The Rittenhouse Verdict

Now we know you're blowing smoke. You don't take a shot at center body mass than try to hit someone in the head while they are reacting to catching a round. Why are you pretending to be Rambo?

Here's what would most likely happen in your scenario. You would get off one shot, re-adjust your aim and take a round yourself while you do. The smart user would simply go for the torso and shoot until the threat is neutralized.

I don't have to reaim. You learned to sight shoot while I spot shoot. Ask your military buddies why the 3 tap shot is used.
Reality does screw up your game. But your Rumpster Judge wrote the rules. Don't look for the Protesters to be so meek next time.

The judge wasn't appointed by Trump.
If the jury thought he was guilty, they still could have come back with guilty verdicts.
Then, if the judge declared a mistrial, the idiot prosecutors could have appealed, or not.
You think the last 7+ years of protests was the idiots being meek? LOL!
However you want to describe your LadySmith is fine with me.

It's not to productive to try and hide my 1911A1. I really hate wearing baggy clothing. Instead, I carry the most powerful handgun that can be easily concealed. That is, when I think I might need it. Usually, there isn't a reason. For the home, the 1911A1 is the weapon of choice. You can call it "LadySmith" if you wish but when it's firing the 38 Special +P it commands respect.

You are still under the impression that the people YOU support will be the only ones armed. You should keep your Prancing Children armed with an AR out of my neighborhood. They get one chance.
The people who were demonstrating because a police officer had shot a man in the back 7 times were "sub-human criminal pieces of shit"

Not people who were “demonstrating”, as affirmed as a right “peaceably to assemble” under the First Amendment.

Subhuman animals who were committing acts of theft, destruction, violence, and terrorism mostly against parties who had no part in whatever it was against which they allegedly were “demonstrating”.

Not that I would expect you to understand the distinction.
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It's not to productive to try and hide my 1911A1. I really hate wearing baggy clothing. Instead, I carry the most powerful handgun that can be easily concealed. That is, when I think I might need it. Usually, there isn't a reason. For the home, the 1911A1 is the weapon of choice. You can call it "LadySmith" if you wish but when it's firing the 38 Special +P it commands respect.

You are still under the impression that the people YOU support will be the only ones armed. You should keep your Prancing Children armed with an AR out of my neighborhood. They get one chance.

Are you as tough on the real criminals as you say you'd be on Rittenhouse?
You must live in a really safe area. What's your murder rate over the last few years?
Now we know you're blowing smoke. You don't take a shot at center body mass than try to hit someone in the head while they are reacting to catching a round. Why are you pretending to be Rambo?

Here's what would most likely happen in your scenario. You would get off one shot, re-adjust your aim and take a round yourself while you do. The smart user would simply go for the torso and shoot until the threat is neutralized.
That's assuming he could hit anything with a .38 with a two-inch barrel.
It's not to productive to try and hide my 1911A1. I really hate wearing baggy clothing. Instead, I carry the most powerful handgun that can be easily concealed. That is, when I think I might need it. Usually, there isn't a reason. For the home, the 1911A1 is the weapon of choice. You can call it "LadySmith" if you wish but when it's firing the 38 Special +P it commands respect.

You are still under the impression that the people YOU support will be the only ones armed. You should keep your Prancing Children armed with an AR out of my neighborhood. They get one chance.
So, you're going to open carry, so you can shoot someone else for openly carrying.
Rosenbaum didn't have a home. He was a mentally disturbed homeless person living on the streets.

Okay then, why didn’t he go to the homeless camp?

It doesn’t matter that he was homeless, he still had the choice not to start a confrontation with Rittenhouse.

That was the point. Because we think that having 250,000 mentally disturbed homeless living on our streets is acceptable.

You apparently think it’s okay to attack someone for putting out a fire. So?
And yet if he hadn't been there in the first place....

As someone else already pointed out, this is a post hoc fallacy. If he hadn’t been there, it wouldn’t have happened. But his being there did not cause it to happen either.

If you believe that his being there was a causal factor then show us how. Show us how Rosenbaum was uncontollably triggered to commit violence by Rittenhouse’s mere presence.
Reality does screw up your game.

It screwed up your game before it screwed up mine because the reality is that Rittenhouse acted in self defense. There was no other choice when he had first one angry mob and then another angry mob pursuing him yelling “Beat his ass!” and “Kill him!”.

But your Rumpster Judge wrote the rules. Don't look for the Protesters to be so meek next time.

They weren’t meek this time. They tried to stomp him into the street, remember?
They were out to beat his ass because he was running around the streets gunning people down.

Nope. This is a blatant lie.
It amuses and horrifies me that the pathetic, sad white guys like Ghostie and Mormon Bob want to praise people like Zimmerman and Rittenhouse who use violence in a way they are too cowardly to do themselves.

What does this have to do with Zimmerman? And when did I praise Rittenhouse?

I’ve said nothing about Rittenhouse other than to say he acted in self defense.
They feel helpless in a world that is changing, no longer enjoying the white male privilege their parents and grandparents enjoyed.

What does this have to do with white privilege?
Forget these men who have lived your dream have ruined their own lives as much as the people they murdered. Sure, they slipped past the court system, but what happens next. Zimmerman can't get a job and he's in hiding to this very day. Rittenhouse is finding no university, not even a half-ass online racket, wants any part of him.

None of this has anything to do with the events in Kenosha.
They haven't ruined their lives; their lives are ruined because people want to make political scapegoats out of them. Why? Because reasons and hate. Neither one is a hero or a villain. They are just two guys who found themselves in bad situations and had the means to get out of them.
No, they didn't "find" themselves in those situations, they created those situations....

Zimmerman should have stayed in the damned car.
Rittenhouse should have stayed in Antioch.

It sounds a lot like you wish they had just allowed their attackers to kill them.

Works on the assumption their lives were in danger when they could have just retreated. That's the problem with "Stand your ground laws" they lead to escalations...
Not people who were “demonstrating”, as affirmed as a right “peaceably to assemble” under the First Amendment.

Subhuman animals who were committing acts of theft, destruction, violence, and terrorism mostly against parties who had no part in whatever it was against which they allegedly were “demonstrating”.

Not that I would expect you to understand the distinction.

Property can be replaced. Lives can't be.

You know... Human life... that's what happens when a person is done being a fetus.

Actaully there was no evidence Huber or Grosskuertz had damaged any property... and Rosenbaum just set a dumpster on fire because he wasn't right in the head.
No, they didn't "find" themselves in those situations, they created those situations....

Zimmerman should have stayed in the damned car.
Rittenhouse should have stayed in Antioch.

Works on the assumption their lives were in danger when they could have just retreated. That's the problem with "Stand your ground laws" they lead to escalations...

So “Get him and kill him” is not an escalation or possibly a hint that his life was in danger?

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