The Rittenhouse Verdict

The Judge gave them instructions to the affect, if you don't rule that way, he's going to rule a mistrial. That wasn't justice.

Judge said nothing about a mistrial to the jury. He said nothing about a mistrial in the presence of the jury. That was all argued when the jury was not present.

He read the law and the factors in the law they needed to consider and one of them for a self defense claim for murder is provocation.

The jury found no provocation. The filthy ass lying Prosecution tried to prove provocation but they failed miserably with the eye witnesses and the video record.

For instance, the Prosecution lied in the opening statements that Kyle chased down Rosenblum and then shot him. Absolutely not evidence of that whatso ever. In fact all the evidence clearly showed that Rosenblum threatened to kill Kyle and then ran him down and attacked Kyle.

They lied with their hocus pocus out of focus picture that the jury totally dismissed because they recognized it was bullshit.

The jury found that Kyle acted in self defense and no spin by you hateful Moon Bats can change that.

Just get over it. You Moon Bats lost this one. Get on with life. You filthy ass Moon Bats got away with stealing an election and six months of Negro destruction and tearing down history so you are way ahead in making this country a shithole. Leave Kyle alone. He is a better man than any of you Moon Bat turds.
Rule #1. Don't piss off the Judge and they stomped all over that rule. Right after the Judge did his rant, he should have recused himself and called for a mistrial.
If you're stupid enough to point a rifle at a jury with your finger on the trigger, you shouldn't be practicing law. A better prosecutor would have looked at the case and dropped it.
Judge said nothing about a mistrial to the jury. He said nothing about a mistrial in the presence of the jury. That was all argued when the jury was not present.

He read the law and the factors in the law they needed to consider and one of them for a self defense claim for murder is provocation.

The jury found no provocation. The filthy ass lying Prosecution tried to prove provocation but they failed miserably with the eye witnesses and the video record.

For instance, the Prosecution lied in the opening statements that Kyle chased down Rosenblum and then shot him. Absolutely not evidence of that whatso ever. In fact all the evidence clearly showed that Rosenblum threatened to kill Kyle and then ran him down and attacked Kyle.

They lied with their hocus pocus out of focus picture that the jury totally dismissed because they recognized it was bullshit.

The jury found that Kyle acted in self defense and no spin by you hateful Moon Bats can change that.

Just get over it. You Moon Bats lost this one. Get on with life. You filthy ass Moon Bats got away with stealing an election and six months of Negro destruction and tearing down history so you are way ahead in making this country a shithole. Leave Kyle alone. He is a better man than any of you Moon Bat turds.

Actually, what is lost is common sense and smart gun handling. The next time a peaceful protest goes on by BLM, some idiot is going to go in there and they are going to waste him for carrying a weapon in any thing other than a carry that can't readily go to fire. I won't go on about how it would be done but there won't be any trial because you won't know whom the shooters are. But you made those rules now live by them.
Actually, what is lost is common sense and smart gun handling. The next time a peaceful protest goes on by BLM, some idiot is going to go in there and they are going to waste him for carrying a weapon in any thing other than a carry that can't readily go to fire. I won't go on about how it would be done but there won't be any trial because you won't know whom the shooters are. But you made those rules now live by them.
You're wrong. If someone is going to waste someone else just for carrying a weapon, that will done no matter what position the gun is in, and the buddies of whoever gets shot will return fire, killing many. Sounds like a good reason to:

Not riot.
You're wrong. If someone is going to waste someone else just for carrying a weapon, that will done no matter what position the gun is in, and the buddies of whoever gets shot will return fire, killing many. Sounds like a good reason to:

Not riot.

Or to allow the City to take care of it's own. Outside help is not needed. Openly carrying a long gun AR into a hotspot is nothing short of saying, "Let's Kill Someone". No one had to die that day.
This is a lie; you are fully aware of the fact the judge gave no such instruction.

