The roots of the rising violence in Gaza and Israel

Thank you for calling me an asshole, Zionists are definitely assholes, that's why we never would agree to the Palestinian freedom fighters and resistance to step in Israel.
And according to you the Zionists agreed to give back all the land they controlled back to the Palestinians, the Palestinians didn't accept it, hilarious.
I'm not calling you an asshole. I don't broad-stroke like the lunatic right does. I also don't think all Zionists are assholes. Just the ones Ahad Ha'am was referring to.

Or ones that act like neocons, whom I truly despise.
Billy. Ahad Ha'am was most likely referring to the Jewish land purchases from the Arabs. These land purchases would go on from the 1840's right up until the year Israel declared it's independence. Gee, imagine that. Even then Palestine was shooting itself in the foot. He would accurately predict how the "natives would not stand aside so easily" as Jews settled there, that happened when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem incited the great Arab Revolt of 1936, which resulted in the deaths of 300 non Zionist Jews. And as a result of that, such a revolt led the British Mandate to lend its support to the Haganah, it forced Husseini to flee during the 1948 Palestine War.

Ha'am was the founder of Cultural Zionism, whose views were in conflict with those who touted practical "political" Zionism. He and Theodore Herzl were often at odds. His views mainly hinged on "A Jewish state, not a state of Jews."

In reality, Ha'am contradicts your argument. He isn't what you thought he was.
That's what you're trying to spin it into.

Ahad Ha'am was not a realtor, he was a "humanist".

And he wasn't talking about land purchases, he was talking about the inalienable rights of the indigenous, non-Jewish population of Palestine, being systematically stripped away by a bunch of Zionist assholes.


A 'humanist'? He was doing a documentary, not a propaganda piece. He was acting to help Jews do better by the Arabs, not submit to them. How idiotic.
I Think you are wrong Billo, but again you always show a picture or a come with a singular statement which far from being the majority of the Israelis.
The fact is very simple, Israel accepted 20% size of state and the Palestinians did not.
I Don't see where you go with this but this is what happened and you can't argue with the past and history, all land transfers with the Palestinians were a big failure except for Egypt and Jordan, and if Israel would give any more land now we will be under a massive threat and that is not an option as it was in the past so I won't take such risk of living under mercy of those who swore to kill me.
Here is the Israel point of view about it.
You can't give what you don't have. And the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, are not Israeli property. They've never been Israeli property. They will never be Israeli property.

If the world allowed Israel to annex that land, it would be like saying it was okay for Hitler to annex Poland.

BTW, when Zionists unilaterally stood up and declared independence against the requests of UN officials in 1948, they were 10% of the population and took 70% of the land.

Palestinian's have a right to their freedom and you have no right whatsoever to keep it from them.

So when did Israel annexe the west bank, gaza and Jerusalem then. And for the record Jerusalem is not arab muslim property either so they have no claim on it.

nearer to 50% of the population and owned 8 times the amount of land the arab muslims did.

Care to provide a link to the UN requesting that the Jews should not declare independence

No one is keeping the Palestinians from their freedom but them selves. If you look at your own country they treat the Mexicans no better, and in most cases much worse
Billy. Ahad Ha'am was most likely referring to the Jewish land purchases from the Arabs. These land purchases would go on from the 1840's right up until the year Israel declared it's independence. Gee, imagine that. Even then Palestine was shooting itself in the foot. He would accurately predict how the "natives would not stand aside so easily" as Jews settled there, that happened when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem incited the great Arab Revolt of 1936, which resulted in the deaths of 300 non Zionist Jews. And as a result of that, such a revolt led the British Mandate to lend its support to the Haganah, it forced Husseini to flee during the 1948 Palestine War.

Ha'am was the founder of Cultural Zionism, whose views were in conflict with those who touted practical "political" Zionism. He and Theodore Herzl were often at odds. His views mainly hinged on "A Jewish state, not a state of Jews."

In reality, Ha'am contradicts your argument. He isn't what you thought he was.
That's what you're trying to spin it into.

Ahad Ha'am was not a realtor, he was a "humanist".

And he wasn't talking about land purchases, he was talking about the inalienable rights of the indigenous, non-Jewish population of Palestine, being systematically stripped away by a bunch of Zionist assholes.

You forget the declaration of independence that states

WE APPEAL — in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months — to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions

WE EXTEND our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighbourliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land. The State of Israel is prepared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East.

