The Rittenhouse Verdict

Good question.. Rich White people only care about racial justice when black people break their stuff... so maybe a few more smash and grabs are in order.

A black kid coming home from the store is a criminal? Yup, this is why you have riots.

Rich White people only care about racial justice when black people break their stuff... so maybe a few more smash and grabs are in order.

Smash and grabs don't make me care about racial justice. Neither do carjackings, gang shootings, drivebys, garage pulls or multi-millionaires kneeling during the national anthem.

A black kid coming home from the store is a criminal?

The black kid who was expelled from school, caught with stolen jewelry in his locker, who was shot while attacking a "creepy cracka" was a criminal. Not a very bright one.
Smash and grabs don't make me care about racial justice. Neither do carjackings, gang shootings, drivebys, garage pulls or multi-millionaires kneeling during the national anthem.
Oh, you and the rest of the flying monkey right wouldn't be for Social Justice if God Almighty came down and told you to stop being racists.

The rest of us realize that you can only push an oppressed population so far before they act out.

The black kid who was expelled from school, caught with stolen jewelry in his locker, who was shot while attacking a "creepy cracka" was a criminal. Not a very bright one.

"stolen jewelry" that could not be linked to a reported robbery and no one claimed.

We could also talk about Zimmerman's assaulting a cop
The time he broke a woman's leg throwing her out of a party
The wife and girlfriend who both said he slapped them around
or the cousin who says he molested her...

Model citizen.
Oh, you and the rest of the flying monkey right wouldn't be for Social Justice if God Almighty came down and told you to stop being racists.

The rest of us realize that you can only push an oppressed population so far before they act out.

"stolen jewelry" that could not be linked to a reported robbery and no one claimed.

We could also talk about Zimmerman's assaulting a cop
The time he broke a woman's leg throwing her out of a party
The wife and girlfriend who both said he slapped them around
or the cousin who says he molested her...

Model citizen.

The rest of us realize that you can only push an oppressed population so far before they act out.

I know. Nothing says end oppression like stolen Nikes and Louis Vuittons.

"stolen jewelry" that could not be linked to a reported robbery and no one claimed.

Yup. Stolen jewelry.

Model citizen.

Just a misunderstood yute out looking for "purple drank".
Right. It was probably a gift. Or he bought it.

You see, there's this funny thing... you have to actually prove people committed crimes before accusing them of them.

It's really none of your business where he got those chains from. Maybe he did buy them from a guy on the street to give to his girlfriend.

Unlike all the things that Zimmerman actually did.
You see, there's this funny thing... you have to actually prove people committed crimes before accusing them of them.

It's really none of your business where he got those chains from. Maybe he did buy them from a guy on the street to give to his girlfriend.

Unlike all the things that Zimmerman actually did.
Like you said, you "have to actually prove people committed crimes before accusing them of them". Now, we've gone through a trial, presented all the evidence and the jury decided that Zimmerman did NOT commit the crime you keep accusing him of committing. So, are you going to have the integrity to stop accusing Zimmerman of committing murder? Remember, people with access to a lot more evidence than you do and who are a whole lot smarter in the law than you are could NOT prove that Zimmerman was guilty of murder.

The big money says no, you will stick with a handful of headlines you saw instead of the actual trial.
Good question.. Rich White people only care about racial justice when black people break their stuff... so maybe a few more smash and grabs are in order.

A black kid coming home from the store is a criminal? Yup, this is why you have riots.
Michael Brown was going home after leaving a store too, and he tried to take a police officers gun from him, but of course he was just this little ole innocent feller walking home with his granny's milk and bread, and that mean ole racist cop just wanted to kill himself a black guy that day. Pfffft.

Yeah ohhhh Michale that poor little innocent child sitting there with his football jersey shirt on in that photo, ready to go to college and all, but that evil oh racist cop just ended it all for him that day. I mean the poor guy even had his "hands up don't shoot", but that evil officer just wasn't having any of it was he ?? Pffft...

Is that the kind or type of spin you got going today ??? I did a parallel because you used "black kid", as if to suggest that black kids or guy's are just victim's because of their skin color, until you dig deeper to find that the individuals weren't these innocent people that we are all (black & white) are attempted to be convinced of that they were.

Might be time to do a little soul searching, lifestyle, and cultural changes before accusing the country of being systemically racist. Each individual case has to be judged upon it's individual merit's, and race shouldn't be involved in these court cases ever.
Except no one proved it was stolen, much less he stole it.

But hey, he's black...he's probably guilty of something
Why are you such a racist ? Good grief.

You sound like Biden and company when they use black's for their weapon of choice against their political enemies. I would imagine that black's are getting tired of that bull crap, well maybe all those uncle Tom's and Tomasena's are tired of it.

The brainwashed, uh well they're just brainwashed so there's that.
You see, there's this funny thing... you have to actually prove people committed crimes before accusing them of them.