I do hope your children survive you sending them in hotzones openly armed. The Mother and the Buddy should be locked up for a very long time. And so should you. You have nothing I care to listen to anymore. Have a nice life.
Or to allow the City to take care of it's own. Outside help is not needed. Openly carrying a long gun AR into a hotspot is nothing short of saying, "Let's Kill Someone". No one had to die that day.
Rioting, destroying property and assaulting people is nothing short of inviting violent retribution. No one had to die that day. And if you're getting a hard on thinking about all those rioters who are going to be armed next time and you're going to go full Rambo on somebody you see with a weapon, don't be surprised when someone else does the same to you and gives you the same choice. Separate from your weapon or die.
I do hope your children survive you sending them in hotzones openly armed.
Nothing here changes the fact you lied about the judge's instructions to the jury.
Or that you lied about Rittenhouse carrying his gun in ready position
Or that lied about the "rules" being "ours" rather the laws of Wisconsin
And nothing ever will.
Rioting, destroying property and assaulting people is nothing short of inviting violent retribution. No one had to die that day. And if you're getting a hard on thinking about all those rioters who are going to be armed next time and you're going to go full Rambo on somebody you see with a weapon, don't be surprised when someone else does the same to you and gives you the same choice. Separate from your weapon or die.

We don't tolerate either group where I live. The last BLM protest we had, the paperwork was correct, no weapons were visible (yet I know that 1 out of 4 were carrying concealed legally on both sides), no burning anything other than a little weed (Hey, this is Colorado), and the counter protesters stayed on their side of the line. Had anymore tried prancing around with an AR, they would have been detained and removed for their own safety and the safety of others. Once out of the area, they would have had their property returned them.
Actually, what is lost is common sense and smart gun handling. The next time a peaceful protest goes on by BLM, some idiot is going to go in there and they are going to waste him for carrying a weapon in any thing other than a carry that can't readily go to fire. I won't go on about how it would be done but there won't be any trial because you won't know whom the shooters are. But you made those rules now live by them.
The BLM protesting shitheads were not peaceful. They were destroying Kenosha and tried to kill Kyle.

As far as smart gun handling Kyle is the envy of the gun community.

He effectively engaged attacking bad guys while being on the ground without any collateral damage and he did it while having to use a forward assist in the mist of battle. He chased away one shithead, killed two more assholes and disabled another dickhead with only eight shots. In combat there are generally thousands of shots fired for one casualty.
Funny, when I was in Recovery, had my 16 been in the front, it would have clanged and just be in the way. I swung it down and the Rifle ended up on my back instead of my chest. And they are still using the same slings that we used in the 60s and 70s. BTW. recovery was fixing (or trying to) a downed Aircraft that was thought to be recoverable. If you wouldn't recovery it, Phosphorous was used to melt anything useful. And everyone was armed regardless of service. While we were prepping it for takeoff, the Army EODs were wiring it for destruction.
One, the M-16s used in Vietnam couldn’t be patrol slung. Both sling swivels were on the bottom of the rifle and the slings were too short to flip the rifle. Two, slinging them on your back while working was common and usually we slung them cross shoulder. Finally, I very much doubt scarce EOD techs were rigging an aircraft for destruction. I WAS EOD during Vietnam, and we weren’t trained to do demolition. Engineers were trained to do demolition. Oh and phosphorus wouldn’t be used to destroy an aircraft since it didn’t burn hot enough. THERMITE would have been used. So, as usual none of what you are saying makes any sense at all.
One, the M-16s used in Vietnam couldn’t be patrol slung. Both sling swivels were on the bottom of the rifle and the slings were too short to flip the rifle. Two, slinging them on your back while working was common and usually we slung them cross shoulder. Finally, I very much doubt scarce EOD techs were rigging an aircraft for destruction. I WAS EOD during Vietnam, and we weren’t trained to do demolition. Engineers were trained to do demolition. Oh and phosphorus wouldn’t be used to destroy an aircraft since it didn’t burn hot enough. THERMITE would have been used. So, as usual none of what you are saying makes any sense at all.
Oh look.
Caught in another lie.

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