The Rittenhouse Verdict

Not people who were “demonstrating”, as affirmed as a right “peaceably to assemble” under the First Amendment.

Subhuman animals who were committing acts of theft, destruction, violence, and terrorism mostly against parties who had no part in whatever it was against which they allegedly were “demonstrating”.

Not that I would expect you to understand the distinction.
Great answer. There is definitely a difference in the two. Thanks.
Yes. Like low carry or patrol carry.
You know - the way Rittenhouse carried his rifle.
Why do you continue to lie about how Rittenhouse carried his rifle?
He's gotta convince his fan, you know the one fan who thinks he's just so cool and all. ROTFLMBO.
I think we've established that before, that from a young age, you associated with a much lower class of nominal humans than most people did.

Naw, I was always the nerdy kid that kind of kept to himself and read books. I said I grew up with them, I never said I liked them. The ironic thing is, about half of them grew up to wear MAGA hats.

Should point out almost all these kids I talk about went to the same good Catholic Schools I went to. Their dads had good union jobs, their mothers stayed home and volunteered at the school. (My own late mother, actually taught at the school I went to.)

Only one of them was such a bad seed he eventually ended up in jail after being administratively discharged from the Army. (He tried to bullshit that he had been put in a special officer's training program, which I quickly called bullshit on, having returned from basic training myself for the National Guard.)

The rest? Some went to college (It was still fairly rare back then), others got good union jobs because their dads were able to get them into the union. The joys of white privilege.

The only difference between these kids and the kids in the Ghetto is that these kids were white, and the police handled them differently when they got into trouble.

All my life, I've never associated with criminals.

And I think the difference between us, that this has made, shows very vividly.

Yet you are the one who grew up with the anger management problem, being obessed with other people's sex lives, and wishing death on people.
Great answer. There is definitely a difference in the two. Thanks.

People peacefully protested for 10 years. Not only didn't the police departments reform, white people elected an openly racist president who encouraged police brutality to a point even Police Chiefs had to say, "whoa".

So what is it about white people we ONLY address issues of racial injustice when people of color threaten to break our stuff? We saw that in the 1960's, when Dr. King marched for a decade, but white folks only started to pay attention when the Black Panthers and Malcolm X did the violence.

Same thing here. BLM PEACEFULLY Protested for nearly a decade. Remember this guy?


"Gee, Colin, what a thoughtful young man you are... Naw, fuck that. FIre that disrespectful bastard!!! He kneeled during a song!!!"

Now, the intersection of TRUMP PLAGUE, TRUMP RECESSION and TRUMP RACISM did cause TRUMP RIOTS. It was kind of a perfect storm of bad where the kinds of incidents that would have normally just triggered small local protests (LaQuan McDonald, Tamir Rice) turned into national riots (Geo. Floyd, Jacob Blake). Higher levels of anxiety due to the pandemic, an openly racist president refusing to push reforms, and you got violence.

How about next time, we address the issues before people get so fed up they want to break things?
People peacefully protested for 10 years. Not only didn't the police departments reform, white people elected an openly racist president who encouraged police brutality to a point even Police Chiefs had to say, "whoa".

So what is it about white people we ONLY address issues of racial injustice when people of color threaten to break our stuff? We saw that in the 1960's, when Dr. King marched for a decade, but white folks only started to pay attention when the Black Panthers and Malcolm X did the violence.

Same thing here. BLM PEACEFULLY Protested for nearly a decade. Remember this guy?

View attachment 576016
"Gee, Colin, what a thoughtful young man you are... Naw, fuck that. FIre that disrespectful bastard!!! He kneeled during a song!!!"

Now, the intersection of TRUMP PLAGUE, TRUMP RECESSION and TRUMP RACISM did cause TRUMP RIOTS. It was kind of a perfect storm of bad where the kinds of incidents that would have normally just triggered small local protests (LaQuan McDonald, Tamir Rice) turned into national riots (Geo. Floyd, Jacob Blake). Higher levels of anxiety due to the pandemic, an openly racist president refusing to push reforms, and you got violence.

How about next time, we address the issues before people get so fed up they want to break things?
You are so messed up, that you can't be reasoned with, rationalized with or anything. The sad thing is, is that you can't see it, and you continue on with your twisted ideals and screwed up opinions of what life is supposed to be like, and who is at fault when life don't go your way.

The reason that most Americans at large didn't have a problem with the marches during King's time, is because they were peaceful, and they made sense in the messaging for most who gave them a listen.

However, when the various bad actor's/activist tried to hijack his movement or they tried to stop his movement, (otherwise wanting blood in the streets instead of peace), well that's when the hijacking of the movement was pushed back by all Americans, and especially by American's who were of all color's in which believed in his religious tenure, his speeches, and his peaceful movement that was started way back then.....

Yes it was a movement and message that had rang true in the hearts and minds of most of the citizen's across America, therefore it overtook the negative voices of the hijacker's even after King's death it became the strongest message of hope for the future of race relations in America.

Same with today... Anyone having a peaceful movement, and a uniting under that movement for peace and for unity to prevail, then yes you'll still have the activist element's who want to hijack a movement that they (the hijacker's) themselves couldn't organize if they tried too, but yes have that peaceful movement anyway.

Hijacker's and negative player's beware, because a peaceful movement is the best movement, and a hate movement will always fail.
I carried a M-16 the same way.
Suuuuure you did, Stolen Valor.
But even if it is true, you then know patrol carry is not low or high ready.
And thus, you choose to lie about Rittenhouse
When you shoot at someone and they shoot back, yelling "Hey, that's not fair" is just bitching.
It is very unlikely that if I shoot someone, they will have a response.
People peacefully protested for 10 years. Not only didn't the police departments reform, white people elected an openly racist president who encouraged police brutality to a point even Police Chiefs had to say, "whoa".

