The Right's Toxic Spill threatens Republicans

Weak, misleading and, as usual, cherry picking Rush's comments to give a false impression. Of course BP should pay out of pocket for economic damages on the gulf coast. But having the feds be the ones that are in charge of managing the undwritting claims of this escrow account is just setting it up for massive fraud and misuse sence the federal government has proven it doesn't have the ability to operate a lemonade stand. It should be handled by a third party mediator. Now quit tongue punching Olbermann in the fart box and waisting our time with your predictable mental vomit. :ahole-1:

Rush not pro - BP? Oil-spills-are-natural Rush? lol

Oh, btw, it IS being handled by a third party mediator.

Again with the Rush talking points you steal from your nightly 3 hour (Mathews, Olbermann, Madcow) wack-off festival...
And this "third party" mediator that you are referring to is a board managed by WHITE HOUSE APPOINTEES!!!!!!!!! Get your facts together the next time you decide to come on here and make a complete ass out of yourself.

One of the more amusing things lately is what I think of as "Live by the Sound Bite, Die by the Sound Bite"...Remember "Flip-flop" and "I invented the Internet"? That kind of thing absolutely works both ways...and here's the rub....with MORE right wing talk, there's gonna be a LOT more sound bites to put out there. Bummer.
And how is the left's anti-"anything that makes a dime" stance helping them? Are they so stupid that they realize that without somebody PRODUCING something there is NOTHING? Their beloved gubmit produces NOTHING.
Continuing your quest for "Toolbag of the Year" award.
His war is against an insensitive, incompetent administration in Washington that has repeatedly flubbed this play.

REALLY? And how is this administration responsible for the leaking oil well, exactly?

Reading comprehension lacking much? Where did anyone--anyone at all on this board--maintain the administration was responsible?

He's lacking more than reading comprehension. Basic intelleigence seems to be somehwat lackluster at best. No doubt thouh he'll want to tell us how he is one of the Democrat Intelligencia that is so well educated and is paying all the taxes. Laughable.
BTW - A federal judge has BLOCKED Obama's fraudulently conceived ban on deep-water drilling stating that " it seems to assume that because one rig failed, all companies and rigs doing deepwater drilling pose an imminent danger. "

HA HA HA HA HA HA ...... Now maybe 40,000+ people won't lose their jobs.
I wonder what the response would have been if the question had been "Do you support the government shakedown of BP and takeover of that company?"

Your credibility will ALWAYS be in question Rabbi. See below.

(Oh and the "shakedown" is not repeated by BP dummy. Obama made it so the victims will be paid for so you are against them?)

Yours isn't. You are entirely credible as a left wing tool bag and general ignoramus on all topics. Sir, I congratulate your achievement!

Way to not address the fact that BP is not saying anything about being shaken down. lol

Oh and see below.
BTW - A federal judge has BLOCKED Obama's fraudulently conceived ban on deep-water drilling stating that " it seems to assume that because one rig failed, all companies and rigs doing deepwater drilling pose an imminent danger. "

HA HA HA HA HA HA ...... Now maybe 40,000+ people won't lose their jobs.

How many will lose their jobs due TO the spill? Seriously, how many? How many will lose businesses, how many beaches will shut down, how many animals will die? How many fish will be contaminated..

But hey, lets not make BP apy anything! righty?
BTW - A federal judge has BLOCKED Obama's fraudulently conceived ban on deep-water drilling stating that " it seems to assume that because one rig failed, all companies and rigs doing deepwater drilling pose an imminent danger. "

HA HA HA HA HA HA ...... Now maybe 40,000+ people won't lose their jobs.

Hey Soggy No Load..............the drilling was stopped because they've DEMONSTRATED that the safety technology to drill at that depth is way ahead of the safety technology.

Until tests can be done to show they can handle it SAFELY, no deep water drilling.

Besides you stupid redhead fat bitch, do you know how much pressure is at those depths? I do.

They are EXTREMELY hard on machinery.
BTW - A federal judge has BLOCKED Obama's fraudulently conceived ban on deep-water drilling stating that " it seems to assume that because one rig failed, all companies and rigs doing deepwater drilling pose an imminent danger. "

HA HA HA HA HA HA ...... Now maybe 40,000+ people won't lose their jobs.

