The Rittenhouse Verdict

They were out to beat his ass because he was running around the streets gunning people down.

It amuses and horrifies me that the pathetic, sad white guys like Ghostie and Mormon Bob want to praise people like Zimmerman and Rittenhouse who use violence in a way they are too cowardly to do themselves. They feel helpless in a world that is changing, no longer enjoying the white male privilege their parents and grandparents enjoyed.

Forget these men who have lived your dream have ruined their own lives as much as the people they murdered. Sure, they slipped past the court system, but what happens next. Zimmerman can't get a job and he's in hiding to this very day. Rittenhouse is finding no university, not even a half-ass online racket, wants any part of him.
They haven't ruined their lives; their lives are ruined because people want to make political scapegoats out of them. Why? Because reasons and hate. Neither one is a hero or a villain. They are just two guys who found themselves in bad situations and had the means to get out of them.

It sounds a lot like you wish they had just allowed their attackers to kill them.
And yet if he hadn't been there in the first place....
We can argue the what ifs until the cows come home and it won't change a thing. If the rioters had respected the curfew none of this would have happened either, so how far back do you want to go?
And until Rittenhouse came along there we no deaths. The Rioters could have been picked up safely at a later time. I've seen a few dumpster fires and no one died as the results. The next time a BLM protests happen, the protesters will be armed and shoot to kill.

Look around you. Your side is using this as an excuse to do mass murders.
No one is more dangerous or murderous than the left is in current times, so stop with your hyperbolic bull crap already.
They haven't ruined their lives; their lives are ruined because people want to make political scapegoats out of them. Why? Because reasons and hate. Neither one is a hero or a villain. They are just two guys who found themselves in bad situations and had the means to get out of them.

It sounds a lot like you wish they had just allowed their attackers to kill them.
Nah it's the message that it sent is what he hates. It sent the message that people don't have to just stand there while their businesses are being looted and burned. It sent the message that the good people don't have to cower in the shadows while their fellow citizen's are being beaten or worse killed by mobs who are attempting to thwart the justice system, and to take the law into their own hands. Sadly it's all because the mobs were led to believe a bunch of lies or were brainwashed by activist's with personal agenda's who then needed an army to help them carry out those agenda's.

The people learned that the law is in subjection to corrupt mayor's, and that the police were ordered to stand down while they as citizen's we're horrendously abused by the mobs.

Yes, this is what hater Joe can't stand. The messages learned.

He wants the citizen's to remain idiot's so they can be abused without consequence undoubtedly, and for either vendetta purposes or vengeful purposes.. Hopefully that has backfired now.
It wasn’t even good hocus pocus, the defense caught the prosecution inverting the already blurry images to make it look like the rifle was pointed to Kyle’s right instead of his left AWAY from the rioters. When called on it the prosecution claimed their expert had “adjusted’ the video for clarity. He spent twenty four hours “adjusting” a blurry video to a blurry video that suddenly had Kyle’s position reversed. The rifle was still on the patrol sling, but now everything was reversed.
Yeah and that prosecutors career hopefully ended after that trial. We don't need these kind of corrupt people doing the prosecuting of the citizen's in these trials, otherwise where innocent people are allegedly attempted to be framed by such low life scum as that prosecutor proved himself to be. The good thing is, is that we see and give witness to the same types of character all over the place now. It's good that their character profiles are being found out for future references. Otherwise it should be easier to spot them when they exibit the same character or traits.
Reminds me of a saying that's older than you are. Kill 'em all and let God sift the innocent from the guilty. You invade my neighborhood and carry your nifty AR in the ready position, you are either going to lay that weapon down very quickly or you are going to have it taken from your cold dead hands.
The only reason someone like you have described, would then come into your neighborhood trying to help, is because he would be trying to save your dumb ace from a mob trying to burn down your house, business or other, but you would get angry at the good guy for trying to save you, and instead would want the rioters to kill the good guy instead eh ??

You are one screwed up individual.
It's not a friggin game when you walk into a neighborhood carrying an AR. It gets real real fast. You rumpster gunnutters think it always has to go your way. Not anymore. Kyle changed the rules. The Left will be firing much quicker.
They better be in the right when they fire (like Kyle was) or they'll pay the ultimate price either on the scene or with a very long sentence to prison afterwards.
They haven't ruined their lives; their lives are ruined because people want to make political scapegoats out of them. Why? Because reasons and hate. Neither one is a hero or a villain. They are just two guys who found themselves in bad situations and had the means to get out of them.

