The S#*+ Has Hit The Fan!

I guess he just doesn't meet your high standards for syphilis ridden fake billionaires who rawdog porn stars and stiff their hired help. .
What? Porn Stars and Models want to sleep with a Billionaire? Shocking!

Makes me wonder who wants to sleep with you.

Can't be a pretty picture.

Do you get your dates from

"You don't have to be unhappy, date a girl who has a face like a doggy!"

That or
Tucker Carlson has a good Fox Nation 3 part series on what really happened Jan 6th. Video shows instigators trying to rile the crowd and outs the press for lying.
What? Porn Stars and Models want to sleep with a Billionaire? Shocking!
Sure, they like cashing checks. Especially when they get extra illegal checks to keep their mouths shut. But they sure had their mouths open for your orange God.;)

So, how many porn stars did you pay to rawdog, with a new wife and new baby at home? We know you idolize your orange God. Let's find out how much.
Sure, they like cashing checks. Especially when they get extra illegal checks to keep their mouths shut. But they sure had their mouths open for your orange God.;)

So, how many porn stars did you pay to rawdog, with a new wife and new baby at home? We know you idolize your orange God. Let's find out how much.
Show us some copies of these "illegal checks"

The only god I hear you talk about is The Biden Shitty Diaper god you worship. Even the Pope almost hurled when Diaper Joe shit himself at The Vatican.

Come on now man, you have to be an ugly bastard jealous that Trump can attract gorgeous super models, and millionaire cosmetics moguls like Melania, and you can't even pull tail from the ugly lunch lady with a big hairy mole on her nose.



The Post is one of the best news organization on earth. You read disinformation. Trumps about to get busted and this time he won't get away.

What don't you understand about NOTHING NEW? Everything you pasted are things we've known about for many months now. After all that came out the FBI investigated and said there is no evidence any of this was planned by Trump or anybody else. It's merely one Nazi organization helping another to try and keep this non-story alive as long as they can.
My avatar is sure the good poster Ray means well; however, he is missing some key points.
Let me help: Did they have a chance?.....Sure, more than zero.
But the knuckleheads, losers, ne'er-do-wells, and failures that comprised that mob didn't know that. They believed Don Trump and Steve Bannon that they could effect change......they could make it happen.

It doesn't matter what they thought. The fact is that people on the left who make the claim our election and government was almost overthrown is pure idiocy. They are only repeating what they are told to repeat. Zero! Do you understand, zero is the chance they had doing that.

Look at any 6/1 video or pictures you want. Look at those people. Do they look like they had the capability to take on the national guard, the US Marines, the US Army? It's a frat party that got out of control. They were harmless.

Yet the left pushes this bullshit that it's the worst attack on the US since 911. Yeah, the attack that killed over 3,000 people. It's an insurrection. They almost overturned the vote and country. Pure bullshit. Our country and election was never under any threat. Zero.
What don't you understand about NOTHING NEW? Everything you pasted are things we've known about for many months now. After all that came out the FBI investigated and said there is no evidence any of this was planned by Trump or anybody else. It's merely one Nazi organization helping another to try and keep this non-story alive as long as they can.
I'd ask for a link to that but I know all you'd find is one state

"According to four current and former officials".

Anonymous statements from people who don't even work for the FBI
Look at any 6/1 video or pictures you want. Look at those people. Do they look like they had the capability to take on the national guard, the US Marines, the US Army? It's a frat party that got out of control. They were harmless.
They took on the full force of the Capitol Police and after injuring 140 and hospitalizing dozens...they won...for a while
Show us some copies of these "illegal checks"
I don't have them, stupid. Ask Cohen. He is out of jail for the time he served over the illegal checks. You know, the trial where your one true orange God was named as an unindicted criminal co-conspirator. Maybe he has time for nutjob trolls.
They took on the full force of the Capitol Police and after injuring 140 and hospitalizing dozens...they won...for a while

The Capital police were not dressed for a riot. They basically let them into the Capital with little resistance. But that doesn't change my point, and that point is the left passes around these lies and expects us to believe them. Look at the title of this topic. The shit has hit the fan. What shit and what fan? Nothing new here. It's a lie.
What don't you understand about NOTHING NEW? Everything you pasted are things we've known about for many months now. After all that came out the FBI investigated and said there is no evidence any of this was planned by Trump or anybody else. It's merely one Nazi organization helping another to try and keep this non-story alive as long as they can.
Also the DC cop did not die from a fire extinguisher nor did he die from bear spray that was all a media lie.
I'd ask for a link to that but I know all you'd find is one state

"According to four current and former officials".

Anonymous statements from people who don't even work for the FBI

Yeah, the commies and their comrades in the media are always full of anonymous sources, aren't they?

Carlson has real video of the protesters telling the main instigator John Sullivan to shut up and DC cops shooting tear gas into a quiet crowd.

140 injured and dozens hospitalized.

Do you need to see the videos AGAIN?

Were you one of those rioters? You sound like one
You have nothing of any substance go away.
Also the DC cop did not die from a fire extinguisher nor did he die from bear spray that was all a media lie.
OK cool. Then you won't mind if someone sends a lobotomized hillbilly to your house to hit you over your head with a fire extinguisher and spray bear spray in your face.

Because hey, no biggie.
I don't blame him. He was scared and thus got angry.

So did Pelosi. Wow, was she mad.
Yeah, having your life threatened by an angry mob trying to get its hands on you will do that. Especially when the sitting president is in on the threat.

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