The Rise Of Saudi Business Women

Womens Rights Conference in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian Women's Conference... With Not a Woman In Sight


Saudi Arabia is the biggest evil on this planet...
Womens Rights Conference in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian Women's Conference... With Not a Woman In Sight


Saudi Arabia is the biggest evil on this planet...

The "see also" were just as bad with respect to women

saudi has a long way to go before women get respect, let alone equality of any "real" kind

They are making steps, but there are still mountains to climb. Not the law, schools or jobs, but the male attitude of the subservience of women that needs to be radically changed. A handful of privileged women cannot change the country in a few years.
Womens Rights Conference in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian Women's Conference... With Not a Woman In Sight


Saudi Arabia is the biggest evil on this planet...

The "see also" were just as bad with respect to women

saudi has a long way to go before women get respect, let alone equality of any "real" kind

They are making steps, but there are still mountains to climb. Not the law, schools or jobs, but the male attitude of the subservience of women that needs to be radically changed. A handful of privileged women cannot change the country in a few years.
Saudi Arabia has the richest women in middle east.

List of female billionaires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shari Arison: The Wealthiest Woman In The Middle East
- Israeli

Nayla Hayek Net Worth : $3.10 billion
Although Nayla doesn’t stay in the Middle East, she still bears Lebanese origins.

Mariam Khalfan Al Abdullah Al Nuaimi Net Worth : $126.3 million - UEA

Sheikha Amna Bint Muhammed Al Thani Net Worth : $106 million - Qatar

Laila Gomaa Gowaily Net Worth : $34.6 million - Egypt
Are there islamic rule that forbid women to work or to do business in companies?


Saudi doctor with known research in dentistry.


The doctor Maha Almanif receive the award from Obama in Riyad.



The summit of saudi business women.


Male doctors can't treat female patients, firemen can't save women/girls not properly covered, save women/girls drowning in a pool or in the sea......................

Women can't drive and men can't drive women if they are not family with, ie taxis, buses.
Only in Riyadh are women allowed to use buses, women only buses.

This is akin to black segregation between the civil war and the 60's.

Women who work can only do so with permission by their male relative.

Women have a very long way to go in Saudi. The country is taking little steps but a snail moves faster.

It is great that women can do anything in saudi but every muslim nation is leaps and bounds ahead, with the exception of taliban controlled areas of Afghanistan,by comparison.

The whole region was set back centuries from the freedoms of the 50's, 60's and 70's for women's equality in business and politics. Now women are again taking steps forward in most areas.

Saudi has a long road ahead

It's just preferable that female doctors treat women, it's not a rule!

Concerning driving it's a specific law in Saudi Arabia not in Gulf Countries, this law is even criticised by Saudi jurists and responsibles and should be abrogated in the future, and the women can take taxis.

The political rights is not concerning women but also men, it's another issue as there is no political party in this country.

This thread is about Saudi women who have business, companies, teach and do different works. There is no rule that keep women from business and different works.

The saudi business women association.

A male doctor cannot examine or threat a women without a male relative in the room. If she needs an operation, he can't see or lay hands on her.
Women have to see women, not a male or a male specialist............ Law

In other countries it is permissible only in the case of extreme need, a another woman should be instructed to treat the patient, the patient much be covered except for effected part, the male doctor must lower or close his eyes as much as possible.

al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 5/330

Saudi just bans male doctors from treating women totally.

but iran mullah saying : doctor is mahram for woman.
mahram means= its like your brother or father
Iranian mollah authorize temporary marriage which is a sort of prostitution in the country!

The same happens in all muslim lands, it is how you muslims are. It is Islamic law
You didn't answer about this supposed law, so you just vomit this hoax propaganda.


