The Rittenhouse Verdict

You just threatened, not many posts back, to “General Order 24” me and two other participants. If beagle9, Flash, or I were to now hunt you down and kill you, we could credibly argue that given your thinly-veiled death threats against us, we had cause to fear for our lives. It's a weak argument, and I doubt it would fly, but it is at least as valid as the bullshit that you're trying to claim.

Just make sure you aren't holding your AR when you do it. I may fear for my life.
I am not getting it, Rittenhouse should of stayed home and all the other rioters should have stayed home as well. Pretty stupid to go to a riot, and it was a riot, not a protest, a riot.

Now, since they ALL went to the riot, the issue was did Rittenhouse break the law or was it self defense.

The presumption is that Rittenhouse is not guilty and the burden of proof lies on the prosecution, not the defendant. The burden for the prosecution is beyond a reasonable doubt.

The evidence that the prosecution presented left doubt and the defense provided a theory of self defense.

Liberals have always believed that it is better to let 10 guilty go free than convict one innocent person, it seems that there are no real liberals left.
Nope - Rittenhouse shouldn't have stayed home, and he went there to help save lives, and save property along with other's who were intent on doing the same... They did this because the law were rendered feckless in the situation, and they had seen what was going on in the other events that were out of control all over the nation.

Rittenhouse just ended up in the action first I guess, otherwise when he attempted to save a gas station that a rioter was threatening with fire, and so it was on. When he tried to do his civil duty to out the fire, then he came under attack by the fire bug who began threatening him with bodily harm, otherwise if he attempted to put the fire out. Well he did his civil duty again by outing the fire or trying too, and the firebug rioter attacked him. The rest is history. Self defense case if there ever was one. The only ones breaking the law that night were the rioters, and not Kyle Rittenhouse. He became the law in a lawless society under attack.

We best hope for more like him if the law is told to stand down while an out of control mob destroys lives and property unabated. It was time for a Kyle Rittenhouse, and that is what the nation got because of it's political stalemate when it came to upholding the law, and keeping the citizen's and their properties safe.
Just make sure you aren't holding your AR when you do it. I may fear for my life.

Relax. I have no intention of trying to hunt you down or harm you.

I recognize you for what you are—an impotent quiche-eating buffoon, driven to attempt in vain to compensate how worthless, how cowardly, and how generally pathetic you truly are, by making empty death threats against random participants in a relatively anonymous internet forum.

But you might want to be careful about making such threats as you just did in this thread. Someone might take them seriously, leading either to direct action against you on the part of the one who you've threatened, or else simply handing the matter over to law enforcement and letting them take care of you.
It happens because uneducated apologists lie Dr Grump make excuses for them.
Probably excuses that they don't want, but Grump is a political activist, and so he uses excuses (just like his boy Biden does), in the crisis for an excuse to boost power for the Democrat's who lie,lie,lie.
No need for threats, but some just can't help themselves if trying feverishly to defend the indefensible.
Actually, what is lost is common sense and smart gun handling. The next time a peaceful protest goes on by BLM, some idiot is going to go in there and they are going to waste him for carrying a weapon in any thing other than a carry that can't readily go to fire. I won't go on about how it would be done but there won't be any trial because you won't know whom the shooters are. But you made those rules now live by them.

Did you also want to kill these guys in the LA peaceful protests?

My defense would be, I feared for my life.
Doesn't mean it would stick.

You shoot someone who is not shooting at you or pointing his weapon at you or engaging you in any way, I guarantee a first or second degree murder charge.

The difference here is that Rittenhouse was actually attacked, was actually threatened with violence and death and, more importantly, he was not attacked because of the weapon or how he carried it. Rosenbaum didn't give two shits about that and if he did, he would have had enough sense not to attack an armed person when he himself was unarmed.

All this talk about "I would give him just two choices..." is empty barroom bluster.
Doesn't mean it would stick.

You shoot someone who is not shooting at you or pointing his weapon at you or engaging you in any way, I guarantee a first or second degree murder charge.

The difference here is that Rittenhouse was actually attacked, was actually threatened with violence and death and, more importantly, he was not attacked because of the weapon or how he carried it. Rosenbaum didn't give two shits about that and if he did, he would have had enough sense not to attack an armed person when he himself was unarmed.

All this talk about "I would give him just two choices..." is empty barroom bluster.
The reason that most Americans at large didn't have a problem with the marches during King's time, is because they were peaceful, and they made sense in the messaging for most who gave them a listen.
Um, yeah, no one had a problem with King's peaceful movement... that's why he was assassinated... YOU FUCKING SCHMUCK.


However, when the various bad actor's/activist tried to hijack his movement or they tried to stop his movement, (otherwise wanting blood in the streets instead of peace), well that's when the hijacking of the movement was pushed back by all Americans, and especially by American's who were of all color's in which believed in his religious tenure, his speeches, and his peaceful movement that was started way back then.....

