The Rittenhouse Verdict

No, when he talks about it, it’s with regret. No matter the provocation a sane person pays a psychological price for taking a life.
He'll probably have nightmares of that night for a long time to come. Only those who have never been in that situation think it's like a "Die Hard" movie.
Actually, no. Not if the armed person is not overtly threatening such as pointing the weapon at people or if he is not hurting anyone.
As long as it is not illegal to carry a weapon (as in Kenosha) then the crowd does not have the right to take it upon themselves to assault or subdue that person.

Not the way it works my friend. Besides, that sounds suspiciously like vigilantism, the very thing you accuse Rittenhouse of.

Reminds me of a saying that's older than you are. Kill 'em all and let God sift the innocent from the guilty. You invade my neighborhood and carry your nifty AR in the ready position, you are either going to lay that weapon down very quickly or you are going to have it taken from your cold dead hands.
This not what you’ve been saying. You’ve been saying that merely having the weapon in the ready position would get him shot.

You’re contradicting yourself again.

What it will buy him is the chance to lay that weapon on the ground. Doing anything else gets my hideaway 38 SW to discharge 3 rounds. Chest, Head, Chest.
Nothing here changes the fact you willfully misinterpret the law.
But, good to know you hope that the #BLMob will murder people you don't like.

It's not a friggin game when you walk into a neighborhood carrying an AR. It gets real real fast. You rumpster gunnutters think it always has to go your way. Not anymore. Kyle changed the rules. The Left will be firing much quicker.
Actually, I think Incel Joe has answered it.

It happens to think that a destructive subhuman criminal piece of shit being put down, and an actual human being surviving, is an instance of something going wrong.

As with Vrenn, Incel Joe is on the side of the subhuman criminal pieces of shit, and against that of actual human beings. It hasn't gone as far as Vrenn has, in explicitly calling for the actual human being to be killed, and wishing for the chance to do it itself, but it's clear enough that that is the outcome that it would have preferred.

The important point is to know that subhuman criminal pieces of shit will always side with their own kind, and that you can thus identify examples such as Vrenn or Incel Joe by the company that they choose to keep.

I don't respect either side of this. I can only use my own neighborhood as an example. BLM Protesters can pass as long as they have the proper permits. But looters, rioters and people prancing around with your AR in the ready position won't make it to see the next sunrise.
How many did you see face to face, inches from you when you shot them?

Ever been involved in an overrun condition? I have. When the base gets attacked, the Aux SPs report to the bunkers and hunker down. Not to say it's noisy but it will be a couple of days before you can hear again. With the flares going off, you will see more faces than you can register. It's normal to melt down 5 of the 6 M-16s you have and expend almost all the ammo.

General Order #24.
Rittenhouse should never have been there in the first place.

Again, this is a matter of opinion, not law. And, his being there and being armed is not why this happened.
This is why America has so many guns deaths per head of population compared to other western nations.

It’s still not why this happened. It happened because Rosenbaum attacked him.
If you told me that there was a 17 year old kid walking down a street with a semi automatic rifle strapped to his side and asked me what country he was in, I'd say the Congo maybe? Niger? Gabon? Afghanistan? Yemen?
No, the USA.

If it was legal for him to carry, then why this:

Black was charged with two felony counts of intentionally giving a dangerous weapon to a minor, resulting in death, for supplying Rittenhouse with the rifle used to kill Rosenbaum and Huber.[155][156] Bond was set at $2,500.[157] Black has pleaded not guilty to the charges.[156]

Simple: Black was charged for supplying the weapon to a minor but in actuality, Rittenhouse was allowed to carry because in Wisconsin, a minor is allowed to carry long-barrel weapons (which the AR-15 was) but not short-barrel weapons.

But reading the Wikipedia article I learned a few things.

1.) Rosenbaum had already had a confrontation with somebody before the one with Rittenhouse and they think maybe Rosenbaum mistook Rittenhouse for this person.

So, as many claim Kyle was doing, it appears Rosenbaum was the one looking for trouble and he found it. Unfortunately, the idiot chose to start trouble with an armed person and threaten his life.

2.) When Rosenbaum was chasing Rittenhouse, there were others chasing him as well and some were shouting “Get him and kill him!”

3.) While being chased by Grosskreutz and the mob, they were shouting “Beat him up!” and “Get his ass!”