Eleven things women in Saudi Arabia cannot do

Interact with men

Women are required to limit the amount of time spent with men they are not related to. The majority of public buildings including offices, banks and universities have separate entrances for men and women, the Daily Telegraph reports. Public transportation, parks, beaches and amusement parks are also segregated in most parts of the country. Unlawful mixing will lead to criminal charges being brought against both parties, but women typically face harsher punishment.
So what?
There is separate colleges in Europe, USA and "Israel". Do you want mixed WC too?
In Saudi Arabia there is mixed universities like Jedda university or Kaust university.

They are common in Europe, go in an Frech café and ask for the rest room

But are these colleges mixed classes with no chastity screen, and mingling of both sexes extra curricula ?
You didn't answer about this supposed law, so you just vomit this hoax propaganda.


Eleven things women in Saudi Arabia cannot do

Interact with men

Women are required to limit the amount of time spent with men they are not related to. The majority of public buildings including offices, banks and universities have separate entrances for men and women, the Daily Telegraph reports. Public transportation, parks, beaches and amusement parks are also segregated in most parts of the country. Unlawful mixing will lead to criminal charges being brought against both parties, but women typically face harsher punishment.
So what?
There is separate colleges in Europe, USA and "Israel". Do you want mixed WC too?
In Saudi Arabia there is mixed universities like Jedda university or Kaust university.

The first, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) went co-ed five yrs ago!!!!!

not 15 or 50 yrs ago

>>Analysts and diplomats say the KAUST launch is a step in the right direction, but state education will remain inefficient unless the government starts a radical overhaul.

"We need to change the mindset of the teaching concept. We need to review all our educational practices... We also need to be consistent with the needs of modern education and market requirements," said Saudi columnist Abdullah al-Alami.

Ghanem Nuseibeh, a senior analyst at Political Capital in Dubai, agreed: "The bigger problem remains primary education."

Despite its immense financial resources, the parameters of Saudi school and university education are governed by religious strictures and many subjects are off-limits for women to study.<<

Effat University, NESCOT Consortium and Dar Al Hekma College are girls colleges and Jeddah Technical College for Girls has a twin Jeddah Technical College for Boys, not co-ed classes. Jeddah International College have separate girls and boys degrees, not mixed classes.

...........but I don't know the region?
It's just an opinion from a very old article.

Another article.
KAUST resets top 10 ambitions
So what?
There more than 40 women college and university in USA.
You didn't answer about this supposed law, so you just vomit this hoax propaganda.


Do you bother to read anything in print or on the net?

Under Saudi law, all females must have a male guardian ... women are forbidden from traveling, conducting official business, or undergoing certain medical procedures without permission from their male guardians .

In Saudi Arabia, male doctors were not allowed to treat female patients

male Muslim medical students refusing to learn how to examine females

expat female staff members were coached not to touch Saudi men

male medical professional can touch a non-mehram female

Female doctors will work exclusively with female patients and male doctors with men

a woman cannot receive major medical treatment without the permission of her guardian

Eleven things women in Saudi Arabia cannot do | The Week ...
The Week
Feb 4, 2016 - Women in Saudi Arabia claim to have been temporarily banned from ... said the store "refused to serve me just because I'm a woman and asked me ... In a country where a woman cannot even open a bank account without her husband's ... a ban was lifted by King Abdullah shortly before his death last year.
Women's visits to hospitals without male guardians banned ...
Arab News
Feb 14, 2014 - “Islamic law does not permit women to visit their doctors without male guardians,” said .... Does this only apply to Saudi females?? what about domestic helpers? ... Student dies last week cause male medics could not attend to her. ... i do not see anything new in this fatwa...because a female patient is never ...
Saudi university student dies of heart attack after male ...
Daily Mail
Feb 7, 2014 - Tragic: The incident unfolded on the strictly segregated women-only campus of King Saud ... Her death sparked a debate on Twitter by Saudis who created a ... Rights groups reported that religious police would not allow the girls to .... The only reason the US and the west tolerate them is because of the oil.

If you don't know and need to be told, why are you posting about women and doctors?
In Riyadh things are changing, but the rest of saudi is stone age in some respects.

The mutaween are the law in most cases, however..............