Quite the contrary... Yes, Nixon DID use racial fear in 1968 to get elected, but then he proceeded to create the EEOC and support continued expansion of the Civil Rights Movement to defuse the situation.
You just threatened, not many posts back, to “General Order 24” me and two other participants. If beagle9, Flash, or I were to now hunt you down and kill you, we could credibly argue that given your thinly-veiled death threats against us, we had cause to fear for our lives. It's a weak argument, and I doubt it would fly, but it is at least as valid as the bullshit that you're trying to claim.

I think that boy ain't quite right in the head.
Um, yeah, no one had a problem with King's peaceful movement... that's why he was assassinated... YOU FUCKING SCHMUCK.

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Quite the contrary... Yes, Nixon DID use racial fear in 1968 to get elected, but then he proceeded to create the EEOC and support continued expansion of the Civil Rights Movement to defuse the situation.

The Liberals let the BLM filth get away with insurrection last year. Six months of looting, rioting, murdering and destruction in over 200 American cities. The Liberals are too weak and stupid to understand what was wrong with it.

It was the weakness of Libtards like you that encouraged the goddamn Jungle Monkeys and their Communists buddies to continue with the destruction and that was despicable.

There were a few times when Americans stood up to the destruction. There were a few "Koreans on the Rooftop" moments and that was a good thing. Our County Sheriff put an end to it real quick where I live. Those shithead that attacked Kyle got what they deserve.
The Liberals let the BLM filth get away with insurrection last year. Six months of looting, rioting, murdering and destruction in over 200 American cities. The Liberals are too weak and stupid to understand what was wrong with it.

Quite the contrary. BLM started in 2013. They asked nicely for seven years for the kinds of police reforms that are starting to happen now. Those 200 cities didn't do much to reform, dragged their feet, the unions fought every proposal... Colin took a knee and lost his job. Asking nicely doesn't do that much.

Then they started breaking white people's stuff, and white people started to notice.

It was the weakness of Libtards like you that encouraged the goddamn Jungle Monkeys and their Communists buddies to continue with the destruction and that was despicable.

Wow... it's always nice to see a conservative who is honest in his racism.

Should point out your side stormed the Capitol because you didn't win an election. You showed up at State Capitols with guns because you couldn't go to Applebees. But Black people demonstrate and break a few things because they get sick and tired of police murdering their kids, and you are aghast.

There were a few times when Americans stood up to the destruction. There were a few "Koreans on the Rooftop" moments and that was a good thing. Our County Sheriff put an end to it real quick where I live. Those shithead that attacked Kyle got what they deserve.

The riots didn't stop because a few Koreans got on rooftops. (They ended up closing their stores because no one wanted to shop there after that.)

The 1992 Riots stopped because Bush-41 (yes, Bush-41) pledged money to help and brought federal charges against the four thug cops who beat up Rodney King.
Quite the contrary. BLM started in 2013. They asked nicely for seven years for the kinds of police reforms that are starting to happen now. Those 200 cities didn't do much to reform, dragged their feet, the unions fought every proposal... Colin took a knee and lost his job. Asking nicely doesn't do that much.

Then they started breaking white people's stuff, and white people started to notice.

Wow... it's always nice to see a conservative who is honest in his racism.

Should point out your side stormed the Capitol because you didn't win an election. You showed up at State Capitols with guns because you couldn't go to Applebees. But Black people demonstrate and break a few things because they get sick and tired of police murdering their kids, and you are aghast.

The riots didn't stop because a few Koreans got on rooftops. (They ended up closing their stores because no one wanted to shop there after that.)

The 1992 Riots stopped because Bush-41 (yes, Bush-41) pledged money to help and brought federal charges against the four thug cops who beat up Rodney King.

BLM only exist as a murdering destructive organization because stupid confused White Guilt pukes like you let them get away with their destruction.

The BLM filth were successful in their destruction because the irresponsible Democrat leadership in the big city shitholes let them do whatever they wanted.

The Democrat turds were even bailing the Jungle Monkeys and Communists out of jail in the rare times they were arrested.

Another great example of why Democrats should never be elected to any public office.

Nobody ever said the Koreans stopped the Jungle Monkeys from rioting but they sure as hell did protect their property. Just like the Patriots in Kenosha were doing.
Relax. I have no intention of trying to hunt you down or harm you.

I recognize you for what you are—an impotent quiche-eating buffoon, driven to attempt in vain to compensate how worthless, how cowardly, and how generally pathetic you truly are, by making empty death threats against random participants in a relatively anonymous internet forum.

But you might want to be careful about making such threats as you just did in this thread. Someone might take them seriously, leading either to direct action against you on the part of the one who you've threatened, or else simply handing the matter over to law enforcement and letting them take care of you.

Careful, it doesn't take much to use your new defense. But you and yours made the rules and now you feel threatened that someone else may play by your rules.

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