The Root Of The Trump-Movement Anger: Foxes In The Conservative Chicken Coop


  • Agree, this has been a huge problem for the GOP

  • Disagree. Conservative could mean all of those things too.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013

It's been a long, slow erosion of conservative values from within.

You know they say a picture is worth a thousand no wall of text in this OP.

OK, lots of threads competing... Just some more to ponder where Rove is going with this it seems:

The one place he fell clearly short was in Ohio, where the popular, two-term governor – John Kasich – held serve and survived the kind of existential test that took Rubio down. But, as I argued last week would be the case, dopey Don won for losing: Kasich’s victory “guarantees at least two not-Trumps remain in the field ... with Kasich and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz splitting the non-Trump portion of the pie.”...So where does that leave team #NeverTrump? With a series of unappealing options. In spite of Kasich’s win, this is arguably a two-man race now between Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who is the only other candidate anywhere near the real estate tycoon in terms of delegates. But Cruz faces a number of problems, starting with his own alienating personality and approach to politics. The non-Trump GOP may yet coalesce around him, but it’ll do so holding its collective nose. Anyone who hadn’t made a virtue of accumulating enemies in Washington would already have the not-Trump field to himself by now.

I smell a "Painting of Ted Cruz to be the new establishment rebel". But when I sniff the air around Cruz's plastic smile and robotic preaching of "conservative values" why do I sense Cheney in the background? Kasich gets the slights, the shove-offs and the downplays at Fox News constantly. Even when they're "praising him" you get the feeling like the praise is wrapped in a wet blanket. One anchor will praise him and then another quickly add with lightening speed "yes but he doesn't have a chance...the math just isn't there". Well, It would be if Cruz dropped out...

Meanwhile I'm sure if Trump (or Hillary) feel that Cruz is the new competition, they're sharpening their quills and gathering their lawyers to fast-track a "Can a Canadian run for president?" case before the LIBERAL DOMINATED Supreme know...the liberal Justices who were/are furious the conservative majority handed the victory to Dubya back in 2000 when the election was challenged then. The simple open and shut of that case will be 1. Was Ted Cruz born in Canada with a Canadian birth certificate? The answer is factually and indisputably "YES". and 2. Does "natural born" mean having a foreign birth certificate, spending formative years in that foreign country and then illegally immigrating to the US mean that person can run for president still if one of his parents was born a US citizen? The answer under 5 liberal majority with a nomination hanging out there for a colleague they want to be sympathetic to their new world order? NO, absolutely not.

So enjoy that Cruz run folks. Keep listening to the foxes in the chicken coop.. But it's not going to work. He's more robotic than Robotio, more of an empty suit waiting to be filled than even Mitt Romney...and the Trumpsters are running on instinct at this point. Kasich they know actually is outside the establishment. There's a core of substance under his suit that the foxes don't like.

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