The right's hatred for Obama: If it isn't "race", then what is it?

The right does not hate Obama because he is black

But they welcome those who do
Sorta like the left accepted anti-semites when Bush was in office.

Glass houses.

zionist lobby - the curse

Damn shame you're banned. I'd have loved to take one of your green Tic-Tacs away from you. :cool:

Well waddya know! Here I am eith you in a thread in which I am repeatedly stating that Conservatives don't hate Obama because they're racist but because they have very legitimate criticisms of things like ObamaCare, other policies, values etc...

Well Dave I guess you feel those are all "Liberal" views.... :lol:

(for those of you arguing with me about this, although I disagree with our LibDems on a LOT, Daveman maintains that I must be a "Liberal" because I don't mindlessly do what The Machine tells him on all things.... :lol: )
zionist lobby - the curse

Damn shame you're banned. I'd have loved to take one of your green Tic-Tacs away from you. :cool:

Well waddya know! Here I am eith you in a thread in which I am repeatedly stating that Conservatives don't hate Obama because they're racist but because they have very legitimate criticisms of things like ObamaCare, other policies, values etc...

Well Dave I guess you feel those are all "Liberal" views.... :lol:

(for those of you arguing with me about this, although I disagree with our LibDems on a LOT, Daveman maintains that I must be a "Liberal" because I don't mindlessly do what The Machine tells him on all things.... :lol: )
Thank you, Mr. Non Sequitur.
The right hated FDR, Carter and Clinton just as bad as they do Obama. They don't care what color he is. But they do use racism to win over racist votes. Republicans and tea baggers will say racist things at their rallies to try and stir up the racist voters.
The right hated FDR, Carter and Clinton just as bad as they do Obama. They don't care what color he is. But they do use racism to win over racist votes. Republicans and tea baggers will say racist things at their rallies to try and stir up the racist voters.
No, they don't. Idiot.

Well thought out and well said.

I have listened to tea party rallies where they have said racially insensitive things to rile up the very right wing/racist crowd.

And I know a lot of white conservatives who will admit to me, another white person, their very racist beliefs. Don't try to deny the GOP is the racist party.

Let me ask you this. Do you know what the Southern Strategy is? Do you believe it exists or happened? Or do you deny the GOP used the civil rights movement to win over the south? Because before the civil rights movement, the south voted Democratic. The GOP figured out a way to win them over with racism.

And Reagan/GW Bush figured out a way to tap into the ignorant jewish, evangelical and Catholic votes. Millions of voters voting against their own financial interests because of god, gays, blacks and guns.
Oh wait. Now I get it. You're saying this commercial by King Arthur Flour was some kind of "propaganda". Is that it?

And all the jobs created by Republicans from the stimulus money never actually happened.

Is that what you're saying? Did I get it right?

You know that if that's your position, you look worse than a "fool"?

I didn't say that was my opinion, you did.

I did point out that the internet is not the truth fairy as you'd like it to be.

One can argue either side of the effectiveness of the stimulus. And either side could be right. But the fact remains that we don't have an alternate universe to see what the effect would have been without a stimulus. So without a baseline how exactly do you measure and assign reasoning of such small gains?

It's so quiet I don't even hear crickets.

Sure, there's crap on the internet. Look at all the bullshit you write. Every bit of it crap.

But you can also find statistics and information. Some things are so easily understood they shouldn't have to be explained. But I guess you are one of those who simply can't, or won't, see the obvious.

If broadband hadn't been installed, then success stories like the one I linked to never would have happened.

If no bridges are built, then communities aren't connected.

If roads are paved, then they become dangerous to drive on.

If Republicans hadn't taken stimulus money and created thousands of jobs, then no jobs would have been created.

You guys have demonized government so much for so long you can't even see your hurting not only your ignorant selves, but the entire country. If the right hates government so much, why do they keep trying to take it over? Every time they do, the country falls apart.
The right hated FDR, Carter and Clinton just as bad as they do Obama. They don't care what color he is. But they do use racism to win over racist votes. Republicans and tea baggers will say racist things at their rallies to try and stir up the racist voters.
No, they don't. Idiot.

