The S#*+ Has Hit The Fan!


Boy, Malik Obama could have at least come up with a new forgery ... No? ;)

Your chart is all wack Tree. Nazis were extreme RW, hyper-nationalistic authoritarians.

DemNazis are the same as Them Nazis.

The Right Wing does not Crush Free Speech, does not change Election Laws to permit Fraud. The Right Wing does not "own the media" "censor all dissent" and crush diverse opinion and opposition messaging.

The Right Wing does not engage in Cancel Culture.

The Right Wing does not kick observers out of polling stations and back up semi trucks full of fraudulent ballots to mix in with legit ballots to rig an election. The Right Wing did not buy the same voting machines made by the same company with the same algorithms installed in them that helped rig Venezuela's elections for Maduro.

The Right Wing does not rig primaries in Hillary Clinton's favor. The Right Wing does not attempt to ban guns and the abolish the right to bear arms. Right Wing does not place limits on Freedom of Religion, and persecute Jews and Christians who disagree with them.

The Right Wing does not advocate the murder of The Innocent and Elderly.

The Right Wing is not threatening to fire people, make them homeless, poor, and jobless, over a Fascist Mandate over an overhyped propandized fake crisis being used as a power grab and as a Trojan Horse to destroy Constitutional Individual Rights and Liberties.

The Right Wing is not now declaring a Health Care Crisis issuing onerous and unconstitutional mandates, bypassing our legislature and depriving The American People of Representation and a Political voice, all the while taxing the living life out of them.

Your DemNazi Party does, and so did The Nazis wield fascist tyrannical power over a once free Democratic Republic.

You are a self professed liar and shill so no reason to heed a single lying word that rolls off of your forked tongue.

The Nazis were liars every bit as much as you DemNazis are now, and preyed on people's fears just as you do now.

Get bent you DemNazi Fascist.
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DemNazis are the same as Them Nazis.

Right Wing does not Crush Free Speech, does not change Election Laws to permit Fraud. Right Wing does not "own the media" "censor all dissent" and crush diverse opinion and opposition messaging.

The Right Wing does not kick observers out of polling stations and back up semi trucks full of fraudulent ballots to mix in with legit ballots to rig an election. The Right Wing did not buy the same voting machines made by the same company with the same algorithms installed in them that helped rig Venezuela's elections for Maduro.

The Right Wing does not rig primaries in Hillary Clinton's favor. The Right Wing does not ban guns and the right to bear arms. Right Wing does not place limits on Freedom of Religion, and persecute Jews and Christians who disagree with them.

The Right Wing is not threatening to fire people, make them homeless, poor, and jobless, over a Fascist Mandate over an overhyped propandized fake crisis being used as a power grab and as a Trojan Horse to destroy Constitutional Individual Rights and Liberties.

The Right Wing is not now declaring a Health Care Crisis issuing onerous and unconstitutional mandates, bypassing our legislature and depriving The American People of Representation and a Political voice, all the while taxing the living life out of them.

Your DemNazi Party does, and so did The Nazis.

You are a self professed liar and shill so no reason to heed a single lying word that rolls off of your forked tongue.
Cute whining.

Not sure what any of that has to do with your one true orange God trying to overturn democracy. Wrong thread?
Cute whining.

Not sure what any of that has to do with your one true orange God trying to overturn democracy. Wrong thread?
We are under a Fake "Health Crisis" so it is your Golden Diapered Emperor, BidenShitzHizPantsFuehrer and his Marxist Goons, that is overturning Democracy.
We are under a Fake "Health Crisis" so it is your Golden Diapered Emperor, BidenShitzHizPantsFuehrer and his Marxist Goons, that is overturning Democracy.
Yes, shart yourself all day. Makes no difference. Your orange God's actions will be drawn into the light.
Yes, shart yourself all day. Makes no difference. Your orange God's actions will be drawn into the light.
There is no orange god. Only in your little DemNazi Propagandist mind their is an orange god. And your grammar is incorrect. When referring to a human being as a god, the "G" should never be capitalized.

There is only one God, Our Creator, and you will meet Him some day. I am thinking you won't like how the meeting goes.
There is no orange god. Only in your little DemNazi Propagandist mind their is an orange god. And your grammar is incorrect. When referring to a human being as a god, the "G" should never be capitalized.

