The Rise Of Saudi Business Women

"Twenty year-old Syrian activist, Hadeel Kouki, was beaten at her apartment yesterday by three men shortly after she received a piece of paper signed by Bashad Assad's thugs in Cairo."

"Shortly thereafter, the young Christian woman was arrested along with her friends and detained for a period of more than 40 days. In prison, she was interrogated about her anti-government activities, a process which included the administration of electric shocks and other harsh treatment. After her release, she returned to her activities as a democracy advocate, at which point she had discovered that cities like Deraa and Homs had begun to defy the government."

Hadeel Kouky Syrian Christian Activist Opposes More Than The Syrian Regime

and this has what to do with Saudi women or NV business men?

She is a christian who fled Syria because of Assad. She was outspoken on women's rights and jailed three times, in syria, for speaking out against Assad.

>>Kouki was jailed in Syria three times for nearly 52 days. Even after her release, Kouky was wanted by Syrian intelligence for her role in transporting medical aid to injured protesters in Idlib.<<

She was smuggled out and lived in Cairo.

No one should argue that the Assad regime was/is not brutal or committed numerous atrocities. We know this.

What does this have to do with the price of tea in china

You are bouncing all over the place but seem to have no cohesive point.

Women are not well treated in much of the middle east, we all know that. First you praise the advances, small though they are, in saudi and then throw unrelated incidents around.

What is your point other than showing everyone you don't seem to know what you are taking about?

I just answered the slave of the regime in this thread.
So you answered? What about my question, then?

restaurant in suidi arabia
woman have full burke-hijab .but husband did cover her body by his scarf
Not against their will. France and other places women are on giant billboards totally topless, but then beaches are topless.

Why shouldn't a woman be proud of her body, of any shape? Women who become models exploit their own body for pay to the world. They can refuse jobs if they find it offensive.

Even many women in niqab will exploit their eyes or the grace with which they move. Some have learned to use their voice or their minds. These are part of the woman.
This is a form of exploitation of women like prostitution, it's agaisnt their dignity.

Ask your question to the femists who protest against Women exploitation in commercials.



Freeman is so worried about "the dignity of woman," but do we ever see him bring up the loss of dignity many Muslim women experience by the way they are treated worse than animals? Freeman, if you were in the area, you could have visited the young Afghani Muslim woman whose husband cut off her nose and her ears. You could have personally thanked the Jewish doctors for trying to help a fellow Muslim look halfway decent again.

Mutilated Afghan girl comes to L.A. for treatment. - Grossman Burn Centers News

We realize that there are abusive husbands all over the world, but at times the Muslim husbands really take the cake.

'I've got a surprise for you': Husband blindfolds his wife.... and then chops off all her fingers to stop her studying for a degree

You just give some examples of crimes against women in Afghanistan.
In the western countries there is a system of exploitation of women in commercials and sex traffiking by jewish moguls in the region.

Freeman, can you give us the name of the Jewish moguls in the Western world who are sex traffickers? I think many of us would be interested to know who they are.

There are tens of them in Las Vegas run by Oscar Goldman and mobsters like Israeli-born Moshe Barmuha.

Divisions found in effort to stop sex trafficking in Las Vegas


Freeman, Freeman, you don't realize how silly you look. There is trafficking of women all over the world, including those countries run by your Muslim brethren. The more you try to demonize the Jews while your own brethren are having such a grand old time murdering innocent people only shows people who stupid you are. Now go back slobbering over your swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated and fantasize over the beautiful women you wished you had when you were young instead of a dirty old man now.

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