Well thought out and well said.

I have listened to tea party rallies where they have said racially insensitive things to rile up the very right wing/racist crowd.

And I know a lot of white conservatives who will admit to me, another white person, their very racist beliefs. Don't try to deny the GOP is the racist party.

Let me ask you this. Do you know what the Southern Strategy is? Do you believe it exists or happened? Or do you deny the GOP used the civil rights movement to win over the south? Because before the civil rights movement, the south voted Democratic. The GOP figured out a way to win them over with racism.

Leftists have a warped definition of racism. It simply isn't credible.
And Reagan/GW Bush figured out a way to tap into the ignorant jewish, evangelical and Catholic votes. Millions of voters voting against their own financial interests because of god, gays, blacks and guns.
There is something you need to get into your vacuous skull:

You are not qualified to determine for other people what their interests are.

Idiot leftists think they are, while simultaneously wanting government to make all their decisions for them.

"Voting to keep liberals in power" is not in my best interests. Dumbass.
Sure, there's crap on the internet.
That's for sure. Once, I saw a stupid fucking retard claim that a polluted river in China was actually in Texas. I mean, how fucking stupid is that?

Don't you agree, Dean, that that claim was really fucking stupid? I mean, the retard who made that claim was either stupid, or a liar. Which do you think he was, Dean? Was he stupid, or a liar? Or both?

I vote both, myself.
No, they don't. Idiot.

Well thought out and well said.

I have listened to tea party rallies where they have said racially insensitive things to rile up the very right wing/racist crowd.

And I know a lot of white conservatives who will admit to me, another white person, their very racist beliefs. Don't try to deny the GOP is the racist party.

Let me ask you this. Do you know what the Southern Strategy is? Do you believe it exists or happened? Or do you deny the GOP used the civil rights movement to win over the south? Because before the civil rights movement, the south voted Democratic. The GOP figured out a way to win them over with racism.

Leftists have a warped definition of racism. It simply isn't credible.
And Reagan/GW Bush figured out a way to tap into the ignorant jewish, evangelical and Catholic votes. Millions of voters voting against their own financial interests because of god, gays, blacks and guns.
There is something you need to get into your vacuous skull:

You are not qualified to determine for other people what their interests are.

Idiot leftists think they are, while simultaneously wanting government to make all their decisions for them.

"Voting to keep liberals in power" is not in my best interests. Dumbass.

Racism is like Obscenity laws on the radio. You may not be able to define it, but you know it when you hear it.

The right is racist. Most likely you are too.

And we don't want government making all our decisions for us. We want our government to work for us, not just the corporations and the top 1%.

Middle class Republicans are the dumbest voters. I'll give you proof. Do you think middle class black people are wrong for voting Democratic? Of course not. Are you middle class? Then what makes you think you are better than them to be voting Republican? Maybe you vote against your own financial interests because or racism, or religion, or some other dumb wedge issue that has you voting with and for the top 1%.

You must not get it.
I didn't say that was my opinion, you did.

I did point out that the internet is not the truth fairy as you'd like it to be.

One can argue either side of the effectiveness of the stimulus. And either side could be right. But the fact remains that we don't have an alternate universe to see what the effect would have been without a stimulus. So without a baseline how exactly do you measure and assign reasoning of such small gains?

It's so quiet I don't even hear crickets.

If Republicans hadn't taken stimulus money and created thousands of jobs, then no jobs would have been created.


I don't think you meant to say this.
We've asked the right wing to explain their hatred for Obama. They've pretty much given up on it because when they attempt to assign a reason, it comes across as "ridiculous".

We hate him because he's a "Muslim". They've stopped saying that because it uncovers their religious intolerance. We know he's not a Muslim. So we don't really hear that too much anymore. Besides, he took out most of al Qaeda and Bin Laden after Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him.

We hate him because he's "Communist/Fascist/Marxist" which shows the right doesn't understand the meaning of those words.

