The S#*+ Has Hit The Fan!

Bud, I read AP, UPI, BBC, and Reuters.
Well good! I buy a few subscriptions, because that is usually where you will find the Deep dive journalism. I appreciate good journalism.

And surely you understand if the strong opinions on WaPo from a person who claims never to read it are of no import to me.
Well good! I buy a few subscriptions, because that is usually where you will find the Deep dive journalism. I appreciate good journalism.

And surely you understand if the strong opinions on WaPo from a person who claims never to read it are of no import to me.

I've seen articles from it, just like I've seen articles from DailyKos.

One sided partisan bullshit for the most part.

not worth $1 a month, much less $8.
Trumpers ain't gonna pay one dollar to hear facts and truth when they can get lies they like for free from all sorts of right wing nutjob sources
Why don't YOU 'pay a dollar' and join Fox Nation where you might just find more than Democrat talking points? People who voted for Trump get plenty of far-left news for free and they all parrot each other. Hell even largest internet search engines are left biased.
Why don't YOU 'pay a dollar' and join Fox Nation where you might just find more than Democrat talking points? People who voted for Trump get plenty of far-left news for free and they all parrot each other. Hell even largest internet search engines are left biased.
Because Fox does not actually produce much journalism. If any. Else I might.
Golden Diapered Emperor, .....Heil Shitler!
Heil Shitler,
The Shitty Diaper
It's not my intention to be critical of you, good poster Original Tree, but......but what's with this obsession with scatology that you seem so invested in?
It seems so, well, so puerile for an adult man (or woman?) who is trying to convey thoughtful political perspectives.
In short, any good ideas or observations you may wish to offer the forum are depreciated in a nano-second because you can't seem to get your thinking out of the toilet-bowl.

What's up with that?
Moving on from the Trumpanzee shell game to avoid talking about the topic...

Trump told them he would march with them. He knew he was lying. And what happened after is exactly what Trump had hoped would happen. This is all becoming very clear.
They fought like hell against THOUSANDS of violent MAGArats
There are no videos of them 'fighting like Hell'...You can see the actual videos if you 'pay a dollar' and join Fox Nation and watch Tucker's 3 part series, but then, that would upset your fake narrative.
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There are no videos of them 'fighting like Hell'...You can see the actual videos if you 'pay a dollar' and join Fox Nation and watch Tucker's 3 part series, but then, that would upset your fake narrative.
You fucking lying piece of shit

That’s not the only video you fucking POS.
You claimed there were NO videos showing the cops fighting like hell against the MAGArat Insurrectionists. You can apologize now
Well, I don't know who "the left" is the poster complains about. He doesn't name names.
But I, for one, don't think the January 6th attack on the Capitol and the Congress of the United States was worse than 9/11.
But, I've read this attack by the MAGAMob injured the most law enforcement personnel --cops --- since 9/11.
So there is that.

The left: Democrat politicians, CNN, MSNBC, The View and the rest of them. They did and are doing as much hype as possible to try and make it so.
You claimed there were NO videos showing the cops fighting like hell against the MAGArat Insurrectionists. You can apologize now
And now you see why I don't produce links on demand for these fucknuts. They won't read or watch them anyway and are willing to make themselves look like morons to just shit on them.

I wanted him to tweet out for those people to STOP.

Put out a statement on video demanding that they stop.

When he eventually did that...they stopped

Right, like those people are checking their Twitter account to see their latest messages while they just broke into the Capital? :wtf:

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