4.) Multiple gunshots can be heard (not from Rittenhouse) while all this is going down, likely adding to everyone’s fear and anger.

In light of the fact that mobs were out to kill or beat his ass, why is anyone surprised that Rittenhouse shot to defend himself?
Again, this is a matter of opinion, not law. And, his being there and being armed is not why this happened.

It’s still not why this happened. It happened because Rosenbaum attacked him.

Simple: Black was charged for supplying the weapon to a minor but in actuality, Rittenhouse was allowed to carry because in Wisconsin, a minor is allowed to carry long-barrel weapons (which the AR-15 was) but not short-barrel weapons.

But reading the Wikipedia article I learned a few things.

1.) Rosenbaum had already had a confrontation with somebody before the one with Rittenhouse and they think maybe Rosenbaum mistook Rittenhouse for this person.

So, as many claim Kyle was doing, it appears Rosenbaum was the one looking for trouble and he found it. Unfortunately, the idiot chose to start trouble with an armed person and threaten his life.

2.) When Rosenbaum was chasing Rittenhouse, there were others chasing him as well and some were shouting “Get him and kill him!”

3.) While being chased by Grosskreutz and the mob, they were shouting “Beat him up!” and “Get his ass!”

4.) Multiple gunshots can be heard (not from Rittenhouse) while all this is going down, likely adding to everyone’s fear and anger.

In light of the fact that mobs were out to kill or beat his ass, why is anyone surprised that Rittenhouse shot to defend himself?

Actually, I think Incel Joe has answered it.

It happens to think that a destructive subhuman criminal piece of shit being put down, and an actual human being surviving, is an instance of something going wrong.

As with Vrenn, Incel Joe is on the side of the subhuman criminal pieces of shit, and against that of actual human beings. It hasn't gone as far as Vrenn has, in explicitly calling for the actual human being to be killed, and wishing for the chance to do it itself, but it's clear enough that that is the outcome that it would have preferred.

The important point is to know that subhuman criminal pieces of shit will always side with their own kind, and that you can thus identify examples such as Vrenn or Incel Joe by the company that they choose to keep.

Right, but he never answered my question: Should Rittenhouse have let Rosenbaum beat and maybe kill him?

His response (which is not the same as an answer) was usually “I’m saying he should have kept his ass home.”

It’s a simple yes or no question but he refuses to answer because either one blows a hole in his narrative.

If he answered “Yes”, well, it’s moronic to expect someone to stand there and get beat up. If he answers “No” then he just legitimized the self defense argument.
Reminds me of a saying that's older than you are. Kill 'em all and let God sift the innocent from the guilty. You invade my neighborhood and carry your nifty AR in the ready position, you are either going to lay that weapon down very quickly or you are going to have it taken from your cold dead hands.

Tough talk won’t help against a murder charge.
What it will buy him is the chance to lay that weapon on the ground. Doing anything else gets my hideaway 38 SW to discharge 3 rounds. Chest, Head, Chest.
Irrelevant. you still contradicted yourself.

You contradict yourself because you’re not attacking Rittenhouse’s actions in Kenosha, you’re attacking what you see as a symbol of gun culture.

Problem is, gun culture has nothing to do with mobs chasing a kid who are clearly out to beat or kill him.
You blame people for not getting vaccinated, but more are dying now WITH the vaccines than died before WITHOUT the vaccines. You can't explain why that is, but you still want to blame TRUMP!.

That's not true.

In fact, 99% of the people who are dying of covid now are unvaccinated.

What happened in Salem, WI that night? If you don't know, then you'll understand why Kenosha wouldn't even be a footnote if the rioters had not been there.

Did a Fascist Cop in Salem shoot a black man in the back 7 times while his children were feet away? Oh, no, wait. That happened in Kenosha, and people of ALL races were upset about it and demonstrated. A few did minor property damage, but we have the same kind of damage when someone wins the NBA championship. The only factor that led to dead people was Shooty McFlopsweat showing up and playing Rambo.
Once again, that's the choice to be made by the thieving piece of shit that wants to steal or destroy something that doesn't belong to it. If it values its life more than it values someone else's property, then it can make the choice to keep its filthy thieving hands off of that property.

I do not expect a creature such as yourself, that always takes the side of criminals against that of human beings, to ever understand this point; but that does not diminish the truth of this point.

