The S#*+ Has Hit The Fan!

Red tape that TRUMP created.

You are repeating the same lie, so I'll make the same demand. Where is your link that Trump created it? You didn't bother responding last time.......not that I blame you.

It was only approved because PENCE approved it.

Trump never did.

Newsflash...the Defense Department operates at the behest of the White House

Where does it say that in the article? Do you have another supporting your lie............I mean claim?
The fuck I have. You think people can't fucking read?
If I thought that, I wouldn't be posting here, do you have problems reading or something? I sense some animosity toward folks who can read.
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I don't have them, stupid. Ask Cohen. He is out of jail for the time he served over the illegal checks. You know, the trial where your one true orange God was named as an unindicted criminal co-conspirator. Maybe he has time for nutjob trolls.
So the answer is that you are as full of shit as Joe's Diaper.

Who is Cohen? Is that the guy that was involved in the Taxi Badge scams?

There is no God but Jesus Christ.

However you seem to worship Joe's dirty diaper. That's a shitty religion if you ask me.
It's not my intention to be critical of you, good poster Original Tree, but......but what's with this obsession with scatology that you seem so invested in?
It seems so, well, so puerile for an adult man (or woman?) who is trying to convey thoughtful political perspectives.
In short, any good ideas or observations you may wish to offer the forum are depreciated in a nano-second because you can't seem to get your thinking out of the toilet-bowl.

What's up with that?
Libtard Shit Lickers do not care about any argument no matter how factual or carefully put together, so it is best to treat them like children and talk about Joe's shitty diaper and throw a Heil Shitler in their face from time to time.

DemNazis same as Them Nazis.
Both Comey and McCabe should have been perp walked for sedition in a just world.
Look at you sucking that rich, white Bezos dick. LOL

This is what passes for political discourse from the cult of personality around Donald Trump.

You come here and regurgitate Trump’s fascist hate, and toxic masculinity, calling it political discourse. It’s hate and division.

Donald Trump was the most incompetent and destructive President on American history, and may yet incite another civil war in the US, while the country sinks into second tier status and the Republicans go full on fascist in their attempt to frighten white people into ending non-white voting.
This is what passes for political discourse from the cult of personality around Donald Trump.

You come here and regurgitate Trump’s fascist hate, and toxic masculinity, calling it political discourse. It’s hate and division.

Donald Trump was the most incompetent and destructive President on American history, and may yet incite another civil war in the US, while the country sinks into second tier status and the Republicans go full on fascist in their attempt to frighten white people into ending non-white voting.

They are typical of Trump followers.. Crude and stupid.
Libtard Shit Lickers do not care about any argument no matter how factual or carefully put together, so it is best to treat them like children and talk about Joe's shitty diaper and throw a Heil Shitler in their face from time to time.

DemNazis same as Them Nazis.

You don’t have any arguments in favour of Trump because there aren’t any. All you have is lies, personal attacks and your phony religious rants.

I see you've dropped your bullshit "fire and brimstone" schtick, and now you're going full blown crazy.
The FBI has not made such a statement of which I am aware. Care to show me such a statement from the FBI?

The FBI has turned up no evidence that the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was a coordinated attempt to launch an insurrection against the United States government by overturning the results of the presidential election, according to officials who spoke to Reuters Friday.

Further, "the FBI has so far found no evidence that [Trump] or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence."

"Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages."

The FBI's findings will prove an obstacle to left-wing Democrats on the House Select Committee investigating the events of Jan. 6 who seek to prove that Trump and his Republican allies had a hand in organizing the riot. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has suggested that the committee will investigate GOP lawmakers who supported Trump's effort to have the Electoral College results rejected.

But without evidence of a larger conspiracy, attempts to tie Republicans to an insurrection are purely political.

This is what passes for political discourse from the cult of personality around Donald Trump.

You come here and regurgitate Trump’s fascist hate, and toxic masculinity, calling it political discourse. It’s hate and division.

Donald Trump was the most incompetent and destructive President on American history, and may yet incite another civil war in the US, while the country sinks into second tier status and the Republicans go full on fascist in their attempt to frighten white people into ending non-white voting.

You have been severely indoctrinated.

The FBI has turned up no evidence that the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was a coordinated attempt to launch an insurrection against the United States government by overturning the results of the presidential election, according to officials who spoke to Reuters Friday.

Further, "the FBI has so far found no evidence that [Trump] or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence."

"Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages."

The FBI's findings will prove an obstacle to left-wing Democrats on the House Select Committee investigating the events of Jan. 6 who seek to prove that Trump and his Republican allies had a hand in organizing the riot. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has suggested that the committee will investigate GOP lawmakers who supported Trump's effort to have the Electoral College results rejected.

But without evidence of a larger conspiracy, attempts to tie Republicans to an insurrection are purely political.

Anonymous “law enforcement officials”

Read that again. Not necessarily even people who ever worked for the FBI

So who? Roody ?

  • "Libtard Shit Lickers do not care about any argument no matter how factual it is best to treat* them like children talk about Joe's shitty diaper and throw a Heil Shitler in their face....."
  • This is what passes for political discourse among the cult of personality around Don Trump.
  • They are typical of Trump followers.. Crude and stupid.

Neutral observer commentary:
Yeah, too many of those who profess to be followers of Don Trump on this venue do come across much like the good poster Original Tree comes across. Potty mouth the way a 10yr old can be when they learn their first naughty words. Crude? Who could argue with that description? For example, the scatological focus of the poster in question, Original Tree, with his obsession over excrement, flatulence, and body wastes would, in most all venues be an example of undereducated, and 'crude'.

Now, is Original Tree the proto-typical Trump supporter? The model for all? Is he the example of what makes an enlightened, informed Trump supporter, one with gravitas?

I guess it would be helpful if we heard here from some Trump supporters who think Original Tree speaks for them, represents their sense of decorum, social civility, and behavioral values.

So, let's let Trump supporters jump in to defend or deny that poster.
They can tell us that they too, think and message the same as him (her?).
Or not.


* Yupper, that's my asterisk in the quote. Not Original Tree's. I put it there in order to offer a sidebar on the suggestion by that poster that the way to treat children is to obsess over excrement and 'throw-HeilShitler-in-their-face!

Ouch!! Any parents here that wish to support Original Tree's parenting style?
We'd love to hear from you.

Makes one wonder about the upbringing in that household.
Upbringing of the parents.
Upbringing of the unfortunate kids.

There seems to be some problematic issues. IMHO

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