The right's hatred for Obama: If it isn't "race", then what is it?

That's correct. Nagin was a Municipal official.

In any case..I pretty much think Louisiana contributes to federal coffers like every other state. It's not unreasonable to expect some federal help from time to time after a disaster.


It was PERFECTLY appropriate for LA (and New Orleans) to expect some federal assistance after a natural disaster.

It was NOT, however, on that or on any other basis, the federal government who had the primary responsibility for the protection of the folks in NOLA relative to the natural disaster.

Did the BUSH Administration -- and FEMA under the Bush Administration -- screw up to some degree?


Did Nagin and the administration in the CITY also fuck it up ROYALLY?

You betchya!

Seems we agree here.

You seem mad..though. :eusa_eh:

Shorts on a little tight? Hate when that happens.

Too tight for what?

For my nadz?

How can they be too tight for my nadz when I am informed I must grow a pair?

"Line of the day from WAPO's Dana Milbank: 'The chimichanga? It may be the only thing Republicans have left to offer Latinos,' -- Obama Campaign Manager

Absolutely wrong.

Republicans have nothing to offer Latinos. Well except for harrassment by local law enforcement for having nice tans and sexy accents. But other then that? Nadda.

So what are Democrats offering latinos? the same thing they have blacks? poverty, high high unemployment?
Why do racists think it is the governments responsibility to unlevel the playing field (for advantage to minorities)?
Shouldn't they just be umpires that make sure the rules are applied to all equally?
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You really are dumb. Louisiana has IT'S OWN GOVERNMENT. Good ole Ray Nagin..
Nagin was Mayor of the city of New Orleans. He was not part of the government of the state of Louisiana.

oh brother.

Yup, Nagin and Blanco were the first line for helping their own state.
Blanco could have called out the National Guard days before when the feds had warned La. about the danger, but did nothing. Nagin could have used school buses to bus out people, but did nothing.
But, yeah...let's blame Bush. :eusa_whistle:
why is it considered racist for conservatives to disagree with liberals? dont they always disagree? why does it change just because Obama is half black? if conservatives claimed a black conservative president was a failure it might be racism. or if liberals supported a black conservative it might be racism.
Absolutely wrong.

Republicans have nothing to offer Latinos. Well except for harrassment by local law enforcement for having nice tans and sexy accents. But other then that? Nadda.

So what are Democrats offering latinos? the same thing they have blacks? poverty, high high unemployment?
Why do racists think it is the governments responsibility to unlevel the playing field (for minorities)?
Shouldn't they just be umpires that make sure the rules are applied to all equally?

that's the way Liberal-Democrats think. you have to offer people something to get them to vote for you. then when they get on the plantation. they are theirs to keep and forget about until they need them to vote
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How many times will the Left tell the same lies about Katrina to cover for Ray Chocolate Town Nagin?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that they will offer that dishonest "explanation" a few more times.

I'm surprised we haven't heard that Bush blew up the levies to kill the black population. :eusa_whistle:
Then in the 80's and 90's, it was a combination of "the blacks are taking our jobs and they are on foodstamps/welfare".

No one was saying "the blacks are taking our jobs," in the 80s and 90s. The 80s and 90s were not so long ago that you can just make shit up like that.

They MOST CERTAINLY WERE. That was the heyday of "affirmative action" and the people's angst about it. Just because you are IGNORANT of those facts, doesn't mean "I am making shit up", there sporto.
How many times will the Left tell the same lies about Katrina to cover for Ray Chocolate Town Nagin?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that they will offer that dishonest "explanation" a few more times.

I'm surprised we haven't heard that Bush blew up the levies to kill the black population. :eusa_whistle:

Why, such an accusation would be preposterous.

SURELY no self-respecting modern American liberal would EVER make such a scurrilous and irresponsible charge?
Yet you are the one who hurls passive aggressive insults because you can't back up your ignorant assertions in that thread. I'd rather be hooked up with Truthmatters than have the same "mindset" as you and some of your cohorts. :)

You called me a racist you fuck. How's that for passive-aggressive?

Now take that smiley face and cram it up your ass.

Don't take PheonixPlop seriously. Nobody else does.

For good reason, obviously.

It is just an inconsequential troll.

Says the biggest bitch of them all. :lol:
Nagin was Mayor of the city of New Orleans. He was not part of the government of the state of Louisiana.

oh brother.

Yup, Nagin and Blanco were the first line for helping their own state.
Blanco could have called out the National Guard days before when the feds had warned La. about the danger, but did nothing. Nagin could have used school buses to bus out people, but did nothing.
But, yeah...let's blame Bush. :eusa_whistle:

One has to wonder how many people listened to those Assholes, and ended up trapped and dead, in their attics as a result, where the Coast Guard Choppers could not even spot them. Those clowns mocked the head of FEMA, right up until Hell broke loose.
Ah so..when Santorum said Obama stance on Abortion was remarkable for a black man..

It had nothing to do with race.


Santorum: Obama Abortion Stance 'Remarkable For A Black Man' | Video - ABC News
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

-- Joe Biden.

But that's different. Somehow. It just is.



But Biden likes black guys. He works for one.:cool:
Unsurprisingly, you excuse a Democrat's bigoted remark.
It's absurd to claim that opposition to Obama equates to racism.

On the other hand, the birthers (at this point) are straight up racists.


Most of the nonsense about Obama is just political propagandizing.

The birther and telepromter crap is outright racism
The birther stuff I'll agree with you.

But the teleprompter criticism is racist?

Hurricane Katrina Day 4 Vid 3 Emergency Superdome - YouTube

LOS ANGELES - Call it the wrong phrase at the wrong time but "Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job" was named on Thursday as U.S. President George W. Bush's most memorable phrase of 2005.

President Bush's "Brownie" Quote Wins Award

You were saying?

You really are dumb. Louisiana has IT'S OWN GOVERNMENT. Good ole Ray Nagin..
Nagin was Mayor of the city of New Orleans. He was not part of the government of the state of Louisiana.
It's absurd to claim that opposition to Obama equates to racism.

On the other hand, the birthers (at this point) are straight up racists.


Most of the nonsense about Obama is just political propagandizing.

The birther and telepromter crap is outright racism
Is "teleprompter" now part of that "code" that no one can ever define?


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