The root problem in our country…(not politically correct!)


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
NOPE…not the government or any other fabricated excuse…
The quality of parenting in low income households is an absolute joke...animals in the wild do a better job. Kids need to know that you have expectations they MUST's not a choice, it's an absolute demand...period! Children need to be micro-managed, mentored, pushed, encouraged, disciplined, held accountable...etc. They need to truly believe that they are SUPPOSE to be successful. Being a good parent is not easy and it takes a lot of work…apparently loser parents on welfare with no job and funded by me can't find the time to put into their kids...They keep their baby factory running and turning out more of the same that I will pay for…UNBELIEVABLE!
This country is made up of excuse makers. In the real world when real people face challenges they usually get to that fork in the road where good decision making (or bad happens). Do I blame some source that I have no control over for my shortcomings and quit trying or do I put my head down and conquer? If society is always telling you that you aren't to blame, it's not your fault and your held back by everybody else...well what kind of philosophies will kids adopt?...What can we expect? Life and success or failure always boils down to your decision making processes. If you're a bad decision maker you're usually a loser....simple.

Let me tell you how simple this is...a simple recipe to succeed in this country:
Learn to speak the english language CLEARLY...rid yourself of any foreign or illiterate accents. Look, dress and act like a legitimate human. (you know exactly what that means)
Go to school...ride a bus, ride your bike, walk...whatever...get educated.
Wake up early and always think about being proactive and productive.
Set and attain goals...surround yourself with others with goals.
Never ever blame others for your struggles.
Don't break the law. Respect others and their property.
Work...get a job, keep a job until you find your next better job. Ride a bus, ride a bike, walk...just WORK!
Lead your family....Always remind yourself that your kids did not ask to be owe them your very best.
Spend every minute of every day of the rest of your life doing better, being better or thinking about doing and being better.

There you go people...STOP ALL THE EXCUSE MAKING AND GET TO's just that simple. Send me royalty checks please.
also----try to depend on potatoes and turnips as a major food
group rather than red meat
also----try to depend on potatoes and turnips as a major food
group rather than red meat

The whiners, finger pointers, complainers and excuse makers sit at home waiting by the mailbox for that EBT card I send them every month while good quality people are out getting it done...When is the right time to address the real problem?
My personal child welfare observations are as follows:

1. Unwed child rearing is perfectly acceptable, even in middle class Black households.

2. Unwed Black mothers are less attentive to their children, often placing them in dark rooms with loud music and tobacco/marijuana smoke.

3. Many Black children are rarely read to and are exposed to inappropriate music and television programs.

I believe this constitutes a form of child abuse which creates lifelong mental and emotional difficulties.
Let me clue you in on something.

I was raised exactly how you described and it got me nowhere. All I see around me is criminals and liars prospering.

So, as a result, I gave up and now have more sympathy for those who don't care.
NOPE…not the government or any other fabricated excuse…
The quality of parenting in low income households is an absolute joke...animals in the wild do a better job. Kids need to know that you have expectations they MUST's not a choice, it's an absolute demand...period! Children need to be micro-managed, mentored, pushed, encouraged, disciplined, held accountable...etc. They need to truly believe that they are SUPPOSE to be successful. Being a good parent is not easy and it takes a lot of work…apparently loser parents on welfare with no job and funded by me can't find the time to put into their kids...They keep their baby factory running and turning out more of the same that I will pay for…UNBELIEVABLE!
This country is made up of excuse makers. In the real world when real people face challenges they usually get to that fork in the road where good decision making (or bad happens). Do I blame some source that I have no control over for my shortcomings and quit trying or do I put my head down and conquer? If society is always telling you that you aren't to blame, it's not your fault and your held back by everybody else...well what kind of philosophies will kids adopt?...What can we expect? Life and success or failure always boils down to your decision making processes. If you're a bad decision maker you're usually a loser....simple.

Let me tell you how simple this is...a simple recipe to succeed in this country:
Learn to speak the english language CLEARLY...rid yourself of any foreign or illiterate accents. Look, dress and act like a legitimate human. (you know exactly what that means)
Go to school...ride a bus, ride your bike, walk...whatever...get educated.
Wake up early and always think about being proactive and productive.
Set and attain goals...surround yourself with others with goals.
Never ever blame others for your struggles.
Don't break the law. Respect others and their property.
Work...get a job, keep a job until you find your next better job. Ride a bus, ride a bike, walk...just WORK!
Lead your family....Always remind yourself that your kids did not ask to be owe them your very best.
Spend every minute of every day of the rest of your life doing better, being better or thinking about doing and being better.

There you go people...STOP ALL THE EXCUSE MAKING AND GET TO's just that simple. Send me royalty checks please.
But...but it's soooo hard!
Let me clue you in on something.

I was raised exactly how you described and it got me nowhere. All I see around me is criminals and liars prospering.

So, as a result, I gave up and now have more sympathy for those who don't care.
L O S E R...
If only those poor juvenile delinquents could have been born into rich families, so they could afford expensive attorneys that could get them off scot free, or a very,, very light record and still get a job that restricts those nasty poor criminals...
Let me clue you in on something.

I was raised exactly how you described and it got me nowhere. All I see around me is criminals and liars prospering.

So, as a result, I gave up and now have more sympathy for those who don't care.

I don't believe're lying. I know your type. You were raised to believe you were destined to fail and the white man will never allow you to prosper. You were taught not to even try.

If only those poor juvenile delinquents could have been born into rich families, so they could afford expensive attorneys that could get them off scot free, or a very,, very light record and still get a job that restricts those nasty poor criminals...

More bullshit excuses...Being poor doesn't have to mean being a shitty parent. The problem is most poor people living the ghetto life are careless, lazy, ignorant people with an iQ slightly above that of a wild animal...they should be considered criminals for reproducing themselves...the result is the same every time....A beautiful pure child turned filthy human by their own parents.
I'm not making this up...there is plenty of data to support this claim.
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Let me clue you in on something.

I was raised exactly how you described and it got me nowhere. All I see around me is criminals and liars prospering.

So, as a result, I gave up and now have more sympathy for those who don't care.

Your little act has been laughed off already, kid. Go work up some new material.

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