We hate him because he went to a church where a preacher said "God Damn America". In context, the preacher saying God damn America is what will happen if we don't follow God's scripture, which puts him in agreement with at least 85% of Republicans.

We hate him because he barely know's Bill Ayers, a man who blew up an office while protesting the Vietnam war. Wow, how could one man cause so much damage? Oh wait, ask Timothy McVeigh. And Ayers did it when Obama was 8 years old, which proves he was "in on it".:cuckoo: Funnier still, they both worked at the Annenberg Foundation, a right wing, conservative foundation, but on separate boards. They rarely met. But there has to be "something". There just has to be. There has to.

We hate him because he is pulling out of Iraq/he stayed in Iraq - I wish they would make up their minds.

We hate him because he increased the national debt. Bush and the Republicans passed an enormous tax cut targeting the rich DURING A TIME OF WAR which passed through that "reconciliation" they seem to hate so much. They passed a "drugs for votes" bill again through reconciliation, Bush did nothing after Katrina, never included the cost of either war in his budgets, thereby making incredible lies to the American people about the cost of the wars. Republicans know that Obama couldn't just "end" Bush policies, they know it doesn't work that way, yet they still accuse him of following the worst Bush policies, which of course, were ALL Bush policies.

They hate him for his stimulus package. Over a hundred Republicans took stimulus money and created thousands of jobs. Republicans like to pretend that once the railroad is build, there are no more jobs. Except now, goods can be transported and workers can work from farther away. The same for bridges and roads and broadband.

They hate him for saving the auto industry. Imagine where we would be without that entire industry.

None of these reasons make sense. As hard as they try to spin Obama's success into failure, it's hollow. Too unbelievable. Look how hard they tried to suggest that Obama only got Bin Laden because of the Republican failed policies of torture. John McCain shot that down. That and the tape of Bush insisting he doesn't think about Bin Laden any more. I believe Bush.

So why all the hate? Could the Republican Party being 90% white and based in the Confederate South have anything to do with it?





Many of the most racist pics were used by Republicans for mass mailouts during the campaign. Of course, they said, "Oh, we're sorry", which of course, didn't stop them from doing it again.

One has to wonder, have the Republicans convinced themselves it's not about race?

Because of youuuuuu only youuuuuuu just youuuuuuu.....

So that must mean your a half breed too....

Oooooppppppsssss, did I just infer you could be half African/American and half EuroTrash/American.... :eek::eek::eek: ....
Racism is like Obscenity laws on the radio. You may not be able to define it, but you know it when you hear it.
Funny how you never seem to hear it from your own side.

Conservatives believe what they see. Liberals see what they believe.

In other words, conservatives perceive reality for what it is. Liberals believe reality reflects their views.

And you're a stellar example. :clap2:
The right is racist.
No, we're not. We believe everyone is equal.

The left, however, believes that minorities can't succeed without help from white liberals.
Most likely you are too.
Your bigotry against conservatives proves not that I'm a racist, but that you're a bigot.
And we don't want government making all our decisions for us. We want our government to work for us, not just the corporations and the top 1%.
Have you ever noticed that the only people fighting the class war have no class? True story.
Middle class Republicans are the dumbest voters. I'll give you proof. Do you think middle class black people are wrong for voting Democratic? Of course not. Are you middle class? Then what makes you think you are better than them to be voting Republican? Maybe you vote against your own financial interests because or racism, or religion, or some other dumb wedge issue that has you voting with and for the top 1%.
The only thing that proves is that you're a moron.
You must not get it.
I suppose I could try to think like you do, but I'm not too keen on getting the necessary head trauma.

Good Gaea's gargantuan gazongas, but you're stupid.


Idiot leftists think they are, while simultaneously wanting government to make all their decisions for them.

"Voting to keep liberals in power" is not in my best interests. Dumbass.


Poor White Guy, feeling so oppressed and picked on in society. :lol:

too funny

thanks Dave
I'm not oppressed.

But I am lied about.

Dave, will I dream? :lol:

btw, it isn't all about you - directly. The comments were about the poor white sign holder

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