The right's hatred for Obama: If it isn't "race", then what is it?

Exactly. This genius has hooked up with truthmatters. Two peas in a pod they are.

Yet you are the one who hurls passive aggressive insults because you can't back up your ignorant assertions in that thread. I'd rather be hooked up with Truthmatters than have the same "mindset" as you and some of your cohorts. :)

You called me a racist you fuck. How's that for passive-aggressive?

Now take that smiley face and cram it up your ass.

Don't take PheonixPlop seriously. Nobody else does.

For good reason, obviously.

It is just an inconsequential troll.
CPUSA? Yeah. Thought so.

What is wrong with CPUSA? Do you believe American communists are any less American than you? What ever happened to freedom of thought and association? last I checked American communists bled and died in our wars fighting against our declared enemies
You're perfectly free to associate with CPUSA and spread their pessimistic, tyrannical and greedy propaganda...After which those of us who have any rooting in history can set our gazes to eastern Europe and Asia, where communism has been responsible for the deaths of at least 100 million people, the utter enslavement to the state and abject poverty of billions, environmental destruction, economic dysfunction, and brutal police state tyranny (for starters), that ya'll can pretty much be laughed off without a second thought.

Are mass die offs a variable that equates a particular school of thought as "evil"? Capitalism and Western Democracy have been responsible for just as many..if not more deaths and abject poverty.
Question: How is "food stamp President" racist? :confused:


There are more whites on food assistance programs than blacks.

You don't know this? Are you racistly assuming that only blacks use food stamps?

proportionally? Blacks are what, 12% nationally?

being deceitful, deceptive, and disingenuous when not telling the whole truth?

When people speak about minorities being on feed stamps they mostly speak about the numbers...
Bush let people suffer in New Orleans. .

That's a lie from the lefty book of talking points bullshit.

[ame=]Hurricane Katrina Day 4 Vid 3 Emergency Superdome - YouTube[/ame]

LOS ANGELES - Call it the wrong phrase at the wrong time but "Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job" was named on Thursday as U.S. President George W. Bush's most memorable phrase of 2005.

President Bush's "Brownie" Quote Wins Award

You were saying?
Question: How is "food stamp President" racist? :confused:


There are more whites on food assistance programs than blacks.

You don't know this? Are you racistly assuming that only blacks use food stamps?

The same is true with welfare..but when Reagan was talking about "Welfare Queens"..everyone knew exactly what race he was referring too..

Hey..don't take it from me..

Santorum targets blacks in entitlement reform - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

That guy's running for President.
Seems to me that dis'ing Bush in the manors they did was dis'ing the office. What's the difference....the only thing I see is that when it's a lefty thing, it's dis'ing the office and when it's a righty thing, it's only dis'ing the man.
Level of respect for the office? I laugh at your remark about that, Cuyo.

Yes, I'm well aware that your notions are preconceived and there's little to no chance of me reaching you in any meaningful way.

But the fact remains that you still haven't addressed the post at all.

You're talking about private malcontents that reamed out Bush non-stop, which I stipulated. You haven't addressed the broad daylight contempt shown to Obama by actual people of authority.

And this is your fail, Cuyo. Since when does the "actual people of authority" not have the same rights that "private malcontents" have? Please show me a law or a written rule for that. Please get back to me with that and I will apologize to you.

Ok. You're rapidly losing credibility with me. I'm sure you don't care, and that's fine.

Who. The hell. Said anything. About whether or not it's legal?

The premise is, does it exist; in what capacity; and if so, why.
Last edited:
Obama must really be losing if this is the depths to which the Lefties are sinking

How is pointing out Republican lies, disasters and fiascoes hurting Obama?

Nobody is pointing such things out.

It is merely diseased refuse, like you, tossing out mere accusations.

And when the same kind of things are said about the President or his filthy ilk -- WITH a sound factual basis -- you salad tossers go into apologia mode.

You are still nothing but a partisan hack lying piece of shit.

True story, rderp.
There are more whites on food assistance programs than blacks.

You don't know this? Are you racistly assuming that only blacks use food stamps?

proportionally? Blacks are what, 12% nationally?

being deceitful, deceptive, and disingenuous when not telling the whole truth?

When people speak about minorities being on feed stamps they mostly speak about the numbers...
So, there is no rational reason to claim that "food stamp President" is racist.

So that explains why you leftists are doing it.
There are more whites on food assistance programs than blacks.

You don't know this? Are you racistly assuming that only blacks use food stamps?

The same is true with welfare..but when Reagan was talking about "Welfare Queens"..everyone knew exactly what race he was referring too..

Hey..don't take it from me..

Santorum targets blacks in entitlement reform - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

That guy's running for President.
"Everybody knew".

Here's something else Reagan said:

"The problem with our liberal friends isn't that they're ignorant, it's that they know so much that isn't so."
There are more whites on food assistance programs than blacks.

You don't know this? Are you racistly assuming that only blacks use food stamps?

The same is true with welfare..but when Reagan was talking about "Welfare Queens"..everyone knew exactly what race he was referring too..

Hey..don't take it from me..

Santorum targets blacks in entitlement reform - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

That guy's running for President.
"Everybody knew".

Here's something else Reagan said:

"The problem with our liberal friends isn't that they're ignorant, it's that they know so much that isn't so."

Ah so..when Santorum said Obama stance on Abortion was remarkable for a black man..

It had nothing to do with race.


Santorum: Obama Abortion Stance 'Remarkable For A Black Man' | Video - ABC News
The same is true with welfare..but when Reagan was talking about "Welfare Queens"..everyone knew exactly what race he was referring too..

Hey..don't take it from me..

Santorum targets blacks in entitlement reform - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

That guy's running for President.
"Everybody knew".

Here's something else Reagan said:

"The problem with our liberal friends isn't that they're ignorant, it's that they know so much that isn't so."

Ah so..when Santorum said Obama stance on Abortion was remarkable for a black man..

It had nothing to do with race.


Santorum: Obama Abortion Stance 'Remarkable For A Black Man' | Video - ABC News
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

-- Joe Biden.

But that's different. Somehow. It just is.

Can't possible be his Marxist policies, his socialist bent or his spending like a drunk sailor, nah must be cause his skin is dark.

Drunk sailors eventually run out of money and stop spending.
Please don't put Mr Obama and drunk sailors in the same category, it's an insult to drunk sailors.
"Everybody knew".

Here's something else Reagan said:

"The problem with our liberal friends isn't that they're ignorant, it's that they know so much that isn't so."

Ah so..when Santorum said Obama stance on Abortion was remarkable for a black man..

It had nothing to do with race.


Santorum: Obama Abortion Stance 'Remarkable For A Black Man' | Video - ABC News
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

-- Joe Biden.

But that's different. Somehow. It just is.



But Biden likes black guys. He works for one.:cool:
Can't possible be his Marxist policies, his socialist bent or his spending like a drunk sailor, nah must be cause his skin is dark.

Drunk sailors eventually run out of money and stop spending.
Please don't put Mr Obama and drunk sailors in the same category, it's an insult to drunk sailors.

Drunk sailors are cool.

Easy to roll when ya need a coupla bucks. :razz:

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