The right's hatred for Obama: If it isn't "race", then what is it?

It's absurd to claim that opposition to Obama equates to racism.

On the other hand, the birthers (at this point) are straight up racists.


Most of the nonsense about Obama is just political propagandizing.

The birther and telepromter crap is outright racism
Is "teleprompter" now part of that "code" that no one can ever define?


Given telepromter use has been standard for fifty years it only became an issue when we had a black man who people said was a great orator

We had to have a reason for that didn't we?
It's absurd to claim that opposition to Obama equates to racism.

On the other hand, the birthers (at this point) are straight up racists.


Most of the nonsense about Obama is just political propagandizing.

The birther and telepromter crap is outright racism
Is "teleprompter" now part of that "code" that no one can ever define?


seems we get a new one everyday..talking about him relying on a teleprompter is now, racist.
good gawd.

Most of the nonsense about Obama is just political propagandizing.

The birther and telepromter crap is outright racism
Is "teleprompter" now part of that "code" that no one can ever define?


Given telepromter use has been standard for fifty years it only became an issue when we had a black man who people said was a great orator

We had to have a reason for that didn't we?

A great orator who can't actually give great oration without a prompter?

Sorry, but you have failed here. It's a comment on a false claim about him.

It still has nothing to do with race.
question: The right and their hatred for Obama: If it isn't "race", then what is it?

answer: Penis Envy

We've asked the right wing to explain...
Age, policies, inbred fear of that which is not known. Had the candidate of African descent been Powell, I would see less pure HATE. Obama was not on the national scene long enough to gain acceptance.

Let's see Community organizer
State Senator for 5 mins
US Senator for 10 mins


Not a bad gig.

I bet he's paying a ton of cash to his agent and manager though... :D
It's absurd to claim that opposition to Obama equates to racism.

On the other hand, the birthers (at this point) are straight up racists.


Most of the nonsense about Obama is just political propagandizing.

The birther and telepromter crap is outright racism


Most of the nonsense about Obama is just political propagandizing.

The birther and telepromter crap is outright racism
Is "teleprompter" now part of that "code" that no one can ever define?


Given telepromter use has been standard for fifty years it only became an issue when we had a black man who people said was a great orator

We had to have a reason for that didn't we?

I've heard it all now.. pathetic
Is "teleprompter" now part of that "code" that no one can ever define?


Given telepromter use has been standard for fifty years it only became an issue when we had a black man who people said was a great orator

We had to have a reason for that didn't we?

I've heard it all now.. pathetic

I thought it was pretty pathetic how a President was was supposed
to be the smartest man to allow himself to walk among us mere mortals
needed to use a teleprompter to a class of third graders which this president did
early in his term.Maybe that was interesting for some of us.

Most of the nonsense about Obama is just political propagandizing.

The birther and telepromter crap is outright racism
Is "teleprompter" now part of that "code" that no one can ever define?


Given telepromter use has been standard for fifty years it only became an issue when we had a black man who people said was a great orator

We had to have a reason for that didn't we?
You are actually serious? Really?


Most of the nonsense about Obama is just political propagandizing.

The birther and telepromter crap is outright racism
Is "teleprompter" now part of that "code" that no one can ever define?


Given telepromter use has been standard for fifty years it only became an issue when we had a black man who people said was a great orator

We had to have a reason for that didn't we?
Given telepromter use has been standard for fifty years it only became an issue when we had a stuttering fool who people said was a great orator.

Fixed that for you.
Do you guys neg Dean for the constant insults he slings about the gop? I just don't see how he ever got any rep. He claims were all so full of hate yet its his posts that are founded in personal feelings rather than political policies.
Given telepromter use has been standard for fifty years it only became an issue when we had a black man who people said was a great orator

We had to have a reason for that didn't we?

I've heard it all now.. pathetic

I thought it was pretty pathetic how a President was was supposed
to be the smartest man to allow himself to walk among us mere mortals
needed to use a teleprompter to a class of third graders which this president did
early in his term.Maybe that was interesting for some of us.

Thanks for posting that

It is another racist lie invented by the rightwing to explain how a black man can be a good public speaker
I've heard it all now.. pathetic

I thought it was pretty pathetic how a President was was supposed
to be the smartest man to allow himself to walk among us mere mortals
needed to use a teleprompter to a class of third graders which this president did
early in his term.Maybe that was interesting for some of us.

Thanks for posting that

It is another racist lie invented by the rightwing to explain how a black man can be a good public speaker

you sure are stretching the good ole race card now. who can take you serious?
I definitely dislike Obama's zombie-ish supporters more than I dislike Obama. And their adulation of him has been an impediment in him getting cooperation from the opposition.

Obama is a politician - with all the nasty partisan lying spinning promise-making promise-breaking egotistic competitive baggage that brings along with it. I wouldn't love him for it. But I wouldn't hate him for it either. It's part of the game.

It was his supporters holding him up as something better than that and calling us names for seeing Obama as he was which made it all the more imperative to stand our ground and loudly declare that the emperor had no clothes.

Until Obama was seen realistically he had too much power to inflict a dangerous agenda on this nation.

Now that more people see Obama more realistically, things can move forward in a more sane manner.
I thought it was pretty pathetic how a President was was supposed
to be the smartest man to allow himself to walk among us mere mortals
needed to use a teleprompter to a class of third graders which this president did
early in his term.Maybe that was interesting for some of us.

Thanks for posting that

It is another racist lie invented by the rightwing to explain how a black man can be a good public speaker

you sure are stretching the good ole race card now. who can take you serious?

Well snopes says you are a liar for one... Obama Uses Teleprompter for Speech to 6th Graders
Thanks for posting that

It is another racist lie invented by the rightwing to explain how a black man can be a good public speaker

you sure are stretching the good ole race card now. who can take you serious?

Well snopes says you are a liar for one... Obama Uses Teleprompter for Speech to 6th Graders

Wrong. Snopes merely suggests (and I do credit their rebuttal) that Stephanie was simply mistaken.

Wrong. Snopes merely suggests (and I do credit their rebuttal) that Stephanie was simply mistaken.

I wasn't mistaken about anything, because I'm not the one who said it.
rightwinger is going insane.

Sorry. I definitely should have checked his ASSumptions.


And therefore, my correction of his misuse of the word "lie" should go to the benefit of Rozman.

I stand corrected.
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