the rise of Newt led to the rise of Limbaugh led to the rise of FOX led to the rise of Palin led to the rise of Tea Party led to the rise of Trump

Limbaugh is the Father of the Alternate Universe.

"Don't listen to them. Just listen to me. Don't trust them. Just trust me."

And sure as hell, they did. Then the copycats came in, and the flock believed them, too.
Limbaugh is the Father of the Alternate Universe.

"Don't listen to them. Just listen to me. Don't trust them. Just trust me."

And sure as hell, they did. Then the copycats came in, and the flock believed them, too.
So Limbaugh never said a thing that was true? Has our government done anything that instills trust lately? Your alternative universe crap is just another hack fail.
Limbaugh is the Father of the Alternate Universe.

"Don't listen to them. Just listen to me. Don't trust them. Just trust me."

And sure as hell, they did. Then the copycats came in, and the flock believed them, too.

Limbaugh came in doing a routine. Trolling Liberals for fun and profit.

Then he realized his idiot listeners were taking him seriously
what's next? Hitler 2.0? i don't like where this is going! these are the enemies of America. and the Dems are no prize either
I would suggest that Trump stands separately from all the rest that you're suggesting in the topic title. Especially Gingrich who could be seen as a further right conservative voice that was acceptable in US domestic politics.

So it does appear that Trump is finished and all that's left is the question of how much damage he can do on his way out.

Will he still have the influence and power to call his militant supporters to violence on the streets with their guns?

And if so, will the government have the courage to move against him with measures suited to a leader of a revolution?

Trump has ceased being an influence in US politics in the eyes of the rest of the world and is now only entertainment value. He almost certainlly won't disappoint.
what's next? Hitler 2.0? i don't like where this is going! these are the enemies of America. and the Dems are no prize either


Go hide in your safety blanket and coloring books
what's next? Hitler 2.0? i don't like where this is going! these are the enemies of America. and the Dems are no prize either

Democrat-led American demise led to the advent of a very necessary non-democrat response.
Fixed it for you.
Rush was popular before the Newt.

This thread is good. We need to understand that what has happened to the Republican Party is not just Trump.

This was years in the making
No, Trump was something different. He was a promise of breaking the cycle of income inequality in America, and that attracted poor people that became his base of support.

But the income inequality has only become worse!

Trump couldn't deliver because of his loyalty to those who hold the wealth in America. Now his only drawing card is racism, in that his claim has to be based on people of colour being the reason for the ripoff of the working class.

Racism in America is due to hit new heights as Trump makes his final dying bids to hold onto power.

It could get much worse than any American expects as revenge is taken out on non-whites!

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