The S#*+ Has Hit The Fan!

Those idiots wo had their phones in their hands taking selfies the whole time and posting videos to their social media accounts?

Those guys? are not just dishonest you're STUPIDLY dishonest

Yea...they were acutely aware of what Trump had to say

They were not. Look, Trump is not in charge of security. The Capital is Nancy's gig, not Trump's. Secondly when this all started Trump was still giving his speech for about a half-hour and didn't even know about it until he was done. And as I posted before, the Capital police did summon the national guard, but it took hours to get through the red tape.

Maj. Gen. William Walker, commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, told senators that the then-chief of the Capitol Police requested military support in a “voice cracking with emotion” in a 1:49 p.m. call as rioters began pushing toward the Capitol. Walker said he immediately relayed the request to the Army but did not learn until after 5 p.m. that the Defense Department had approved it. Guard troops who had been waiting on buses were then rushed to the Capitol, arriving in 18 minutes, Walker said.

A senior Pentagon official who testified, Robert Salesses, said then-acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller wanted to take time to understand precisely how National Guard troops would be used at the Capitol and what assignments they would be given. Mindful of criticism that the response to the demonstrations last spring was heavy-handed, military officials were also concerned about the optics of a substantial National Guard presence at the Capitol, and thought such visuals could inflame the rioters, Walker said.

This had nothing to do with Trump. It's not his department to deal with this stuff. Also the reason they refused Trump's offer for the national guard before 1/6 was the same reason: they didn't want it to look bad in the eyes of the public.
the Capital police did summon the national guard, but it took hours to get through the red tape.
Red tape that TRUMP created.
but did not learn until after 5 p.m. that the Defense Department had approved it.
It was only approved because PENCE approved it.

Trump never did.

Newsflash...the Defense Department operates at the behest of the White House
Did a Trump Humper claim that those rioters weren't paying attention to Trump's tweets during that riot?

On Sunday, a journalist posted a video of what appears to be a rioter reading out the president's tweets through a megaphone at the Capitol. "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our constitution," a man yells out to a crowed, reading Trump's tweet from earlier in the day off his phone.
Did a Trump Humper claim that those rioters weren't paying attention to Trump's tweets during that riot?

On Sunday, a journalist posted a video of what appears to be a rioter reading out the president's tweets through a megaphone at the Capitol. "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our constitution," a man yells out to a crowed, reading Trump's tweet from earlier in the day off his phone.
Here we go again "appears to be" you 'appear' to be a stupid shit.
It's neither "what they said" nor "what they meant"

Here is what you base that on

"Four current and former law enforcement officials".

Anonymous "sources"...some or most who don't even work for the FBI
Stamp your feet and scream some more. Somebody might believe you then lush. But probably not. No plot, no ties to Trump, and no hope for you.

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