There is only one God, Our Creator, and you will meet Him some day. I am thinking you won't like how the meeting goes.
This guy is a wonderful example of "the crazy" that has taken over the GOP
".....HTF can a bunch of yahoos dressed up like WWW federation guys have any slightest chance in the world of overthrowing our federal government?
"Yes, from a mob. So what? This "mob" had zero chance at changing an election......."

My avatar is sure the good poster Ray means well; however, he is missing some key points.
Let me help: Did they have a chance?.....Sure, more than zero.
But the knuckleheads, losers, ne'er-do-wells, and failures that comprised that mob didn't know that. They believed Don Trump and Steve Bannon that they could effect change......they could make it happen.

Look, you don't need to be undereducated and unsuccessful in life ---(tho that helps) --- to think you and your cohorts in MAGAHats can stop the counting of Electoral College votes and thus keep Don Trump in office, and Joe Biden out.

It's like this, good poster Ray, rocket-scientist don't arm themselves with axe-handles, MACE, and MAGAHats and go attack the Capitol of the United States of America. Duh!
You are expecting too much from such a group, poster Ray.


"And Gotti never said, "Kill and dismember and hide the body of _____". But people got his message and understood anyway."
Agreed, FFI. Code works. Lotsa folks use it. Hell, in my business career I saw 'code'-words and phrases used a gabillion times as a way to sidestep direct responsibility and provide a screen of deniability.
Everybody knows that's why it exists. Who doesn't know that?

"The Jan 6th protestors got shot and arrested because they support Trump who supports We The People"
Ummm, poor poster Leo. He too is missing some key points.
Riddle me this: Who would've been shot....or arrested.....if they had only stayed outside of the Capitol building and just waved their flags, shouted 'Trump Won' and 'F*ck Biden' for the 187 minutes that Don Trump watched on the telly?
Hint: There were reasons some were arrested and one got shot. And none of those reasons included 'because they were only Trump supporters'.
See....Criminal Behavior for Dummies
by Captain Obvious, Chapter 1.

"It was patriots protesting a stolen election."
Dear good poster Lenny. See above. The response to Leo123. Read the book recommended. The font is large, the words are short, the sentences simple. Good luck.

".....the FBI investigated the whole thing and found no evidence that anyone was attempted a coup."
The same FBI that found no evidence of fraud to change any election in 2020?


LOL Guess you missed the fact that the FBI investigated the whole thing and found no evidence that anyone was attempted a coup.

Go ahead and waste your time with your nonsense. The rest of us deserve a good laugh and boy are we getting one.
I have not missed anything. You'd like to believe the FBI did a full investigation but they didn't

Kevin McCarthy falsely claims FBI cleared Trump of Jan. 6 culpability​

To hear McCarthy tell it, the FBI and Senate committees have investigated Jan. 6 and effectively cleared Trump. That's not even close to being true.
Sept. 7, 2021, 9:36 AM CDT

Stay delusional.
I'm not going to do that to read a lying leftist rag. Then I have to re-enter all my passwords and crap on all the sites I go to. A pain in the ass. IM2 pasted the key points of the article and as I expected, nothing there. Everything he posted were things we knew less than a month after the attack. Like I told him and I'll tell you now, the Communists just want to try and keep this alive for as long as possible. Their co-criminals in the media are going to assist them as much as they can.
The Post is one of the best news organization on earth. You read disinformation. Trumps about to get busted and this time he won't get away.
I think you mean Heil Twittler, the orange lard and master.
Nope I mean Heil Shitler, The Shitty Diaper Emperor-DemNazi Fuehrer, named Joe Biden, or Quid Pro Joe, or Diaper Joe, or Plagiarizing-Lying Joe, or Extortionist Joe, or Crack smoking, Chinese Child Sex Slave Raping Joe.
Kevin McCarthy falsely claims FBI cleared Trump of Jan. 6 culpability
And every one of these rubes still repeats this lie. Reflexively. They only had to hear it once. And they will never, not ever, stop regurgitating it.
So who do you know in this country that's working for free?

they're not working for free. They are sitting home on their lazy butts getting scratch from the gov't which means middle class tax payers $$, while there is work out there. THis is lying at the doorstep of the nation destroying left.
Nope I mean Heil Shitler, The Shitty Diaper Emperor-DemNazi Fuehrer, named Joe Biden, or Quid Pro Joe, or Diaper Joe, or Plagiarizing-Lying Joe, or Extortionist Joe, or Crack smoking, Chinese Child Sex Slave Raping Joe.
I guess he just doesn't meet your high standards for syphilis ridden fake billionaires who rawdog porn stars and stiff their hired help. .

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