The Rittenhouse Verdict

Actually, what is lost is common sense and smart gun handling.

You've already shown us, very vividly, how much of an “expert” you are on that subject.

I do hope your children survive you sending them in hotzones openly armed. The Mother and the Buddy should be locked up for a very long time. And so should you. You have nothing I care to listen to anymore. Have a nice life.

As accessories to crimes that have already been established as legal fact not to have been crimes at all.

Just when one thinks you can't be any more of a dumbass than you've already shown yourself to be, you'll prove that assumption to have been incorrect.
So it should be "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," it should be 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, unless you're a black kid walking around in a neighbourhood and some nosey fuckwit decides to target you - for god knows what - and therefore you should pay for with your life because said fuckwit thinks he's the new sheriff in town'.

Got it...
If you're walking the streets in a neighborhood you don't usually live in after dark and the neighborhood watch guy starts trailing you, it's beyond stupid to duck into the bushes and then jump him, I don't care who you are. You want it to be about race, it's really about stupidity.
It's a shame that when that dumbass prosecutor pointed the rifle at the jury, with his finger on the trigger, that there wasn't someone in the jury who happened to be carrying a sidearm, to respond appropriately to that action by putting a few bullets into that dumbass prosecutor.

All of Vrenn's bloodthirsty fantasies notwithstanding, that is a genuine situation in which someone would have been fully justified in shooting the dumbass in self-defense.

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And just think of the difference someone in the audience could have made, when this corrupt bitch pulled a similar stunt many years ago…

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Somebody in the jury should have stood up and demanded that the prosecutor be disarmed immediately for pulling that stunt. I mean, the gun could have been infected with the Alec Baldwin disease and just started shooting on its own.
Openly carrying a long gun AR into a hotspot is nothing short of saying, "Let's Kill Someone". No one had to die that day.
Does that include all the BLM assholes carrying weapons that night? According to the testimony in the trial there were a bunch of them.

Like the one that was illegally carrying a Glock that he pointed at Kyle's head?

How about the first shots fired that night by one of the protesters? Was he looking to kill somebody?

How about the sonofabitch that was carrying around a skateboard and tried to use it as a club?
If you're walking the streets in a neighborhood you don't usually live in after dark and the neighborhood watch guy starts trailing you, it's beyond stupid to duck into the bushes and then jump him, I don't care who you are. You want it to be about race, it's really about stupidity.
Is that what happened? Really? Sigh.....
I am not getting it, Rittenhouse should of stayed home and all the other rioters should have stayed home as well. Pretty stupid to go to a riot, and it was a riot, not a protest, a riot.

Now, since they ALL went to the riot, the issue was did Rittenhouse break the law or was it self defense.

The presumption is that Rittenhouse is not guilty and the burden of proof lies on the prosecution, not the defendant. The burden for the prosecution is beyond a reasonable doubt.

The evidence that the prosecution presented left doubt and the defense provided a theory of self defense.

Liberals have always believed that it is better to let 10 guilty go free than convict one innocent person, it seems that there are no real liberals left.
Oh, so you are using this platform to conduct threats now, and suggest ideas of how to sniper citizen's at a protest if they show up carrying a weapon for their protection ? Really dude ?

His protection ended no where near the Protesters. He became a threat. You don't like the rules, pick a different game. And stop using children.

Capt Kirk had it right.
He wore it in an intimidating manner. And, that alone, is reason enough to give him the two choices and only the two choice.

First, you would have to define "intimidating manner". Secondly, simply holding a weapon and not pointing it at someone does not make one an active shooter.

I see you guys like to play fast and loose with word and term definitions. But then, redefining things is the only way to make your arguments work.
The Kid would have laid his weapon down if given the choice. Of course, the alternative to the choice of laying down his weapon would be 3 holes in him. Never give that choice without your weapon already trained onto the person that makes the decision. Had he made the right decision, I would have assisted getting behind the cops lines. The choice to live or die would have been in his hands. As it was anyway. But no one had to die that day.

What do you think Rittenhouse (or anyone) would have done if some idiot who is armed the same as he was approached him and threatened to shoot him if he didn't lay down his weapon? He would have fired in self defense. I know I would.
His protection ended no where near the Protesters. He became a threat. You don't like the rules, pick a different game. And stop using children.

Capt Kirk had it right.

general order 24

Kirk had it right. You just made a General Order 24.

And you can live with General Order 24.

You do realize that Star Trek is fiction, right? Perhaps not, given the degree to which your own perspective is drowned in what everyone else participating in this thread can clearly see is a mass of fiction, far less realistic or believable than Star Trek ever was.
So it should be "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," it should be 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, unless you're a black kid walking around in a neighbourhood and some nosey fuckwit decides to target you - for god knows what - and therefore you should pay for with your life because said fuckwit thinks he's the new sheriff in town'.

Got it...
Grump, do you ever assign any responsibility to the black's for their culture of thuggery, gang activity, riot's, and other such stuff that makes citizen's highly cautious of them when encounter them in certain situations ???

Now by saying this, I'm not talking about all black's, but there is a certain amount of black's that engage in nefarious activities, and then when they are confronted by the police and something bad happens, then out comes the pictures of them in their day's before going bad, and then it's this "they were going to go to college", and they were good guy's, going to get married, and on and on it goes.

My point is, why don't the black community work together to help straighten out the situation, especially when black's are being murdered in record numbers by other black's in society ?? I just scratch my head about it all.
My point is, why don't the black community work together to help straighten out the situation, especially when black's are being murdered in record numbers by other black's in society ?? I just scratch my head about it all.

It happens because uneducated apologists lie Dr Grump make excuses for them.
First, you would have to define "intimidating manner". Secondly, simply holding a weapon and not pointing it at someone does not make one an active shooter.

I see you guys like to play fast and loose with word and term definitions. But then, redefining things is the only way to make your arguments work.

My defense would be, I feared for my life.
What do you think Rittenhouse (or anyone) would have done if some idiot who is armed the same as he was approached him and threatened to shoot him if he didn't lay down his weapon? He would have fired in self defense. I know I would.

He wouldn't stand a chance with someone versed in that weapon. He's a kid. But even a kid can pull a trigger so he will already be behind the curve.
You do realize that Star Trek is fiction, right? Perhaps not, given the degree to which your own perspective is drowned in what everyone else participating in this thread can clearly see is a mass of fiction, far less realistic or believable than Star Trek ever was.

You need to actually be in a war. I don't mean a pansy ass thing where our troops are trying to be Peace Keeper Cops. You people made the rules. Now you are going to have to either live or die by them. "I feared for my life" can be used by both sides. YOu want it that way, consider General Order 24.
My defense would be, I feared for my life.

You just threatened, not many posts back, to “General Order 24” me and two other participants. If beagle9, Flash, or I were to now hunt you down and kill you, we could credibly argue that given your thinly-veiled death threats against us, we had cause to fear for our lives. It's a weak argument, and I doubt it would fly, but it is at least as valid as the bullshit that you're trying to claim.

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