It's really none of your business where he got those chains from. Maybe he did buy them from a guy on the street to give to his girlfriend.

Unlike all the things that Zimmerman actually did.

You see, there's this funny thing... you have to actually prove people committed crimes before accusing them of them.

You see, I really don't have to prove anything to accuse the stupid, dead criminal.
The rest of us realize that you can only push an oppressed population so far before they act out.
I know. Nothing says end oppression like stolen Nikes and Louis Vuittons.

You see, there's this funny thing... you have to actually prove people committed crimes before accusing them of them.

A very large portion of the content of many of your postings consists of baseless accusations of crimes, where no evidence exists to support any claim that those you accused actually committed any crime, and in some cases, where the accuses was affirmatively proven not to have committed the crimes of which you accuse him.

And even more often, sometimes in the very same posts, you come out solidly on the side of those who have been observed and even proven to have committed serious crimes, and even go so far as to affirmatively advocate that such crimes be committed. One example form just earlier today…

Rich White people only care about racial justice when black people break their stuff... so maybe a few more smash and grabs are in order.

I do not think it could be any more clear that you are consistently and solidly on the side of criminals, and against that of human beings.
Like you said, you "have to actually prove people committed crimes before accusing them of them". Now, we've gone through a trial, presented all the evidence and the jury decided that Zimmerman did NOT commit the crime you keep accusing him of committing.

We've proven that Zimmerman shot Trayvon. There's really no question he shot Trayvon...

That a racist jury decided that murdering a black child wasn't a big deal doesn't nullify that.
A very large portion of the content of many of your postings consists of baseless accusations of crimes, where no evidence exists to support any claim that those you accused actually committed any crime, and in some cases, where the accuses was affirmatively proven not to have committed the crimes of which you accuse him.

Um, no... That our justice system is so horribly flawed that race and wealth are license to get away with murder is nothing to be proud of. It's actually kind of shameful.

And even more often, sometimes in the very same posts, you come out solidly on the side of those who have been observed and even proven to have committed serious crimes, and even go so far as to affirmatively advocate that such crimes be committed. One example form just earlier today…

The question is, why do we let racial injustice go so far where people feel that is their only recourse is to do property damage? Again, BLM protested peacefully for years... but white people only pay attention when you break their stuff.

83% of murders in Chicago go unsolved, but man, you smash up a purse store, everyone is paying attention now. Save the ugly, overpriced purses!!!!

I do not think it could be any more clear that you are consistently and solidly on the side of criminals, and against that of human beings.

Again, you belong to a cult started by a criminal. But funny thing, I think that the murder of Joseph Smith by an angry mob was just as wrong as the murder of Trayvon Martin by a hopped up vigilante.

Five defendants were put on trial for the murder of Smith. All of them were acquitted by a jury. Some of the accused even enjoyed successful political careers afterwards. The initial jury was dismissed by a judge because it included Mormons.
Might be time to do a little soul searching, lifestyle, and cultural changes before accusing the country of being systemically racist. Each individual case has to be judged upon it's individual merit's, and race shouldn't be involved in these court cases ever.

Here's the thing, guy, Police Officers kill 1000 Americans every year. About 30% of them are black, even though blacks are only 13% of the population.

The cases that people get worked up about are not the ones where some idiot came after a cop with a gun or a knife.

They are the cases where a cop escalated a petty offense like shoplifting (Mike Brown), passing a fake $20 (Floyd), breaking into a truck (Laquan McDonald), or playing with a toy in a park (Tamir Rice) into a lethal use of force. And then you have Botham Jean, shot in his living room because some bimbo cop was too distracted sexting her boyfriend to notice she was on the wrong floor.

And usually, when you look into the perpetrators, you wonder why they were ever allowed to get into that position to start with.

Timothy Loehman had been fired from another police department for emotional instability.
Jason van Dyke had 20 prior complaints of excessive force, including one where Chicago paid out $375,000
Darren Wilson had been fired from his previous job when the entire police department was found to be so corrupt it had to be disbanded.
Chauvin had numerous previous incidents of excessive force, including one where he nearly choked a 14 year old to death.
We've proven that Zimmerman shot Trayvon. There's really no question he shot Trayvon...

That a racist jury decided that murdering a black child wasn't a big deal doesn't nullify that.
Ah, you walked right into that one. You see, we know Zimmerman shot Trayvon. We also know that the prosecution FAILED to prove that it was murder. USING YOUR STANDARD, you now cannot say that Zimmerman murdered Trayvon, as much as you want to, as many times as you want to stomp your feet, you can't say it, because we have your own quote where you said that we have to prove someone committed a crime before we can accuse them of committing it. Just in case you forgot or want to claim you didn't, here it is again:

"You see, there's this funny thing... you have to actually prove people committed crimes before accusing them of them. "

You did this to yourself, and you can expect to be reminded of this when you start yammering on accusing someone of a crime after they've been found NOT guilty.

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