So by your logic, then, the Murder of Joseph Smith was justified.

Smith, let's not forget was locked up on June 27th, 1844, by authorities in Hancock County before an angry mob stormed the jail and shot him and his brother. The charge was that he had led a mob that destroyed the property of the Navuo Inquisitor after it exposed his polygamy.

So why are you taking the side of criminal filth like Joseph Smith, who not only destroyed the property of an honest newspaper owner, but also defrauded investors in the Kirkland Bank, sold fake divining rods in New York, and led gangs of thugs in Missouri?

Funny thing is, as much as I despise Mormonism as a deranged cult, the extra-judicial killing of Joseph Smith over a printing press was wrong. Just like the extra-judicial killing of Joseph Rosenbaum was Wrong.
It's telling that those on the left wrong want to make the subhuman criminal pieces of shit who were committing random acts of violence, theft, destruction and terrorism as the “good guys”, and an actual human being who was trying to stop them as a “bad guy”.

Or there were no "good guys" in any part of this situation.

Jacob Blake was a bad guy for not complying with officer demands.
The officer who shot him in the back 7 times was a bad guy for using excessive force.
The Demonstrators who engaged in property damage were bad guys.
Rittenhouse was a bad guy for showing up to a riot with a gun and shooting people.

Shooting someone because he lit some garbage on fire in the throws of a mental health crisis is not a good guy.

There were so many points where this should have been stopped, the first one being that officer who used lethal force on an unarmed man trying to get into his car.

Those same cops saw an angry mob of guys with weapons on the street and didn't send them home. They gave them water and thanked them for being there. (Again, Kenosha may have to hold a fire sale after all the civil lawsuits hit.)
If Rosenbaum had gone home after being released from a mental hospital instead of going to a riot to burn shit, Kenosha would be a footnote.

Rosenbaum didn't have a home. He was a mentally disturbed homeless person living on the streets. That was the point. Because we think that having 250,000 mentally disturbed homeless living on our streets is acceptable.

The subhuman criminal pieces of shit who were rioting, rioting, and generally committing acts of violence, destruction, and terrorism should never have been there in the first place.

So let me get this straight, Mormon Bob...

The people who were demonstrating because a police officer had shot a man in the back 7 times were "sub-human criminal pieces of shit"

But the people who stormed the Capitol and threatened members of Congress because they didn't like how the election turned out aren't?

I'm trying to get your logic here, Mormon Bob.
In light of the fact that mobs were out to kill or beat his ass, why is anyone surprised that Rittenhouse shot to defend himself?

They were out to beat his ass because he was running around the streets gunning people down.

It amuses and horrifies me that the pathetic, sad white guys like Ghostie and Mormon Bob want to praise people like Zimmerman and Rittenhouse who use violence in a way they are too cowardly to do themselves. They feel helpless in a world that is changing, no longer enjoying the white male privilege their parents and grandparents enjoyed.

Forget these men who have lived your dream have ruined their own lives as much as the people they murdered. Sure, they slipped past the court system, but what happens next. Zimmerman can't get a job and he's in hiding to this very day. Rittenhouse is finding no university, not even a half-ass online racket, wants any part of him.
That's not true.

In fact, 99% of the people who are dying of covid now are unvaccinated.

Did a Fascist Cop in Salem shoot a black man in the back 7 times while his children were feet away? Oh, no, wait. That happened in Kenosha, and people of ALL races were upset about it and demonstrated. A few did minor property damage, but we have the same kind of damage when someone wins the NBA championship. The only factor that led to dead people was Shooty McFlopsweat showing up and playing Rambo.
And again the details mess up your narrative. Kyle shot no one that wasn't attacking him. That was all proven in the trial.
That's not true.

In fact, 99% of the people who are dying of covid now are unvaccinated.

Did a Fascist Cop in Salem shoot a black man in the back 7 times while his children were feet away? Oh, no, wait. That happened in Kenosha, and people of ALL races were upset about it and demonstrated. A few did minor property damage, but we have the same kind of damage when someone wins the NBA championship. The only factor that led to dead people was Shooty McFlopsweat showing up and playing Rambo.

Did a Fascist Cop in Salem shoot a black man in the back 7 times while his children were feet away?


I did like Blake's knife, attempted car theft and attempted kidnapping.

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