>>The chief of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (Haia) in Saudi Arabia's Makkah Province has received death threats for encouraging the relaxation of some bans applied to Saudi women.<<

Even when things are supposed to change, the people won't accept it.

Women's rights, lives and dignity are the victims.

You seem a big ignorant of the region, you don't distinguish between law and some recommendations from association of promotion of virtue.
This association has not legislative power, women are 40% of doctors they share work with men in the reality and men can be treated by women.

It's just propaganda, male guardian means as in your link member of family but in reality I know that women can visit hospitals alone anyway.

If those restrictions are practiced, you will not see millions of women graduated, doctors, pilots, entrepreneurs.

The only restriction is driving car which is by the way critisized by some jurists in the association of promotion of virtue.
The dignity of women is guarded.


are you arab ? or
are you arab (oil ) slave ?
You should be mollah oil slave?
You didn't answer about this supposed law, so you just vomit this hoax propaganda.


Do you bother to read anything in print or on the net?

Under Saudi law, all females must have a male guardian ... women are forbidden from traveling, conducting official business, or undergoing certain medical procedures without permission from their male guardians .

In Saudi Arabia, male doctors were not allowed to treat female patients

male Muslim medical students refusing to learn how to examine females

expat female staff members were coached not to touch Saudi men

male medical professional can touch a non-mehram female

Female doctors will work exclusively with female patients and male doctors with men

a woman cannot receive major medical treatment without the permission of her guardian

Eleven things women in Saudi Arabia cannot do | The Week ...
The Week
Feb 4, 2016 - Women in Saudi Arabia claim to have been temporarily banned from ... said the store "refused to serve me just because I'm a woman and asked me ... In a country where a woman cannot even open a bank account without her husband's ... a ban was lifted by King Abdullah shortly before his death last year.
Women's visits to hospitals without male guardians banned ...
Arab News
Feb 14, 2014 - “Islamic law does not permit women to visit their doctors without male guardians,” said .... Does this only apply to Saudi females?? what about domestic helpers? ... Student dies last week cause male medics could not attend to her. ... i do not see anything new in this fatwa...because a female patient is never ...
Saudi university student dies of heart attack after male ...
Daily Mail
Feb 7, 2014 - Tragic: The incident unfolded on the strictly segregated women-only campus of King Saud ... Her death sparked a debate on Twitter by Saudis who created a ... Rights groups reported that religious police would not allow the girls to .... The only reason the US and the west tolerate them is because of the oil.

If you don't know and need to be told, why are you posting about women and doctors?
In Riyadh things are changing, but the rest of saudi is stone age in some respects.

The mutaween are the law in most cases, however..............

>>The chief of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (Haia) in Saudi Arabia's Makkah Province has received death threats for encouraging the relaxation of some bans applied to Saudi women.<<

Even when things are supposed to change, the people won't accept it.

Women's rights, lives and dignity are the victims.

You seem a big ignorant of the region, you don't distinguish between law and some recommendations from association of promotion of virtue.
This association has not legislative power, women are 40% of doctors they share work with men in the reality and men can be treated by women.

It's just propaganda, male guardian means as in your link member of family but in reality I know that women can visit hospitals alone anyway.

If those restrictions are practiced, you will not see millions of women graduated, doctors, pilots, entrepreneurs.

The only restriction is driving car which is by the way critisized by some jurists in the association of promotion of virtue.
The dignity of women is guarded.


are you arab ? or
are you arab (oil ) slave ?
You should be mollah oil slave?
everything is better than be whore for arabs.... im sorry for you

even hiv virus have better respect than you
You didn't answer about this supposed law, so you just vomit this hoax propaganda.


Eleven things women in Saudi Arabia cannot do

Interact with men

Women are required to limit the amount of time spent with men they are not related to. The majority of public buildings including offices, banks and universities have separate entrances for men and women, the Daily Telegraph reports. Public transportation, parks, beaches and amusement parks are also segregated in most parts of the country. Unlawful mixing will lead to criminal charges being brought against both parties, but women typically face harsher punishment.
So what?
There is separate colleges in Europe, USA and "Israel". Do you want mixed WC too?
In Saudi Arabia there is mixed universities like Jedda university or Kaust university.

