The Rittenhouse Verdict

You're either flat-out lying, or just plain ignorant. Given that it is you, my guess would be both.

The 1992 riots started, not after Rodney “The Piñata” King got into a fight with police, and lost.

They started a year later after the four police officers had stood trial on trumped-up charges in connection with that incident, and a jury found them all “not guilty” of all charges.

YOu missed key details. Yes, a racist jury in Simi Valley acquitted these four thugs with badges in a STATE TRIAL, despite VIDEO EVIDENCE of what they did. That's why there was a riot.

The part you missed is part of the effort to mollify people's righteous anger was for Bush to order a FEDERAL prosecution of these four cops in a downtown LA courthouse. Two of them were found guilty. But don't let little things like facts get in your way, Mormon Bob.

Mainstream America does not give a fuck about how “politely” they ask.

Whether it is by kneeling and groveling like a mediocre pathetic wannabe football player, or burning and looting; the answer to a request that we put the interests of subhuman criminal pieces of shit above that of actual human beings is always going to be “Hell, No!”

Those that want to be recognized as treated as human beings should consider trying to behave like actual human beings, instead of behaving like subhuman criminal pieces of shit. That would gain them much, much, much more than any empty requests or demands that they might make.

Mormon Bob, if you think that black people should be murdered for petty offenses or in some cases no offense at all, there is something seriously wrong with you.

Somehow, I don't think you'd have the same respect for "Law and Order" if we were talking about a Mask Mandate or mandatory vaccinations.... you'd be out screaming about fascism and the evils of government.

So let's look at the cases that black people got terribly upset about.

Trayvon Martin, shot by a drugged up thug on his way home from the store.
Tamir Rice, shot in a park while playing with a toy by a cop who had been fired from a previous job
LaQuan McDonald, shot 16 times by a cop with repeated disciplinary issues, because he tried to break into a truck to keep warm.
Jean Botham, shot in his own living room by a cop who got off on the wrong floor.
Sandra Bland, killed in a jail cell after a traffic infraction because she talked back to the cop.
Breonna Taylor, shot because cops riddled her apartment in the middle of the night on a faulty warrant.
Anjanette Young, handcuffed naked for 20 minutes while cops looted through her house because they had the wrong address.
Oh, yeah, and George Floyd, choked to death for NINE MINUTES for passing a fake $20.00.

Yes, for some reason, black people are upset about these things.

Meanwhile, you completely lose your shit because someone asked you to wear a mask in public in the middle of a pandemic.

You seem to have misspelled “evil and complicit”.

This shit didn't happen because LIbErals didn't have the courage or intelligence to stand against it. LIbErals actively supported it. LIbErals were (and still are) on the side of the subhuman criminal pieces of shit who have been engaging in this behavior.

Or you realize that you de-escalate situations like that.

Again, when I took Civil Disturbance training back in the 1980's, our goal was always to contain the situation, not bust heads and kill people, because everyone knew that would make things worse.
There was never any testimony that King was fighting.
He was not punching or kicking.
They had no right to beat on him like that.
He was just rolling around on the ground in order to be harder to hit, as they kept illegally clubbing him.

Actually, what the cops did was follow procedure. They tased King and then tried to tackle him, neither of which worked because he was high on PCP. It was only then that they started clubbing him. The problem there was that they kept clubbing him after he was down and no longer resisting.

The remedy, of course, would be to charge those officers with crimes, and put them on trial, and let a jury decide if they acted illegally or not Too bad that wasn't done.

Oh, wait. It was done, exactly, and the jury came back with “Not guilty”. The evidence presented at the trial simply does not match up with the story that you are no trying to tell thirty years after it happened.

You mean an all-white jury from a neighborhood where the cops live found their actions okay...that's what the outrage was.

Just like there was outrage when two white Klansmen were acquitted of murdering Emmet Till for whistling at a white woman. (HOW DARE HE!!!). Oh, wait, the white woman eventually admitted the kid didn't whistle at her.

Bush ordered a federal prosecution, as he should have, because the state fucked it up. Biden should do the same with Rittenhouse.
Look at that thing. Heavy, sharp edges....that thing will knock you out, maybe kill you.
And then trying to grab the rifle, bad idea.

