The Rittenhouse Verdict

Zimmerman most definitely was NOT Neighborhood Watch.
He went to one meeting and was refused because he was armed.
Neighborhood Watch does NOT allow arms.

Zimmerman did not have a right or duty to know who was living in his neighborhood, at all, in any way.
That is demonstrably false given, for example, the sex offenders registry. People have the right to know if certain people are living in their neighborhood and your claim would condemn someone for merely looking out their window and noting who walks past in a given day. In fact, had there been MORE knowledge of who was normally in the neighborhood, none of this would have happened.
Rittenhouse was not criticized for "being there", but for bringing a dangerous weapon, and parading it to everyone he could.
That was deliberate intimidation.
Anyone there had the legal right to kill Rittenhouse to end the illegal lethal threat Rittenhouse presented.
No, they absolutely did not have any right to kill him. That's hogwash and would have gotten anyone who did a long prison sentence.
YOu missed key details. Yes, a racist jury in Simi Valley acquitted these four thugs with badges in a STATE TRIAL, despite VIDEO EVIDENCE of what they did. That's why there was a riot.

The part you missed is part of the effort to mollify people's righteous anger was for Bush to order a FEDERAL prosecution of these four cops in a downtown LA courthouse. Two of them were found guilty. But don't let little things like facts get in your way, Mormon Bob.

Mormon Bob, if you think that black people should be murdered for petty offenses or in some cases no offense at all, there is something seriously wrong with you.

Somehow, I don't think you'd have the same respect for "Law and Order" if we were talking about a Mask Mandate or mandatory vaccinations.... you'd be out screaming about fascism and the evils of government.

So let's look at the cases that black people got terribly upset about.

Trayvon Martin, shot by a drugged up thug on his way home from the store.
Tamir Rice, shot in a park while playing with a toy by a cop who had been fired from a previous job
LaQuan McDonald, shot 16 times by a cop with repeated disciplinary issues, because he tried to break into a truck to keep warm.
Jean Botham, shot in his own living room by a cop who got off on the wrong floor.
Sandra Bland, killed in a jail cell after a traffic infraction because she talked back to the cop.
Breonna Taylor, shot because cops riddled her apartment in the middle of the night on a faulty warrant.
Anjanette Young, handcuffed naked for 20 minutes while cops looted through her house because they had the wrong address.
Oh, yeah, and George Floyd, choked to death for NINE MINUTES for passing a fake $20.00.

Yes, for some reason, black people are upset about these things.

Meanwhile, you completely lose your shit because someone asked you to wear a mask in public in the middle of a pandemic.

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Ok, but are black people getting the true version of event's before losing their minds about these things or are they getting the politically unwashed nefarious motivated ulterior made up fact's by certain actors, and it all being for an over reaching political agenda that is to keep things stirred up and out of control while the power broker's fundamentally attempt to transform the country from a republic to a marxis communist style nation in order to fuel their agenda's with out hindrances ??

Just another interesting video to tweak the interest of those who want all perspectives to be laid upon the table for review.
Does not matter who attacked whom first.
The point is there was no weapon being used against Kyle, so then he could not legally escalate to the use of a deadly weapon.
Obviously, he could do just that, because that's what he did and was found to not have broken the law by doing so. You're simply wrong when you say that.

1. There was a weapon used, a handgun was pointed in his face.
2. There was another weapon used, a skateboard was used to smash him in the head.
Oh, and what potentially deadly force was Rittenhouse attacked with?
What I read is that a grab was made for the barrel of the rifle, and that no actual attack or threat was made at all.
Later a skateboard is not a lethal weapon.
The last of the 3 had a pistol, but it was pointed up when Kyle shot him.
A skateboard is as much a lethal weapon as a wooden club is. Have you ever actually seen one in person, picked it up? They're big and heavy. Yes, you could easily kill someone by hitting them with it.
You can counter a punch with a punch, but you can not counter a punch with a rifle shot.
That is called escalation, and is totally illegal.
The judge was supposed to explain that you can only respond to violence in like kind and not escalate.
But he did not.
That means the judge was crooked.


Proportional Response​

Self-defense law requires the response to match the level of the threat in question. In other words, a person can only employ as much force as required to remove the threat. If the threat involves deadly force, the person defending themselves can use deadly force to counteract the threat. If, however, the threat involves only minor force and the person claiming self-defense uses force that could cause grievous bodily harm or death, the claim of self-defense will fail.

