course you can be the aggrssor in a confrontation and then claim self defense. Once the other party escalates you can claim self defense.

Trayvon escalated Zimmerman's following him by physical assault entitling Zimmerman's use of self defense.
Or you could walk home. Or you could call 911. Those choices are less likely to get you killed.
But Trayvon wasn't very smart, was he?

Yeah, that's it, lead the weirdo stalker back to where your little brother lives... that's smart.

Not to worry, your boy Zimmerman will get his, soon enough.

Yeah, that's it, lead the weirdo stalker back to where your little brother lives...

If only Trayvon had a way to call 911.........

Not to worry, your boy Zimmerman will get his, soon enough.

My boy? Hilarious!!!

At least it won't be Trayvon giving it to him.
Um, fuckhead Trayvon could have called 911 on his phone, dumbass.

No shit, a-hole.
Furthermore Zimmerman stated that even knowing now what he didn't know then, that Trayvon was a minor and unarmed, he still would have shot and killed him.

If an unarmed 5' 11" minor was beating my head into the cement, you can bet your ass I'd shoot him, "unarmed" or not. Why do you feel a 17 year old, beating you to death deserves any more consideration than an 18 year old, beating you to death?
It's like none of you can even read the words at the beginning of my statement. You can't be the aggressor in a confrontation AND then claim self-defense. Had not Zimmerman followed Martin from one side of the neighborhood to the other and then tried to confront and question him none of this would have happened. It's the but-for scenario that attorneys love so much - but for the actions of the aggressor (that would be Zimmerman) the victim would never had been shot.

Most of the people I know who carry whether as private citizens, for their work, or as law enforcement officers would be horrified to discover that they mistakenly shot an unarmed under aged individual who was not a threat nor engaged in criminal activity. Yet your bovine fecal matter hero doubled down on his mistake when asked about it and said that he'd still shoot and kill him anyway. I would bet just about anything I own that had he not been armed, Zimmerman would have never gone after Martin in the manner that he did.

Florida Statute regarding justifiable use of force as an aggressor

776.041 Use or threatened use of force by aggressor.—The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:
(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or
(2) Initially provokes the use or threatened use of force against himself or herself, unless:
(a) Such force or threat of force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use or threatened use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant; or
(b) In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use or threatened use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use or threatened use of force.

It's like none of you can even read the words at the beginning of my statement.

We read it and we're mocking it......

You can't be the aggressor in a confrontation AND then claim self-defense.

Exactly, Trayvon couldn't claim self defense

Had not Zimmerman followed Martin from one side of the neighborhood to the other and then tried to confront and question him none of this would have happened

Had not Trayvon beaten GZ's head on the sidewalk...none of this would have happened
Of course you can be the aggrssor in a confrontation and then claim self defense. Once the other party escalates you can claim self defense.

Trayvon escalated Zimmerman's following him by physical assault entitling Zimmerman's use of self defense.

Of course you can be the aggrssor in a confrontation and then claim self defense.

Trayvon had bruised hands, GZ didn't.

GZ had a bruised face, Trayvon didn't.

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