The inalienable rights of the indigenous were stripped away by the arab league when they invaded in 1948 and annexed Palestine for themselves. It took the Palestinians up until 1988 to declare independence, and then they showed they did not have the free determination to stand on their own feet.
Billo_Really, et al,

It doesn't change the timeline. He could not possibly be talking about Mandate era immigration because it was written 30 years before the immigration started.

Billo_Really, et al,

The quote is true - that is - it comes from what Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginsberg (AKA: Ahad Ha'am, Russian Writer) said in 1891.

Here's a clue...
Who feels like making friends after that shit?

This had nothing to do with Jewish immigrants going to Palestine. This was a statement made in the 1891 published essay called "A Truth from Eretz Yisrael." Written 23 years before WWI erupted (1914), a quarter century before the Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), 26 years before the Balfour Declaration (1917), 28 years before the Faisal-Weizmann Agreement (1919), 29 years before the San Remo Convention (1920), three decades before the Mandate of Palestine was created (1922) and the implementation (of Articles 4 and 6) to encourage and facilitate Jewish immigration for Jews willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.

Ahad Ha'am was talking about the relationship between the indigenous Jews and the indigenous Arabs; not immigrants under the Mandate.

Most Respectfully,
If what you're claiming was true, there would be more incidents of violence before the Zionist migration and there isn't. All the major incidents of violence occurred AFTER the Zionist migration.

Furthermore, I only posted the 2nd half of Ahad Ha'am's quote, here's the full quote...

the settlers must under no circumstances arouse the wrath of the natives ... 'Yet what do our brethren do in Palestine? Just the very opposite! Serfs they were in the lands of the Diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom and this change has awakened in them an inclination to despotism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination."
He wouldn't be calling indigenous, Palestinian-Jews, "settlers". That would be the migrating Zionists.

Hey, that's a good name for a Jewish rap group...........The Migrating Zionists!

Remember that Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginsberg (AKA: Ahad Ha'am) was a Jewish Russian Writer. In his time, he experienced the Russian MAY LAWs instituted by Emperor Alexander III of Russia (15 May 1882). This promoted a migration of Jews from Russia back to the Palestinian Territories. In the four decades following the MAY LAWs, about 2 million Jews left Russia; some to Argentina, some to the US, and some to Ottoman Palestine. And it was that migration that Ahad Ha'am wrote. Not Mandate era immigration.

It should be noted that since about 1870, Jews had a standing invitation from the Sultan Abdul Aziz, to relocate to Ottoman Palestine. The Sultan even allocated the "Alliance Israelite Universelle" 2600 dunams to establishment of a School of Agriculture. The Sultan granted special permission for Jewish immigrants to import special tools, equipment and machinery free of taxes and customs duty. This was further followed-up by Sultan Abdulhamid who planted nearly 200,000 Jewish immigrants from Russia in the Ottoman Palestine - most East of Jaffa. The Sultan's Project was to make the region more self-sufficient and productive; and the Empire needed the Jewish abilities to accomplish that. This was an extension of The Tanzimat (reorganization of the Ottoman Empire). The Tanzimat encouraged Jewish immigration. The Ottoman Land Reform Laws of 1858, were specifically engineered to allow Russian Jews to buy land in Ottoman Palestine. Together with the Ottoman Act of Equality (Reform Edict of 1856) and the reforms to integrate non-Muslims and Jews into Ottoman society through the application of civil liberties and social equality, Jews became welcome throughout the Empire.

This is what Ahad Ha'am was referring to in his writing. Jewish immigration to the Ottoman Palestine did not start with the Post-War Mandate period. It really started with the Ottoman Empire repealing the first century "Law of No Return" issued by the Roman Senate. Large scale immigration was encouraged and furthered by the Ottomans when Sultan Bayezid II dispatched Piri Reis, Grand Admiral of the Turkish Fleet in the Mediterranean Sea, to rescue the exiled Jews from Italy, Spain and Portugal.

You have to look at the perspective of Ahad Ha'am to understand what he meant when he said "settlers." From the time the New World was discovered, through to the present day, there have been cycles of migration and immigration into the territory. And over that time, many changes had occurred; socially and culturally.

Most Respectfully,
I Think you are wrong Billo, but again you always show a picture or a come with a singular statement which far from being the majority of the Israelis.
The fact is very simple, Israel accepted 20% size of state and the Palestinians did not.
I Don't see where you go with this but this is what happened and you can't argue with the past and history, all land transfers with the Palestinians were a big failure except for Egypt and Jordan, and if Israel would give any more land now we will be under a massive threat and that is not an option as it was in the past so I won't take such risk of living under mercy of those who swore to kill me.
Here is the Israel point of view about it.
You can't give what you don't have. And the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, are not Israeli property. They've never been Israeli property. They will never be Israeli property.