Yes, trying to disarm an active shooter is a terrible idea... we should just let the cops arrest him.

Except he walked past seven police cars, with bystanders yelling at the cops, 'He just shot some people!" And the cops just let him walk by.

That it might not be as good a weapon as a rifle wasn't Mr. Rittenhouse's problem, but that of the subhuman criminal piece of shit that stupidly brought a skateboard to a gunfight.

So if someone you cared about was shot by an active shooter, you would be okay if no one tried to stop him? I'm just asking for a friend, Mormon Bob.
Does not matter who attacked whom first.
The point is there was no weapon being used against Kyle, so then he could not legally escalate to the use of a deadly weapon.

Wrong. This might be true if Kyle knew for certain that Rosenbaum was not armed. He did not. In fact, he probably thought it was Rosenbaum who fired in the air. Besides all that, Rosenbaum tried to take his weapon.

This is the important distinction that escapes you people or you simply choose to ignore it: Kyle knew nothing other than that Rosenbaum was acting irrationally and threatened to kill him. For that matter, he knew nothing of the mob that attacked him the second time other than that they were shouting to "Beat his ass", had tried to jump/stomp his head, swung a skateboard at his head and one pointed his own weapon at him.
Wrong. This might be true if Kyle knew for certain that Rosenbaum was not armed. He did not. In fact, he probably thought it was Rosenbaum who fired in the air. Besides all that, Rosenbaum tried to take his weapon.

This is the important distinction that escapes you people or you simply choose to ignore it: Kyle knew nothing other than that Rosenbaum was acting irrationally and threatened to kill him. For that matter, he knew nothing of the mob that attacked him the second time other than that they were shouting to "Beat his ass", had tried to jump/stomp his head, swung a skateboard at his head and one pointed his own weapon at him.

None of which would have happened if he hadn't gone to a riot to start with.

HOly shit, this is your serious argument, "I went to a riot and brandished a weapon and was surprised there was violence going on after I shot someone!"

Yes, they wanted to beat his ass because he just gunned someone down!!!
Actuallly, they had the good sense to not escalate an already bad situation.
Bull shit Moon Bat!

Being a stupid Moon Bat you are low information. I guess CNN and MSNBC didn't tell you Moon Bats about the six months of rioting, looting, murdering, burning and destruction of public and private property in over 200 American cities.

BLM was the cause of the destruction and they were helped by the ANTIFA turds.

If you are so confused would you like to me to post more pictures like this?



Actuallly, they had the good sense to not escalate an already bad situation.

When I was in the National Guard in the 1980's, only about a decade after Kent State, a very wise officer who was conducting the training said to us, "When you are called out on Civil Disturbance Operations, those are not the enemy out there. Those are your fellow citizens, they are damned angry about something and they have every right to be."

Property damage is bad, but it's just not that big of a deal. the fact that you and other white racists like Mormon Bob consider white property more valuable than black lives is why we had riots to start with.
He was wrong. Property damage is a very big deal when it’s your property. Not to mention the killing and maiming mobs do. Americans have a right to demonstrate, not a right to riot. Rioters aren’t “fellow citizens” they are criminals. I’d bet you good money, he was talking about demonstrators, not rioters.
Nothing that happened that night justified what Zimmerman did. He's a bully who picked on a black child, and then murdered him when he was getting his sissy white ass kicked.

You don't get why the Korean Stores were the target of the ire of the black community.

I'm sure there were some decent white people who were fine with what Dr. King was doing, but at the end of the day, Civil Rights were only acheived at a human cost of people who died.

Should be like that. Should be, "Hey, if all men are created equal in this country, I shouldn't have to ride on the back of the bus." It never should have been a discussion, but it was.

White people ONLY care about others when it's their property and lives that are threatened.... shouldn't be like that, but it is. Otherwise, we STILL wouldn't be having these discussions 54 years after Dr. King's assassination at the hands of the government a racist.
Everyone knows that. They charged high prices. They did that because they needed to make large profits to balance the risks and costs of operating there. I grew up less than two miles from there. No one else would operate stores there with the constant robberies and risk to life and limb. To this day, there isn’t a supermarket near there.
Nothing that happened that night justified what Zimmerman did. He's a bully who picked on a black child, and then murdered him when he was getting his sissy white ass kicked.