Hey Soggy No Load..............the drilling was stopped because they've DEMONSTRATED that the safety technology to drill at that depth is way ahead of the safety technology.

Until tests can be done to show they can handle it SAFELY, no deep water drilling.

Besides you stupid redhead fat bitch, do you know how much pressure is at those depths? I do.

They are EXTREMELY hard on machinery.
Guess there's no other choice but to fund those people who want to kill us, since it's not possible to drill inland or in shallow water.
Your credibility will ALWAYS be in question Rabbi. See below.

(Oh and the "shakedown" is not repeated by BP dummy. Obama made it so the victims will be paid for so you are against them?)

Yours isn't. You are entirely credible as a left wing tool bag and general ignoramus on all topics. Sir, I congratulate your achievement!

Way to not address the fact that BP is not saying anything about being shaken down. lol

Oh and see below.
No the British PM is. He has pointed out that hundreds of thousands of british pensioners with their retirement investments in BP are being shaken down.

oh thats right... the ends justify the means... and well, they're old and on a government run healthcare system. Maybe they can move up the euthanasia date to make it less inconvenient. I'm sorry, I meant denied critical care to extend their lives. We don't really HAVE death panels there either. :rolleyes:
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BTW - A federal judge has BLOCKED Obama's fraudulently conceived ban on deep-water drilling stating that " it seems to assume that because one rig failed, all companies and rigs doing deepwater drilling pose an imminent danger. "

HA HA HA HA HA HA ...... Now maybe 40,000+ people won't lose their jobs.

How many will lose their jobs due TO the spill? Seriously, how many? How many will lose businesses, how many beaches will shut down, how many animals will die? How many fish will be contaminated..

But hey, lets not make BP apy anything! righty?

I never said BP shouldn't pay... what the fuck are you talking about? Nobody in their right mind thinks BP shouldn't pay. Nobody in their right mind thinks an entire industry and 10's if not 100's of thousands should be put out of work to further the left's cap and tax agenda either.

Grow up.
Hey Soggy No Load..............the drilling was stopped because they've DEMONSTRATED that the safety technology to drill at that depth is way ahead of the safety technology.

Until tests can be done to show they can handle it SAFELY, no deep water drilling.

Besides you stupid redhead fat bitch, do you know how much pressure is at those depths? I do.

They are EXTREMELY hard on machinery.

Dude... did you just shit yourself? LOL!!!!! WTF are you talking about? Do you realize how ignorant you sound?
Go fuck yourself ignoramus.
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Its fascinating..........this whole notion of the federal government forcing compensation by decree without any due process of law.........and the utter level of naive on the part of those with liberal views.

Makes me think about a long line of cows being led to slaughter in a slaughterhouse. Imagine for a moment.........the cow about 2 mintues from being hacked into 1,000 pieces watches his buddy turned into head cheeseand utters to the next in line, "Cool..........this is the line we want to be on s0n!!!"

No one from BP is saying anything about being MADE to pay anything. The thought of idiots complainint about money for the victims is amazing to me. AMAZING.

Rush Rules!

finally a lefty who agrees that obama didn't do much to get this 20B, so all the uber praise for obama is bullshit :clap2:
Hey Soggy No Load..............the drilling was stopped because they've DEMONSTRATED that the safety technology to drill at that depth is way ahead of the safety technology.

Until tests can be done to show they can handle it SAFELY, no deep water drilling.

Besides you stupid redhead fat bitch, do you know how much pressure is at those depths? I do.

They are EXTREMELY hard on machinery.

Dude... did you just shit yourself? LOL!!!!! WTF are you talking about? Do you realize how ignorant you sound?
Go fuck yourself ignoramus.

Watch real scientists on other channels, not the blowhards on FAUX.

Oh wait.......forgot.........redneck bitches like you never got past 8th grade. Nevermind.
BTW - A federal judge has BLOCKED Obama's fraudulently conceived ban on deep-water drilling stating that " it seems to assume that because one rig failed, all companies and rigs doing deepwater drilling pose an imminent danger. "

HA HA HA HA HA HA ...... Now maybe 40,000+ people won't lose their jobs.

