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The Rise of Intolerant Liberals

The point is that I can conceive of the fact that others may legitimately hold views different than my own. This does not necessitate agreement, but I understand that they exist and that reasonable people may think differently than I do on a number of issues. Brainless liberals like you are kept in another universe, and you cannot even see this one from your pen.

There's a difference between tolerating a belief and tolerating someone acting on a belief.

No one was going to stop Kim Davis from believing that gay marriage is a terrible sin until she acted outside the law on that belief.

Your position is that it is intolerable, to you, that liberals even have strong beliefs that they are confident in being correct.
But here's where the leftist hypocrisy shines. Liberals ignore federal law and support sanctuary cities, block traffic and freedom of movement, illegally occupy public property, etc. and they excuse it all as "freedom of speech". Don't bake a gay cake and you need to be financially ruined.

yep, we could go on and on to show their double standards and Intolerance for others who they deem not worthy to stand up for them.

Why should I be tolerant of you? You're a bad person, with bad ideas.

The OP is officially proven.

Why should I tolerate a person who wants to make abortion the crime of murder, if I don't believe abortion is murder?

Explain that to me.
If I know I'm right, why should I entertain the opinions of those who disagree with me?

Why should I tolerate the beliefs of the anti-abortionists when I know I'm right to be pro-choice?

In fact, how do you tolerate the anti-abortion view? What does that involve?

As you can see, the brainless liberal is utterly incapable of even conceiving of any position other than the one he has been assigned. The notion that anything other than what they insist being completely and exclusively 'right' in every way is like mapping the 5th Dimension for them.

And what beliefs do you hold that in reality immerse you in doubt and apprehension that you may not be right?

The point is that I can conceive of the fact that others may legitimately hold views different than my own. This does not necessitate agreement, but I understand that they exist and that reasonable people may think differently than I do on a number of issues. Brainless liberals like you are kept in another universe, and you cannot even see this one from your pen.

There's a difference between tolerating a belief and tolerating someone acting on a belief.

No one was going to stop Kim Davis from believing that gay marriage is a terrible sin until she acted outside the law on that belief.

Your position is that it is intolerable, to you, that liberals even have strong beliefs that they are confident in being correct.
But here's where the leftist hypocrisy shines. Liberals ignore federal law and support sanctuary cities, block traffic and freedom of movement, illegally occupy public property, etc. and they excuse it all as "freedom of speech". Don't bake a gay cake and you need to be financially ruined.

It's the law that is punishing bigots who won't bake cakes.
Liberals and liberalism is a passed fad, soon to be discarded.
Conservatives have been spewing that steaming pile of propaganda since the terms liberal and conservative were invented.

Why would conservatives be so busy supressing voting in as many states as they can? Its because conservatism on the national scale, because of demographics, is slowly ebbing away.
Liberals and liberalism is a passed fad, soon to be discarded.
Conservatives have been spewing that steaming pile of propaganda since the terms liberal and conservative were invented.

Why would conservatives be so busy supressing voting in as many states as they can? Its because conservatism on the national scale, because of demographics, is slowly ebbing away.
Why are progressives control freaks??
lol, I just ran across this. sums things up nicely.

Liberals: They produce nothing. They create nothing. They are the parasites that live off other people’s honest labor
Because Growing Up Is So Very Hard To Do
By Ray DiLorenzo -- Bio and Archives February 19, 2016

Liberals like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders represent the worst of America, children in grown-up positions, obstinate in their ignorance. They abhor free market capitalism, limited government, fiscal responsibility, faith-based anything except faith in government, self-determination, individual responsibility, anything traditional or time-tested. They assume they know everything and yet know nothing.

President Reagan rightly observed: “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”

These liberals, like so many other liberals, personify the ne’er-do-well student who has been sleeping soundly in class, having missed most of the lecture, suddenly wakes up and blurts out some incoherent dribble to attempt to make the rest of the class think he/she has a grasp of the subject matter when every word uttered says the opposite.

Liberals like these seem to care nothing about history, what works and doesn’t work, and they insist that what they don’t like, you can’t have. They produce nothing. They create nothing.

They are the parasites that live off other people’s honest labor, get rich from it and then tell anyone who will listen that those same hard-working people are being taken advantage of by a brutal and unfair system.

