The Rittenhouse Verdict

The BLM protesting shitheads were not peaceful. They were destroying Kenosha and tried to kill Kyle.

As far as smart gun handling Kyle is the envy of the gun community.

He effectively engaged attacking bad guys while being on the ground without any collateral damage and he did it while having to use a forward assist in the mist of battle. He chased away one shithead, killed two more assholes and disabled another dickhead with only eight shots. In combat there are generally thousands of shots fired for one casualty.

The next series of deaths are on your head.
The next series of deaths are on your head.

I doubt because of Kyle these murderous asshole BLM shitheads will be so anxious to attack anybody that is armed.

Maybe even some of the BLM dickheads will stay at home next time instead of trying to burn down a city.

Even that piece of shit Negro (Jumpkick Man) ran away like a little coward when confronted with somebody willing to defend themself.
One, the M-16s used in Vietnam couldn’t be patrol slung. Both sling swivels were on the bottom of the rifle and the slings were too short to flip the rifle. Two, slinging them on your back while working was common and usually we slung them cross shoulder. Finally, I very much doubt scarce EOD techs were rigging an aircraft for destruction. I WAS EOD during Vietnam, and we weren’t trained to do demolition. Engineers were trained to do demolition. Oh and phosphorus wouldn’t be used to destroy an aircraft since it didn’t burn hot enough. THERMITE would have been used. So, as usual none of what you are saying makes any sense at all.

I get the military retirement pay and you don't. You have never seen a bird melted with Phosphorus rounds. The charges would have been set off by a circling gunship using phosphorus 40mm rounds. If you are that smart, tell me what two specific Aircraft that this was use on and why.
I doubt because of Kyle these murderous asshole BLM shitheads will be so anxious to attack anybody that is armed.

Maybe even some of the BLM dickheads will stay at home next time instead of trying to burn down a city.

Even that piece of shit Negro (Jumpkick Man) ran away like a little coward when confronted with somebody willing to defend themself.

Only if you say so. But it's going to happen.
I get the military retirement pay and you don't.
This is a lie.
You have never seen a bird melted with Phosphorus rounds.
Neither have you.
The charges would have been set off by a circling gunship using phosphorus 40mm rounds.
This is a ie,; there's no reason for demolition charges be set off by aircraft
If you are that smart, tell me what two specific Aircraft that this was use on and why.
Both versions of the AC-130A and the AC-130H
So, that's -three- "specific" aircraft.
Never mind the fact the 40mm Bofors does not have WP round.

And thus, you are caught in yet again another lie.
I get the military retirement pay and you don't. You have never seen a bird melted with Phosphorus rounds. The charges would have been set off by a circling gunship using phosphorus 40mm rounds. If you are that smart, tell me what two specific Aircraft that this was use on and why.
I don’t know why I’m wasting my time, but WP was used as a obscurant and incendiary. As for the 40mm, AC130s carried them (40mm Bofors) and Huey gunships sometimes had 40mm grenade launchers in their chin turrets. And how do you know that I DON’T get a military retirement?

The Bofors didn’t have a WP round during Vietnam, just AP, HE and HET. The 40mm Grenades came with came with a WP SMOKE round.

Stop digging. The hole is getting deep.
This is a lie.

Neither have you.

This is a ie,; there's no reason for demolition charges be set off by aircraft

Both versions of the AC-130A and the AC-130H
So, that's -three- "specific" aircraft.
Never mind the fact the 40mm Bofors does not have WP round.

And thus, you are caught in yet again another lie.
Be fair, we have no way to know that he doesn’t get a military retirement, but you are correct on the other points. Demo is set off either electrically or with time fuse.
King's approach built a lot of sympathy for his cause and America was ready when the democrats inevitably over-reacted with the hoses and dogs.
Did they react due to embedded trouble maker's who wanted to hijack the moment, and maybe attempted to swing it into a riot action that was met with those fire hoses and dog's ???

Law and order should always stand dominate in the Streets, and it should work to stop a riot in it's track's, and then the criminal's can be sorted out afterwards.

Amongst all protest and rallies you have an element that wants violence and vengeance instead of peace, so when they see a huge crowd gathered together, they go into action trying to lure that crowd into a riot. Quickly the rally organizers lose control, and the violent struggle begins between police and rioters.
I don’t know why I’m wasting my time, but WP was used as a obscurant and incendiary. As for the 40mm, AC130s carried them (40mm Bofors) and Huey gunships sometimes had 40mm grenade launchers in their chin turrets. And how do you know that I DON’T get a military retirement?

The Bofors didn’t have a WP round during Vietnam, just AP, HE and HET. The 40mm Grenades came with came with a WP SMOKE round.

Stop digging. The hole is getting deep.

We hit 2 ACs and one B-57G with those rounds that you said we never had. We didn't normally carry them but could launch with them if the mission called for. Okay, mr Wonderful, what base was I stationed at for the 40mm Bofors? It was based at only two bases in SEA with the 40s. The 105 was also used. Both the 40 and the 105 could use the Willey Pete rounds. What does the Willey Pete mean? Now, Son, why did we fire WP rounds? Tracers meant the bird firing them could be seen.

Grab your google search, phony. You have nothing to say that doesn't come from search engine. Have a nice life
Actually, what is lost is common sense and smart gun handling. The next time a peaceful protest goes on by BLM, some idiot is going to go in there and they are going to waste him for carrying a weapon in any thing other than a carry that can't readily go to fire. I won't go on about how it would be done but there won't be any trial because you won't know whom the shooters are. But you made those rules now live by them.
Oh, so you are using this platform to conduct threats now, and suggest ideas of how to sniper citizen's at a protest if they show up carrying a weapon for their protection ? Really dude ?
We hit 2 ACs and one B-57G with those rounds that you said we never had. We didn't normally carry them but could launch with them if the mission called for. Okay, mr Wonderful, what base was I stationed at for the 40mm Bofors? It was based at only two bases in SEA with the 40s. The 105 was also used. Both the 40 and the 105 could use the Willey Pete rounds. What does the Willey Pete mean? Now, Son, why did we fire WP rounds? Tracers meant the bird firing them could be seen.
Grab your google search, phony. You have nothing to say that doesn't come from search engine. Have a nice life
There's a -whole- bunch of Stolen Valor on display here.
Oh, so you are using this platform to conduct threats now, and suggest ideas of how to sniper citizen's at a protest if they show up carrying a weapon for their protection ? Really dude ?

He's going to, long-distance, ask them to drop their weapon, before he shoots them.
By the same token, Trayvon should have stayed on the sidewalk in plain view.
So it should be "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," it should be 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, unless you're a black kid walking around in a neighbourhood and some nosey fuckwit decides to target you - for god knows what - and therefore you should pay for with your life because said fuckwit thinks he's the new sheriff in town'.

Got it...
It is when the prosecution has such a weak case they end up doing stupid stuff.

It's a shame that when that dumbass prosecutor pointed the rifle at the jury, with his finger on the trigger, that there wasn't someone in the jury who happened to be carrying a sidearm, to respond appropriately to that action by putting a few bullets into that dumbass prosecutor.

All of Vrenn's bloodthirsty fantasies notwithstanding, that is a genuine situation in which someone would have been fully justified in shooting the dumbass in self-defense.


And just think of the difference someone in the audience could have made, when this corrupt bitch pulled a similar stunt many years ago…


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