The Rittenhouse Verdict

Quite the contrary. BLM started in 2013. They asked nicely for seven years for the kinds of police reforms that are starting to happen now. Those 200 cities didn't do much to reform, dragged their feet, the unions fought every proposal... Colin took a knee and lost his job. Asking nicely doesn't do that much.

Which riots, arsons and widespread looting incidents were peaceful?
Yes, how dare the black child walk home from his house...

Sit down. Shut up.
As usual, you're missing a few details inconvenient to your narrative, but since it's an article of faith for you, you will simply refuse to acknowledge them.
Um, yeah, no one had a problem with King's peaceful movement... that's why he was assassinated... YOU FUCKING SCHMUCK.

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Quite the contrary... Yes, Nixon DID use racial fear in 1968 to get elected, but then he proceeded to create the EEOC and support continued expansion of the Civil Rights Movement to defuse the situation.
There you go again with your dishonest leftist bull crap spin on everything.

Your damned photo shopped sign is bull crap because it wasn't all white people that had an issue with the King movement you fricken idiot. If anything you are a con artist/perpetrator damned racist or race baiter from hell, just like anyone else is for using the term white people as if it includes all white's, and the term black people as it that includes all black's. There is a difference in character's you knuckle head, and it has absolutely nothing to do with skin color, although skin color is being targeted by idiot's who undoubtedly didn't complete the 3rd grade of life. Now squirm yourself back into your hole in which you crawl from everyday, and let the adult's debate the issues.
As usual, you're missing a few details inconvenient to your narrative, but since it's an article of faith for you, you will simply refuse to acknowledge them.
Saw this video the other day..

Grump, do you ever assign any responsibility to the black's for their culture of thuggery, gang activity, riot's, and other such stuff that makes citizen's highly cautious of them when encounter them in certain situations ???

Now by saying this, I'm not talking about all black's, but there is a certain amount of black's that engage in nefarious activities, and then when they are confronted by the police and something bad happens, then out comes the pictures of them in their day's before going bad, and then it's this "they were going to go to college", and they were good guy's, going to get married, and on and on it goes.

My point is, why don't the black community work together to help straighten out the situation, especially when black's are being murdered in record numbers by other black's in society ?? I just scratch my head about it all.
Let me educate you.

1) There are currently 475,000 blacks in prison. There are 41 million black people in the USA. That means 1.13 per cent of the black population is in prison. That also means 98.7 per cent AREN'T. Even if you say for every 1 black person in prison 10 have been in the past, 90 per cent haven't been in prison. The overwhelming majority are law abiding citizens. But that's not YOUR narrative. If you were to ask every piece of white trailer trash American citizen I'm confident a vast number of them would believe that a huge number of black people are felons or have been in prison - definitely more than 1.13 per cent (in their mind).
2) You talk about thuggery? Let's go through the numbers. The biggest MASS murderers in the history of the world are: Pol Pot, Genghis Khan, British Empire, Stalin, Hitler, Mao (I could go on)....can you please point out which one of these men - and they are ALL men - was black.
3) Nefarious activities? Ok? So how many black people are in the Mafia? Triads? KKK?
4) The vast majority of serial killers in the US are white. The vast majority of mass murders via shooting are white. What is the white community doing to straighten out that situation?
5) There are definitely issues within the black community. I remember Jesse Jackson saying in the 1980s he was walking down a street and heard somebody behind him and he hoped it wasn't a black person. He knows that there is an issue in that regard. What has been proven over and over and over again - in MANY peer reviewed studies - is that it is about poverty, not race. There are literally millions of successful black people in the US. None of them are in poverty. Is there a thug culture (gangsta rap anybody?)? Yes. But it's like me saying "Every Italian American is in the Mafia", "Every Anglo American belongs to the KKK". Am I right?
If you were there and saw something different happen, why didn't you tell the prosecutor? He could have used it.
I wasn't there. Neither were you. You have a couple of dodgy eye witnesses and the idiot that shot him.

Think about this - if Zimmerman and Rittenhouse BOTH minded their own fucking business, we wouldn't be talking about this.
I wasn't there. Neither were you. You have a couple of dodgy eye witnesses and the idiot that shot him.

Think about this - if Zimmerman and Rittenhouse BOTH minded their own fucking business, we wouldn't be talking about this.
Just going by the facts that came out in the trials. That's the best, most complete source we have and in each case the verdict was not guilty.

Think about this - Zimmerman WAS minding his business. As neighborhood watch, it was his right and duty to know who was in the neighborhood. And Rittenhouse wouldn't have been armed in the streets if the rioters not been there. Why is he the only one criticized for being there?
The Liberals let the BLM filth get away with insurrection last year. Six months of looting, rioting, murdering and destruction in over 200 American cities. The Liberals are too weak and stupid to understand what was wrong with it.

You seem to have misspelled “evil and complicit”.

This shit didn't happen because LIbErals didn't have the courage or intelligence to stand against it. LIbErals actively supported it. LIbErals were (and still are) on the side of the subhuman criminal pieces of shit who have been engaging in this behavior.
Quite the contrary. BLM started in 2013. They asked nicely for seven years for the kinds of police reforms that are starting to happen now. Those 200 cities didn't do much to reform, dragged their feet, the unions fought every proposal... Colin took a knee and lost his job. Asking nicely doesn't do that much.

