The S#*+ Has Hit The Fan!

Former law enforcement officials

Like who?

Fucking Roody Toot Toot?
LOL, this is so hilarious, after 4 years of bullshit, made up anonymous sources on every fucking subject, now you have a problem with it. That's fucking tasty..........go fuck your self and you're anonymous sources........and the made up Steele Dossier.......funny how the media isn't saying shit about it now......lying fucks they are.........
yeah, doesnt' prove now you're upset with unnamed you guys are hilarious and just dumb......I mean how many times do you need to suck off the establisment?
Not "upset".

But you're making a claim based on not only anonymous sources but sources that may not even work for the FBI...some not even currently working for law enforcement officials
Did Joe's Magic Dirty Diaper tell you to say that? I think Joe's dirty diaper has more brains than you or Joe combined.

And why should anyone here present a God hating Leftist DemNazi with any argument of substance or do any work at all to prove any point at all? You are all Trolls, and no argument no matter how well crafted would ever satisfy you or warm your cold calcified hearts to The Truth.

You should be afraid of Hell with the nonsense you spout off every day. It's literally as Hot as Hell, in Hell. But I guess everyone likes a vacation now and then to a warm destination, only yours is going to be permanent and a whole lot hotter than you wanted.

Heil Shitler will be there with you, and you can Sig Hell for eternity for all I care.

So in other words, you have nothing but insults and lies and you're gonna go with that, and then pretend that you can't be bothered to defend your bullshit from the likes of me. You continue to call me a liar, without ever having caught me in a lie. Just my denial of your Republican bullshit makes me a liar in your eyes, I guess.

When a fool like you calls me a "liar", I know I've hit a nerve.

Your phony hellfire and damnation rants are laughable. No scripture ever. They read like a comedian's characterization of a religious nut, but not like a real religious nut. Those dudes can quote scripture from memory, and cite you chapter and verse. You never quote scripture. You also violate Jesus' commandment to "judge not, lest you be judged". Jesus warned that those who violate his command will face the same fate as that which you would inflict on others for their transgressions. Your condemning others to hell, actually condemns YOU to hell, and if you really were the character you play on the internet, you would never ever condemn anyone to anything.
LOL, this is so hilarious, after 4 years of bullshit, made up anonymous sources on every fucking subject, now you have a problem with it. That's fucking tasty..........go fuck your self and you're anonymous sources........and the made up Steele Dossier.......funny how the media isn't saying shit about it now......lying fucks they are.........

Well, here's the difference Deadeye: all of the "anonymous sources" stories about the Trump Administration have been proven to be true. Every single one of them. The leakiest White House since Nixon.

Trump, on the other hand, uses anonymous sources to plant lies. Anything coming off of FOX News or out of the mouth of anyone named Trump, requires confirmation from a reliable source, because they lie - all the time.
Not "upset".

But you're making a claim based on not only anonymous sources but sources that may not even work for the FBI...some not even currently working for law enforcement officials
WEll I'm just reporting from an article.......welcome to anonymous sources baby........I find it hilarious and laugh at people like did it for 4 fuck off
Well, here's the difference Deadeye: all of the "anonymous sources" stories about the Trump Administration have been proven to be true. Every single one of them. The leakiest White House since Nixon.

Trump, on the other hand, uses anonymous sources to plant lies. Anything coming off of FOX News or out of the mouth of anyone named Trump, requires confirmation from a reliable source, because they lie - all the time.
Not one of them have been proven...not a single one Joseph Goebels.........
Then where did you hear all that? Voices in your head? Stop making shit up.
Uh Rachael Maddow did the Russia Hoax for 3 years on her show.......3 fucking years.......and included the dossier almost every yeah..........
and then there is this one:
Not one of them have been proven...not a single one Joseph Goebels.........

Do you have any evidence of a lie that was leaked from the look of the White House? Name one White House leak that was proven not to be true.

Testimony in both of the impeachment hearings from people in the employee of the administration, have confirmed all of the leaks about Trump.

When you have an amoral and unhinged President in the White House, there are going to be leaks. Many good Americans are appalled by the things they heard and saw and want the American public to know what kind of man they elected.

This happened in the Nixon White House, and for the same reason. Americans don’t want lying corrupt criminals running the country.
This happened in the Nixon White House, and for the same reason. Americans don’t want lying corrupt criminals running the country.

Absolutely. That's why we elected a guy who's son was under FBI investigation while he was running, who is now selling his ridiculous paint by numbers work of of art for between 75K and 500K to anonymous donors, because we don't want corrupt criminals running our country. Next thing you know, they'll be using our federal agencies to get search warrants looking for his daughters diary.
Do you have any evidence of a lie that was leaked from the look of the White House? Name one White House leak that was proven not to be true.

Testimony in both of the impeachment hearings from people in the employee of the administration, have confirmed all of the leaks about Trump.

When you have an amoral and unhinged President in the White House, there are going to be leaks. Many good Americans are appalled by the things they heard and saw and want the American public to know what kind of man they elected.

This happened in the Nixon White House, and for the same reason. Americans don’t want lying corrupt criminals running the country.
The Normandy bullshit. Everyone with Trump said he didn't say it. Or how about the email that CNN fired people for about Don meeting that chick.......the date was a week off... And Notice when they are wrong, they never out their source........if the source is right, you protect them, but if they give you bullshit you out them, they did not........why? Becasue the left makes shit up out of thin air, that's me one anonymous source during Trump's Presidency that was correct?
Uh Rachael Maddow did the Russia Hoax for 3 years on her show.......3 fucking years.......and included the dossier almost every yeah..........
and then there is this one:
It was not disproven. And was partially corroborated. So the media can say that.

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