The root causes of terrorism

Jordan is in possession of more former Palestinian lands than Israel.


Actually, no, Jordan is not in possession of any land ever claimed by a Palestinian state.

Jordan lies east of the Jordan river, and Palestine to the west of it.
My only problem with it is the issue of women's rights - it is not right that a female Muslim could be disenfranchised by an inheritance that would be her right under British law.
If muslim women are fine with it and agree to it.

Why should it concern you or be any of your business? :cool:

Because people who are in a position of no power often agree to whatever they are told to agree with.

I do support Sharia in the West as a concept, but I don't think people should be able to agree to missing out on a legal inheritance, any more than they should be able to agree to work for less than minimum wage.

First of all you contradict yourself: you say you support Sharia but then you say you are opposed to what Sharia entails.

Second, what you propose implies the destruction of the modern democratic state of law and turning to something like the Ottoman millet system where people are not citizens of one country but members of a specific religious group and ruled and taxed accordingly. This is a recipe for civil war and slaughter. It flies in the face of the most basic concepts of Western society.
There is only one way to resolve the palestinian issue that would end the violence. Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish state. Then the palestinian issue would not exist. There would be the French issue, the African issue, the British issue, the Dutch issue. One by one until islam got the resolution it wants, which is domination of islam over the whole of the world.

Yeah....I don't believe that for a second.

There are undoubtedly a few nutcase fanatics who want 'global domination', but you can't believe that represents any real number of people just because it screens on Fox every week.

If you go to the Middle East you'll be treated with kindness and openness everywhere you all of the years I've spent in the region I can count the number of not-so-nice incidents on one hand. The idea that most muslims are hostile to westerners is simply a myth.

Good points. Jews spend a day in Gaza.

[ame=]Codepink built a playground at beach camp in Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
Katzanddogz -

I don't have time to really go through this again here, but rest assured - Sharia is not what you think it is.

England has it now, for instance....and have you heard anyone whining about it?

Sharia law (as it might apply in the west) is largely a system for handing divorces and inheritance. As such it has been used in several western countries for 10 years or more.

It's just somethin blogs use to scare the hell out of people.

There are Sharia courts in Palestine but they only deal with family law and their use is voluntary.
Well, I think a lot of that hatred would go away if they'd just stop trying to kill us. It tickles me when I hear an Arab supporter complain about their image taking into account their recent history. The racist garbage you speak of are simply reacting to current events. Reading the headlines about yet another terrorist attempt in the United States, and reading about an explosion in Iraq this weekend is not changing any hearts and minds.

I've always known that Palestine was an excuse for Arabs to complain. They could end the problem in a matter of months if they wanted to.....but they don't.

I agree with most of your statement, Mud - but what do you mean by that last phrase?

How could Palestinians end the problem in a couple of months?

btw. To my mind there is a huge gulf of different between hating Palestinian terrorists and hating Palestinians. The same as there is between hating Nazis, and hating Germans.

How could Palestinians end the problem in a couple of months?

Katzanddogz -

I don't have time to really go through this again here, but rest assured - Sharia is not what you think it is.

England has it now, for instance....and have you heard anyone whining about it?

Sharia law (as it might apply in the west) is largely a system for handing divorces and inheritance. As such it has been used in several western countries for 10 years or more.

It's just somethin blogs use to scare the hell out of people.

There are Sharia courts in Palestine but they only deal with family law and their use is voluntary.


Full Sharia law would be terrifying - but it is only used in perhaps 4 Islamic countries, while the overwhelming majority of Islamic countries use a more traditional form of law, with Sharia only used for divorce etc.

Some people have really swallowed some ugly propaganda on this issue.
Katzanddogz -

I don't have time to really go through this again here, but rest assured - Sharia is not what you think it is.

England has it now, for instance....and have you heard anyone whining about it?

Sharia law (as it might apply in the west) is largely a system for handing divorces and inheritance. As such it has been used in several western countries for 10 years or more.

It's just somethin blogs use to scare the hell out of people.

There are Sharia courts in Palestine but they only deal with family law and their use is voluntary.


Full Sharia law would be terrifying - but it is only used in perhaps 4 Islamic countries, while the overwhelming majority of Islamic countries use a more traditional form of law, with Sharia only used for divorce etc.

Some people have really swallowed some ugly propaganda on this issue.

You certainly have.

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