The Rittenhouse Verdict

Here's the thing, guy, Police Officers kill 1000 Americans every year. About 30% of them are black, even though blacks are only 13% of the population.

The cases that people get worked up about are not the ones where some idiot came after a cop with a gun or a knife.

They are the cases where a cop escalated a petty offense like shoplifting (Mike Brown), passing a fake $20 (Floyd), breaking into a truck (Laquan McDonald), or playing with a toy in a park (Tamir Rice) into a lethal use of force. And then you have Botham Jean, shot in his living room because some bimbo cop was too distracted sexting her boyfriend to notice she was on the wrong floor.

And usually, when you look into the perpetrators, you wonder why they were ever allowed to get into that position to start with.

Timothy Loehman had been fired from another police department for emotional instability.
Jason van Dyke had 20 prior complaints of excessive force, including one where Chicago paid out $375,000
Darren Wilson had been fired from his previous job when the entire police department was found to be so corrupt it had to be disbanded.
Chauvin had numerous previous incidents of excessive force, including one where he nearly choked a 14 year old to death.
The police have a pretty strong union, don't they? Perhaps you should start there when you're trying to figure out how a cop can screw up in one place and pop up to do it again in another.
Here's the thing, guy, Police Officers kill 1000 Americans every year. About 30% of them are black, even though blacks are only 13% of the population.
The Negroes commit most of the violent crimes in this country and that is why they are confronted by the police.

However, the Negroes are bad about killing themselves.

The most dangerous person for a Negro to engage is another Negro.

As usual you are confused Moon Bat. There was nothing racial about the Rittenhouse case. The filthy ass government tried their best to connect Kyle with racist organizations and failed to do so. Then there is the inconvenient fact that the people that Kyle shot were White.

The racist were the Negroes and their Communist buddies that were destroying Kenosha because a criminal shithead Negro thug was shot by the police.

By the way Moon Bat. You really get confused with these cases, don't you? A filthy ass Negro thug attacked Zimmerman and he had to defend himself. He was a racist. In the trial his fat ass girlfriend testified that he made racial slurs on the telephone against Zimmerman just before he attacked Zimmerman.
Snitches get stitches.

Yes, they do.

But you know what, if the Cops can figure out that Jussie Smollet had himself beaten up they can solve murders. You know, if they actually wanted to and you fired a few of them for a low clearance rate.

Ah, you walked right into that one. You see, we know Zimmerman shot Trayvon. We also know that the prosecution FAILED to prove that it was murder.

Sure we can say it. Just like we can say OJ killed his wife and the Klan killed Emmet Till.

The courts failed, not the evidence. On the other hand, you had no real evidence that Trayvon did anything wrong, just a lot of innuendo. He had a baggie? Must have had pot in it! He had jewelry, must have stolen it. Went to the store for an energy drink? He must have been planning to turn it into homemade booze.
The police have a pretty strong union, don't they? Perhaps you should start there when you're trying to figure out how a cop can screw up in one place and pop up to do it again in another.

I do think unions are a large part of the problem.
So is the fact we don't have uniform licensing of police officers like we do nurses.
So is the fact these departments don't communicate with each other and pick up the bad apples.

However, the Negroes are bad about killing themselves.

The most dangerous person for a Negro to engage is another Negro.

The most dangerous person for a cracker to encounter is another cracker, what's your point? Most people are murdered by people they know... and usually their own race.
Yes, they do.

But you know what, if the Cops can figure out that Jussie Smollet had himself beaten up they can solve murders. You know, if they actually wanted to and you fired a few of them for a low clearance rate.

Sure we can say it. Just like we can say OJ killed his wife and the Klan killed Emmet Till.

The courts failed, not the evidence. On the other hand, you had no real evidence that Trayvon did anything wrong, just a lot of innuendo. He had a baggie? Must have had pot in it! He had jewelry, must have stolen it. Went to the store for an energy drink? He must have been planning to turn it into homemade booze.
Sorry, no. Your standard is that you can't accuse someone of a crime unless you prove they did it and they most emphatically did NOT prove Zimmerman committed a murder. That means that you are either going to have to stop saying he did or admit you're a raging hypocrite who refuses to abide by the standard he set for others. It simply doesn't matter how much you REALLY want it to be true, it wasn't proven and your own standard is that you CANNOT say he committed a murder.

