The Rittenhouse Verdict

You are so messed up, that you can't be reasoned with, rationalized with or anything. The sad thing is, is that you can't see it, and you continue on with your twisted ideals and screwed up opinions of what life is supposed to be like, and who is at fault when life don't go your way.

The reason that most Americans at large didn't have a problem with the marches during King's time, is because they were peaceful, and they made sense in the messaging for most who gave them a listen.

However, when the various bad actor's/activist tried to hijack his movement or they tried to stop his movement, (otherwise wanting blood in the streets instead of peace), well that's when the hijacking of the movement was pushed back by all Americans, and especially by American's who were of all color's in which believed in his religious tenure, his speeches, and his peaceful movement that was started way back then.....

Yes it was a movement and message that had rang true in the hearts and minds of most of the citizen's across America, therefore it overtook the negative voices of the hijacker's even after King's death it became the strongest message of hope for the future of race relations in America.

Same with today... Anyone having a peaceful movement, and a uniting under that movement for peace and for unity to prevail, then yes you'll still have the activist element's who want to hijack a movement that they (the hijacker's) themselves couldn't organize if they tried too, but yes have that peaceful movement anyway.

Hijacker's and negative player's beware, because a peaceful movement is the best movement, and a hate movement will always fail.
King's approach built a lot of sympathy for his cause and America was ready when the democrats inevitably over-reacted with the hoses and dogs.
I carried a M-16 the same way. You want to play war, fine. But look for the other side to retaliate. When you shoot at someone and they shoot back, yelling "Hey, that's not fair" is just bitching.
So, you are claiming that you carried a M-16 on a patrol sling in Vietnam?
So, you are claiming that you carried a M-16 on a patrol sling in Vietnam?
And he's claiming that civilians have to have military training on how to carry a rifle or he's going to shoot them. Real nice guy, there.
The non intimidation carrying is actually swing to the back. When we weren't trying to intimidate, that's the way we held our M-16, Now you are saying he was on "Patrol". Think about it.
A back slung rifle isn't available at need. No military uses them anymore. A patrol sling keeps the weapon available for use.
After hearing all the evidence the Prosecution could muster the jury determined he did nothing to provoke a confrontation. No intimidation.

You cannot provoke an confrontation and then claim self defense.

That was one of the factors the jury had to determine in analyzing the conditions for consideration for murder.

In fact just the opposite. By being acquitted on all charges it was determined unequivocally that he was not the aggressor and he acted in self defense.

The Judge gave them instructions to the affect, if you don't rule that way, he's going to rule a mistrial. That wasn't justice.
A back slung rifle isn't available at need. No military uses them anymore. A patrol sling keeps the weapon available for use.

Funny, when I was in Recovery, had my 16 been in the front, it would have clanged and just be in the way. I swung it down and the Rifle ended up on my back instead of my chest. And they are still using the same slings that we used in the 60s and 70s. BTW. recovery was fixing (or trying to) a downed Aircraft that was thought to be recoverable. If you wouldn't recovery it, Phosphorous was used to melt anything useful. And everyone was armed regardless of service. While we were prepping it for takeoff, the Army EODs were wiring it for destruction.
And so, you would not have shot, or threated to shoot, Rittenhouse.
Good to know.

The Kid would have laid his weapon down if given the choice. Of course, the alternative to the choice of laying down his weapon would be 3 holes in him. Never give that choice without your weapon already trained onto the person that makes the decision. Had he made the right decision, I would have assisted getting behind the cops lines. The choice to live or die would have been in his hands. As it was anyway. But no one had to die that day.
The Judge gave them instructions to the affect, if you don't rule that way, he's going to rule a mistrial. That wasn't justice.
It is when the prosecution has such a weak case they end up doing stupid stuff.
The Kid would have laid his weapon down if given the choice. Of course, the alternative to the choice of laying down his weapon would be 3 holes in him. Never give that choice without your weapon already trained onto the person that makes the decision. Had he made the right decision, I would have assisted getting behind the cops lines. The choice to live or die would have been in his hands. As it was anyway. But no one had to die that day.
And the guy standing behind you with his firearm would give you the same choice and have the same rationale behind his demand and subsequent ventilation of your person.

If no one had attacked Rittenhouse, no one would have died from his hand.
It is when the prosecution has such a weak case they end up doing stupid stuff.

Rule #1. Don't piss off the Judge and they stomped all over that rule. Right after the Judge did his rant, he should have recused himself and called for a mistrial.

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