The first, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) went co-ed five yrs ago!!!!!

not 15 or 50 yrs ago

>>Analysts and diplomats say the KAUST launch is a step in the right direction, but state education will remain inefficient unless the government starts a radical overhaul.

"We need to change the mindset of the teaching concept. We need to review all our educational practices... We also need to be consistent with the needs of modern education and market requirements," said Saudi columnist Abdullah al-Alami.

Ghanem Nuseibeh, a senior analyst at Political Capital in Dubai, agreed: "The bigger problem remains primary education."

Despite its immense financial resources, the parameters of Saudi school and university education are governed by religious strictures and many subjects are off-limits for women to study.<<

Effat University, NESCOT Consortium and Dar Al Hekma College are girls colleges and Jeddah Technical College for Girls has a twin Jeddah Technical College for Boys, not co-ed classes. Jeddah International College have separate girls and boys degrees, not mixed classes.

...........but I don't know the region?
It's just an opinion from a very old article.

Another article.
KAUST resets top 10 ambitions
So what?
There more than 40 women college and university in USA.

Compared to some of your other posts, you are complaining of Reuters article 5 yrs old, when the KAUST opened?
You didn't answer about this supposed law, so you just vomit this hoax propaganda.


Eleven things women in Saudi Arabia cannot do

Interact with men

Women are required to limit the amount of time spent with men they are not related to. The majority of public buildings including offices, banks and universities have separate entrances for men and women, the Daily Telegraph reports. Public transportation, parks, beaches and amusement parks are also segregated in most parts of the country. Unlawful mixing will lead to criminal charges being brought against both parties, but women typically face harsher punishment.
So what?
There is separate colleges in Europe, USA and "Israel". Do you want mixed WC too?
In Saudi Arabia there is mixed universities like Jedda university or Kaust university.

The first, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) went co-ed five yrs ago!!!!!

not 15 or 50 yrs ago

>>Analysts and diplomats say the KAUST launch is a step in the right direction, but state education will remain inefficient unless the government starts a radical overhaul.

"We need to change the mindset of the teaching concept. We need to review all our educational practices... We also need to be consistent with the needs of modern education and market requirements," said Saudi columnist Abdullah al-Alami.

Ghanem Nuseibeh, a senior analyst at Political Capital in Dubai, agreed: "The bigger problem remains primary education."

Despite its immense financial resources, the parameters of Saudi school and university education are governed by religious strictures and many subjects are off-limits for women to study.<<

Effat University, NESCOT Consortium and Dar Al Hekma College are girls colleges and Jeddah Technical College for Girls has a twin Jeddah Technical College for Boys, not co-ed classes. Jeddah International College have separate girls and boys degrees, not mixed classes.

...........but I don't know the region?
It's just an opinion from a very old article.

Another article.
KAUST resets top 10 ambitions
So what?
There more than 40 women college and university in USA.

Compared to some of your other posts, you are complaining of Reuters article 5 yrs old, when the KAUST opened?

Your 2009 article was making a judgement on university while it was just opened!!!

KAUST resets top 10 ambitions
Head of fledgling Saudi institution restates pursuit of global excellence. David Matthews reports

Shih, a former president of the National University of Singapore, says the institution is still pursuing this goal, “but not at all costs”.

“If along the way, by 2020, we are in the top 10, then fine. But that’s not an end in itself. We hope we get there, but the priority at this time is to recruit the very best talent,” he explains.

KAUST has been working hard to entice top academics from across the world with generous salaries and tailor-made labs.

To date it has attracted 102 faculty members, and this number will grow to a maximum of 220. However, it can offer only fixed-term contracts rather than tenure owing to the country’s employment laws.
Womens Rights Conference in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian Women's Conference... With Not a Woman In Sight


Saudi Arabia is the biggest evil on this planet...