So, what's it going to be, integrity or raging hypocrite?
I do think unions are a large part of the problem.
So is the fact we don't have uniform licensing of police officers like we do nurses.
So is the fact these departments don't communicate with each other and pick up the bad apples.

The most dangerous person for a cracker to encounter is another cracker, what's your point? Most people are murdered by people they know... and usually their own race.

This will get you triggered you stupid hate filled Moon Bat:


Kyle Rittenhouse stepped out in public on Monday and delivered a speech to a friendly crowd at a conservative convention in Phoenix.

Rittenhouse spoke about his recent acquittal on murder charges during his address at AmericaFest, a four-day festival hosted by Turning Point USA.

Donning a blue suit and tie, Rittenhouse walked out on stage to massive cheers from the audience, which largely consisted of high school and college-aged students.

He was joined by a panel that included the group’s founder Charlie Kirk, and conservative commentators Jack Posobiec, Elijah Schaffer and Drew Hernandez.

“Always be humble and look at the positives in life and focus on today and not tomorrow,” Rittenhouse, 18, told the crowd of his experience. “You can only live one day at a time.”

Looks like Kyle is getting ready to sue the shit out of the hate mongering Left turds that defamed him.

Kyle Rittenhouse warns 'media accountability coming soon'

EXCLUSIVE: PHOENIX, Ariz. — The media could be facing big consequences for the way it covered Kyle Rittenhouse's trial, the 18-year-old indicated on Monday.

"There's going to be some media accountability coming soon," Rittenhouse told Fox News during an interview.

Fox News had asked him whether he thought a trend was developing in which the media was starting to face consequences for its coverage of people like him and Nick Sandmann...

"Good for him," Rittenhouse said when asked about the settlement.

Rittenhouse's comments came just after he received cheers and applause at the AmericaFest conference in Phoenix, Arizona. He hasn't announced any lawsuits against heavyweights like CNN, which also reached a settlement with Sandmann...

Sorry, no. Your standard is that you can't accuse someone of a crime unless you prove they did it and they most emphatically did NOT prove Zimmerman committed a murder.

Nope. Zimmerman murdered Trayvon. Not even in dispute. The silly part is claiming a grown-ass man really needed to murder a child to defend himself.
Nope. Zimmerman murdered Trayvon. Not even in dispute. The silly part is claiming a grown-ass man really needed to murder a child to defend himself.
So you went with raging hypocrite. Not surprising. Your standard is hogwash. Your standard is, and I'll remind you, that you don't get to accuse someone of a crime if you can't prove they did it, and I will remind you as well that Zimmerman was tried and they could NOT prove he was guilty. So, all that being said, Zimmerman being guilty of murder is only in your mind. Again, it wasn't proven. All you have is some headlines, the prosecution had the physical evidence and sworn testimony.
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So you went with raging hypocrite. Not surprising. Your standard is hogwash. Your standard is, and I'll remind you, that you don't get to accuse someone of a crime if you can't prove they did it,

Except in the case of Zimmerman or Rittenhouse, there is no doubt who did it. There was no gunman on the grassy knoll... They did it. That a racist justice system gave them a pass is nothing to be proud of.

Thug life ain't easy, yo!
Sometimes it's fatal.

I guess... how dare that black child think he could walk home from the store...

Why do I get the feeling you'd be the guy saying Emmit Till shouldn't have whistled at that white woman?
So you are okay with some weirdo following your (hypothetical) kids around at night?

If my hypothetical kids were followed by a weirdo, I hope they'd be smart enough to run home while calling 911. Only a moron goes back to attack the weirdo after they already evaded the weirdo.
A thug moron.
We've proven that Zimmerman shot Trayvon. There's really no question he shot Trayvon...

That a racist jury decided that murdering a black child wasn't a big deal doesn't nullify that.
No, they believed the only objective eyewitness who testified Martin was on top of Zimmerman hitting him “MMA Style”. And a seventeen year old isn’t a “child” by any objective standard. Especially one who had been expelled for possession of burglary tools and expensive women’s jewelry that he couldn’t account for.

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