Liberals are children who never grew up, the Peter Pan syndrome. Sanders and Clinton insist on playing the parental role even though they are still children themselves. They want government to take over where parents left off.

Everything needed should be given freely. Like children’s thought process, cost is never a concern. Liberals scream bloody murder when they don’t get their own way even when their way has been historically, obviously, traditionally, undeniably proven to be…wrong!

ALL of the article here:
Because Growing Up Is So Very Hard To Do | Canada Free Press

*snip ugly picture*

why do we care about the opinion of a braindead teatard?
Liberals rise about noon. That gives them two hours between breakfast and marijuana to express their intolerance and jack this country.

They're very good at it. It's all they know.

really you brain dead imbecile?

i'm up at 5 am and do more before noon than you do in a week.

and i don't get high and i have maybe a glass of wine on weekend.

now shut up and talk about things you know.... like cleaning your bathroom.
Liberals and liberalism is a passed fad, soon to be discarded.
Conservatives have been spewing that steaming pile of propaganda since the terms liberal and conservative were invented.

Why would conservatives be so busy supressing voting in as many states as they can? Its because conservatism on the national scale, because of demographics, is slowly ebbing away.
Why are progressives control freaks??

so-called progressives aren't the ones telling women and homosexuals how to live their lives. wacko wing nut theocrats. are

Every stupid liberal response proves the OP right.

Further proof that they cannot think for themselves.

All while thinking they are oh so smart.


You can laugh if you want, but I still oppose using the power of the state to oppress minorities. I support laws that ameliorate oppression. I have no sympathy for the oppressors who dress themselves in victim clothes. Your sophistry is transparent and subject to the ridicule it receives.

don't worry about him. he has an IQ of about 60
If I know I'm right, why should I entertain the opinions of those who disagree with me?

Why should I tolerate the beliefs of the anti-abortionists when I know I'm right to be pro-choice?

In fact, how do you tolerate the anti-abortion view? What does that involve?

Isn't it funny how the ugliest and nastiest rightwingers are the ones who cry when they get back what they give?

Not unlike some left wingers.

you don't see lefties whine like stuck pigs the way the rightwingnuts do. and steffie whining about anyone being nasty is just funny given what drips from her keyboard.

but whatever makes you think you're being evenhanded.
Liberals and liberalism is a passed fad, soon to be discarded.
Conservatives have been spewing that steaming pile of propaganda since the terms liberal and conservative were invented.

Why would conservatives be so busy supressing voting in as many states as they can? Its because conservatism on the national scale, because of demographics, is slowly ebbing away.
Why are progressives control freaks??

so-called progressives aren't the ones telling women and homosexuals how to live their lives. wacko wing nut theocrats. are

Barry and company have been telling plenty of what to do over the last 7+ years... None of it makes sense.
If I know I'm right, why should I entertain the opinions of those who disagree with me?

Why should I tolerate the beliefs of the anti-abortionists when I know I'm right to be pro-choice?

In fact, how do you tolerate the anti-abortion view? What does that involve?

As you can see, the brainless liberal is utterly incapable of even conceiving of any position other than the one he has been assigned. The notion that anything other than what they insist being completely and exclusively 'right' in every way is like mapping the 5th Dimension for them.

And what beliefs do you hold that in reality immerse you in doubt and apprehension that you may not be right?

The point is that I can conceive of the fact that others may legitimately hold views different than my own. This does not necessitate agreement, but I understand that they exist and that reasonable people may think differently than I do on a number of issues. Brainless liberals like you are kept in another universe, and you cannot even see this one from your pen.

There's a difference between tolerating a belief and tolerating someone acting on a belief.

No one was going to stop Kim Davis from believing that gay marriage is a terrible sin until she acted outside the law on that belief.

Your position is that it is intolerable, to you, that liberals even have strong beliefs that they are confident in being correct.
But here's where the leftist hypocrisy shines. Liberals ignore federal law and support sanctuary cities, block traffic and freedom of movement, illegally occupy public property, etc. and they excuse it all as "freedom of speech". Don't bake a gay cake and you need to be financially ruined.