Stupid propaganda!

Women summit in Jedda in Saudi Arabia.


Candidates with the winner in municipal elections of commerce chamber in Jedda.


empty chairs and empty tables........................
Stupid comment!

Summit of Saudi Business Women in Riyad.


Members of the parliament Council.

You didn't answer about this supposed law, so you just vomit this hoax propaganda.


Do you bother to read anything in print or on the net?

Under Saudi law, all females must have a male guardian ... women are forbidden from traveling, conducting official business, or undergoing certain medical procedures without permission from their male guardians .

In Saudi Arabia, male doctors were not allowed to treat female patients

male Muslim medical students refusing to learn how to examine females

expat female staff members were coached not to touch Saudi men

male medical professional can touch a non-mehram female

Female doctors will work exclusively with female patients and male doctors with men

a woman cannot receive major medical treatment without the permission of her guardian

Eleven things women in Saudi Arabia cannot do | The Week ...
The Week
Feb 4, 2016 - Women in Saudi Arabia claim to have been temporarily banned from ... said the store "refused to serve me just because I'm a woman and asked me ... In a country where a woman cannot even open a bank account without her husband's ... a ban was lifted by King Abdullah shortly before his death last year.
Women's visits to hospitals without male guardians banned ...
Arab News
Feb 14, 2014 - “Islamic law does not permit women to visit their doctors without male guardians,” said .... Does this only apply to Saudi females?? what about domestic helpers? ... Student dies last week cause male medics could not attend to her. ... i do not see anything new in this fatwa...because a female patient is never ...
Saudi university student dies of heart attack after male ...
Daily Mail
Feb 7, 2014 - Tragic: The incident unfolded on the strictly segregated women-only campus of King Saud ... Her death sparked a debate on Twitter by Saudis who created a ... Rights groups reported that religious police would not allow the girls to .... The only reason the US and the west tolerate them is because of the oil.

If you don't know and need to be told, why are you posting about women and doctors?
In Riyadh things are changing, but the rest of saudi is stone age in some respects.

The mutaween are the law in most cases, however..............

>>The chief of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (Haia) in Saudi Arabia's Makkah Province has received death threats for encouraging the relaxation of some bans applied to Saudi women.<<

Even when things are supposed to change, the people won't accept it.

Women's rights, lives and dignity are the victims.

You seem a big ignorant of the region, you don't distinguish between law and some recommendations from association of promotion of virtue.
This association has not legislative power, women are 40% of doctors they share work with men in the reality and men can be treated by women.

It's just propaganda, male guardian means as in your link member of family but in reality I know that women can visit hospitals alone anyway.

If those restrictions are practiced, you will not see millions of women graduated, doctors, pilots, entrepreneurs.

The only restriction is driving car which is by the way critisized by some jurists in the association of promotion of virtue.
The dignity of women is guarded.


are you arab ? or
are you arab (oil ) slave ?
You should be mollah oil slave?
everything is better than be whore for arabs.... im sorry for you

even hiv virus have better respect than you

Racist comment!

Saudi Arabia is a dictatorship like Iran.

still a lot of empty chairs..............
87% prefer home and 48% of the job are created by the government

no the mos positive study

still a lot of empty chairs..............
87% prefer home and 48% of the job are created by the government

no the mos positive study
Where do you see empty chairs?! :D

So you find that "87% prefer home"!
You talk about dignity!

What's about your jewish friends who treat women like animals in Las Vegas?


>>Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Russia and many are smuggled in across the Egyptian border.<<

Pimping and trafficking is illegal, prostitution is not legal


Israel can teach the world about a lot of things: solar power, water scarcity, security, high-tech innovation. Here’s another area where Israel has achieved remarkable success, to very little fanfare: combatting sex trafficking.

I sat down recently with Merav Shmueli, a lawyer with Israel’s Ministry of Justice who is the country’s national anti-trafficking coordinator. She was in California addressing the state Assembly, speaking to the public, and meeting with religious and political leaders to describe what Israel has done to address the problem and learn how we approach it here.