So what is it about white people we ONLY address issues of racial injustice when people of color threaten to break our stuff? We saw that in the 1960's, when Dr. King marched for a decade, but white folks only started to pay attention when the Black Panthers and Malcolm X did the violence.

Same thing here. BLM PEACEFULLY Protested for nearly a decade. Remember this guy?

View attachment 576016
"Gee, Colin, what a thoughtful young man you are... Naw, fuck that. FIre that disrespectful bastard!!! He kneeled during a song!!!"

Now, the intersection of TRUMP PLAGUE, TRUMP RECESSION and TRUMP RACISM did cause TRUMP RIOTS. It was kind of a perfect storm of bad where the kinds of incidents that would have normally just triggered small local protests (LaQuan McDonald, Tamir Rice) turned into national riots (Geo. Floyd, Jacob Blake). Higher levels of anxiety due to the pandemic, an openly racist president refusing to push reforms, and you got violence.

How about next time, we address the issues before people get so fed up they want to break things?
The BLM scum started some sorry ass shit in my county back when all the Jungle Monkeys were getting away with it in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

The Sheriff put an end to it real quick. No burning, looting, murdering or destruction.

When the Sheriff went on the news to explain everything he put up two pictures.

One was of peaceful protest.

The other one was of rioting.

He said "we know the difference".
Only people who died that night were killed by Shooty McFlopsweat, so, um, no... his life wasn't in danger.
Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused.

The jury, who heard all the evidence, said that it was unprovoked self defense.

Sorry if that doesn't fit into your vile Left Wing hate America narrative so you can go fuck yourself.
Don't feed the troll.

It is not feeding him. It is showing him moral clarity. However, I understand that he will never get it.

By the way Mr. M-14 Shooter I am taking my M1A out to shoot tomorrow morning. I am going to see if my aging eyes can hit anything in the black at 300 yrds with iron sights.

I use to not be able to see anything with iron sights but since I got cataract surgery I can use the sights a lot better now.
By the way Mr. M-14 Shooter I am taking my M1A out to shoot tomorrow morning. I am going to see if my aging eyes can hit anything in the black at 300 yrds with iron sights.
Had mine out two weekends ago, shooting steel at 300yds.
Bong. Bong. Bong.
Not much of a challenge :)
Being able to see is a big help.

Had a (mainland) Chinese kid with us - a TA at Ohio State. His first time shooting. 90lbs, soaking wet
After the first round from the M1A, I couldn't get him to keep his eyen open when he fired. He shot all 10, tho.
Had mine out two weekends ago, shooting steel at 300yds.
Bong. Bong. Bong.
Not much of a challenge :)
Being able to see is a big help.

Had a (mainland) Chinese kid with us - a TA at Ohio State. His first time shooting. 90lbs, soaking wet
After the first round from the M1A, I couldn't get him to keep his eyen open when he fired. He shot all 10, tho.
I trained with one in 1966 and was issued one in Vietnam but it was shortly replaced by a M16-A1.

I bought my first M1A in the 1980s. At one time I had three but now I am down to one.

Over the years as my eyes got older I tried every optic solution you can think of but the M-14 is not really an optics rifle.

The only optics that I found that maintained the rifle's tactical usefullness was a Trijicon TA 1B and the Trijicon ACOG mount. Of course that mount by itself cost $650 in addition to $1K for the scope.

I'm back to iron sights after the eye surgery. I have been shooting it at 100 yds fine but tomorrow I will see how I do at 300 yds.
Over the years as my eyes got older I tried every optic solution you can think of but the M-14 is not really an optics rifle.
I agree. I tried. Back to irons.
My A2 is iron sights, the rest of my ARs have at least a red dot.
Oddly enough, my eyes like the oron sights on my Garand. Must be the aperture size.
I'm back to iron sights after the eye surgery. I have been shooting it at 100 yds fine but tomorrow I will see how I do at 300 yds.
Good luck!
Suuuuure you did, Stolen Valor.
But even if it is true, you then know patrol carry is not low or high ready.
And thus, you choose to lie about Rittenhouse

It is very unlikely that if I shoot someone, they will have a response.

If I see a person with a weapon in the ready position then I respond. Drop it or use it.
He wore it in an intimidating manner. And, that alone, is reason enough to give him the two choices and only the two choice.

After hearing all the evidence the Prosecution could muster the jury determined he did nothing to provoke a confrontation. No intimidation.

You cannot provoke an confrontation and then claim self defense.

That was one of the factors the jury had to determine in analyzing the conditions for consideration for murder.

In fact just the opposite. By being acquitted on all charges it was determined unequivocally that he was not the aggressor and he acted in self defense.
No, they didn't "find" themselves in those situations, they created those situations....

Zimmerman should have stayed in the damned car.
Rittenhouse should have stayed in Antioch.
By the same token, Trayvon should have stayed on the sidewalk in plain view. The rioters should have gone home at curfew. You keep forgetting that it takes two to tango, and Trayvon created his situation by attacking Zimmerman from concealment. The mob created the situation by attacking Rittenhouse.
Works on the assumption their lives were in danger when they could have just retreated. That's the problem with "Stand your ground laws" they lead to escalations...
And there's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. Rittenhouse DID retreat, as much as he could. Zimmerman was unable to retreat because he had been jumped by Trayvon. Why do you keep leaving out these extremely important details?
If I see a person with a weapon in the ready position then I respond. Drop it or use it.
Obviously, you've never run into that situation, because if you had, you'd be using the prison library to type that. "Yes, your honor, I know it was a section of porch railing he was carrying home, but it really, really looked like a gun and he was holding it like he meant to shoot me with it, so I demanded he drop it. When he took too long to turn around and find out who was yelling at him, I had no choice but to shoot him".

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