The Rise Of The New Hate


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Arthur Goldwag: The Rise Of The New Hate

No, all Republicans aren't racists--there are any number of reasons that a principled person might oppose Obama that have nothing whatever to do with race. But as the contest for the Republican nomination tightens, the clamor of racial, McCarthyist and conspiratorial dog whistles--what I have come to call "the New Hate"--has become as deafening to those who can hear them as the blare of vuvuzelas at a World Cup soccer match................

This is the power of the New Hate. What reels susceptible voters in isn't the policy prescriptions that go with this or that expression of it, but the narratives that justify them - horror stories about the impending erasure of white Christian heartland values (and at their most highly wrought, of white heartland Christians themselves). This is how a serial adulterer can lay claim to the moral high ground--by channeling a set of meta-stories whose antagonists are still lurking in the darkest corners of the collective imagination. Gingrich and other angry populists evoke the specters of Godless Dr. Frankensteins, tinkering with human life in their sinister laboratories; of angry black men and wandering Jews, thirsty for revenge; of predatory women who've strayed from their husbands' kitchens, and gays who've emerged from their closets, like vampires from their coffins, in search of new blood. Peel back yet another layer and there are witches and devils and changelings.

Heartfelt and sincere or cynical and opportunistic, the New Hate poisons our political discourse and divides us even more than we are already. But it operates most effectively beneath the threshold of consciousness. Subject its premises to critical or historical analysis, or merely expose them to the light of day, and they lose much of their potency. Just ask Ron Paul.

Why do the heathen rage?
Gingrich and other angry populists evoke the specters of Godless Dr. Frankensteins, tinkering with human life in their sinister laboratories; of angry black men and wandering Jews, thirsty for revenge; of predatory women who've strayed from their husbands' kitchens, and gays who've emerged from their closets, like vampires from their coffins, in search of new blood.

:lol: :lol:
Yup....More Huffingpaint swill.

Nothing to see here.

THE Public HATING!!!!
At that moment Traub was at last convinced of the enormity of Ketteridge's crime, and Weltmer said, "All right, that's it. Now let's get down to brass tacks. Let's concentrate on his right arm. Hate it, do you hear. Burn the flesh from the bone! You can do it! Come on! Burn him alive!"

Traub stared unblinking through the binoculars at Ketteridge's right arm as the prisoner leaped to his feet and ripped off his jacket, howling. With his left hand he gripped his right forearm and then Traub saw the flesh turning dark. First a deep red and then a livid purple. The fingers contracted and Ketteridge whirled on his small platform like a dervish, slapping his arm against his side.

"That's it," Weltmer called. "You're doing it. You're doing it. Mind over matter! That's it. Burn this offending flesh. Be as the avenging angels of the Lord. Smite this devil! That's it!"

"Oh, the power is wonderful," cried Weltmer. "You've got him. Now let's really turn it on. Come on!"

Ketteridge writhed on the grass and then rose and began running back and forth, directionless, like a bug on a griddle
Writing Tips and Hints: "The Public Hating" - a lesson in execution
And Fail&Won'tGo wonders why he gets accused of race baiting.

I think he knows quite well. He isn't as stupid as he comes off. He just doesnt care who he lies about as long as he thinks it helps those he supports.

Of course, I could be wrong and he might be stupid. who knows.
Oh, the ole 'Hate' accusation game. How stale & boring. The word 'Hate' has gone the way of the word 'Racist.' They've been over-used so much, they no longer have any real meaning & significance.
Oh, the ole 'Hate' accusation game. How stale & boring. The word 'Hate' has gone the way of the word 'Racist.' They've been over-used so much, they no longer have any real meaning & significance.

So what is that stuff Newt's been spewing? Love and rainbows?
Oh, the ole 'Hate' accusation game. How stale & boring. The word 'Hate' has gone the way of the word 'Racist.' They've been over-used so much, they no longer have any real meaning & significance.

So what is that stuff Newt's been spewing? Love and rainbows?

Words. Bravado. Not hate.

Those words sure sound vitriolic and hateful. But, with the way the GOP has been re-writing definitions of other words such as communist, socialist and nazi, I'm not surprised.
Really? I feel more hate coming from you than I do from Newt. and I am no where near a Newt supporter.
Arthur Goldwag: The Rise Of The New Hate

No, all Republicans aren't racists--there are any number of reasons that a principled person might oppose Obama that have nothing whatever to do with race. But as the contest for the Republican nomination tightens, the clamor of racial, McCarthyist and conspiratorial dog whistles--what I have come to call "the New Hate"--has become as deafening to those who can hear them as the blare of vuvuzelas at a World Cup soccer match................

This is the power of the New Hate. What reels susceptible voters in isn't the policy prescriptions that go with this or that expression of it, but the narratives that justify them - horror stories about the impending erasure of white Christian heartland values (and at their most highly wrought, of white heartland Christians themselves). This is how a serial adulterer can lay claim to the moral high ground--by channeling a set of meta-stories whose antagonists are still lurking in the darkest corners of the collective imagination. Gingrich and other angry populists evoke the specters of Godless Dr. Frankensteins, tinkering with human life in their sinister laboratories; of angry black men and wandering Jews, thirsty for revenge; of predatory women who've strayed from their husbands' kitchens, and gays who've emerged from their closets, like vampires from their coffins, in search of new blood. Peel back yet another layer and there are witches and devils and changelings.

Heartfelt and sincere or cynical and opportunistic, the New Hate poisons our political discourse and divides us even more than we are already. But it operates most effectively beneath the threshold of consciousness. Subject its premises to critical or historical analysis, or merely expose them to the light of day, and they lose much of their potency. Just ask Ron Paul.

Why do the heathen rage?

Crackers being Crackers. Nothing new.
First, I thought you were leaving.

Second, history has totally vindicated McCarthy's central theme that people in State and in the White House reported directly to Moscow.

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