You don't get why the Korean Stores were the target of the ire of the black community.

I'm sure there were some decent white people who were fine with what Dr. King was doing, but at the end of the day, Civil Rights were only acheived at a human cost of people who died.

Should be like that. Should be, "Hey, if all men are created equal in this country, I shouldn't have to ride on the back of the bus." It never should have been a discussion, but it was.

White people ONLY care about others when it's their property and lives that are threatened.... shouldn't be like that, but it is. Otherwise, we STILL wouldn't be having these discussions 54 years after Dr. King's assassination at the hands of the government a racist.

You don't get why the Korean Stores were the target of the ire of the black community.

I do get it. The Koreans came here with no English, worked hard and provided a business that served the community that had been abandoned by white store owners because of high crime levels.

No fair!! They treat blacks like they're all potential shoplifters. We're gonna teach them a lesson.
Yes, trying to disarm an active shooter is a terrible idea... we should just let the cops arrest him.

It was a terrible idea because no one was an active shooter.

Except he walked past seven police cars, with bystanders yelling at the cops, 'He just shot some people!" And the cops just let him walk by.

I guess hours of rioting, burning and looting, and being told to stand down, made the cops
less eager to respond to claims of criminal activity.
Not having been there, I can only go by the written accounts, and they said there was only 1 other armed person, and that they were staying on a particular property they were defending

Nope. There are pictures of him posing with the group he was with and there were three or four of them, all holding rifles. Besides that, a total of sixteen gunshots coming from people other than Kyle can be heard in the background during the videos of the attacks on him, which means there were obviously other armed people there.

Below are a couple of pics that show other armed people there that night.



This lower pic is of two armed guys earlier in the day of the shootings. The guy on the right in the red shirt is Kevin Mathewson, a former Kenosha alderman who had called on armed citizens to gather on the streets to "...protect our Lives and Property."
In contrast, Kyle was the only one carrying a rifle into the crowd,

See above.
in what could only be an attempt to intimidate people.
An act everyone felt was extremely offensive, intimidating, and provocative.

And yet only one person attacked him (before the fist shooting) and that was because the guy's fire was extinguished, not because Kyle was armed.
And we have the proof.
No one else was attacked or shot anyone.

Rittenhouse was attacked, hence, the shots in self defense.
Was more talking about Martin with the witnesses. With Rittenhouse I've see the vid so witnesses are not as important because most of us saw if for ourselves. In saying that, my point was that without either Zimmerman or Rittenhouse being where they were (and this is the same with the Abary -sp? - case, too) it never would have happened.

You guys seem to have the impression that I am against Zimmerman and Rittenhouse in terms of what they did no matter what the circumstances. If Martin was armed and had been scoping houses and was known to be breaking into them, then sure, I get the reaction. That wasn't the case.

As I pointed out before, this is a post hoc fallacy. Kyle's presence there was merely circumstantial and not a causal factor. The causal factor was Rosenbaum's attack on him. Besides, I'm not talking about Zimmerman or anyone else other than Rittenhouse. That's what this discussion is about.
As for Rittenhouse, he is an immature little boy who has seen too many movies. He was a fucking idiot. As I said before, they all were....including the men who got shot.

He may or may not be an immature little boy who has seen too many movies but this does not absolve Rosenbaum of his attack. Unless you're saying that he deserved the attack because of being (or instigated it by mere virtue of being) an immature little boy, this is an irrelevant point.

I also mentioned before that you are attacking gun culture rather than Kyle's actions that night. What you and others here are doing is another debate fallacy: the ad hominem attack. You attack his character rather than his actions.
None of which would have happened if he hadn't gone to a riot to start with.

HOly shit, this is your serious argument, "I went to a riot and brandished a weapon and was surprised there was violence going on after I shot someone!"