Rittenhouse did not have the legal right to respond to what he perceived as a physical threat, with the lethal force of a firearm.
The defense that he was afraid the rifle could have been taken away from him and used on him, is not valid, because it was his fault for bringing the rifle in the first place. And you can not claim self defense for what you screwed up.
Wow, now why didn't you share your legal expertise with the prosecution, get the judge disbarred and a retrial? Why are we only now getting the benefit of your years on the bench?
There were armed people all over the fucking place in Kenosha that night - rioters and non-rioters alike. Everybody saw them out and about and paid no attention to them. There was no reason for anyone to think Kyle was a potential active shooter or that he, more than the other armed people, was a particular threat.

he was the only one carrying an AR in the ready position.
Nope, that law's been in place for a long time. If you go into a neighborhood and start shooting, you go away for a long time to a place where the only thing you'll have to worry about being held the wrong way is the soap.

Not in Keosha.
Not in Keosha.
There too. Go ahead, try it. You're the tough one, you're talking big about how you're going to shoot the next person you see who scares you. Go to Kenosha, walk through a neighborhood, open fire on someone, then tell the cops about your super-duper legendary legal analysis that makes it all legal, and tell us how it goes. Seriously, you talked tough, now back it up with action. And do it In Kenosha, where you say you can get away with it, not in your backyard with the cardboard cutouts.

You're on record now. Do it.
There too. Go ahead, try it. You're the tough one, you're talking big about how you're going to shoot the next person you see who scares you. Go to Kenosha, walk through a neighborhood, open fire on someone, then tell the cops about your super-duper legendary legal analysis that makes it all legal, and tell us how it goes. Seriously, you talked tough, now back it up with action. And do it In Kenosha, where you say you can get away with it, not in your backyard with the cardboard cutouts.

You're on record now. Do it.

It's already happened.
he was the only one carrying an AR in the ready position.
No, he wasn't.

Fact is, he carried his weapon the same as everyone else the whole time: strapped to the front of his body with the barrel pointed down. Exhibit A:


Same as the guy behind him.

Exhibit B:


Same as these guys:


And one more:


This one was taken the day after the verdict and as you can see, he's carrying it the same way Kyle did. And as you can also see, no one is attacking him for carrying his weapon in a, as you so melodramatically put it: extremely intimidating and provocative way.

I'm still not clear on what you're calling the "ready" position but Kyle carried his weapon the same way as everyone else all night until he was attacked, and that was only after he tried to get away from Rosenbaum first.


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None of which would have happened if he hadn't gone to a riot to start with.

And none of which would have happened at all if mob of violent, destructive subhuman criminal shit were not rioting in the first place. You're awfully quick to dismiss or even excuse that, as you are equally quick to condemn anyone who responds appropriately to it.

But then, as has already been solidly and undeniably demonstrated, you are a creature that will always take the side of your own kind, of violent, destructive, subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings. I cannot think of any instance in which this sort of matter has come up, where you've done otherwise. It certainly puts the lie to any claim you might make that you, yourself, are anything better than a subhuman criminal piece of shit.
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Property damage is bad, but it's just not that big of a deal. the fact that you and other white racists like Mormon Bob consider white property more valuable than black lives is why we had riots to start with.
Property damage is a very big deal when it’s your property. Not to mention the killing and maiming mobs do. Americans have a right to demonstrate, not a right to riot. Rioters aren’t “fellow citizens” they are criminals. I’d bet you good money, he was talking about demonstrators, not rioters.

In many instances, theft and destruction of property cuts directly at a person's ability to survive, to make a living, to keep a roof over his head and food on his table.

Of course, food and shelter are merely “property”, right? No big deal if someone is unjustly deprived of them, right?
As I pointed out before, this is a post hoc fallacy. Kyle's presence there was merely circumstantial and not a causal factor. The causal factor was Rosenbaum's attack on him. Besides, I'm not talking about Zimmerman or anyone else other than Rittenhouse. That's what this discussion is about.

He may or may not be an immature little boy who has seen too many movies but this does not absolve Rosenbaum of his attack. Unless you're saying that he deserved the attack because of being (or instigated it by mere virtue of being) an immature little boy, this is an irrelevant point.

I also mentioned before that you are attacking gun culture rather than Kyle's actions that night. What you and others here are doing is another debate fallacy: the ad hominem attack. You attack his character rather than his actions.
Post hoc? Don't think so.
I'm not absolving Rosenbaum of anything. Which part of 'I think they're all idiots' don't you understand? You have not criticised him at all. I see both sides. You don't.

I've barely attacked his character. I've mainly been talking about his actions and reason for being there.
Oh, who did you shoot in Kenosha?

sorry, but I won't let you rewrite history. But you keep dreaming that your "Gotcha's" can do that. You have nothing to say that I care to hear. Have a nice life.

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