It sounds a lot like you wish they had just allowed their attackers to kill them.
That's exactly what he wishes, because he thinks they were in the wrong, and the attackers were justified to attack. Even when the courts say otherwise, they double down because they think that the system is corrupt all the way up and down the lines. This is a major problem in this country now, and it had best get straightened out before a civil war breaks out again. There is right, and there is wrong, but somehow that is being confused by propaganda and brainwashing by powerful people who have an agenda to break this country into pieces. If this Soros is guilty, and is behind a lot of this stuff, then he should be listed as public enemy number one on the FBI's most wanted list. Anyone in government caught race baiting for political power and reasoning should be questioned by the FBI or Homeland security. Joe Biden and Hillary probably would be prime suspects in such a game that is played or has been played.
That's exactly what he wishes, because he thinks they were in the wrong, and the attackers were justified to attack. Even when the courts say otherwise, they double down because they think that the system is corrupt all the way up and down the lines. This is a major problem in this country now, and it had best get straightened out before a civil war breaks out again. There is right, and there is wrong, but somehow that is being confused by propaganda and brainwashing by powerful people who have an agenda to break this country into pieces. If this Soros is guilty, and is behind a lot of this stuff, then he should be listed as public enemy number one on the FBI's most wanted list. Anyone in government caught race baiting for political power and reasoning should be questioned by the FBI or Homeland security. Joe Biden and Hillary probably would be prime suspects in such a game that is played or has been played.
It’s a problem. The trouble in the Rittenhouse case is that there are multiple videos of all the a riot s from start to finish and the anti-Rittenhouse people refuse to accept what their own eyes tell them. I can understand that if you have one video that shows only part of an event. People can make up their own narrative to fit their prejudices, but in this case everything was documented.
That's not true.

In fact, 99% of the people who are dying of covid now are unvaccinated.

Did a Fascist Cop in Salem shoot a black man in the back 7 times while his children were feet away? Oh, no, wait. That happened in Kenosha, and people of ALL races were upset about it and demonstrated. A few did minor property damage, but we have the same kind of damage when someone wins the NBA championship. The only factor that led to dead people was Shooty McFlopsweat showing up and playing Rambo.
“Minor property damage”? There were tens of millions in property damage. And Blake was stealing his girlfriend’s RENTED car and kidnapping their kids who he didn’t have custody of. He was also violating a protective order to stay away from her and the kids for earlier spousal abuse. He was ignoring police orders, had been fighting with police, shrugged off not one, but two Tazer attacks and had a knife in his hand when he went for the car, what were the cops supposed to do, let him drive away with a stolen car and kidnapped kids? Oh and there is also the minor fact that he already had another warrant out.
Rosenbaum didn't have a home. He was a mentally disturbed homeless person living on the streets. That was the point. Because we think that having 250,000 mentally disturbed homeless living on our streets is acceptable.

So let me get this straight, Mormon Bob...

The people who were demonstrating because a police officer had shot a man in the back 7 times were "sub-human criminal pieces of shit"

But the people who stormed the Capitol and threatened members of Congress because they didn't like how the election turned out aren't?

I'm trying to get your logic here, Mormon Bob.
The people demonstrating were not. The rioters certainly were,
That's exactly what he wishes, because he thinks they were in the wrong, and the attackers were justified to attack. Even when the courts say otherwise, they double down because they think that the system is corrupt all the way up and down the lines. This is a major problem in this country now, and it had best get straightened out before a civil war breaks out again. There is right, and there is wrong, but somehow that is being confused by propaganda and brainwashing by powerful people who have an agenda to break this country into pieces. If this Soros is guilty, and is behind a lot of this stuff, then he should be listed as public enemy number one on the FBI's most wanted list. Anyone in government caught race baiting for political power and reasoning should be questioned by the FBI or Homeland security. Joe Biden and Hillary probably would be prime suspects in such a game that is played or has been played.
It's an article of faith with him and nothing will alter it. The narrative was written for him long before the trial and when what he believes is proven wrong in the trial, instead of modifying his belief he accuses people in the trial of being incompetent, they're in on a conspiracy, the judge isn't fair, etc. Anything to avoid having to change his views or admit that some of the things he said were wrong.
It's an article of faith with him and nothing will alter it. The narrative was written for him long before the trial and when what he believes is proven wrong in the trial, instead of modifying his belief he accuses people in the trial of being incompetent, they're in on a conspiracy, the judge isn't fair, etc. Anything to avoid having to change his views or admit that some of the things he said were wrong.
What it will buy him is the chance to lay that weapon on the ground. Doing anything else gets my hideaway 38 SW to discharge 3 rounds. Chest, Head, Chest.
Now we know you're blowing smoke. You don't take a shot at center body mass than try to hit someone in the head while they are reacting to catching a round. Why are you pretending to be Rambo?

Here's what would most likely happen in your scenario. You would get off one shot, re-adjust your aim and take a round yourself while you do. The smart user would simply go for the torso and shoot until the threat is neutralized.
Now we know you're blowing smoke. You don't take a shot at center body mass than try to hit someone in the head while they are reacting to catching a round. Why are you pretending to be Rambo?

Here's what would most likely happen in your scenario. You would get off one shot, re-adjust your aim and take a round yourself while you do. The smart user would simply go for the torso and shoot until the threat is neutralized.
"Hideaway 38"
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