Why did he shoot the first guy? I notice you don't mention that.
Yes, they wanted to beat his ass because he just gunned someone down!!!

In self defense.
I obviously can not be sure because the video of the beating did not show how it started and only showed the continual clubbing of a writhing body on the ground.
But it was clear they were aiming mostly at his head, and I know for sure I could never hit someone on the head with a club.
It would be bound to cause too much permanent damage, like to teeth, eyes, nose, jaw, brain, etc.
I do not understand how anyone could have done that?
Hmmm, the video or news cast I remember was that they were mainly body blows to Rodney King's legs and torso. Will have to go back and look if possible, and this would be in order to see what you claim to have seen happened also. Thanks.
As I pointed out before, this is a post hoc fallacy. Kyle's presence there was merely circumstantial and not a causal factor. The causal factor was Rosenbaum's attack on him. Besides, I'm not talking about Zimmerman or anyone else other than Rittenhouse. That's what this discussion is about.

He may or may not be an immature little boy who has seen too many movies but this does not absolve Rosenbaum of his attack. Unless you're saying that he deserved the attack because of being (or instigated it by mere virtue of being) an immature little boy, this is an irrelevant point.

I also mentioned before that you are attacking gun culture rather than Kyle's actions that night. What you and others here are doing is another debate fallacy: the ad hominem attack. You attack his character rather than his actions.
Sadly it's a waist of time with these leftist, and well it's because they are leftist. Absolutely no sense of reality left within them as human beings any longer.
Careful. I may have to drive into your neighborhood, arm myself openly and then get both offended and fearful for my life. I won't but you and your bunch have written the law on this.
Nope, that law's been in place for a long time. If you go into a neighborhood and start shooting, you go away for a long time to a place where the only thing you'll have to worry about being held the wrong way is the soap.

Why did he shoot the first guy? I notice you don't mention that.

In self defense.
LOL... In the real world normal people don't go chasing after an armed man with a loaded AR-15 strapped to his chest, and especially after a person was shot in self defense by the person (Kyle), who was carrying the self defensive weapon in his care for protection, otherwise as was being used upon his person in order to defend himself when he had too.

Joe can spin this till the cows come home, but it will never change the truth about what happened on that night of rioting, burning, and chaos that placed lives (officer or civilian), personal property, and government property in extreme danger.

It really shows just how dumb these idiot's we're that night, and gives an eye opener also as to how such sheep are being led to a slaughter by their handler's, but then those handler's throw them under the bus once the bull crap backfires, and is revealed.
Does not matter who attacked whom first.
The point is there was no weapon being used against Kyle, so then he could not legally escalate to the use of a deadly weapon.
Did Kyle know that rosenthug didn't have a weapon on his person that night ? No he didn't, and if you can prove otherwise then have at it. Bottom line is that Kyle felt that he was about to be killed, and took action to resolve that threat, otherwise when the perp had already threatened his life, and then pursued him in a way that made Kyle think that the threat was going to be administered by rosenthug once he was cornered.
Nothing that happened that night justified what Zimmerman did. He's a bully who picked on a black child, and then murdered him when he was getting his sissy white ass kicked.
"Picked on a black child". Let's see if the facts line up with your treasured narrative. Zimmerman had no contact with Trayvon before Trayvon jumped him from concealment, so no "picking on" anyone there. Trayvon was a fully grown young man, so hardly a child. Zimmerman followed Trayvon, which no one can claim is "picking on" anyone since he was on neighborhood watch. Trayvon hid in the bushes and jumped Zimmerman. Those are the facts. Most people, when confronted with facts that completely destroy their narrative, adjust their narrative to accommodate the truth. With you the narrative is an article of faith, so you will ignore the facts and continue spouting your falsehoods.

Oh, and Zimmerman is Hispanic, not white. Do try to at least come close to the truth if you can. One last thing, when you're getting your head bashed into a concrete slab and you shoot the person doing it, you're not committing a murder. That's why Zimmerman is not in prison right now for doing it. If you have evidence that he committed murder, why didn't you get it to the prosecution? Heck, you could have at least emailed them a link to a hate merchant, because obviously they didn't have it.

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