The S#*+ Has Hit The Fan!

The Jan 6th protestors got shot and arrested because they support Trump who supports We The People and D.C. runs from We The People like a vampire from a Cross.
LOL Guess you missed the fact that the FBI investigated the whole thing and found no evidence that anyone was attempted a coup.

Go ahead and waste your time with your nonsense. The rest of us deserve a good laugh and boy are we getting one.
So why hasn't the Xiden Admin got the other players?
No one in our government wants to arrest and imprison a former president of the United States..... Or his political cronies in his admin or our congress, it looks bad for the USA.... Looks banana republic-ish..... The senators should have done what was right, and convicted him in his impeachment trial.... Which is not criminal, no jail time....

The pawns get jailed, not the big guys.
No one in our government wants to arrest and imprison a former president of the United States..... Or his political cronies in his admin or our congress, it looks bad for the USA.... Looks banana republic-ish..... The senators should have done what was right, and convicted him in his impeachment trial.... Which is not criminal, no jail time....

The pawns get jailed, not the big guys.
This is why Obama Bin Lying never faced a firing squad for treason and aiding and abetting terrorists.

Obama is the definition of Banana Republic.
No one in our government wants to arrest and imprison a former president of the United States..... Or his political cronies in his admin or our congress, it looks bad for the USA.... Looks banana republic-ish..... The senators should have done what was right, and convicted him in his impeachment trial.... Which is not criminal, no jail time....

The pawns get jailed, not the big guys.
Do you think Joe's Dirty Diaper should be declared a National Disaster, Environmental Hazard, or a Threat to our National Security?
No one in our government wants to arrest and imprison a former president of the United States..... Or his political cronies in his admin or our congress, it looks bad for the USA.... Looks banana republic-ish..... The senators should have done what was right, and convicted him in his impeachment trial.... Which is not criminal, no jail time....

The pawns get jailed, not the big guys.
Impeach him for what? Being President when a riot happened? All the evidence was collected, and presented at trial...there wasn't enough to convict.

Now, as the criminal probes are coming to a close, and folks are getting convicted of treapass etc, the left's false narrative is falling a part, and the propagandist are out trying to raddle some cages for the election season.
No one in our government wants to arrest and imprison a former president of the United States..... Or his political cronies in his admin or our congress, it looks bad for the USA.... Looks banana republic-ish..... The senators should have done what was right, and convicted him in his impeachment trial.... Which is not criminal, no jail time....

The pawns get jailed, not the big guys.

Yeah, who needs that silly free speech stuff in our country anyway. Nobody should be allowed to speak against Big Brother. Nobody!
When the hubby gets up in the morning, I'll have him see if he can get on without a pay wall on his computer or phone.... maybe I'm given access to 3 a month because I have had a previous subscription... I dunno?

Anyway, erase your cookies for the Washington post.... It'll be like you were never there this year...swish, gone! You should have 3 free new articles.... When 3 used up and if in need, do it again....delete your cookies....

I'm not going to do that to read a lying leftist rag. Then I have to re-enter all my passwords and crap on all the sites I go to. A pain in the ass. IM2 pasted the key points of the article and as I expected, nothing there. Everything he posted were things we knew less than a month after the attack. Like I told him and I'll tell you now, the Communists just want to try and keep this alive for as long as possible. Their co-criminals in the media are going to assist them as much as they can.
Stay in your lawless big city freeloading dump.

Is the fishing any good in Kansas Dorothy?
Oh, actually you're South Texas - What about across the border in Reynosa? 🐟 :)


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