The S#*+ Has Hit The Fan!

You don’t have any arguments in favour of Trump because there aren’t any. All you have is lies, personal attacks and your phony religious rants.

I see you've dropped your bullshit "fire and brimstone" schtick, and now you're going full blown crazy.
Did Joe's Magic Dirty Diaper tell you to say that? I think Joe's dirty diaper has more brains than you or Joe combined.

And why should anyone here present a God hating Leftist DemNazi with any argument of substance or do any work at all to prove any point at all? You are all Trolls, and no argument no matter how well crafted would ever satisfy you or warm your cold calcified hearts to The Truth.

You should be afraid of Hell with the nonsense you spout off every day. It's literally as Hot as Hell, in Hell. But I guess everyone likes a vacation now and then to a warm destination, only yours is going to be permanent and a whole lot hotter than you wanted.

Heil Shitler will be there with you, and you can Sig Hell for eternity for all I care.
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Anonymous “law enforcement officials”

Read that again. Not necessarily even people who ever worked for the FBI

So what do you think they did, pull cops off the street to ask their opinion? Did the FBI refute any of this report? Has any of your commie news channels refuted it?
Did Joe's Magic Dirty Diaper tell you to say that? I think Joe's dirty diaper has more brains that you or Joe combined.

You should be afraid of Hell with the nonsense you spout off every day. It's literally as Hot as Hell, in Hell. But I guess everyone likes a vacation now and then, only yours is going to be permanent.

Heil Shitler will be there with you, and you can Sig Hell for eternity for all I care.
Did your one, true orange God let you smell the imaginary diaper? Is the imaginary diaper on your head right now?
Did your one, true orange God let you smell the imaginary diaper? Is the imaginary diaper on your head right now?
Apparently Joe's Magic Dirty Diaper is on your head, and in your head.

There is no orange god except the one in your head, much like all you dream and think about is The Golden Diapered Moron, and orange man bad.

You are bad....a bad man...with evil thoughts....and hatred for this country....and good moral people.....but mostly you hate yourself and hate God for the miserable life you made for yourself.

That's just sad man.....almost as sad as Dirty Diaper Joe Shitting himself at The Vatican, and you trying to tell us he was planting roses.
Says the orange disciple posting about it.
I'm not perfect, but I am no disciple of any man of any color.

However, you seem to cling to Evil with ease, and lie like a fork tongued serpent, so it's plain to see what side of Heaven or Hell you are from.

I suggest you invest in fire proof underwear.
I have no idea what they did but that link doesn’t even mention FBI officials

The FBI has turned up no evidence that the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was a coordinated attempt to launch an insurrection against the United States government by overturning the results of the presidential election, according to officials who spoke to Reuters Friday.

"The FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump,

Further, "the FBI has so far found no evidence that [Trump] or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence."

The FBI's findings will prove an obstacle to left-wing Democrats on the House Select Committee investigating the events of Jan. 6

So how many times would you like to see the acronym FBI?
The FBI has turned up no evidence that the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was a coordinated attempt to launch an insurrection against the United States government by overturning the results of the presidential election, according to officials who spoke to Reuters Friday.

"The FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump,

Further, "the FBI has so far found no evidence that [Trump] or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence."

The FBI's findings will prove an obstacle to left-wing Democrats on the House Select Committee investigating the events of Jan. 6

So how many times would you like to see the acronym FBI?
According to officials…

What “officials”?

Doesn’t say. Roody?
According to officials…

What “officials”?

Doesn’t say. Roody?

You can live in denial all you like if it's your safe space. The fact is the FBI found no evidence the riot was planned and no evidence any Trump Republican had anything to do with it. Now instead of sitting there trying to nit pic like you don't have the exact names, why don't you try finding a reliable source that states this report is totally fictitious.
You can live in denial all you like if it's your safe space. The fact is the FBI found no evidence the riot was planned and no evidence any Trump Republican had anything to do with it. Now instead of sitting there trying to nit pic like you don't have the exact names, why don't you try finding a reliable source that states this report is totally fictitious.
The fact is “someone” made that claim.

Do you know who?

The fact is “someone” made that claim.

Do you know who?


The FBI did. It's right in the link I provided. What difference does it make who in the FBI did so? It wasn't an investigation by one person, it was an investigation by the agency.
The FBI has turned up no evidence that the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was a coordinated attempt to launch an insurrection against the United States government by overturning the results of the presidential election, according to officials who spoke to Reuters Friday.

"The FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump,

Further, "the FBI has so far found no evidence that [Trump] or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence."

The FBI's findings will prove an obstacle to left-wing Democrats on the House Select Committee investigating the events of Jan. 6

So how many times would you like to see the acronym FBI?
Nice. Well, that's what it looked like when I was watching it live. Not much of a riot in Antifa or BLM terms --- no burning or looting. It looked like a lot of fun to me.
The FBI has not made such a statement of which I am aware. Care to show me such a statement from the FBI?
Sorry dimbulb, not playing your stupid game. You got multiple sources (including leftist ones) stating that in another thread. Continue to be ignorant.
John Sullivan, founder of 'Insurgence USA' and a BLM supporter, was calling for burning down the current political system and an instigator in the BLM riots. This is the same person that was part of the 'point' crowd that was first breeching the chambers on Jan 6th and videoing it. He is also the one that can be heard screaming 'he's got a gun', when the DC cop shot Ashley Babbit. IOW he, along with other instigators provocateurs that day were busy breaking in and trying to cause a riot while the vast majority of the protesters refused to enter and stood outside protesting and trying to move to another venue the cops told them to move to.
John Sullivan, founder of 'Insurgence USA' and a BLM supporter, was calling for burning down the current political system and an instigator in the BLM riots. This is the same person that was part of the 'point' crowd that was first breeching the chambers on Jan 6th and videoing it. He is also the one that can be heard screaming 'he's got a gun', when the DC cop shot Ashley Babbit. IOW he, along with other instigators provocateurs that day were busy breaking in and trying to cause a riot while the vast majority of the protesters refused to enter and stood outside protesting and trying to move to another venue the cops told them to move to.
Sorry. Blaming the scary black guy isn't going to work.
"Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages."
So, again, nothing from the FBI. Unless you have something? Nor does the 'knowledge' back up the original post to which I responded.
"It looked like a lot of fun to me."
I suppose.
For a non patriot spectator watching on TV.

However, if one was a wearing a Capitol Police uniform and being sprayed in the face with Mace; being clubbed with an axe handle, hammer, crowbar, or flagpole; or dragged down steps to be stomped on by the MAGAMob.....well then, the "fun" is a bit more elusive. I would think.

But you be you, good poster

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