The Sacking of New York City: 1970’s Radical Chic Reaches the Streets


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Sacking of New York City: 1970’s Radical Chic Reaches the Streets

1 Sep 2020 ~~ By Fay Voshell
During the 1968 Olympics, most Americans were shocked to see two of the United States’ finest athletes raise their fists in loyalty to the Black Panthers, a radical group advocating violence as a means to change society. The controversy engendered by Smith-Carlos still has not died out.
YouTube screen grab​
Fast forward from the 1968 Olympics to a contemporary scene in the nation’s capital of Washington, DC. There, diners were harassed by Black Lives Matter protestors, who demanded each person give a clenched fist salute indicating solidarity with BLM.
What happened between 1968 to 2020? How did the United States get from the scene at the Olympics, which was largely repudiated as unpatriotic and excessive, to the scene at the DC restaurant? How did Americans get to the point the equivalent of a Nazi salute is demanded of them by roving gangs?
The nation got here from there because a radical segment of the civil rights movement moved away from the nonviolent protests of Martin Luther King to embrace the violence advocated by organizations such as the Black Panthers. We also got from there to here because of a class of elites that have supported and assisted the ideology embraced by radical groups like the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter, who share almost identical goals.
A good many “simple-minded schmucks” have taken the idea of burning down buildings seriously. But as Wolfe noted, if you are giving fundraising parties for revolutionaries, should you be surprised if they use those funds to achieve the agenda they espouse, including immolating the houses and businesses of the hosts -- and maybe even the hosts themselves?
What is the agenda?
Donald Cox, a leader of the Black Panthers and an invitee to the party, did not hesitate to let the resplendent representatives of capitalist greed just what was wanted:
“The Black Panther Party… stands for a 10-point program that was handed down in October, 1966, by our Minister of Defense, Huey P. Newton… We want an educational system that expresses the true nature of this decadent society… We want all black men exempt from military service…. We want all black men who are in jail to be set free…. And most important of all… we want peace, but there can be no peace as long as a society is racist and one part of society engages in systematic oppression of another…. We want a plebiscite by the United Nations to be held in black communities, so that we can control our own destiny.”​
Included in Cox’s address was scorn toward “pigs;” known to others as “police.”
“‘We call them pigs, and rightly so,’ says Don Cox, ‘because they have the way of making the victim look like the criminal, and the criminal look like the victim…. We recognize that this country is the most oppressive country in the world, maybe in the history of the world. The pigs have the weapons…. They are ready to commit genocide against those who stand up against them, and we recognize this as being very bad.”​
Fifty years later, gone are the worries about what to wear to the party in the streets. Jeans and masks are the great equalizers, providing anonymity to the partiers who are helping themselves to the goods of greedy capitalist pig oppressors. Gone now, too, is the sentimental nostalgia of radical chic as the reality of the trashing of Fifth Avenue sinks in.
The loss of the transcendent universals concerning humanity and the God who created each person once guided, informed and restrained the nation. Desertion of those principles in favor of the anger and violence of radical identity politics has led to today’s chaos.
But in the admonitions of Micah, Amos and other prophets are found the principles for genuine reform for America.
If a return to those foundational principles is not realized, America’s cities will continue to burn.

The election in 2008 and re-election of racist Barack Hussein, the 'Fundamental Transformation of America' and eight years of first racist Erick Holder and then Loretta Lynch as AG's, that's how.
I'll never forget the feeling of dread and how the hairs on the back of my neck stood up when I heard the China's Manchurian Candidate declare "We are just five days away from the 'Fundamental Transformation of America'"
Eight years later his racist actions have led to a racist attitude against Americans. The racism begins with against whites and conservative Blacks blamed for what our forefathers were responsible upon today's white Americans.
The fact is that Democrats began creating this deep racism in the early 19th Century South.
The average PMS/DSA Dem Leftist misinformed believing that they will sit in Starbucks and watch anarchist revolutionaries murder 'white supremacists' and nothing will happen to them. They will not like how this ends.
Anyone who believe that if Donald Trump is re-elected things will be over and the Progressive Marxist Socialist Communists will just go away. Sorry folks they won't leave, and they'll try again and again in 2024, 2028. 2032 etc...

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