Hey Soggy No Load..............the drilling was stopped because they've DEMONSTRATED that the safety technology to drill at that depth is way ahead of the safety technology.

Until tests can be done to show they can handle it SAFELY, no deep water drilling.

Besides you stupid redhead fat bitch, do you know how much pressure is at those depths? I do.

They are EXTREMELY hard on machinery.
Guess there's no other choice but to fund those people who want to kill us, since it's not possible to drill inland or in shallow water.

they are drilling in deeper water because THATS WHERE THE OIL IS! Period.
Its fascinating..........this whole notion of the federal government forcing compensation by decree without any due process of law.........and the utter level of naive on the part of those with liberal views.

Makes me think about a long line of cows being led to slaughter in a slaughterhouse. Imagine for a moment.........the cow about 2 mintues from being hacked into 1,000 pieces watches his buddy turned into head cheeseand utters to the next in line, "Cool..........this is the line we want to be on s0n!!!"

No one from BP is saying anything about being MADE to pay anything. The thought of idiots complainint about money for the victims is amazing to me. AMAZING.

Rush Rules!

finally a lefty who agrees that obama didn't do much to get this 20B, so all the uber praise for obama is bullshit :clap2:

Obama said to them, 20 billion...they said that is fair.

whats the problem?
BTW - A federal judge has BLOCKED Obama's fraudulently conceived ban on deep-water drilling stating that " it seems to assume that because one rig failed, all companies and rigs doing deepwater drilling pose an imminent danger. "

HA HA HA HA HA HA ...... Now maybe 40,000+ people won't lose their jobs.

How many will lose their jobs due TO the spill? Seriously, how many? How many will lose businesses, how many beaches will shut down, how many animals will die? How many fish will be contaminated..

But hey, lets not make BP apy anything! righty?

I never said BP shouldn't pay... what the fuck are you talking about? Nobody in their right mind thinks BP shouldn't pay. Nobody in their right mind thinks an entire industry and 10's if not 100's of thousands should be put out of work to further the left's cap and tax agenda either.

Grow up.

You are saying ha ha ha ha they should be able to deep sea drill. In other words, nothing has changed and this could happen again. You are pro big business with no LESS regulations? Less government interference? What? What is to stop this from happening again? Perhaps a 6 month slow down and review of what made this happen?

Grow up indeed.
Hey Soggy No Load..............the drilling was stopped because they've DEMONSTRATED that the safety technology to drill at that depth is way ahead of the safety technology.

Until tests can be done to show they can handle it SAFELY, no deep water drilling.

Besides you stupid redhead fat bitch, do you know how much pressure is at those depths? I do.

They are EXTREMELY hard on machinery.

Dude... did you just shit yourself? LOL!!!!! WTF are you talking about? Do you realize how ignorant you sound?
Go fuck yourself ignoramus.

Watch real scientists on other channels, not the blowhards on FAUX.

Oh wait.......forgot.........redneck bitches like you never got past 8th grade. Nevermind.
Would those be the same kind of "scientists" shown to have committed academic and scientific fraud like those idiots in East Anglia's Climate Research Unit along with Drs. Hansen and Mann? Yeah... real science as long as it lines up politically with yours.

Christ, you'd be on the thumbscrews for the Catholic Church versus Galileo wouldn't you?
Considering that it's been stated repeatedly that the technology for safety hasn't kept up with the technology of drilling (many drill experts have said that), as well as the fact that the other 4 companies said they would NEVER drill a well like they did..........

Nope, no deepwater drilling until the safety technology catches up.

In April a CBS poll found that 20% of Americans believe Obama was born in another country.

16% of Americans think this fund was a bad idea.

So believing that Obama is not a natural born citizen is less loony, for Americans, than believing this fund was a bad idea.

Enjoy your club, wingnuts!! You've out-loonied the birthers!

I'm sick and tired of you calling his Grandmother a liar!

She said she witnessed his birth in Kenya, why are you calling her a liar?
Obviously YOU are not "sick and tired" of lying!!! :cuckoo:

You are a perfect example of how in the hate religion of CON$ervoFascism the cult members never tire of lying.

His Grandmother said he was born in Hawaii.

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.

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