Your either and idiot or a liar. During the Judges.jpg
Bullshit. You support barbaric savage religious murderers over civilization. A culture that has blessed civilization with great music, literature, and science. You're sick.
You don't know what I support.

All you know, is that I should be killed, because I don't share your Israeli kiss-ass views.

No, you shouldn't be killed. You should be educated.
Are you really that dumb. If we are at war with Germany we wouldn't allow German residents from Germany to use our airports civilian or not. That is the way things work. Israel is at war with Gaza and Hamas.
No that is not the way things work.

If someone takes no part in hostilities, you cannot treat them as if they do.

You're just going to make up any excuse to justify Israeli atrocities.
I don't lie.

Name one country on the face of this planet that recognizes Israel's right to that land.

Just one.

"I don't lie."

There, you see? You just told one. As for Israel's legitimacy and claim over that land, go do some research on the past 3700+ years of Jewish history, then read this:

160 of the 192 UN Member states (good for 83%) recognize Israel as being a sovereign nation state with full claim and right to the land it occupies thereto.
The international recognition of Israel refers to the diplomatic recognition of the State of Israel, which was established by the Israeli Declaration of Independence on 14 May 1948. 160 of the 192 other UN member states (83%) currently recognize Israel.

International recognition of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A 'humanist'? He was doing a documentary, not a propaganda piece. He was acting to help Jews do better by the Arabs, not submit to them. How idiotic.
He was talking about how migrating Zionists were coming in and treating the indigenous population of non-Jews.

Fast forward to today and you're still doing what he had warned about.
Are you really that dumb. If we are at war with Germany we wouldn't allow German residents from Germany to use our airports civilian or not. That is the way things work. Israel is at war with Gaza and Hamas.
No that is not the way things work.

If someone takes no part in hostilities, you cannot treat them as if they do.

You're just going to make up any excuse to justify Israeli atrocities.
German Colony, Haifa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A 'humanist'? He was doing a documentary, not a propaganda piece. He was acting to help Jews do better by the Arabs, not submit to them. How idiotic.
He was talking about how migrating Zionists were coming in and treating the indigenous population of non-Jews.

Fast forward to today and you're still doing what he had warned about.

Uh, okay? And how does this prove your point? America treats a lot of people like shit, but I don't see you denouncing our claim over this land, now do I?
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So when did Israel annexe the west bank, gaza and Jerusalem then.
Stop being so obtuse!

They've been "occupied territories" since '67.

And for the record Jerusalem is not arab muslim property either so they have no claim on it.
East Jerusalem is not Israeli property.

nearer to 50% of the population and owned 8 times the amount of land the arab muslims did.
What is wrong with you? I've shown you the official land records at the time, yet you keep acting like I haven't.

Does that look like 50%?

Care to provide a link to the UN requesting that the Jews should not declare independence
Here's your link!

As the hostilities in Palestine escalated, efforts intensified in the United Nations to find ways to stop the violence. A United States proposal to place Palestine under temporary United Nations trusteeship met strong opposition from Zionist leaders, who saw in it a possibility of a reversal of the partition decision. A move to negotiate a truce was similarly opposed. Weizmann describes this stage as follows:

"It had been anticipated that the trusteeship plan would be adopted without difficulty; but within the two months since its proposal, the situation had again altered radically;...

"... When it became clear in the Assembly that the trusteeship plan could not be adopted, another delaying formula was devised - a 'temporary truce': both parties were to cease fire, no political decision was to be taken, a limited Jewish immigration was to be permitted for a few months, and in exchange for this transient and dubious security the Jews were to refrain from proclaiming their State in accordance with the November decision ...

Israel declared its independence on 14 May 1948. The departure of the British High Commissioner the next day ceremonially signalled the end of the Mandate.
I don't know why you're asking for links, because you just give the same bullshit excuse you always give.

Not only did Zionist leaders refuse to honor the UN request, they declared independence the day before the Mandate was to end.

No one is keeping the Palestinians from their freedom but them selves.
Can you be anymore irresponsible?

A population under occupation is not guilty of being occupied.

You're damn lucky USMB rules prevent me from saying what I want to say to you now!

If you look at your own country they treat the Mexicans no better, and in most cases much worse
My country does not have US soldiers in Mexico, unless they're down there buying weed.
Uh, okay? And how does this prove your point? America treats a lot of people like shit, but I don't see you denouncing our claim over this land, now do I?
Just put yourself in their shoes.

How would you react to someone treating you like that?

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