I don't understand the hoopla over "sanctuary cities". The federal government has no authority to conscript states and cities into federal service. Many, however, would be willing to help but they don't have the facilities and resources to take on the burden. They aren't actively granting illegals "sanctuary". They simply refuse to take on the burden of holding and feeding and providing necessary care to these people for indeterminate amounts of time. Some people might have blocked traffic in violation of the law; some people might have occupied federal property and taken up arms against the government in Nevada and Oregon in violation of the law, etc., etc., etc... All people, regardless of their political affiliations, ought to be held accountable for unlawful conduct ... and that includes violations of laws regulating public accommodations. If you choose to violate the law, you can't complain simply because your unlawful conduct carries consequences.
I pride myself in being intolerant of evil. To the extent that conservatism is evil, I am proud to be intolerant of conservatism.

Why would anyone be otherwise?
That's what we've been saying all along. Disagree with a liberal and you are evil. That proves it's religion for you. Based on faith, filled with intolerance, hypocrisy and hate for anyone not like you.

Iceweasel: It's not disagreement that makes something "evil". It's the abuse of government power to impose your "morals" on everyone else in society that constitutes the evil at issue. NYcarbineer stated the truth. Kim Davis is free to believe whatever she wants to believe. No one ever denied her that right. However, most people (liberals, moderates, conservatives, et al.) do not approve of her abusing the power of her elected office to impose her beliefs on the people who seek government services in the office of the county clerk. No one ever said that Kim Davis herself had to issue marriage licenses. She did, however, have a duty to delegate that task to someone else in her public office who did not object to performing that government service.

Kim Davis believed that God had had annointed her to lead the fight against same-sex marriages. I believe that is delusional, self-aggrandizing thinking that often leads to atrocities ... considerable evil is committed in God's name. We need to be wary. I don't want to live in a nation where I'm ruled by someone's interpretation of biblical verses in the Old Testament the same as I don't want to live in a third-world nation ruled by someone's interpretation of the Koran. People who believe they are enforcing God's word do not tolerate dissent. They take you to the public square and chop your head off. So ... no, Liberals will not submit to oppression at the hands of the Kim Davis's in this country.
There's a difference between tolerating a belief and tolerating someone acting on a belief.

No one was going to stop Kim Davis from believing that gay marriage is a terrible sin until she acted outside the law on that belief.

Your position is that it is intolerable, to you, that liberals even have strong beliefs that they are confident in being correct.
But here's where the leftist hypocrisy shines. Liberals ignore federal law and support sanctuary cities, block traffic and freedom of movement, illegally occupy public property, etc. and they excuse it all as "freedom of speech". Don't bake a gay cake and you need to be financially ruined.

yep, we could go on and on to show their double standards and Intolerance for others who they deem not worthy to stand up for them.

Why should I be tolerant of you? You're a bad person, with bad ideas.

The OP is officially proven.

Why should I tolerate a person who wants to make abortion the crime of murder, if I don't believe abortion is murder?

Explain that to me.

Another prime example of the intolerance of the far left
I object, however, when they work so hard to impose those views, opinions, or beliefs on everyone else in society through the operation of our laws.

Yet again, Democrats do the same. You can't hold yourselves blameless. Sorry. These transgender laws in Colorado for example, schools in various places being threatened with loss of funding if they don't allow transgender students into the lockerroom of the gender they "identify" with. In reality, the imposition is far worse on the liberal side than could ever be imagined on the conservative side.

Gays don't criminalize your adult consensual relationships, so don't criminalize their relationships. Gays don't tell you who you can marry, so don't tell them they can't marry the person they love because it somehow offends you.

Okay, so gays shouldn't force themselves on hapless cake bakers and businesses who support traditional marriage. Gays want tolerance, so, they need to reciprocate with the same tolerance. They need not make Christians accept their way of marriage just because it's the law of the land. I find your argument thus far to be a double standard. This works both ways.

Why can't conservatives keep their noses out of other people's bedrooms?

The bigger question here is: Why can't government in general stay out of the personal aspects of everyone's lives? What about the kids in the aforementioned locker rooms who have to handle the trauma of seeing a peer of the opposite sex undressing before them? Why can't government respect their right to privacy in the locker room? Hmm?

Democrats and Liberals have a way with using the government as a weapon. Under the guise of tolerance.

Why can't conservatives who operate businesses in the public square serve all members of the public?

Why can't gays be tolerant of the conservative business owner's beliefs and look elsewhere? They aren't telling them who to marry at all.

Just bake the damn cake .... how hard is that for a cake-baking business?

