The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

Odd isn't it that Reagan defeated the USSR and American Democrats hate him for that, what does that say about them?

If you read David Gergen's book "Eyewitness To Power", you see that Reagan was quite willing to have an administration full of moderates.

He was not the crazy left wing wacko the left likes to cite.

He made a lot of mistakes.

But he lead this country. He didn't whine about the left....he just pushed on.

America healed itself....and for allowing that to happen a great many people were thankful to him. Even democrats.

What also happened is that many who have no moral sense abused some of the priviledges and freedoms they were accorded and wallowed in their greed. While I am not for regulating greed, I think we should acknowledge that there were many apolitical types who just used the system to screw us all.
Odd isn't it that Reagan defeated the USSR and American Democrats hate him for that, what does that say about them?

If you read David Gergen's book "Eyewitness To Power", you see that Reagan was quite willing to have an administration full of moderates.

He was not the crazy left wing wacko the left likes to cite.

He made a lot of mistakes.

But he lead this country. He didn't whine about the left....he just pushed on.

America healed itself....and for allowing that to happen a great many people were thankful to him. Even democrats.

What also happened is that many who have no moral sense abused some of the priviledges and freedoms they were accorded and wallowed in their greed. While I am not for regulating greed, I think we should acknowledge that there were many apolitical types who just used the system to screw us all.

All true.

But when you boil it down to the irreducible residue, Reagan beat the USSR and that's what the American Left can never forgive. Why do you think they talk up Gorby? It's a salve to try to take the sting off the defeat
Odd isn't it that Reagan defeated the USSR and American Democrats hate him for that, what does that say about them?

If you read David Gergen's book "Eyewitness To Power", you see that Reagan was quite willing to have an administration full of moderates.

He was not the crazy left wing wacko the left likes to cite.

He made a lot of mistakes.

But he lead this country. He didn't whine about the left....he just pushed on.

America healed itself....and for allowing that to happen a great many people were thankful to him. Even democrats.

What also happened is that many who have no moral sense abused some of the priviledges and freedoms they were accorded and wallowed in their greed. While I am not for regulating greed, I think we should acknowledge that there were many apolitical types who just used the system to screw us all.

All true.

But when you boil it down to the irreducible residue, Reagan beat the USSR and that's what the American Left can never forgive. Why do you think they talk up Gorby? It's a salve to try to take the sting off the defeat

And we get hit up for not being happy for President Obama's successes.

If he actually had any, we'd find out what the real truth is.
Odd isn't it that Reagan defeated the USSR and American Democrats hate him for that, what does that say about them?

Yes..he slipped into his Super Duper Ronnie outfit and boarded his Tie fighter (courtesy of the Star Wars project) and let dem ruskies have it..all while waving at the children with his pearly whites ablaze and carryin' the flag into Moscow.

Boy o' boy..did he paste one on old Gorby..and the rest of the commies. :lol:
I also liked when his Salvadorian Contra buddies raped and killed American nuns. Boy howdy..that must have been some good fun!

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]
At least Reagan LOVED his country.
Yeah.....that really cancels-out his....

[ame=]Death squads in El Salvador - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]The Times and Crimes of Ronald Reagan, Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]​
At least Reagan LOVED his country.
Yeah.....that really cancels-out his....

[ame=]Death squads in El Salvador - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]The Times and Crimes of Ronald Reagan, Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]​
Great find, thanks.

[ame=]Death squads in El Salvador - YouTube[/ame]
Greatest American President of the 20th Century

Yes he was. But I will say Kennedy was going to shut the Federal reserve down if he hadn't been shot. I think Kennedy even though Liberals like to claim him was a good president he would be Number 2 after Reagan Then Herbert Hoover

Kennedy wasn't going to do anything to the Fed. - JFK, The Federal Reserve And Executive Order 11110 by Cedric X
It is also true that out of the top five big spenders of the 20th century, 4 were Republicans. There is a huge gap between rhetoric and policy, which is unfortunate. As a Republican, that is what I am hoping to change within the party.

What kind of republican are you though? Are you a rino or a conservative?
Yes he was. But I will say Kennedy was going to shut the Federal reserve down if he hadn't been shot. I think Kennedy even though Liberals like to claim him was a good president he would be Number 2 after Reagan Then Herbert Hoover

Kennedy wasn't going to do anything to the Fed. - JFK, The Federal Reserve And Executive Order 11110 by Cedric X

Issuing silver certificates doesn't do anything to the Fed.

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