The Rittenhouse Verdict

No, he wasn't.

Fact is, he carried his weapon the same as everyone else the whole time: strapped to the front of his body with the barrel pointed down. Exhibit A:

View attachment 576858

Same as the guy behind him.

Exhibit B:

View attachment 576859

Same as these guys:

View attachment 576862

And one more:

View attachment 576866

This one was taken the day after the verdict and as you can see, he's carrying it the same way Kyle did. And as you can also see, no one is attacking him for carrying his weapon in a, as you so melodramatically put it: extremely intimidating and provocative way.

I'm still not clear on what you're calling the "ready" position but Kyle carried his weapon the same way as everyone else all night until he was attacked, and that was only after he tried to get away from Rosenbaum first.

Yes, the day after. Shades of things to come.
In many instances, theft and destruction of property cuts directly at a person's ability to survive, to make a living, to keep a roof over his head and food on his table.

Of course, food and shelter are merely “property”, right? No big deal if someone is unjustly deprived of them, right?
They don't realize that people put their whole life's work and earnings into their businesses, and to have someone just come in to take that away by looting, burning, and destroying their hard works is as evil as evil gets, and any judge or politician that has sympathy for the criminal's needs to be remembered for that, and they need to be fired just as soon as the sane people get back in charge of thing's.
Yes, the day after. Shades of things to come.
You might be among the very few that think like you, so don't be surprised if people are found to be way on smarter than you are in life. Just saying.
Bull shit Moon Bat!

Being a stupid Moon Bat you are low information. I guess CNN and MSNBC didn't tell you Moon Bats about the six months of rioting, looting, murdering, burning and destruction of public and private property in over 200 American cities.

Well, no, the looting just wasn't a big deal when you had half a million people dying of TRUMP PLAGUE, you kind of forget about a handful of people killed in TRUMP RIOTS.

"Picked on a black child". Let's see if the facts line up with your treasured narrative. Zimmerman had no contact with Trayvon before Trayvon jumped him from concealment, so no "picking on" anyone there. Trayvon was a fully grown young man, so hardly a child. Zimmerman followed Trayvon, which no one can claim is "picking on" anyone since he was on neighborhood watch.

Actually, he was 17... and yes, he confronted this creepy old white man who was stalking him on the way home from the store.... because Zimmerman never identified himself as a member of the neighborhood watch.

LOL... In the real world normal people don't go chasing after an armed man with a loaded AR-15 strapped to his chest, and especially after a person was shot in self defense by the person (Kyle), who was carrying the self defensive weapon in his care for protection, otherwise as was being used upon his person in order to defend himself when he had too.

IN the real world, unarmed people disarm active shooters all the time. From the perspective of the people who tried to disarm Shooty McFlopsweat, he was an active shooter who just murdered someone.

But in the fucked up world of the crazy right wing, we demonize the people who tried to stop an active shooter and praise the active shooter.
He was wrong. Property damage is a very big deal when it’s your property. Not to mention the killing and maiming mobs do. Americans have a right to demonstrate, not a right to riot. Rioters aren’t “fellow citizens” they are criminals. I’d bet you good money, he was talking about demonstrators, not rioters.

Actually, what he was talking about was making sure our boys didn't fucking overreact and have a Kent State situation happen. This was only about a decade after THIS happened.


Everyone knows that. They charged high prices. They did that because they needed to make large profits to balance the risks and costs of operating there. I grew up less than two miles from there. No one else would operate stores there with the constant robberies and risk to life and limb. To this day, there isn’t a supermarket near there.

Then we need to government to open some or require the big chains to service those areas.

I do get it. The Koreans came here with no English, worked hard and provided a business that served the community that had been abandoned by white store owners because of high crime levels.

No fair!! They treat blacks like they're all potential shoplifters. We're gonna teach them a lesson.

Actually, they also charged ridiculous prices, sold expired product by changing the dates, etc. There are also untrue rumors that floated around they were getting special government loans to set up these stores. That's why they were an easy target for looters.

And none of which would have happened at all if mob of violent, destructive subhuman criminal shit were not rioting in the first place. You're awfully quick to dismiss or even excuse that, as you are equally quick to condemn anyone who responds appropriately to it.

There wouldn't have been a riot if a thug cop hadn't shot a man in the back seven times. But you are quick to dismiss that. And, no shooting someone because they lit a dumpster on fire is not an appropriate response.

But then, as has already been solidly and undeniably demonstrated, you are a creature that will always take the side of your own kind, of violent, destructive, subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings. I cannot think of any instance in which this sort of matter has come up, where you've done otherwise. It certainly puts the lie to any claim you might make that you, yourself, are anything better than a subhuman criminal piece of shit.

Well, I'm not a member of a racist cult like you are, so there's that.

Frankly, I don't get worked up over property. Property can be replaced, lives cannot.
In many instances, theft and destruction of property cuts directly at a person's ability to survive, to make a living, to keep a roof over his head and food on his table.

Of course, food and shelter are merely “property”, right? No big deal if someone is unjustly deprived of them, right?

Actually, that's why you have insurance...

But the thing was, Rittenhouse didn't shoot people over "property", he shot a guy because he was a scary homeless man who yelled at him, then he shot two other people who tried to take him into custody.