Not as easy as you think. When you have someone who holds a deep conviction in their faith, you can't simply uproot that to make them tolerate you. The would be like me, a Christian, forcing an Atheist to read The Bible at gunpoint.

As an aside, would you make the same demands of a Muslim?

If you're intolerant, I will not tolerate your intolerance. That's a pretty simple concept.

And thus we come full circle. If you are intolerant of intolerance, you are yourself intolerant. Simple. You have successfully made a mountain out of a molehill.
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I don't approve of abortion and I don't think I would have ever chosen one for myself during my "child bearing years". I'm much older now, but one of my most painful memories was being a young woman who just learned she was pregnant. My boyfriend was upset and demanded that I get an abortion and I said "No!" He screamed and begged for hours demanding that I do as he commanded. I still said "No!" The abuse and turmoil was too much for my body, I miscarried that night, and I was sad and angry. I felt like my choice was ripped away from me.

The most important aspect of the Roe v. Wade decision is that it puts the power to decide in the hands of the pregnant woman. The justices made it clear, if the individual does not have the power to determine her own procreative destiny ... if that power resides with the government, then the pendulum may swing both ways. If I don't have the right to choose my own procreative destiny and the government has the power to prohibit abortions, then it also has the power to require abortions. I don't want the government to have the power over procreation and, under our constitution, the government doesn't have that power.

I understand that some people don't appreciate a woman's right to make her own choice, but the power over procreation cannot be surrendered to the government. You might think it's immoral to have an abortion, but others might think it's immoral for a woman to give birth to a child that will be a drain on societal resources. Again, who gets to be in charge of the morality police? Be careful what you wish for ...

Ultimately, all the excuses that you cite notwithstanding, the fact remains that you defend a “right” to kill Innocent, defenseless children, in cold blood, for no better reason than that their existence is inconvenient to their mother. One who takes such an overtly evil and murderous position really is let in no place to speak credibly about morality. You've evaded discussion of other evils that you support and defend, but really, they pale compared to this one.
I don't approve of abortion and I don't think I would have ever chosen one for myself during my "child bearing years". I'm much older now, but one of my most painful memories was being a young woman who just learned she was pregnant. My boyfriend was upset and demanded that I get an abortion and I said "No!" He screamed and begged for hours demanding that I do as he commanded. I still said "No!" The abuse and turmoil was too much for my body, I miscarried that night, and I was sad and angry. I felt like my choice was ripped away from me.

The most important aspect of the Roe v. Wade decision is that it puts the power to decide in the hands of the pregnant woman. The justices made it clear, if the individual does not have the power to determine her own procreative destiny ... if that power resides with the government, then the pendulum may swing both ways. If I don't have the right to choose my own procreative destiny and the government has the power to prohibit abortions, then it also has the power to require abortions. I don't want the government to have the power over procreation and, under our constitution, the government doesn't have that power.

I understand that some people don't appreciate a woman's right to make her own choice, but the power over procreation cannot be surrendered to the government. You might think it's immoral to have an abortion, but others might think it's immoral for a woman to give birth to a child that will be a drain on societal resources. Again, who gets to be in charge of the morality police? Be careful what you wish for ...

Ultimately, all the excuses that you cite notwithstanding, the fact remains that you defend a “right” to kill Innocent, defenseless children, in cold blood, for no better reason than that their existence is inconvenient to their mother. One who takes such an overtly evil and murderous position really is let in no place to speak credibly about morality. You've evaded discussion of other evils that you support and defend, but really, they pale compared to this one.

They always say that voting for the lesser of two evils is what we do, but voting for the lesser of the two is still voting for evil!
I don't understand the hoopla over "sanctuary cities".

Taking the side of invading foreign criminals, against that of the American people, giving them aid, comfort, and protection; is treason, which is the highest crime that an American can commit, and the only crime defined as such by the Constitution itself. Treason is a capital crime, punishable by death.
Liberals and liberalism is a passed fad, soon to be discarded.
Conservatives have been spewing that steaming pile of propaganda since the terms liberal and conservative were invented.

Why would conservatives be so busy supressing voting in as many states as they can? Its because conservatism on the national scale, because of demographics, is slowly ebbing away.
Desperation or my favorite analogy spoiled brats finally getting back some of what they've been acustom to giving.

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