Mainstream America does not give a fuck about how “politely” they ask.

Whether it is by kneeling and groveling like a mediocre pathetic wannabe football player, or burning and looting; the answer to a request that we put the interests of subhuman criminal pieces of shit above that of actual human beings is always going to be “Hell, No!”

Those that want to be recognized as treated as human beings should consider trying to behave like actual human beings, instead of behaving like subhuman criminal pieces of shit. That would gain them much, much, much more than any empty requests or demands that they might make.
The 1992 Riots stopped because Bush-41 (yes, Bush-41) pledged money to help and brought federal charges against the four thug cops who beat up Rodney King.

You're either flat-out lying, or just plain ignorant. Given that it is you, my guess would be both.

The 1992 riots started, not after Rodney “The Piñata” King got into a fight with police, and lost.

They started a year later after the four police officers had stood trial on trumped-up charges in connection with that incident, and a jury found them all “not guilty” of all charges.
Just going by the facts that came out in the trials. That's the best, most complete source we have and in each case the verdict was not guilty.

Think about this - Zimmerman WAS minding his business. As neighborhood watch, it was his right and duty to know who was in the neighborhood. And Rittenhouse wouldn't have been armed in the streets if the rioters not been there. Why is he the only one criticized for being there?

Careful. I may have to drive into your neighborhood, arm myself openly and then get both offended and fearful for my life. I won't but you and your bunch have written the law on this.
Just going by the facts that came out in the trials. That's the best, most complete source we have and in each case the verdict was not guilty.

Think about this - Zimmerman WAS minding his business. As neighborhood watch, it was his right and duty to know who was in the neighborhood. And Rittenhouse wouldn't have been armed in the streets if the rioters not been there. Why is he the only one criticized for being there?
Because you have a police force to take care of those matters. Whether you like it or not, that is their job. You might not think they are doing a good job, but it is THEIR job. Not Zimmerman's. Not Rittenhouse's. Sure, if Martin had been armed and shooting at people, or raped somebody immediately prior to the incident, or whatever, then I think you'd find Zimmerman would not be a polarising figure. In fact, I think the praise would be unanimous. I have no problem with him being the neighbourhood watch guy.
I wasn't there. Neither were you. You have a couple of dodgy eye witnesses and the idiot that shot him.

Why do you say the witnesses are dodgy?
Think about this - if Zimmerman and Rittenhouse BOTH minded their own fucking business, we wouldn't be talking about this.

Think about this - if Rosenbaum had not attacked Kyle, we wouldn't be talking about this.
Careful. I may have to drive into your neighborhood, arm myself openly and then get both offended and fearful for my life. I won't but you and your bunch have written the law on this.
What law was written ? LOL..

THe laws were just held up for a change, and that was a shock eh ?
What law was written ? LOL..

THe laws were just held up for a change, and that was a shock eh ?

Had the same been done here, Kyle would have to spend some time with shrinks, Momma would be in prison, and buddy that got him the gun would have a very long prison sentence if it were allowed to get that far. Chances are, Kyle would have been detained, the weapon seized, buddy would be picked up, and Momma would be called to post bail on Kyle.
Had the same been done here, Kyle would have to spend some time with shrinks, Momma would be in prison, and buddy that got him the gun would have a very long prison sentence if it were allowed to get that far. Chances are, Kyle would have been detained, the weapon seized, buddy would be picked up, and Momma would be called to post bail on Kyle.
Only in leftist fantasy land does the laws bend to the leftist whim's, but finally a court with the nads to do the right thing in regards to the laws on the book's again. The new technology of video camera's being everywhere these days, ended up being a two edged sword in the courtroom. We are heading for a complete police state now, and it's all because of the lies and bull crap that has been going on for the last 3 decades.

Hell, even dash cams are saving people's aces from the corrupt lying pieces of crap these days. Now the new technology when it saves people's aces from criminal's, then that is a darn good thing. Thank goodness we have this kind of technology in a society gone mad now.
Only in leftist fantasy land does the laws bend to the leftist whim's, but finally a court with the nads to do the right thing in regards to the laws on the book's again. The new technology of video camera's being everywhere these days, ended up being a two edged sword in the courtroom. We are heading for a complete police state now, and it's all because of the lies and bull crap that has been going on for the last 3 decades.

Hell, even dash cams are saving people's aces from the corrupt lying pieces of crap these days. Now the new technology when it saves people's aces from criminal's, then that is a darn good thing. Thank goodness we have this kind of technology in a society gone mad now.

We prevent such nonsense and it applies to everyone. We already had a 17 year old stopped carrying an AR and 4 30 bullet mags. It was found later that he was headed for the middle school to break the record for mass shootings.
Saw this video the other day..

Really STUPID video.
Arbury obviously was not a criminal trying to escape from a crime.
He had no stolen goods, no burglar tools, etc., and could not possibly have intended to commit a crime on foot like that.
When you are jogging, you do not want to stop.
If someone starts yelling at you, you do NOT want to talk to them and ruin the jog.
He likely kept jogging after these crazy people were chasing him, because he assumed they were just chasing him away.
If we were in the commission of a crime, then he would not have continued down the street, but instead would have gone overland, where they could not have followed in the vehicles.

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