Ok, but are black people getting the true version of event's before losing their minds about these things or are they getting the politically unwashed nefarious motivated ulterior made up fact's by certain actors, and it all being for an over reaching political agenda that is to keep things stirred up and out of control while the power broker's fundamentally attempt to transform the country from a republic to a marxis communist style nation in order to fuel their agenda's with out hindrances ??

Okay, let's get real... nobody is turning America into a "Marxist" country, and the government gives away far more money to middle class white people than they give to the poor.
hey don't realize that people put their whole life's work and earnings into their businesses, and to have someone just come in to take that away by looting, burning, and destroying their hard works is as evil as evil gets, and any judge or politician that has sympathy for the criminal's needs to be remembered for that, and they need to be fired just as soon as the sane people get back in charge of thing's.

Property can be replaced.
Lives cannot.

If you have a business, you have insurance...

Is it sad people are losing their businesses? Yup. But again, we've had TEN YEARS to fix this problem of police misconduct, and white people ONLY started caring when black people started breaking their stuff.
Actually, they also charged ridiculous prices, sold expired product by changing the dates, etc. There are also untrue rumors that floated around they were getting special government loans to set up these stores. That's why they were an easy target for looters.

It's true, nobody else wanted to do business in the shitty neighborhoods.
Something to do with crime and violence.
Actually, what he was talking about was making sure our boys didn't fucking overreact and have a Kent State situation happen. This was only about a decade after THIS happened.

View attachment 577039

Then we need to government to open some or require the big chains to service those areas.

Actually, they also charged ridiculous prices, sold expired product by changing the dates, etc. There are also untrue rumors that floated around they were getting special government loans to set up these stores. That's why they were an easy target for looters.

There wouldn't have been a riot if a thug cop hadn't shot a man in the back seven times. But you are quick to dismiss that. And, no shooting someone because they lit a dumpster on fire is not an appropriate response.

Well, I'm not a member of a racist cult like you are, so there's that.

Frankly, I don't get worked up over property. Property can be replaced, lives cannot.

Then we need to government to open some or require the big chains to service those areas.

Exactly! We could force Walgreens to open there. And then we could allow $950 in thefts before you could be arrested for shoplifting. And then drop the charges. It'll be awesome!!!
sorry, but I won't let you rewrite history. But you keep dreaming that your "Gotcha's" can do that. You have nothing to say that I care to hear. Have a nice life.
You kept talking about how you were going to do it and that you could get away with in Kenosha, now you're ducking. If that's the way you want it, then go.
It's true, nobody else wanted to do business in the shitty neighborhoods.
Something to do with crime and violence.

More to do with racism, but never mind.

Exactly! We could force Walgreens to open there. And then we could allow $950 in thefts before you could be arrested for shoplifting. And then drop the charges. It'll be awesome!!!

Sure would be... Maybe then they'd be more responsive to the community....
More to do with racism, but never mind.

Even racists would stay in business in the shitty crime-ridden areas, if they could make money.

Sure would be... Maybe then they'd be more responsive to the community....

You should open your own store. You'll be a hero.
Well, no, the looting just wasn't a big deal when you had half a million people dying of TRUMP PLAGUE, you kind of forget about a handful of people killed in TRUMP RIOTS.

Actually, he was 17... and yes, he confronted this creepy old white man who was stalking him on the way home from the store.... because Zimmerman never identified himself as a member of the neighborhood watch.
And here again the details mess up your narrative. "Confronted" is not what Trayvon did. He jumped Zimmerman and forced him to fight for his life. Big difference that most people acknowledge.
Well, no, the looting just wasn't a big deal when you had half a million people dying of TRUMP PLAGUE, you kind of forget about a handful of people killed in TRUMP RIOTS.

Actually, he was 17... and yes, he confronted this creepy old white man who was stalking him on the way home from the store.... because Zimmerman never identified himself as a member of the neighborhood watch.

IN the real world, unarmed people disarm active shooters all the time. From the perspective of the people who tried to disarm Shooty McFlopsweat, he was an active shooter who just murdered someone.

But in the fucked up world of the crazy right wing, we demonize the people who tried to stop an active shooter and praise the active shooter.
Your fantasy, not anyone else's, and certainly not the jury in that trial loser.
And here again the details mess up your narrative. "Confronted" is not what Trayvon did. He jumped Zimmerman and forced him to fight for his life. Big difference that most people acknowledge.
That's the way the court saw it, but of course if the left don't agree, well then they don't agree. No matter how right Zimmerman may have been in the situation, the left did everything it could to say otherwise, and did so for a political agenda.
And here again the details mess up your narrative. "Confronted" is not what Trayvon did. He jumped Zimmerman and forced him to fight for his life. Big difference that most people acknowledge.

You mean after Zimmerman stalked him across the neighborhood? For all he knew, Zimmerman was a creepy child molester.

Your fantasy, not anyone else's, and certainly not the jury in that trial loser.
Yes, the jury fucked up. They fucked up in the OJ Trial, too.

That's the way the court saw it, but of course if the left don't agree, well then they don't agree. No matter how right Zimmerman may have been in the situation, the left did everything it could to say otherwise, and did so for a political agenda.

Well, when you have an all white jury of six women too stupid to get out of jury duty, you are going to have bad verdicts.

A jury found the klansmen who lynched Emmet Till innocent, too.

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