Sharing knowledge and best practices is key, she said, because even in countries with very different political systems, trafficking exhibits the same characteristics, from victim behavior to evidentiary difficulties. Israel often invites experts from other countries to speak to Israeli peers, and now Shmueli was invited to speak in California.

The timing of her visit was not coincidental. With the Super Bowl coming on Feb. 7, concerns have been expressed. Not addressing the Super Bowl specifically, she said, “I do know that wherever there are big games where lots of young men gather to have fun — the Olympics, football games — there is always a supply of sexual services.”

When I was a reporter at the Jerusalem Post in the 1990s, the Israeli media was full of stories about the explosion in sex trafficking that accompanied the Russian aliyah. Young blond women were being lured from the crumbling Soviet empire with false promises of riches awaiting them in Tel Aviv; then when they got to Israel, their passports were taken and they were kept under lock and key, forced to have sex with numerous clients until fictitious debts were paid back.

That problem, Shmueli told me, is now virtually nonexistent.

“We have practically eliminated what you saw in the ’90s,” she said, “the young women from the FSU in debt bondage, locked inside, pimps controlling them 24/7, not getting paid — that doesn’t exist today in Israel.” From thousands of women sex-trafficked each year in the early 1990s, Israel has moved to almost no cases today. For example, no new victims were identified in 2010 at all, she said: “It’s an amazing achievement.”

That doesn’t mean women aren’t arriving from abroad, mostly from the former Soviet areas, and becoming prostitutes. They are. The difference, Shmueli said, is that these women enter legally, as tourists, specifically for the purpose of engaging in paid sex. They stay for three or four months, make money and go home. “They’re not smuggled in through the Sinai Desert on forged passports, like before.”

But that’s still a serious problem. Israel does not recognize prostitution as a career choice. Neither does Shmueli believe that any woman can really choose such a life — not without something awful propelling her toward it. “If you dig deep, you find the reasons,” she said.

Israeli law treats prostitutes as victims; they are not prosecuted. But those who enable the process are prosecuted, aggressively. The big guns are sitting in prison now, including Rami Saban, sentenced to 181/2 years for managing an international corporation that trafficked more than 2,000 women from the former Soviet states. Israel passed a comprehensive law against all human trafficking in 2006, which is used today mainly in cases of labor trafficking — migrant workers from Southeast Asia, or domestic workers kept in virtual slavery in “good people’s” homes, for example, said Shmueli.

There are just “a handful” of such cases brought to Israeli courts every year. That’s because the definition of slavery in the 2006 law is very strict; it doesn’t include immigrants who aren’t paid what they’re owed, or domestic workers living in substandard conditions. There’s still much work to be done, she pointed out.

And what of her meetings in California? “I’m very impressed by the commitment of the people I’ve met here,” she said, noting that the local hotel industry is beginning to train employees to recognize and report suspected cases of trafficking.

“That’s very important,” she added. “Not everything is criminal — there are gray areas. But hotels have a responsibility to train their staff.”

How Israel Stopped Trafficking in Women - Al-Monitor: the ...
Sep 11, 2013 - “The phenomenon of trafficking in women in Israel has disappeared,” according ... I didn't understand what he wanted, and I had no data on it.
Police bust women-trafficking, prostitution ring in TA | The ... › Israel Inside
The Times of Israel
Nov 29, 2015 - Network smuggled Russian and Ukrainian women into Israel and ran ... their sexual services, of which the network operators would get a percentage. ... According to the Task Force on Human Trafficking, an alliance of Israeli NGOs, there .... Killer who sparked Greek neo-Nazi probe freed with trial ongoing.
Israel leading world in prevention and reduction of human ...
The Jerusalem Post
Dec 2, 2014 - Justice Minister Tzipi Livni said the shocking phenomenon of human trafficking continues to take place all over the world, including Israel, with ...






You think traffiking is not a problem in most of the world?

Oddly Israel is not among the highest per capita

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