The S#*+ Has Hit The Fan!

All caps doesn’t make your lies true lush. Where’s the video of a man with a spear DRIVING SENATORS from the chamber?
The freak that was arrested for sitting in Pence's seat in the chamber with his spear? I am sure a jury can figure it out. They don't need a paint by numbers book and a sippy cup and their hands held.
The freak that was arrested for sitting in Pence's seat in the chamber with his spear? I am sure a jury can figure it out. They don't need a paint by numbers book and a sippy cup and their hands held.
Hey asshole, show a video of Senators being DRIVEN from the chamber or STFU. Then again, you’re a pathetic, uneducated liar so you won’t. You need something called proof dumbfuck. Which you don’t have.
All caps doesn’t make your lies true lush. Where’s the video of a man with a spear DRIVING SENATORS from the chamber?
Something drove them out retard.

What do you suppose it might have been?

That freak and the MOB he broke into the fucking Capitol with?
What public statement? So he Tweeted. What did you want him to do, dress up in military gear and head down to the Capital himself?

I wanted him to tweet out for those people to STOP.

Put out a statement on video demanding that they stop.

When he eventually did that...they stopped
Something drove them out retard.

What do you suppose it might have been?

That freak and the MOB he broke into the fucking Capitol with?
Well asshole, show your video. Or any other proof this guy chased Senators out of the Chamber. You cult members just keep chanting insurrection despite nobody being charged with that, and the FBI saying no plot or connection to Trump.
I believe that would be people who both appreciate good journalism and who can afford $8 per month.
I believe that would be people who both appreciate good journalism and who can afford $8 per month.
Trumpers ain't gonna pay one dollar to hear facts and truth when they can get lies they like for free from all sorts of right wing nutjob sources
"Yet the left pushes this bullshit that it's the worst attack on the US since 911."
Well, I don't know who "the left" is the poster complains about. He doesn't name names.
But I, for one, don't think the January 6th attack on the Capitol and the Congress of the United States was worse than 9/11.
But, I've read this attack by the MAGAMob injured the most law enforcement personnel --cops --- since 9/11.
So there is that.


"Also the DC cop did not die from a fire extinguisher nor did he die from bear spray that was all a media lie." (I underlined that statement)
Well, good poster Leo, that is one rather cynical take on what happened and how it was reported.
I personally don't think it was an issue of "a lie".
Rather it was fast-track reporting of a fast-track event with many moving parts and many people making statements during and shortly after the attack.
In my view, the initial....first reporting....was that authorities believed officer Sicknick was bashed by a thrown fire-extinguisher and they so informed journalist. And that is what several media outlets reported. Because that is what they were told.
As time and knowledge developed the reporting reflected that the officer experienced a medical emergency....stroke? heart attack?...and was not bashed by a fire extinguisher (tho another cop was).

OK, that's the way I view that Sicknick/Fire extinguisher story. Prompt reporting done during a time turmoil and tumult.

But, I would not think that is the end of the story.
I mean by that, who will be surprised if the family files a tort suit against Julian Khater & George Tanios who were filmed attacking the officer with a chemical spray....and arrested for it.
I would expect that the family's lawyer would argue that the chemical spray was contributory to the officer's death, and accordingly, the defendants bear some degree of responsibility for his death and are financially liable to some amount.

It could become an issue for the jury ---- was the chemical spray harmful? and to what degree did it advance the officers health distress?
Not that internet chatteratti won't think it is an issue for them too.

I am sure as hell not going to pay for fake news.
What was "fake" about the Washington Post's 3-part series on the attack on the Capitol of the United States of America?
Oh no, a proudly ignorant person just mocked me for wanting to know things. How disconcerting.

Bud, I read AP, UPI, BBC, and Reuters.

Any of which are more likely to be honest than WP.

If you trust WP, YOU'RE ignorant.

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