The S#*+ Has Hit The Fan!

The FBI has turned up no evidence that the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was a coordinated attempt to launch an insurrection against the United States government by overturning the results of the presidential election, according to officials who spoke to Reuters Friday.

Further, "the FBI has so far found no evidence that [Trump] or people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence."

"Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages."

The FBI's findings will prove an obstacle to left-wing Democrats on the House Select Committee investigating the events of Jan. 6 who seek to prove that Trump and his Republican allies had a hand in organizing the riot. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has suggested that the committee will investigate GOP lawmakers who supported Trump's effort to have the Electoral College results rejected.

But without evidence of a larger conspiracy, attempts to tie Republicans to an insurrection are purely political.

According to which officials? The ones Donald Trump appointed? How would they know if Roger Stone planned anything with the leaders of the Oath Keepers who were his "bodyguards" in the weeks leading up to the insurrection.

But then you use The Blaze as a source. If you didn't have Questionable Sources, you liars wouldn't have any sources at all:

According to which officials? The ones Donald Trump appointed? How would they know if Roger Stone planned anything with the leaders of the Oath Keepers who were his "bodyguards" in the weeks leading up to the insurrection.

But then you use The Blaze as a source. If you didn't have Questionable Sources, you liars wouldn't have any sources at all:

If you bothered to even look at the site you'll see they sited Reuters for the report. But I know how communists are. Don't attack the message, attack the messenger. So I'll tell you like I told Lush. If it was not true why did the FBI not refute it? If there were any falsehoods in the report why did nobody from the commie news outlets investigate and point them out? If you think it's false why can't you come up with a credible source saying so?

Do you and Lush really believe the FBI didn't investigate any of this? Of course they did. It was the FBI that warned the Capital police days earlier that this was a good possibility, and they couldn't get any assistance from Piglosi.
So, again, nothing from the FBI. Unless you have something? Nor does the 'knowledge' back up the original post to which I responded.

Are you blind? It's from the FBI investigation. They (the FBI agency) found no links between an organized attack or association with anybody on team Trump.. WTF more do you want.

You know you leftists waste our time here with asking for evidence. We provide evidence and all you say is nah, nah, nah, I don't believe it. You can't prove it false, so just say it's a lie and in commie world, it's a lie.

I think I'm going to quit posting sources when you leftists cry for them. It's a waste of our time.
According to which officials? The ones Donald Trump appointed? How would they know if Roger Stone planned anything with the leaders of the Oath Keepers who were his "bodyguards" in the weeks leading up to the insurrection.

But then you use The Blaze as a source. If you didn't have Questionable Sources, you liars wouldn't have any sources at all:

The Blaze is an alternate source for news. Why do you limit yourself?
No it isn't. The link is not FBI. The statement is not from the FBI. The FBI has said nothing.


Why do you waste my time with statements and links that are not from the FBI when I request something from the FBI?

I swear, I feel like I'm trying to discuss politics with mentally retarded people sometimes. THE FBI DOESN'T WRITE ARTICLES ON THEIR INVESTIGATIONS. That's what the media does.
Which part? Beating the police? Getting shot? Spraying chemical spray in the eyes of cops? Help us out.
Naaaaaaah, you're making that stuff up.

The patriotic singing, the wild flag-waving, the walking through their Capitol Building between the velvet ropes, Antler Man, following that coward black guard who kept retreating up stairwell after stairwell, with no crowd even in camera range, the Assassin's Creed Ezio-type climbing up the outside walls --- that really looked fun! Ubisoft needs to put that climb into their next game.
Naaaaaaah, you're making that stuff up.

The patriotic singing, the wild flag-waving, the walking through their Capitol Building between the velvet ropes, Antler Man, following that coward black guard who kept retreating up stairwell after stairwell, with no crowd even in camera range, the Assassin's Creed Ezio-type climbing up the outside walls --- that really looked fun! Ubisoft needs to put that climb into their next game.
Well that was a lot of crazy and wrong packed into one post haha
You mean the stupid game of asking for back up to wild assertions?

I admit that is a bit stupid on USMB.
You asked the same question in another thread and got 5 or 6 sources saying the FBI found no evidence of any plot. Now you’re crying for the SAME thing you already got and obviously refused to read. That is why you’re playing a stupid game.
I swear, I feel like I'm trying to discuss politics with mentally retarded people sometimes. THE FBI DOESN'T WRITE ARTICLES ON THEIR INVESTIGATIONS. That's what the media does.
Then stop making bogus claims. The FBI has NOT said anything like what you claimed

They (the FBI agency) found no links between an organized attack or association with anybody on team Trump.. WTF more do you want.
"According to four current and former law enforcement officials"

NO names. No titles. No claim that these people even work for the FBI.

Stop making that bogus claim
You asked the same question in another thread and got 5 or 6 sources saying the FBI found no evidence of any plot. Now you’re crying for the SAME thing you already got and obviously refused to read. That is why you’re playing a stupid game.
"5 or 6 sources"...none of whom worked for the FBI

Were they even named?
Yep, it's me, the man you can't beat in a debate.
Oh you're just a racist......and an idiot.....I clean you clock all the time. Jan 6 was nothing.....but you would prefer black areas of Kenosha be burned to the ground.........good for you!
Then stop making bogus claims. The FBI has NOT said anything like what you claimed

"According to four current and former law enforcement officials"

NO names. No titles. No claim that these people even work for the FBI.

Stop making that bogus claim
hahahah 4 years of Russia gate and now they want facts....that's hilarious.
The walls are closing many times have I heard that.

Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations.

How do you lefties get through the day. Just try and look it took me 4 seconds to find this....the FBI does not buy into your tin hat conspiracy theory.........Like Russia Gate.....nothing was people pissed off and went to the capital and they made lefties uncomfortable.....but to you it's ok if lefties assault and invade the privacy of others..........

you're a hypocrit and a moron.
according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations.
According to a reporter making these claims
And as I noted...directly from your link

"according to four current and former law enforcement officials."

NO mention of these people EVER being FBI...and at least "some" are not even "law enforcement officials"
Then stop making bogus claims. The FBI has NOT said anything like what you claimed

Apparently they have. What do you think, they just made it up? And if they did, again, why has no commie news outlet exposed that?

"According to four current and former law enforcement officials"

NO names. No titles. No claim that these people even work for the FBI.

Stop making that bogus claim

Like I said, find any reliable source that says it's not true. You can't, do you know why? Ever word of it's true. Instead, you childishly cry about you don't know their names, as if you'd know who any of them were. Even if they provided names, the next thing you'd be saying is you never heard of them.

You leftists can never admit when you've been soundly defeated.

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